def render(self, width, height, st, at):

        color = self.color or
        rv = Render(width, height)

        if color is None or width <= 0 or height <= 0:
            return rv

        SIZE = 10
        si =, SIZE, SIZE)
        sr = render(si, SIZE, SIZE, st, at)

        rv.forward = Matrix2D(1.0 * SIZE / width, 0, 0, 1.0 * SIZE / height)
        rv.reverse = Matrix2D(1.0 * width / SIZE, 0, 0, 1.0 * height / SIZE)
        rv.blit(sr, (0, 0))

        return rv
예제 #2
    def render(self, width, height, st, at):

        color = self.color or

        rv = Render(width, height)

        if color is None or width <= 0 or height <= 0:
            return rv

        SIZE = 10

        if width < SIZE or height < SIZE:
            tex = renpy.display.draw.solid_texture(width, height, color)
            tex = renpy.display.draw.solid_texture(SIZE, SIZE, color)
            rv.forward = Matrix2D(1.0 * SIZE / width, 0, 0, 1.0 * SIZE / height)
            rv.reverse = Matrix2D(1.0 * width / SIZE, 0, 0, 1.0 * height / SIZE)

        rv.blit(tex, (0, 0))

        return rv
예제 #3
        def draw(x0, x1, y0, y1):

            # Compute the coordinates of the left, right, top, and
            # bottom sides of the region, for both the source and
            # destination surfaces.

            # left side.
            if x0 >= 0:
                dx0 = x0
                sx0 = x0
                dx0 = dw + x0
                sx0 = sw + x0

            # right side.
            if x1 > 0:
                dx1 = x1
                sx1 = x1
                dx1 = dw + x1
                sx1 = sw + x1

            # top side.
            if y0 >= 0:
                dy0 = y0
                sy0 = y0
                dy0 = dh + y0
                sy0 = sh + y0

            # bottom side
            if y1 > 0:
                dy1 = y1
                sy1 = y1
                dy1 = dh + y1
                sy1 = sh + y1

            # Quick exit.
            if sx0 == sx1 or sy0 == sy1:

            # Compute sizes.
            csw = sx1 - sx0
            csh = sy1 - sy0
            cdw = dx1 - dx0
            cdh = dy1 - dy0

            if csw <= 0 or csh <= 0 or cdh <= 0 or cdw <= 0:

            # Get a subsurface.
            cr = crend.subsurface((sx0, sy0, csw, csh))

            # Scale or tile if we have to.
            if csw != cdw or csh != cdh:

                if self.tile:
                    newcr = Render(cdw, cdh)
                    newcr.xclipping = True
                    newcr.yclipping = True

                    for x in xrange(0, cdw, csw):
                        for y in xrange(0, cdh, csh):
                            newcr.blit(cr, (x, y))

                    cr = newcr


                    newcr = Render(cdw, cdh)
                    newcr.forward = Matrix2D(1.0 * csw / cdw, 0, 0, 1.0 * csh / cdh)
                    newcr.reverse = Matrix2D(1.0 * cdw / csw, 0, 0, 1.0 * cdh / csh)
                    newcr.blit(cr, (0, 0))

                    cr = newcr

            # Blit.
            rv.blit(cr, (dx0, dy0))
예제 #4
        def draw(x0, x1, y0, y1):

            # Compute the coordinates of the left, right, top, and
            # bottom sides of the region, for both the source and
            # destination surfaces.

            # left side.
            if x0 >= 0:
                dx0 = x0
                sx0 = x0
                dx0 = dw + x0
                sx0 = sw + x0

            # right side.
            if x1 > 0:
                dx1 = x1
                sx1 = x1
                dx1 = dw + x1
                sx1 = sw + x1

            # top side.
            if y0 >= 0:
                dy0 = y0
                sy0 = y0
                dy0 = dh + y0
                sy0 = sh + y0

            # bottom side
            if y1 > 0:
                dy1 = y1
                sy1 = y1
                dy1 = dh + y1
                sy1 = sh + y1

            # Quick exit.
            if sx0 == sx1 or sy0 == sy1:

            # Compute sizes.
            csw = sx1 - sx0
            csh = sy1 - sy0
            cdw = dx1 - dx0
            cdh = dy1 - dy0

            if csw <= 0 or csh <= 0 or cdh <= 0 or cdw <= 0:

            # Get a subsurface.
            cr = crend.subsurface((sx0, sy0, csw, csh))

            # Scale or tile if we have to.
            if csw != cdw or csh != cdh:

                if self.tile:
                    newcr = Render(cdw, cdh)
                    newcr.clipping = True

                    for x in xrange(0, cdw, csw):
                        for y in xrange(0, cdh, csh):
                            newcr.blit(cr, (x, y))

                    cr = newcr


                    newcr = Render(cdw, cdh)
                    newcr.forward = Matrix2D(1.0 * csw / cdw, 0, 0, 1.0 * csh / cdh)
                    newcr.reverse = Matrix2D(1.0 * cdw / csw, 0, 0, 1.0 * cdh / csh)
                    newcr.blit(cr, (0, 0))

                    cr = newcr

            # Blit.
            rv.blit(cr, (dx0, dy0))
예제 #5
        def draw(x0, x1, y0, y1):

            # Compute the coordinates of the left, right, top, and
            # bottom sides of the region, for both the source and
            # destination surfaces.

            # left side.
            if x0 >= 0:
                dx0 = x0
                sx0 = x0
                dx0 = dw + x0
                sx0 = sw + x0

            # right side.
            if x1 > 0:
                dx1 = x1
                sx1 = x1
                dx1 = dw + x1
                sx1 = sw + x1

            # top side.
            if y0 >= 0:
                dy0 = y0
                sy0 = y0
                dy0 = dh + y0
                sy0 = sh + y0

            # bottom side
            if y1 > 0:
                dy1 = y1
                sy1 = y1
                dy1 = dh + y1
                sy1 = sh + y1

            # Quick exit.
            if sx0 == sx1 or sy0 == sy1:

            # Compute sizes.
            csw = sx1 - sx0
            csh = sy1 - sy0
            cdw = dx1 - dx0
            cdh = dy1 - dy0

            if csw <= 0 or csh <= 0 or cdh <= 0 or cdw <= 0:

            # Get a subsurface.
            cr = crend.subsurface((sx0, sy0, csw, csh))

            # Scale or tile if we have to.
            if csw != cdw or csh != cdh:

                if self.tile:
                    ctw, cth = cdw, cdh

                    xtiles = max(1, cdw // csw + (1 if cdw % csw else 0))
                    ytiles = max(1, cdh // csh + (1 if cdh % csh else 0))

                    if cdw % csw or cdh % csh:
                        # Area is not an exact integer number of tiles

                        if self.tile == "integer":
                            if cdw % csw / float(csw) < self.tile_ratio:
                                xtiles = max(1, xtiles - 1)
                            if cdh % csh / float(csh) < self.tile_ratio:
                                ytiles = max(1, ytiles - 1)

                            # Set size of the used tiles (ready to scale)
                            ctw, cth = csw * xtiles, csh * ytiles

                    newcr = Render(ctw, cth)
                    newcr.xclipping = True
                    newcr.yclipping = True

                    for x in range(0, xtiles):
                        for y in range(0, ytiles):
                            newcr.blit(cr, (x * csw, y * csh))

                    csw, csh = ctw, cth
                    cr = newcr

                if csw != cdw or csh != cdh:
                    # Subsurface needs scaling
                    newcr = Render(cdw, cdh)
                    newcr.forward = Matrix2D(1.0 * csw / cdw, 0, 0,
                                             1.0 * csh / cdh)
                    newcr.reverse = Matrix2D(1.0 * cdw / csw, 0, 0,
                                             1.0 * cdh / csh)
                    newcr.blit(cr, (0, 0))

                    cr = newcr

            # Blit.
            rv.blit(cr, (dx0, dy0))