def create_xml_cols(self, cr, uid, ids, col_value, flag, planed_amount, context=None): content = '' col_type = 'total' vals = '' extra = flag == 1 and 'للصنف ' or 'الكلي' fiscalyear_obj = self.pool.get('account.fiscalyear') result = 0.0 temp = 0.0 for year in fiscalyear_obj.browse(cr, uid, col_value['fiscalyear_ids'], context=context): temp += planed_amount['next_planned_amount'][] result = temp != 0.0 and (planed_amount['planned_amount'] - temp) * 100 / temp vals += ''' <cols note="False" type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( col_type, self.rml_obj.formatLang(result)) vals += ''' <cols note="False" type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( col_type, self.rml_obj.formatLang(result)) vals += ''' <cols note="False" type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( col_type, self.rml_obj.formatLang(planed_amount['planned_amount'])) if col_value['num_year'] != 0: for year in fiscalyear_obj.browse(cr, uid, col_value['fiscalyear_ids'], context=context): temp = planed_amount['next_planned_amount'][] result = 0.0 result = temp != 0.0 and ( planed_amount['balance'] / planed_amount['next_planned_amount'][]) * 100 vals += ''' <cols note="False" type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( col_type, self.rml_obj.formatLang(result)) vals += ''' <cols note="False" type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( col_type, self.rml_obj.formatLang( planed_amount['balance'])) vals += ''' <cols note="False" type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( col_type, self.rml_obj.formatLang( planed_amount['next_planned_amount'][])) if flag == 1: tempural = "الإجمالي " + extra class_name = u'' + tempural.decode( 'utf-8') + u'' + col_value['name'] vals += ''' <cols note="False" type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( col_type, ustr(toxml(class_name))) else: vals += ''' <cols note="False" type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( col_type, ustr(toxml('الإجمالي'))) content += vals return content
def create_xml(self, cr, uid, ids, data, context): # Computing the dates (start of month: som, and end of month: eom) som =['form']['year'], data['form']['month'], 1) eom = som + datetime.timedelta(lengthmonth(som.year, som.month)) date_xml = ['<date month="%s" year="%d" />' % (self.get_month_name(cr, uid, som.month), som.year), '<days>'] date_xml += ['<day number="%d" name="%s" weekday="%d" />' % (x, self.get_weekday_name(cr, uid, som.replace(day=x).weekday()+1), som.replace(day=x).weekday()+1) for x in range(1, lengthmonth(som.year, som.month)+1)] date_xml.append('</days>') date_xml.append('<cols>2.5cm%s,2cm</cols>\n' % (',0.7cm' * lengthmonth(som.year, som.month))) # Computing the attendence by analytical account cr.execute( "select, (unit_amount * unit.factor) as amount, account_id, "\ "from account_analytic_line as line, hr_analytic_timesheet as hr, "\ "account_analytic_account as account, product_uom as unit "\ "where and "\ "and product_uom_id = "\ "and line.user_id=%s and >= %s and < %s " "order by", (data['form']['user_id'], som.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), eom.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))) # Sum attendence by account, then by day accounts = {} for presence in cr.dictfetchall(): day = int(presence['date'][-2:]) account = accounts.setdefault((presence['account_id'], presence['name']), {}) account[day] = account.get(day, 0.0) + presence['amount'] xml = ''' <time-element date="%s"> <amount>%.2f</amount> </time-element> ''' account_xml = [] for account, telems in accounts.iteritems(): aid, aname = account aname = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('account.analytic.account').name_get(cr, uid, [aid], context) aname = aname[0][1] account_xml.append('<account id="%d" name="%s">' % (aid, toxml(aname))) account_xml.append('\n'.join([xml % (day, amount) for day, amount in telems.iteritems()])) account_xml.append('</account>') # Computing the employee cr.execute("select name from res_users where id=%s", (data['form']['user_id'],)) emp = cr.fetchone()[0] # Computing the xml xml = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <report> <employee>%s</employee> %s </report> ''' % (toxml(emp), '\n'.join(date_xml) + '\n'.join(account_xml)) return xml
def emp_create_xml(cr, id, som, eom, emp): # Computing the attendence by analytical account cr.execute( "select, (unit_amount / unit.factor) as amount "\ "from account_analytic_line as line, hr_analytic_timesheet as hr, "\ "product_uom as unit "\ "where "\ "and product_uom_id = "\ "and line.user_id=%s and >= %s and < %s " "order by", (id, som.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), eom.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))) # Sum by day month = {} for presence in cr.dictfetchall(): day = int(presence['date'][-2:]) month[day] = month.get(day, 0.0) + presence['amount'] xml = ''' <time-element date="%s"> <amount>%.2f</amount> </time-element> ''' time_xml = ([xml % (day, amount) for day, amount in month.iteritems()]) # Computing the xml xml = ''' <employee id="%d" name="%s"> %s </employee> ''' % (id, toxml(emp), '\n'.join(time_xml)) return xml
def period_compare_budget_xml(self, cr, uid, ids, datas, header_xml, analytic_acc=False, context={}): period_obj = self.pool.get('account.period') fiscal_year_obj = self.pool.get('account.fiscalyear') form = datas.get('form', {}) dept_xml = '''<datas>''' fiscalyear = fiscal_year_obj.browse(cr, uid, form.get('fiscalyear_id', []), context=context) period_objs = fiscalyear and fiscalyear.period_ids period_objs.reverse() period_from = form.get('period_from', False) period_to = form.get('period_to', False) period_from_start = period_from and period_obj.browse(cr, uid, period_from, context=context).date_start or '' period_stop = period_to and period_obj.browse(cr, uid, period_to, context=context).date_stop or '' periods = not (period_from or period_to) and period_objs or [] if not periods: for period in period_objs: if datetime.strptime(period.date_start, '%Y-%m-%d').date() >= datetime.strptime(period_from_start, '%Y-%m-%d').date() and datetime.strptime(period.date_stop, '%Y-%m-%d').date() <= datetime.strptime(period_stop, '%Y-%m-%d').date(): periods.append(period) length = 1 for period in periods: if not period.special: dept_xml += ''' <header name="%s"/> ''' % (ustr(toxml( length += 1 dept_xml += '''</datas>''' dept_xml += '''<cols>%s120,60</cols>''' % ((str((800*self.columns-180) / length) + ',') * int(length)) content = '' result = [] for period in periods: if not period.special: budget_report = account_report_budget.account_budget(cr, uid, "", context=context) budget_report.set_context([], datas, ids) form.update({'period_from', 'period_to'}) if form.get('type_selection', 'detail') == 'detail': result.append(budget_report._get_company_detail(form, analytic_acc)) else: result.append(budget_report._get_company_detail_total(form, analytic_acc)) if result: for i in range(len(result[0])): content += ''' <row> ''' total = 0 vals = '' for j in range(len(result)): total += result[j][i]['planned_amount'] / self.accuracy row_type = result[j][i].get('code', '*') == '*' and 'total' or 'detail' vals += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> ''' % (row_type) vals += ''' %s ''' % (self.rml_obj.formatLang(result[j][i]['planned_amount'] / self.accuracy)) vals += ''' </val> </cols> ''' code = result[0][i].get('code', '*') == '*' and ' ' or result[0][i].get('code', '*') content += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> '''% (row_type,self.rml_obj.formatLang(total)) content += vals + ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val> </cols> <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val> </cols>'''% (row_type,ustr(toxml(result[0][i]['name'])),row_type,ustr(toxml(code))) content += ''' </row> ''' xml = ''' <page size='%s' type='%s'> %s %s %s </page> ''' % (self.size, self.type, header_xml, dept_xml, content) return xml
def emp_create_xml(self, cr, uid, dept, holiday_type, row_id, empid, name, som, eom): display = {} if dept == 0: count = 0 p_id = ( pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) .get("hr.holidays") .search(cr, uid, [("employee_id", "in", [empid, False]), ("type", "=", "remove")]) ) ids_date = ( pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) .get("hr.holidays") .read(cr, uid, p_id, ["date_from", "date_to", "holiday_status_id", "state"]) ) for index in range(1, 61): diff = index - 1 current = som + datetime.timedelta(diff) for item in ids_date: if current >= strToDate(item["date_from"]) and current <= strToDate(item["date_to"]): if item["state"] in holiday_type: display[index] = item["holiday_status_id"][0] count = count + 1 else: display[index] = " " break else: display[index] = " " else: for index in range(1, 61): display[index] = " " count = "" xml = """ <time-element index="%d"> <value>%s</value> </time-element> """ time_xml = [xml % (index, value) for index, value in display.iteritems()] data_xml = ['<info id="%d" number="%d" val="%s" />' % (row_id, x, display[x]) for x in range(1, len(display) + 1)] # Computing the xml xml = """ %s <employee row="%d" id="%d" name="%s" sum="%s"> %s </employee> """ % ( data_xml, row_id, dept, toxml(name), count, "\n".join(time_xml), ) return xml
def create_xml(self, cr, uid, ids, datas, context): service = netsvc.LocalService('object_proxy') month = DateTime.DateTime(datas['form']['year'], datas['form']['month'], 1) user_xml = ['<month>%s</month>' % month2name[month.month], '<year>%s</year>' % month.year] for employee_id in ids: emp = service.execute(cr.dbname, uid, 'hr.employee', 'read', [employee_id])[0] stop, days_xml = False, [] user_repr = ''' <user> <name>%s</name> %%s </user> ''' % (toxml(emp['name'])) today, tomor = month, month + one_day while today.month == month.month: #### Work hour calculation sql = ''' select action, from hr_employee as emp inner join hr_attendance as att on = att.employee_id where between %s and %s and = %s order by ''' cr.execute(sql, (today.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), tomor.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), employee_id)) attendences = cr.dictfetchall() wh = 0 # Fake sign ins/outs at week ends, to take attendances across week ends into account if attendences and attendences[0]['action'] == 'sign_out': attendences.insert(0, {'name': today.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'action':'sign_in'}) if attendences and attendences[-1]['action'] == 'sign_in': attendences.append({'name' : tomor.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'action':'sign_out'}) # sum up the attendances' durations for att in attendences: dt = DateTime.strptime(att['name'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if att['action'] == 'sign_out': wh += (dt - ldt).hours ldt = dt # Week xml representation wh = hour2str(wh) today_xml = '<day num="%s"><wh>%s</wh></day>' % ((today - month).days+1, wh) days_xml.append(today_xml) today, tomor = tomor, tomor + one_day user_xml.append(user_repr % '\n'.join(days_xml)) xml = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <report> %s </report> ''' % '\n'.join(user_xml) return xml
def emp_create_xml(self, cr, uid, dept, row_id, empid, name, som, eom): dayDiff = eom - som display = {} if dept == 0: p_id = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('hr.holidays').search( cr, uid, [('employee_id', '=', empid)]) ids_date = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('hr.holidays').read( cr, uid, p_id, ['date_from', 'date_to', 'holiday_status', 'state']) for index in range(1, dayDiff.days + 2): diff = index - 1 current = som + datetime.timedelta(diff) for item in ids_date: # print current,"from",item['date_from'],"to",item['date_to'] if current >= strToDate( item['date_from']) and current <= strToDate( item['date_to']): if item['state'] == 'confirm' or item[ 'state'] == 'validate': display[index] = item['holiday_status'][0] else: display[index] = ' ' break else: display[index] = ' ' else: for index in range(1, dayDiff.days + 2): display[index] = ' ' xml = ''' <time-element index="%d"> <value>%s</value> </time-element> ''' time_xml = ([xml % (index, value) for index, value in display.iteritems()]) data_xml = [ '<info id="%d" number="%d" val="%s" />' % (row_id, x, display[x]) for x in range(1, len(display) + 1) ] # Computing the xml xml = ''' %s <employee row="%d" id="%d" name="%s"> %s </employee> ''' % (data_xml, row_id, dept, toxml(name), '\n'.join(time_xml)) return xml
def emp_create_xml(self, cr, uid, dept, holiday_type, row_id, empid, name, som, eom): display = {} if dept == 0: count = 0 p_id = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('hr.holidays').search( cr, uid, [('employee_id', 'in', [empid, False]), ('type', '=', 'remove')]) ids_date = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('hr.holidays').read( cr, uid, p_id, ['date_from', 'date_to', 'holiday_status_id', 'state']) for index in range(1, 61): diff = index - 1 current = som + datetime.timedelta(diff) for item in ids_date: if current >= strToDate( item['date_from']) and current <= strToDate( item['date_to']): if item['state'] in holiday_type: display[index] = item['holiday_status_id'][0] count = count + 1 else: display[index] = ' ' break else: display[index] = ' ' else: for index in range(1, 61): display[index] = ' ' count = '' xml = ''' <time-element index="%d"> <value>%s</value> </time-element> ''' time_xml = ([xml % (index, value) for index, value in display.iteritems()]) data_xml = [ '<info id="%d" number="%d" val="%s" />' % (row_id, x, display[x]) for x in range(1, len(display) + 1) ] # Computing the xml xml = ''' %s <employee row="%d" id="%d" name="%s" sum="%s"> %s </employee> ''' % (data_xml, row_id, dept, toxml(name), count, '\n'.join(time_xml)) return xml
def emp_create_xml(self,cr,uid,dept,row_id,empid,name,som,eom): dayDiff=eom-som display={} if dept==0: p_id=pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('hr.holidays').search(cr,uid,[('employee_id','=',empid)]) ids_date = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('hr.holidays').read(cr,uid,p_id,['date_from','date_to','holiday_status','state']) for index in range(1,dayDiff.days+2): diff=index-1 current=som+datetime.timedelta(diff) for item in ids_date: # print current,"from",item['date_from'],"to",item['date_to'] if current >= strToDate(item['date_from']) and current <= strToDate(item['date_to']): if item['state']=='confirm' or item['state']=='validate': display[index]=item['holiday_status'][0] else: display[index]=' ' break else: display[index]=' ' else: for index in range(1,dayDiff.days+2): display[index]=' ' xml = ''' <time-element index="%d"> <value>%s</value> </time-element> ''' time_xml = ([xml % (index, value) for index,value in display.iteritems()]) data_xml=['<info id="%d" number="%d" val="%s" />' % (row_id,x,display[x]) for x in range(1,len(display)+1) ] # Computing the xml xml = ''' %s <employee row="%d" id="%d" name="%s"> %s </employee> ''' % (data_xml,row_id,dept, toxml(name), '\n'.join(time_xml)) return xml
def emp_create_xml(self,cr,uid,dept,holiday_type,row_id,empid,name,som,eom): display={} if dept==0: count=0 p_id=pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('hr.holidays').search(cr,uid,[('employee_id','in',[empid,False])]) ids_date = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('hr.holidays').read(cr,uid,p_id,['date_from','date_to','holiday_status','state']) for index in range(1,61): diff=index-1 current=som+datetime.timedelta(diff) for item in ids_date: if current >= strToDate(item['date_from']) and current <= strToDate(item['date_to']): if item['state'] in holiday_type: display[index]=item['holiday_status'][0] count=count +1 else: display[index]=' ' break else: display[index]=' ' else: for index in range(1,61): display[index]=' ' count='' xml = ''' <time-element index="%d"> <value>%s</value> </time-element> ''' time_xml = ([xml % (index, value) for index,value in display.iteritems()]) data_xml=['<info id="%d" number="%d" val="%s" />' % (row_id,x,display[x]) for x in range(1,len(display)+1) ] # Computing the xml xml = ''' %s <employee row="%d" id="%d" name="%s" sum="%s"> %s </employee> ''' % (data_xml,row_id,dept, toxml(name),count, '\n'.join(time_xml)) return xml
def dept_compare_period_budget_xml(self, cr, uid, ids, datas, header_xml, context=None): analytic_account_obj = self.pool.get('account.analytic.account') dept_xml = '''<datas>''' main_dept =, uid, [('main_dept', '=', True)], context=context, order='code desc') analytic_accounts = analytic_account_obj.browse(cr, uid, main_dept, context=context) for analytic in analytic_accounts: dept_xml += ''' <header name="%s"/> ''' % (ustr(toxml( dept_xml += '''</datas>''' length = len(main_dept) + 1 dept_xml += '''<cols>%s120,60</cols>''' % ((str((800*self.columns-180) / length) + ',') * int(length)) content = '' result = [] for analytic in analytic_accounts: budget_report = account_report_budget.account_budget(cr, uid, "", context=context) budget_report.set_context([], datas, ids) if datas.get('form', {}).get('type_selection', 'detail') == 'detail': result.append(budget_report._get_company_detail(datas.get('form', {}), else: result.append(budget_report._get_company_detail_total(datas.get('form', {}), if result: for i in range(len(result[0])): content += ''' <row> ''' total = 0 vals = '' for j in range(len(result)): total += result[j][i]['planned_amount'] / self.accuracy row_type = result[j][i].get('code', '*') == '*' and 'total' or 'detail' vals += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> ''' % (row_type) vals += ''' %s ''' % (self.rml_obj.formatLang(result[j][i]['planned_amount'] / self.accuracy)) vals += ''' </val> </cols> ''' code = result[0][i].get('code', '*') == '*' and ' ' or result[0][i].get('code', '*') content += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> '''% (row_type,self.rml_obj.formatLang(total)) content += vals + ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val> </cols> <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val> </cols>'''% (row_type,ustr(toxml(result[0][i]['name'])),row_type,ustr(toxml(code))) content += ''' </row> ''' xml = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <report><page size='%s' type='%s'> %s %s %s </page></report> ''' % (self.size, self.type, header_xml, dept_xml, content) return xml
def dept_compare_fiscalyear_budget_xml(self, cr, uid, ids, datas, header_xml, context=None): analytic_account_obj = self.pool.get('account.analytic.account') dept_xml = '''<datas>''' main_dept =, uid, [('main_dept', '=', True),('company_id', '=', datas['form']['company_id'])], context=context, order='code desc') analytic_accounts = analytic_account_obj.browse(cr, uid, main_dept, context=context) if not analytic_accounts: raise orm.except_orm(_('Error!'), _('There is no Data to Display ' )) for analytic in analytic_accounts: dept_xml += ''' <header name="%s"/> ''' % (ustr(toxml( dept_xml += '''</datas>''' length = len(main_dept) + 1 dept_xml += '''<cols>%s120,60</cols>''' % ((str((800*self.columns-180) / length) + ',') * int(length)) content = '' result = [] for analytic in analytic_accounts: if datas.get('form', {}).get('type_selection', 'detail') == 'detail': result.append(self._get_fiscalyear_company_detail(cr, uid, ids, datas,, context=context)) else: result.append(self._get_fiscalyear_company_detail_total(cr, uid, ids, datas,, context=context)) if result: for i in range(len(result[0])): content += ''' <row> ''' total = 0 vals = '' for j in range(len(result)): total += i < len(result[j]) and result[j][i]['planned_amount'] / self.accuracy or 0.0 row_type = i < len(result[j]) and result[j][i].get('code', '*') == '*' and 'total' or 'detail' vals += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> ''' % (row_type) vals += ''' %s ''' % (self.rml_obj.formatLang(i< len(result[j]) and result[j][i]['planned_amount'] / self.accuracy or 0.0)) vals += ''' </val> </cols> ''' code = i < len(result[j]) and (result[0][i].get('code', '*') == '*' and ' ' or result[0][i].get('code', '*')) or ' ' content += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % (row_type,self.rml_obj.formatLang(total)) content += vals + ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val> </cols> <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val> </cols>''' % (row_type,ustr(toxml(result[0][i]['name'])),row_type,ustr(toxml(code))) content += ''' </row> ''' xml = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <report><page size='%s' type='%s'> %s %s %s </page></report> ''' % (self.size, self.type, header_xml, dept_xml, content) return xml
def emp_create_xml(cr, uid, som, eom, emp): user = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get("res.users").browse(cr, uid, uid) max_work_hours = user.company_id.timesheet_max_difference # Computing the attendence by analytical account cr.execute( """select, (unit_amount / unit.factor) as amount from account_analytic_line as line, hr_analytic_timesheet as hr, product_uom as unit where and product_uom_id = and line.user_id=%s and >= %s and < %s order by""", (uid, som.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), eom.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")), ) # Sum by day month = {} for presence in cr.dictfetchall(): day = int(presence["date"][-2:]) month[day] = month.get(day, 0.0) + presence["amount"] if month[day] > max_work_hours: month[day] = max_work_hours xml = """ <time-element date="%s"> <amount>%.2f</amount> </time-element> """ time_xml = [xml % (day, amount) for day, amount in month.iteritems()] # Computing the xml xml = """ <employee id="%d" name="%s"> %s </employee> """ % ( uid, toxml(emp), "\n".join(time_xml), ) return xml
def emp_create_xml(cr, uid, som, eom, emp): user = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('res.users').browse(cr, uid, uid) max_work_hours = user.company_id.timesheet_max_difference # Computing the attendence by analytical account cr.execute( """select, (unit_amount / unit.factor) as amount from account_analytic_line as line, hr_analytic_timesheet as hr, product_uom as unit where and product_uom_id = and line.user_id=%s and >= %s and < %s order by""", (uid, som.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), eom.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))) # Sum by day month = {} for presence in cr.dictfetchall(): day = int(presence['date'][-2:]) month[day] = month.get(day, 0.0) + presence['amount'] if month[day] > max_work_hours: month[day] = max_work_hours xml = ''' <time-element date="%s"> <amount>%.2f</amount> </time-element> ''' time_xml = ([xml % (day, amount) for day, amount in month.iteritems()]) # Computing the xml xml = ''' <employee id="%d" name="%s"> %s </employee> ''' % (uid, toxml(emp), '\n'.join(time_xml)) return xml
def create_xml(self, cr, uid, ids, datas, context=None): obj_emp = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('hr.employee') if context is None: context = {} month = datetime(datas['form']['year'], datas['form']['month'], 1) emp_ids = datas['active_ids'] user_xml = ['<month>%s</month>' % _(month2name[month.month]), '<year>%s</year>' % month.year] if emp_ids: for emp in, uid, emp_ids, ['name']): stop, days_xml = False, [] user_repr = ''' <user> <name>%s</name> %%s </user> ''' % (ustr(toxml(emp['name']))) today, tomor = month, month + one_day while today.month == month.month: #### Work hour calculation sql = ''' select action, from hr_employee as emp inner join hr_attendance as att on = att.employee_id where between %s and %s and = %s order by ''' cr.execute(sql, (today.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), tomor.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), emp['id'])) attendences = cr.dictfetchall() wh = 0.0 # Fake sign ins/outs at week ends, to take attendances across week ends into account if attendences and attendences[0]['action'] == 'sign_out': attendences.insert(0, {'name': today.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'action':'sign_in'}) if attendences and attendences[-1]['action'] == 'sign_in': attendences.append({'name': tomor.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'action':'sign_out'}) # sum up the attendances' durations ldt = None for att in attendences: dt = datetime.strptime(att['name'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if ldt and att['action'] == 'sign_out': wh += (float((dt - ldt).seconds)/60/60) else: ldt = dt # Week xml representation wh = hour2str(wh) today_xml = '<day num="%s"><wh>%s</wh></day>' % ((today - month).days+1, (wh)) dy=(today - month).days+1 days_xml.append(today_xml) today, tomor = tomor, tomor + one_day user_xml.append(user_repr % '\n'.join(days_xml)) rpt_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('hr.employee') rml_obj=report_sxw.rml_parse(cr, uid, rpt_obj._name,context) header_xml = ''' <header> <date>%s</date> <company>%s</company> </header> ''' % (str(rml_obj.formatLang(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"),date=True))+' ' + str(time.strftime("%H:%M")),pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('res.users').browse(cr,uid,uid) first_date = str(month) som = datetime.strptime(first_date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') eom = som + timedelta(int(dy)-1) day_diff=eom-som date_xml=[] cell=1 date_xml.append('<days>') if day_diff.days>=30: date_xml += ['<dayy number="%d" name="%s" cell="%d"/>' % (x, _(som.replace(day=x).strftime('%a')), for x in range(, lengthmonth(som.year, som.month)+1)] else: if day_diff.days>=(lengthmonth(som.year, som.month) date_xml += ['<dayy number="%d" name="%s" cell="%d"/>' % (x, _(som.replace(day=x).strftime('%a')), for x in range(, lengthmonth(som.year, som.month)+1)] else: date_xml += ['<dayy number="%d" name="%s" cell="%d"/>' % (x, _(som.replace(day=x).strftime('%a')), for x in range(,] day_diff1=day_diff.days-cell+1 width_dict={} month_dict={} i=1 j=1 year=som.year month=som.month month_dict[j]=som.strftime('%B') width_dict[j]=cell while day_diff1>0: if month+i<=12: if day_diff1 > lengthmonth(year,i+month): # Not on 30 else you have problems when entering 01-01-2009 for example,month+i,1) date_xml += ['<dayy number="%d" name="%s" cell="%d"/>' % (x, _(som1.replace(day=x).strftime('%a')),cell+x) for x in range(1, lengthmonth(year,i+month)+1)] i=i+1 j=j+1 month_dict[j]=som1.strftime('%B') cell=cell+x width_dict[j]=x else:,month+i,1) date_xml += ['<dayy number="%d" name="%s" cell="%d"/>' % (x, _(som1.replace(day=x).strftime('%a')),cell+x) for x in range(1,] i=i+1 j=j+1 month_dict[j]=som1.strftime('%B') cell=cell+x width_dict[j]=x day_diff1=day_diff1-x else: years=year+1 year=years month=0 i=1 if day_diff1>=30:,i,1) date_xml += ['<dayy number="%d" name="%s" cell="%d"/>' % (x, _(som1.replace(day=x).strftime('%a')),cell+x) for x in range(1, lengthmonth(years,i)+1)] i=i+1 j=j+1 month_dict[j]=som1.strftime('%B') cell=cell+x width_dict[j]=x else:,i,1) i=i+1 j=j+1 month_dict[j]=som1.strftime('%B') date_xml += ['<dayy number="%d" name="%s" cell="%d"/>' % (x, _(som1.replace(day=x).strftime('%a')),cell+x) for x in range(1,] cell=cell+x width_dict[j]=x day_diff1=day_diff1-x date_xml.append('</days>') date_xml.append('<cols>3.5cm%s</cols>\n' % (',0.74cm' * (int(dy)))) xml = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <report> %s <title>%s</title> %s %s </report> ''' % (header_xml,_('Attendances By Month'),'\n'.join(user_xml),date_xml) return xml
def create_xml(self, cr, uid, ids, data, context): # Get the user id from the selected employee record emp_id = data['form']['employee_id'] emp_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('hr.employee') user_id = emp_obj.browse(cr, uid, emp_id) empl_name = emp_obj.browse(cr, uid, emp_id).name # Computing the dates (start of month: som, and end of month: eom) som =['form']['year'], data['form']['month'], 1) eom = som + datetime.timedelta(lengthmonth(som.year, som.month)) date_xml = ['<date month="%s" year="%d" />' % (self.get_month_name(cr, uid, som.month, context=context), som.year), '<days>'] date_xml += ['<day number="%d" name="%s" weekday="%d" />' % (x, self.get_weekday_name(cr, uid, som.replace(day=x).weekday()+1, context=context), som.replace(day=x).weekday()+1) for x in range(1, lengthmonth(som.year, som.month)+1)] date_xml.append('</days>') date_xml.append('<cols>2.5cm%s,2cm</cols>\n' % (',0.7cm' * lengthmonth(som.year, som.month))) # Sum attendence by account, then by day accounts = {} header_xml = '' if user_id: # Computing the attendence by analytical account cr.execute( "select, (unit_amount / unit.factor) as amount, account_id, "\ "from account_analytic_line as line, hr_analytic_timesheet as hr, "\ "account_analytic_account as account, product_uom as unit "\ "where and "\ "and product_uom_id = "\ "and line.user_id=%s and >= %s and < %s " "order by", (user_id, som.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), eom.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))) for presence in cr.dictfetchall(): day = int(presence['date'][-2:]) account = accounts.setdefault((presence['account_id'], presence['name']), {}) account[day] = account.get(day, 0.0) + presence['amount'] xml = ''' <time-element date="%s"> <amount>%.2f</amount> </time-element> ''' rpt_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('hr.employee') rml_obj = report_sxw.rml_parse(cr, uid, rpt_obj._name,context) if user_id: header_xml = ''' <header> <date>%s</date> <company>%s</company> </header> ''' % (str(rml_obj.formatLang(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"),date=True))+' ' + str(time.strftime("%H:%M")),pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('res.users').browse(cr,uid,user_id) account_xml = [] for account, telems in accounts.iteritems(): aid, aname = account aname = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('account.analytic.account').name_get(cr, uid, [aid], context) aname = aname[0][1] account_xml.append('<account id="%d" name="%s">' % (aid, toxml(aname))) account_xml.append('\n'.join([xml % (day, amount) for day, amount in telems.iteritems()])) account_xml.append('</account>') # Computing the xml xml = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <report> %s <employee>%s</employee> %s </report> ''' % (header_xml, ustr(toxml(empl_name)), '\n'.join(date_xml) + '\n'.join(account_xml)) return xml
def compare_budget(self, cr, uid, ids, datas, header_xml, context=None): period_pool = self.pool.get('account.period') account_pool = self.pool.get('account.account') budget_line_pool = self.pool.get('account.budget.lines') fisc_budget_line_pool = self.pool.get( 'account.fiscalyear.budget.lines') fiscalyear_obj = self.pool.get('account.fiscalyear') classification_obj = self.pool.get('account.budget.classification') account_chart = datas.get('form', {}).get('chart_account_id', []) analytic_chart = datas.get('form', {}).get('chart_analytic_account_id', []) period_from = datas.get('form', {}).get('period_from', False) period_to = datas.get('form', {}).get('period_to', False) classification_ids = datas.get('form', {}).get('classification_ids', False) num_year = datas.get('form', {}).get('num_year', False) fiscalyear_id = datas.get('form', {}).get('first_fiscalyear', False) fiscalyear_ids = cr, uid, [('id', '!=', fiscalyear_id), ('date_stop', '<', fiscalyear_obj.browse( cr, uid, fiscalyear_id, context=context).date_start)], limit=num_year, order='date_start desc', context=context) period_from_start = period_from and period_pool.browse( cr, uid, period_from, context=context).date_start or '' period_stop = period_to and period_pool.browse( cr, uid, period_to, context=context).date_stop or '' current_periods = cr, uid, [('fiscalyear_id', '=', fiscalyear_id)], context=context) analytic_child_ids = self._get_children_and_consol( cr, uid, analytic_chart, 'account.analytic.account', context) account_child_ids = self._get_children_and_consol( cr, uid, account_chart, 'account.account', context) general_account = self._sort_filter(cr, uid, account_child_ids, context=context) budget_class = {'id': False, 'name': '', 'class': ''} years_planned_amount = { 'planned_amount': 0.0, 'next_planned_amount': {}, 'balance': 0.0 } class_planed_amount = { 'planned_amount': 0.0, 'next_planned_amount': {}, 'balance': 0.0 } next_fiscalyear_ids = [] account_budget = { 'code': '', 'name': '', 'planned_amount': 0.0, 'next_planned_amount': {}, 'balance': 0.0 } count = 0 flag = False temp = '' classenametemp = classification_obj.browse(cr, uid, classification_ids[0], context=context).name class_name = (u' الصنف %s' % (classification_obj.browse( cr, uid, classification_ids[0], context=context).name)) content = ''' <row name="%s" count="1" class="True" item="False"> ''' % ( ustr(toxml(class_name))) dept_xml = '''<datas>''' dept_xml += ''' <header name="%s" split="False"/> ''' % (ustr( toxml('التوصيات'))) dept_xml += ''' <header name="%s" split="False"/> ''' % (ustr( toxml('نسبة التغيير'))) note = '' vals = '' xml = '' if fiscalyear_ids == []: num_year = 0 if classification_ids == []: xml += self.generate_empty(cr, uid, ids, datas, header_xml, context=context) return xml for classification in classification_obj.browse(cr, uid, classification_ids, context=context): for account in classification.account_ids: vals = '' if count == 0: dept_xml += ''' <header name="%s" split="False"/> ''' % ( ustr( toxml("المصدق الحالي " + str( fiscalyear_obj.browse( cr, uid, fiscalyear_id, context=context).name)))) if num_year != 0: dept_xml += ''' <header2 name=" " split="False"/> ''' for year in fiscalyear_obj.browse(cr, uid, fiscalyear_ids, context=context): account_budget['next_planned_amount'][] = 0.0 if count == 0: flag = True years_planned_amount['next_planned_amount'][] = 0.0 class_planed_amount['next_planned_amount'][] = 0.0 if num_year != 0: dept_xml += ''' <header name="%s" split="True"/> ''' % ( ustr(toxml("المقترح للعام " + str( dept_xml += ''' <header2 name=" " split="True"/> ''' if count == 0: dept_xml += ''' <header name="%s" split="False"/> ''' % ( ustr(toxml('بند الخصم'))) if num_year != 0: dept_xml += ''' <header2 name=" " split="False"/> ''' else: dept_xml += ''' <header2 name=" " split="True"/> ''' dept_xml += '''</datas>''' length = len(fiscalyear_ids) if length == 0: length = 1 factor = num_year page_size = 0 if self.size == 'A3_landscape': page_size = 1572 else: page_size = 786 if num_year == 0 or fiscalyear_ids == []: row_width = page_size / 4 dept_xml += '''<cols>160,70,80,90</cols>''' dept_xml += '''<splitcols>160,70,80,90</splitcols>''' dept_xml += '''<extracols>400</extracols>''' dept_xml += '''<cols2>%s%s</cols2>''' % (((str( (page_size) / (4)) + ',') * int(3)), row_width) dept_xml += '''<headercols>%s%s</headercols>''' % (( (str( (page_size) / (4)) + ',') * int(3)), row_width) factor = 1 elif num_year <= length: row_width = page_size / (4 + (num_year * 3)) dept_xml += '''<cols>160,70,80,%s90</cols>''' % ( (str((3 * 70 * num_year) / num_year) + ',') * int(num_year)) dept_xml += '''<splitcols>160,70,80,%s90</splitcols>''' % ( (str((3 * 70 * num_year) / (num_year * 3)) + ',') * int(num_year * 3)) dept_xml += '''<extracols>310,%s90</extracols>''' % ( (str((3 * 70 * num_year) / (num_year * 3)) + ',') * int(num_year * 3)) dept_xml += '''<cols2>%s%s%s</cols2>''' % (( (str(round(((page_size) / (4 + (num_year * 3))), 2)) + ',') * int(3)), ((str( round(((page_size) / (4 + (num_year * 3))) * (3))) + ',') * int(num_year)), row_width) dept_xml += '''<headercols>%s,%s%s</headercols>''' % ( (row_width * 3), ((str(round( (page_size) / (4 + (num_year * 3)))) + ',') * int(num_year * 3)), row_width) else: row_width = page_size / (4 + (length * 3)) dept_xml += '''<cols>160,70,80,%s90</cols>''' % ((str( (3 * 70 * length) / length) + ',') * int(length)) dept_xml += '''<splitcols>160,70,80,%s90</splitcols>''' % ( (str((3 * 70 * length) / (length * 3)) + ',') * int(length * 3)) dept_xml += '''<extracols>310,%s90</extracols>''' % ( (str((3 * 70 * length) / (length * 3)) + ',') * int(length * 3)) dept_xml += '''<cols2>%s%s%s</cols2>''' % ( ((str(round( ((page_size) / (4 + (length * 3))), 2)) + ',') * int(3)), ((str( round(((page_size) / (4 + (length * 3))) * (3))) + ',') * int(length)), row_width) dept_xml += '''<headercols>%s,%s%s</headercols>''' % ( (row_width * 3), ((str(round( (page_size) / (4 + (length * 3)))) + ',') * int(length * 3)), row_width) factor = length if count > 0 and budget_class[ 'id'] != and budget_class[ 'id'] != False: content += ''' <row name="None" count="2" class="False" item="False"> ''' elif count > 0 and budget_class['id'] != content += ''' <row name="None" count="2" class="False" item="False"> ''' elif count > 0: content += ''' <row name="None" count="2" class="False" item="True"> ''' if budget_class['id'] != class_name = (u' الصنف %s' % ( if budget_class['id'] != False: temp = { 'name': budget_class['name'], 'fiscalyear_ids': fiscalyear_ids, 'num_year': num_year, } vals += self.create_xml_cols( cr, uid, ids, temp, 1, class_planed_amount, context=context) + ''' <val> </val></row> ''' vals += '''<row name="%s" count="2" class="True" item="False"> ''' % ( ustr(toxml(class_name))) vals += ''' <val> %s </val> ''' % (ustr(toxml(note))) note = '' if num_year != 0: for year in fiscalyear_obj.browse(cr, uid, fiscalyear_ids, context=context): class_planed_amount['next_planned_amount'][] = 0.0 class_planed_amount['planned_amount'] = 0.0 class_planed_amount['balance'] = 0.0 if num_year == 0 or fiscalyear_ids == []: for i in range(1, 5): if i == 1: vals += ''' <cols note="True" type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'total', ustr(toxml(" "))) elif i == 4: vals += ''' <cols note="False" type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'total', ustr(toxml(class_name))) else: vals += ''' <cols note="False" type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'total', ustr(toxml(" "))) else: for i in range(1, (factor * 3) + 5): if i == 1: vals += ''' <cols note="True" type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'total', ustr(toxml(" "))) elif i == ((factor * 3) + 4): vals += ''' <cols note="False" type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'total', ustr(toxml(class_name))) else: vals += ''' <cols note="False" type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'total', ustr(toxml(" "))) vals += ''' <val> </val></row> <row name="None" count="2" class="False" item="True"> ''' budget_class['id'] = account_budget = { 'code': account.code, 'name':, 'planned_amount': 0.0, 'next_planned_amount': {}, 'balance': 0.0 } if num_year != 0: for year in fiscalyear_obj.browse(cr, uid, fiscalyear_ids, context=context): account_budget['next_planned_amount'][] = 0.0 current_lines = cr, uid, [('period_id', 'in', current_periods), ('analytic_account_id', 'in', analytic_child_ids), ('general_account_id', '=',], context=context) current_lines2 = cr, uid, [('fiscalyear_id', '=', fiscalyear_id), ('analytic_account_id', 'in', analytic_child_ids), ('general_account_id', '=',], context=context) next_lines = [] if num_year != 0: next_lines = cr, uid, [('fiscalyear_id', 'in', fiscalyear_ids), ('analytic_account_id', 'in', analytic_child_ids), ('general_account_id', '=',], context=context) period_ids = cr, uid, [('fiscalyear_id', 'in', fiscalyear_ids)], context=context) bal_lines = cr, uid, [('period_id', 'in', period_ids), ('analytic_account_id', 'in', analytic_child_ids), ('general_account_id', '=',], context=context) if current_lines: for line in budget_line_pool.browse(cr, uid, current_lines, context=context): account_budget['planned_amount'] += line.planned_amount class_planed_amount[ 'planned_amount'] += line.planned_amount years_planned_amount[ 'planned_amount'] += line.planned_amount flag = True for line in fisc_budget_line_pool.browse(cr, uid, current_lines2, context=context): if line.note != False: note += "\n" + line.note + " -" if bal_lines: for line in budget_line_pool.browse(cr, uid, bal_lines, context=context): account_budget['balance'] += line.balance class_planed_amount['balance'] += line.balance years_planned_amount['balance'] += line.balance temp = 0.0 if next_lines: for line in fisc_budget_line_pool.browse(cr, uid, next_lines, context=context): account_budget['next_planned_amount'][] += line.planned_amount class_planed_amount['next_planned_amount'][] += line.planned_amount years_planned_amount['next_planned_amount'][] += line.planned_amount for year in fiscalyear_obj.browse(cr, uid, fiscalyear_ids, context=context): temp += account_budget['next_planned_amount'][] flag = True vals += ''' <cols note="True" type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'detail', ustr(toxml(note))) result = 0.0 result = temp != 0 and (account_budget['planned_amount'] - temp) * 100 / temp vals += ''' <cols note="False" type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'detail', self.rml_obj.formatLang(result)) result = 0.0 if current_lines: vals += ''' <cols note="False" type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'detail', self.rml_obj.formatLang( account_budget['planned_amount'])) else: vals += ''' <cols note="False" type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'detail', self.rml_obj.formatLang(0.0)) if next_lines: for year in fiscalyear_obj.browse(cr, uid, fiscalyear_ids, context=context): result = 0.0 if account_budget['next_planned_amount'][] != 0.0: result = (account_budget['balance'] / account_budget['next_planned_amount'][]) * 100 vals += ''' <cols note="False" type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'detail', self.rml_obj.formatLang(result)) vals += ''' <cols note="False" type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'detail', self.rml_obj.formatLang(account_budget['balance'])) vals += ''' <cols note="False" type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'detail', self.rml_obj.formatLang( account_budget['next_planned_amount'][])) elif num_year != 0 and num_year <= len(fiscalyear_ids): for i in range(1, num_year + 1): for j in range(1, 4): vals += ''' <cols note="False" type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'detail', self.rml_obj.formatLang(0.0)) elif num_year != 0 and num_year > len(fiscalyear_ids): for i in range(1, len(fiscalyear_ids) + 1): for j in range(1, 4): vals += ''' <cols note="False" type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'detail', self.rml_obj.formatLang(0.0)) vals += ''' <cols note="False" type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'detail', ustr(toxml( budget_class['name'] = budget_class['class'] = classification.code count += 1 content += vals + ''' <val> </val></row> ''' temp = { 'name': budget_class['name'], 'fiscalyear_ids': fiscalyear_ids, 'num_year': num_year, } content += '''<row name="None" count="2" class="None" item="False"> ''' + self.create_xml_cols( cr, uid, ids, temp, 1, class_planed_amount, context=context) content += ''' <val> %s </val></row> ''' % (ustr(toxml(note))) temp = { 'name': '', 'fiscalyear_ids': fiscalyear_ids, 'num_year': num_year, } content += '''<row name="None" count="2" class="False" item="False"> ''' + self.create_xml_cols( cr, uid, ids, temp, 2, years_planned_amount, context=context) content += ''' <val> %s </val></row> ''' % (ustr(toxml(note))) if flag == False: xml += self.generate_empty(cr, uid, ids, datas, header_xml, context=context) else: extra = False if num_year != 0: extra = True xml += '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <report><page size='%s' type='%s' extra='%s'> %s %s %s </page></report> ''' % (self.size, self.type, extra, header_xml, dept_xml, content) return xml
def generate_empty(self, cr, uid, ids, datas, header_xml, context=None): num_year = datas.get('form', {}).get('num_year', False) fiscalyear_obj = self.pool.get('account.fiscalyear') fiscalyear_id = datas.get('form', {}).get('first_fiscalyear', False) fiscalyear_ids = cr, uid, [('id', '!=', fiscalyear_id), ('date_stop', '<', fiscalyear_obj.browse( cr, uid, fiscalyear_id, context=context).date_start)], limit=num_year, order='date_start desc', context=context) fiscalyear_obj = self.pool.get('account.fiscalyear') dept_xml = '''<datas>''' dept_xml += ''' <header name="%s" split="False"/> ''' % (ustr( toxml('التوصيات'))) dept_xml += ''' <header name="%s" split="False"/> ''' % (ustr( toxml('نسبة التغيير'))) dept_xml += ''' <header name="%s" split="False"/> ''' % (ustr( toxml("المصدق الحالي " + str( fiscalyear_obj.browse(cr, uid, fiscalyear_id, context=context).name)))) fiscalyear_ids.reverse() if num_year != 0 and fiscalyear_ids != []: dept_xml += ''' <header2 name=" " split="False"/> ''' for year in fiscalyear_obj.browse(cr, uid, fiscalyear_ids, context=context): dept_xml += ''' <header name="%s" split="True"/> ''' % (ustr( toxml("المقترح للعام " + str( dept_xml += ''' <header2 name=" " split="True"/> ''' dept_xml += ''' <header2 name=" " split="False"/> ''' else: dept_xml += ''' <header2 name=" " split="False"/> ''' dept_xml += ''' <header name="%s" split="False"/> ''' % (ustr( toxml('بند الخصم'))) dept_xml += '''</datas>''' length = len(fiscalyear_ids) if length == 0: length = 1 factor = num_year page_size = 0 if self.size == 'A3_landscape': page_size = 1572 else: page_size = 786 if num_year == 0 or fiscalyear_ids == []: row_width = page_size / 4 dept_xml += '''<cols>160,70,80,90</cols>''' dept_xml += '''<splitcols>160,70,80,90</splitcols>''' dept_xml += '''<extracols>400</extracols>''' dept_xml += '''<cols2>%s%s</cols2>''' % (((str( (page_size) / (4)) + ',') * int(3)), row_width) dept_xml += '''<headercols>%s%s</headercols>''' % (((str( (page_size) / (4)) + ',') * int(3)), row_width) factor = 1 elif num_year <= length: row_width = page_size / (4 + (num_year * 3)) dept_xml += '''<cols>160,70,80,%s90</cols>''' % ((str( (3 * 70 * num_year) / num_year) + ',') * int(num_year)) dept_xml += '''<splitcols>160,70,80,%s90</splitcols>''' % ((str( (3 * 70 * num_year) / (num_year * 3)) + ',') * int(num_year * 3)) dept_xml += '''<extracols>310,%s90</extracols>''' % ((str( (3 * 70 * num_year) / (num_year * 3)) + ',') * int(num_year * 3)) dept_xml += '''<cols2>%s%s%s</cols2>''' % ( ((str(round( ((page_size) / (4 + (num_year * 3))), 2)) + ',') * int(3)), ((str(round(((page_size) / (4 + (num_year * 3))) * (3))) + ',') * int(num_year)), row_width) dept_xml += '''<headercols>%s,%s%s</headercols>''' % ( (row_width * 3), ((str(round( (page_size) / (4 + (num_year * 3)))) + ',') * int(num_year * 3)), row_width) else: row_width = page_size / (4 + (length * 3)) dept_xml += '''<cols>160,70,80,%s90</cols>''' % ((str( (3 * 70 * length) / length) + ',') * int(length)) dept_xml += '''<splitcols>160,70,80,%s90</splitcols>''' % ((str( (3 * 70 * length) / (length * 3)) + ',') * int(length * 3)) dept_xml += '''<extracols>310,%s90</extracols>''' % ((str( (3 * 70 * length) / (length * 3)) + ',') * int(length * 3)) dept_xml += '''<cols2>%s%s%s</cols2>''' % ( ((str(round( ((page_size) / (4 + (length * 3))), 2)) + ',') * int(3)), ((str(round(((page_size) / (4 + (length * 3))) * (3))) + ',') * int(length)), row_width) dept_xml += '''<headercols>%s,%s%s</headercols>''' % ( (row_width * 3), ((str(round( (page_size) / (4 + (length * 3)))) + ',') * int(length * 3)), row_width) factor = length content = ''' <row name="%s" count="1" class="True" item="True"> ''' % ( ustr(toxml("صنف"))) if num_year == 0 or fiscalyear_ids == []: for i in range(1, 5): if i == 1: content += ''' <cols note="True" type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'total', ustr(toxml(" "))) else: content += ''' <cols note="False" type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'total', ustr(toxml(" "))) else: for i in range(1, (factor * 3) + 5): if i == 1: content += ''' <cols note="True" type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'total', ustr(toxml(" "))) else: content += ''' <cols note="False" type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'total', ustr(toxml(" "))) content += ''' <val> </val></row> ''' extra = False if num_year != 0: extra = True xml = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <report><page size='%s' type='%s' extra='%s'> %s %s %s </page></report> ''' % (self.size, self.type, extra, header_xml, dept_xml, content) return xml
def compare_budget(self, cr, uid, ids, datas, header_xml, context=None): account_obj = self.pool.get('account.account') period_pool = self.pool.get('account.period') budget_pool = self.pool.get('account.budget') budget_line_pool = self.pool.get('account.budget.lines') classification_obj = self.pool.get('account.budget.classification') move_line_pool = self.pool.get('account.move.line') fiscal_year_obj = self.pool.get('account.fiscalyear') account_chart = datas.get('form', {}).get('chart_account_id', []) analytic_chart = datas.get('form', {}).get('chart_analytic_account_id', []) classification_ids = datas.get('form', {}).get('classification_ids', False) fiscalyear_id = datas.get('form', {}).get('first_fiscalyear', False) select_quarter = datas.get('form', {}).get('quarter', False) current_periods = cr, uid, [('fiscalyear_id', '=', fiscalyear_id)], context=context) analytic_child_ids = self._get_children_and_consol( cr, uid, analytic_chart, 'account.analytic.account', context) account_child_ids = self._get_children_and_consol( cr, uid, account_chart, 'account.account', context) general_account = self._sort_filter(cr, uid, account_child_ids, context=context) dept_xml = '''<datas>''' dept_xml += ''' <header name="%s" split="False"/> ''' % (ustr( toxml('المتبقي'))) dept_xml += ''' <header name="%s" split="False"/> ''' % (ustr( toxml('الإجمالي'))) vals = '' xml = '' date_start_quar = '' date_endss_quar = '' date_start_quar1 = '' date_endss_quar1 = '' date_start_quar2 = '' date_endss_quar2 = '' date_start_quar3 = '' date_endss_quar3 = '' diff = 0 length = 1 year = fiscal_year_obj.browse(cr, uid, fiscalyear_id, context=context).name flag = True if select_quarter == 'first': february = monthrange(int(year), 2)[1] date_start_quar1 = str(year) + "-" + '1' + "-" + "1" date_endss_quar1 = str(year) + "-" + '1' + "-" + "31" date_start_quar2 = str(year) + "-" + '2' + "-" + "1" date_endss_quar2 = str(year) + "-" + '2' + "-" + str(february) date_start_quar3 = str(year) + "-" + '3' + "-" + "1" date_endss_quar3 = str(year) + "-" + '3' + "-" + "31" dept_xml += ''' <header name="%s"/> ''' % (ustr(toxml('مارس'))) dept_xml += ''' <header name="%s"/> ''' % (ustr(toxml('فبراير'))) dept_xml += ''' <header name="%s"/> ''' % (ustr(toxml('يناير'))) flag = False length += 3 if select_quarter == 'second': month_strats = 1 month_end = 3 date_start_quar = str(year) + "-" + str(month_strats) + "-" + "1" date_endss_quar = str(year) + "-" + str(month_end) + "-" + "31" date_start_quar1 = str(year) + "-" + '4' + "-" + "1" date_endss_quar1 = str(year) + "-" + '4' + "-" + "30" date_start_quar2 = str(year) + "-" + '5' + "-" + "1" date_endss_quar2 = str(year) + "-" + '5' + "-" + "31" date_start_quar3 = str(year) + "-" + '6' + "-" + "1" date_endss_quar3 = str(year) + "-" + '6' + "-" + "30" dept_xml += ''' <header name="%s"/> ''' % (ustr(toxml('يونيو'))) dept_xml += ''' <header name="%s"/> ''' % (ustr(toxml('مايو'))) dept_xml += ''' <header name="%s"/> ''' % (ustr(toxml('أبريل'))) dept_xml += ''' <header name="%s"/> ''' % (ustr( toxml('الربع الأول'))) length += 4 if select_quarter == 'third': month_strats = 1 month_end = 6 date_start_quar = str(year) + "-" + str(month_strats) + "-" + "1" date_endss_quar = str(year) + "-" + str(month_end) + "-" + "30" date_start_quar1 = str(year) + "-" + '7' + "-" + "1" date_endss_quar1 = str(year) + "-" + '7' + "-" + "31" date_start_quar2 = str(year) + "-" + '8' + "-" + "1" date_endss_quar2 = str(year) + "-" + '8' + "-" + "31" date_start_quar3 = str(year) + "-" + '9' + "-" + "1" date_endss_quar3 = str(year) + "-" + '9' + "-" + "30" dept_xml += ''' <header name="%s"/> ''' % (ustr(toxml('سبتمبر'))) dept_xml += ''' <header name="%s"/> ''' % (ustr(toxml('أغسطس'))) dept_xml += ''' <header name="%s"/> ''' % (ustr(toxml('يوليو'))) dept_xml += ''' <header name="%s"/> ''' % (ustr( toxml('الربع الثاني'))) length += 4 if select_quarter == 'fourth': month_strats = 1 month_end = 9 date_start_quar = str(year) + "-" + str(month_strats) + "-" + "1" date_endss_quar = str(year) + "-" + str(month_end) + "-" + "30" date_start_quar1 = str(year) + "-" + '10' + "-" + "1" date_endss_quar1 = str(year) + "-" + '10' + "-" + "31" date_start_quar2 = str(year) + "-" + '11' + "-" + "1" date_endss_quar2 = str(year) + "-" + '11' + "-" + "30" date_start_quar3 = str(year) + "-" + '12' + "-" + "1" date_endss_quar3 = str(year) + "-" + '12' + "-" + "31" dept_xml += ''' <header name="%s"/> ''' % (ustr(toxml('ديسمبر'))) dept_xml += ''' <header name="%s"/> ''' % (ustr(toxml('نوفمبر'))) dept_xml += ''' <header name="%s"/> ''' % (ustr(toxml('أكتوبر'))) dept_xml += ''' <header name="%s"/> ''' % (ustr( toxml('الربع الثالث'))) length += 4 dept_xml += ''' <header name="%s" split="False"/> ''' % (ustr( toxml("الإعتماد"))) dept_xml += ''' <header name="%s" split="False"/> ''' % (ustr( toxml('البند'))) dept_xml += ''' <header name="%s" split="False"/> ''' % (ustr( toxml('الرمز'))) dept_xml += '''</datas>''' col = ((str((80 * length) / length) + ',') * int(length - 1)) dept_xml += '''<cols>80,80,%s80,100,80</cols>''' % (str(col)) result = [] total = 0 total_final = 0 total_quarter = 0 total_quarter1 = 0 total_quarter2 = 0 total_quarter3 = 0 total_of_total_final = 0 total_residual_final = 0 content = '' for classification in classification_obj.browse(cr, uid, classification_ids, context=context): class_name = (u' %s' % ( account_total = 0 account_balance = 0 account_balance1 = 0 account_balance2 = 0 account_balance3 = 0 total_of_total = 0 total_residual = 0 if self.type_selection == 'detail': content += ''' <row item="False"> ''' for i in range(1, 5 + length): if i == length + 3: content += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'total', ustr(toxml(class_name))) elif i == length + 4: content += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'total', ustr(toxml(classification.code))) else: content += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'total', ustr(toxml(" "))) content += ''' </row> ''' #For order account by code account_ids = [ for account in classification.account_ids ] account_ids =, uid, [('id', 'in', account_ids)], order='code') aggregate_budget = [] for account in account_obj.browse(cr, uid, account_ids, context): #for account in classification.account_ids: total_class = 0 residual = 0 balance = 0 balance1 = 0 balance2 = 0 balance3 = 0 current_quarter_lines = cr, uid, [('period_id', 'in', current_periods), ('analytic_account_id', 'in', analytic_child_ids), ('general_account_id', '=',]) if current_quarter_lines: quarter_amount = 0 for line in budget_line_pool.browse(cr, uid, current_quarter_lines, context=context): bl = 0 bl1 = 0 bl2 = 0 bl3 = 0 planed = line.planned_amount sign = line.general_account_id.user_type.report_type in ( 'income', 'liability') and -1 or 1 if flag: move = cr, uid, [('analytic_account_id', 'in', analytic_child_ids), ('date', '>=', date_start_quar), ('date', '<=', date_endss_quar), ('account_id', '=',, ('state', '=', 'valid')], context=context) for moves in move_line_pool.browse( cr, uid, move, context=context): bl += moves.debit - balance = sign * bl move1 = cr, uid, [('analytic_account_id', 'in', analytic_child_ids), ('date', '>=', date_start_quar1), ('date', '<=', date_endss_quar1), ('account_id', '=',, ('state', '=', 'valid')], context=context) move2 = cr, uid, [('analytic_account_id', 'in', analytic_child_ids), ('date', '>=', date_start_quar2), ('date', '<=', date_endss_quar2), ('account_id', '=',, ('state', '=', 'valid')], context=context) move3 = cr, uid, [('analytic_account_id', 'in', analytic_child_ids), ('date', '>=', date_start_quar3), ('date', '<=', date_endss_quar3), ('account_id', '=',, ('state', '=', 'valid')], context=context) for moves1 in move_line_pool.browse(cr, uid, move1, context=context): bl1 += moves1.debit - for moves2 in move_line_pool.browse(cr, uid, move2, context=context): bl2 += moves2.debit - for moves3 in move_line_pool.browse(cr, uid, move3, context=context): bl3 += moves3.debit - balance1 = sign * bl1 balance2 = sign * bl2 balance3 = sign * bl3 total_class += round(planed, 2) total = balance + balance1 + balance2 + balance3 residual = total_class - total if self.type_selection == 'detail': content += ''' <row item="False"> ''' content += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'detail', ustr(toxml('{:,.2f}'.format(residual)))) content += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'detail', ustr(toxml('{:,.2f}'.format(total)))) content += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'detail', ustr(toxml('{:,.2f}'.format(balance3)))) content += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'detail', ustr(toxml('{:,.2f}'.format(balance2)))) content += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'detail', ustr(toxml('{:,.2f}'.format(balance1)))) if flag: content += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'detail', ustr(toxml('{:,.2f}'.format(balance)))) content += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'detail', ustr(toxml('{:,.2f}'.format(total_class)))) content += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'detail', ustr(toxml( content += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'detail', ustr(toxml(account.code))) content += ''' </row> ''' else: aggregate_budget.append({ 'parent_code': account.parent_id.code, 'parent_name':, 'total_class': total_class, 'balance': balance, 'balance1': balance1, 'balance2': balance2, 'balance3': balance3, 'total': total, 'residual': residual, }) #Total Classification account_total += total_class account_balance += balance account_balance1 += balance1 account_balance2 += balance2 account_balance3 += balance3 total_of_total += total total_residual += residual if self.type_selection == 'total': aggregate_budget.sort(key=itemgetter("parent_code")) aggregate_budget_temp = [] aggregate_budget_final = [] for key, group in itertools.groupby( aggregate_budget, lambda item: item["parent_code"]): aggregate_budget_temp.append([item for item in group]) for record in aggregate_budget_temp: aggregate_budget_final.append({ 'parent_name': record[0]['parent_name'], 'parent_code': record[0]['parent_code'], 'total_class': sum([item["total_class"] for item in record]), 'balance': sum([item["balance"] for item in record]), 'balance1': sum([item["balance1"] for item in record]), 'balance2': sum([item["balance2"] for item in record]), 'balance3': sum([item["balance3"] for item in record]), 'total': sum([item["total"] for item in record]), 'residual': sum([item["residual"] for item in record]), }) for record in aggregate_budget_final: content += ''' <row item="False"> ''' content += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'detail', ustr(toxml('{:,.2f}'.format(record['residual'])))) content += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'detail', ustr(toxml('{:,.2f}'.format( record['total'])))) content += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'detail', ustr(toxml('{:,.2f}'.format(record['balance3'])))) content += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'detail', ustr(toxml('{:,.2f}'.format(record['balance2'])))) content += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'detail', ustr(toxml('{:,.2f}'.format(record['balance1'])))) if flag: content += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'detail', ustr(toxml('{:,.2f}'.format(record['balance'])))) content += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'detail', ustr(toxml('{:,.2f}'.format(record['total_class'])))) content += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'detail', ustr(toxml(record['parent_name']))) content += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'detail', ustr(toxml(record['parent_code']))) content += ''' </row> ''' #Totals Final total_final += account_total total_quarter += account_balance total_quarter1 += account_balance1 total_quarter2 += account_balance2 total_quarter3 += account_balance3 total_of_total_final += total_of_total total_residual_final += total_residual extra = ' ' tempural = "إجمالي " + extra classes = u'' + tempural.decode( 'utf-8') + u'' + content += ''' <row> ''' content += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'total', ustr(toxml('{:,.2f}'.format(total_residual)))) content += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'total', ustr(toxml('{:,.2f}'.format(total_of_total)))) content += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'total', ustr(toxml('{:,.2f}'.format(account_balance3)))) content += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'total', ustr(toxml('{:,.2f}'.format(account_balance2)))) content += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'total', ustr(toxml('{:,.2f}'.format(account_balance1)))) if flag: content += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'total', ustr(toxml('{:,.2f}'.format(account_balance)))) content += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'total', ustr(toxml('{:,.2f}'.format(account_total)))) content += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( "total", ustr(toxml(classes))) content += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( "total", ustr(toxml(''))) content += ''' </row> ''' extra = 'الكلي' tempural = "الإجمالي " + extra classes_totals = u'' + tempural.decode('utf-8') + u'' content += ''' <row> ''' content += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'total', ustr(toxml('{:,.2f}'.format(total_residual_final)))) content += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'total', ustr(toxml('{:,.2f}'.format(total_of_total_final)))) content += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'total', ustr(toxml('{:,.2f}'.format(total_quarter3)))) content += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'total', ustr(toxml('{:,.2f}'.format(total_quarter2)))) content += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'total', ustr(toxml('{:,.2f}'.format(total_quarter1)))) if flag: content += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'total', ustr(toxml('{:,.2f}'.format(total_quarter)))) content += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( 'total', ustr(toxml('{:,.2f}'.format(total_final)))) content += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( "total", ustr(toxml(classes_totals))) content += ''' <cols type="%s"> <val> %s </val></cols> ''' % ( "total", ustr(toxml(''))) content += ''' </row> ''' xml += '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <report><page size='%s' type='%s'> %s %s %s </page></report> ''' % (self.size, self.type, header_xml, dept_xml, content) return xml
def create_xml(self, cr, uid, ids, datas, context): service = netsvc.LocalService('object_proxy') month = DateTime.DateTime(datas['form']['year'], datas['form']['month'], 1) user_xml = [ '<month>%s</month>' % month2name[month.month], '<year>%s</year>' % month.year ] for employee_id in ids: emp = service.execute(cr.dbname, uid, 'hr.employee', 'read', [employee_id])[0] stop, days_xml = False, [] user_repr = ''' <user> <name>%s</name> %%s </user> ''' % (toxml(emp['name'])) today, tomor = month, month + one_day while today.month == month.month: #### Work hour calculation sql = ''' select action, from hr_employee as emp inner join hr_attendance as att on = att.employee_id where between %s and %s and = %s order by ''' cr.execute(sql, (today.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), tomor.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), employee_id)) attendences = cr.dictfetchall() wh = 0 # Fake sign ins/outs at week ends, to take attendances across week ends into account if attendences and attendences[0]['action'] == 'sign_out': attendences.insert( 0, { 'name': today.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'action': 'sign_in' }) if attendences and attendences[-1]['action'] == 'sign_in': attendences.append({ 'name': tomor.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'action': 'sign_out' }) # sum up the attendances' durations for att in attendences: dt = DateTime.strptime(att['name'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if att['action'] == 'sign_out': wh += (dt - ldt).hours ldt = dt # Week xml representation wh = hour2str(wh) today_xml = '<day num="%s"><wh>%s</wh></day>' % ( (today - month).days + 1, wh) days_xml.append(today_xml) today, tomor = tomor, tomor + one_day user_xml.append(user_repr % '\n'.join(days_xml)) xml = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <report> %s </report> ''' % '\n'.join(user_xml) return xml
def create_xml(self, cr, uid, ids, datas, context=None): obj_emp = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('hr.employee') start_date = datetime.strptime(datas['form']['init_date'], '%Y-%m-%d') end_date = datetime.strptime(datas['form']['end_date'], '%Y-%m-%d') first_monday = start_date - relativedelta( last_monday = end_date + relativedelta(days=7 - if last_monday < first_monday: first_monday, last_monday = last_monday, first_monday user_xml = [] for employee_id in ids: emp =, uid, [employee_id], ['id', 'name'])[0] monday, n_monday = first_monday, first_monday + one_week stop, week_xml = False, [] user_repr = ''' <user> <name>%s</name> %%s </user> ''' % ustr(toxml(emp['name'])) while monday != last_monday: #### Work hour calculation sql = ''' select action, from hr_employee as emp inner join hr_attendance as att on = att.employee_id where between %s and %s and = %s order by ''' for idx in range(7): cr.execute(sql, (monday.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), (monday + relativedelta(days=idx + 1) ).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), employee_id)) attendances = cr.dictfetchall() week_wh = {} # Fake sign ins/outs at week ends, to take attendances across week ends into account # XXX this is wrong for the first sign-in ever and the last sign out to this date if attendances and attendances[0]['action'] == 'sign_out': attendances.insert( 0, { 'name': monday.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'action': 'sign_in' }) if attendances and attendances[-1]['action'] == 'sign_in': attendances.append({ 'name': n_monday.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'action': 'sign_out' }) # sum up the attendances' durations ldt = None for att in attendances: dt = datetime.strptime(att['name'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if ldt and att['action'] == 'sign_out': week_wh[] = week_wh.get(, 0) + ( (dt - ldt).seconds / 3600) else: ldt = dt # Week xml representation week_repr = [ '<week>', '<weekstart>%s</weekstart>' % monday.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), '<weekend>%s</weekend>' % n_monday.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') ] for idx in range(7): week_repr.append('<%s>' % num2day[idx]) if idx in week_wh: week_repr.append('<workhours>%sh%02d</workhours>' % to_hour(week_wh[idx])) week_repr.append('</%s>' % num2day[idx]) week_repr.append('<total>') week_repr.append( '<worked>%sh%02d</worked>' % to_hour(reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, week_wh.values(), 0))) week_repr.append('</total>') week_repr.append('</week>') if len(week_repr) > 21: # 21 = minimal length of week_repr week_xml.append('\n'.join(week_repr)) monday, n_monday = n_monday, n_monday + one_week user_xml.append(user_repr % '\n'.join(week_xml)) xml = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <report> %s </report> ''' % '\n'.join(user_xml) return self.post_process_xml_data(cr, uid, xml, context)
def create_xml(self, cr, uid, ids, data, context): # Get the user id from the selected employee record emp_id = data['form']['employee_id'] emp_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('hr.employee') user_id = emp_obj.browse(cr, uid, emp_id) empl_name = emp_obj.browse(cr, uid, emp_id).name # Computing the dates (start of month: som, and end of month: eom) som =['form']['year'], data['form']['month'], 1) eom = som + datetime.timedelta(lengthmonth(som.year, som.month)) date_xml = [ '<date month="%s" year="%d" />' % (self.get_month_name( cr, uid, som.month, context=context), som.year), '<days>' ] date_xml += [ '<day number="%d" name="%s" weekday="%d" />' % (x, self.get_weekday_name( cr, uid, som.replace(day=x).weekday() + 1, context=context), som.replace(day=x).weekday() + 1) for x in range(1, lengthmonth(som.year, som.month) + 1) ] date_xml.append('</days>') date_xml.append('<cols>2.5cm%s,2cm</cols>\n' % (',0.7cm' * lengthmonth(som.year, som.month))) # Sum attendence by account, then by day accounts = {} header_xml = '' if user_id: # Computing the attendence by analytical account cr.execute( "select, (unit_amount * unit.factor) as amount, account_id, "\ "from account_analytic_line as line, hr_analytic_timesheet as hr, "\ "account_analytic_account as account, product_uom as unit "\ "where and "\ "and product_uom_id = "\ "and line.user_id=%s and >= %s and < %s " "order by", (user_id, som.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), eom.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))) for presence in cr.dictfetchall(): day = int(presence['date'][-2:]) account = accounts.setdefault( (presence['account_id'], presence['name']), {}) account[day] = account.get(day, 0.0) + presence['amount'] xml = ''' <time-element date="%s"> <amount>%.2f</amount> </time-element> ''' rpt_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('hr.employee') rml_obj = report_sxw.rml_parse(cr, uid, rpt_obj._name, context) if user_id: header_xml = ''' <header> <date>%s</date> <company>%s</company> </header> ''' % ( str(rml_obj.formatLang(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), date=True)) + ' ' + str(time.strftime("%H:%M")), pooler.get_pool( cr.dbname).get('res.users').browse( cr, uid, user_id) account_xml = [] for account, telems in accounts.iteritems(): aid, aname = account aname = pooler.get_pool( cr.dbname).get('account.analytic.account').name_get( cr, uid, [aid], context) aname = aname[0][1] account_xml.append('<account id="%d" name="%s">' % (aid, toxml(aname))) account_xml.append('\n'.join( [xml % (day, amount) for day, amount in telems.iteritems()])) account_xml.append('</account>') # Computing the xml xml = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <report> %s <employee>%s</employee> %s </report> ''' % (header_xml, ustr( toxml(empl_name)), '\n'.join(date_xml) + '\n'.join(account_xml)) return xml
def create_xml(self, cr, uid, ids, datas, context=None): obj_emp = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('hr.employee') if context is None: context = {} month = datetime(datas['form']['year'], datas['form']['month'], 1) emp_ids = context.get('active_ids', []) user_xml = [ '<month>%s</month>' % month2name[month.month], '<year>%s</year>' % month.year ] if emp_ids: for emp in, uid, emp_ids, ['name']): stop, days_xml = False, [] user_repr = ''' <user> <name>%s</name> %%s </user> ''' % (ustr(toxml(emp['name']))) today, tomor = month, month + one_day while today.month == month.month: #### Work hour calculation sql = ''' select action, from hr_employee as emp inner join hr_attendance as att on = att.employee_id where between %s and %s and = %s order by ''' cr.execute( sql, (today.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), tomor.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), emp['id'])) attendences = cr.dictfetchall() wh = 0.0 # Fake sign ins/outs at week ends, to take attendances across week ends into account if attendences and attendences[0]['action'] == 'sign_out': attendences.insert( 0, { 'name': today.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'action': 'sign_in' }) if attendences and attendences[-1]['action'] == 'sign_in': attendences.append({ 'name': tomor.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'action': 'sign_out' }) # sum up the attendances' durations ldt = None for att in attendences: dt = datetime.strptime(att['name'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if ldt and att['action'] == 'sign_out': wh += (dt - ldt).seconds / 60 / 60 else: ldt = dt # Week xml representation # wh = hour2str(wh) today_xml = '<day num="%s"><wh>%s</wh></day>' % ( (today - month).days + 1, round(wh, 2)) dy = (today - month).days + 1 days_xml.append(today_xml) today, tomor = tomor, tomor + one_day user_xml.append(user_repr % '\n'.join(days_xml)) rpt_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('hr.employee') rml_obj = report_sxw.rml_parse(cr, uid, rpt_obj._name, context) header_xml = ''' <header> <date>%s</date> <company>%s</company> </header> ''' % (str(rml_obj.formatLang(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), date=True)) + ' ' + str(time.strftime("%H:%M")), pooler.get_pool( cr.dbname).get('res.users').browse(cr, uid, uid) first_date = str(month) som = datetime.strptime(first_date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') eom = som + timedelta(int(dy) - 1) day_diff = eom - som date_xml = [] cell = 1 date_xml.append('<days>') if day_diff.days >= 30: date_xml += [ '<dayy number="%d" name="%s" cell="%d"/>' % (x, som.replace(day=x).strftime('%a'), x - + 1) for x in range(, lengthmonth(som.year, som.month) + 1) ] else: if day_diff.days >= (lengthmonth(som.year, som.month) - date_xml += [ '<dayy number="%d" name="%s" cell="%d"/>' % (x, som.replace(day=x).strftime('%a'), x - + 1) for x in range(, lengthmonth(som.year, som.month) + 1) ] else: date_xml += [ '<dayy number="%d" name="%s" cell="%d"/>' % (x, som.replace(day=x).strftime('%a'), x - + 1) for x in range(, + 1) ] cell = x - + 1 day_diff1 = day_diff.days - cell + 1 width_dict = {} month_dict = {} i = 1 j = 1 year = som.year month = som.month month_dict[j] = som.strftime('%B') width_dict[j] = cell while day_diff1 > 0: if month + i <= 12: if day_diff1 > lengthmonth( year, i + month ): # Not on 30 else you have problems when entering 01-01-2009 for example som1 =, month + i, 1) date_xml += [ '<dayy number="%d" name="%s" cell="%d"/>' % (x, som1.replace(day=x).strftime('%a'), cell + x) for x in range(1, lengthmonth(year, i + month) + 1) ] i = i + 1 j = j + 1 month_dict[j] = som1.strftime('%B') cell = cell + x width_dict[j] = x else: som1 =, month + i, 1) date_xml += [ '<dayy number="%d" name="%s" cell="%d"/>' % (x, som1.replace(day=x).strftime('%a'), cell + x) for x in range(1, + 1) ] i = i + 1 j = j + 1 month_dict[j] = som1.strftime('%B') cell = cell + x width_dict[j] = x day_diff1 = day_diff1 - x else: years = year + 1 year = years month = 0 i = 1 if day_diff1 >= 30: som1 =, i, 1) date_xml += [ '<dayy number="%d" name="%s" cell="%d"/>' % (x, som1.replace(day=x).strftime('%a'), cell + x) for x in range(1, lengthmonth(years, i) + 1) ] i = i + 1 j = j + 1 month_dict[j] = som1.strftime('%B') cell = cell + x width_dict[j] = x else: som1 =, i, 1) i = i + 1 j = j + 1 month_dict[j] = som1.strftime('%B') date_xml += [ '<dayy number="%d" name="%s" cell="%d"/>' % (x, som1.replace(day=x).strftime('%a'), cell + x) for x in range(1, + 1) ] cell = cell + x width_dict[j] = x day_diff1 = day_diff1 - x date_xml.append('</days>') date_xml.append('<cols>3.5cm%s</cols>\n' % (',0.74cm' * (int(dy)))) xml = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <report> %s %s %s </report> ''' % (header_xml, '\n'.join(user_xml), date_xml) return xml
def create_xml(self, cr, uid, ids, datas, context=None): obj_emp = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('hr.employee') start_date = datetime.strptime(datas['form']['init_date'], '%Y-%m-%d') end_date = datetime.strptime(datas['form']['end_date'], '%Y-%m-%d') first_monday = start_date - relativedelta( last_monday = end_date + relativedelta(days=7 - if last_monday < first_monday: first_monday, last_monday = last_monday, first_monday user_xml = [] for employee_id in ids: emp =, uid, [employee_id], ['id', 'name'])[0] monday, n_monday = first_monday, first_monday + one_week stop, week_xml = False, [] user_repr = ''' <user> <name>%s</name> %%s </user> ''' % ustr(toxml(emp['name'])) while monday != last_monday: #### Work hour calculation sql = ''' select action, from hr_employee as emp inner join hr_attendance as att on = att.employee_id where between %s and %s and = %s order by ''' for idx in range(7): cr.execute(sql, (monday.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), (monday + relativedelta(days=idx+1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), employee_id)) attendances = cr.dictfetchall() week_wh = {} # Fake sign ins/outs at week ends, to take attendances across week ends into account # XXX this is wrong for the first sign-in ever and the last sign out to this date if attendances and attendances[0]['action'] == 'sign_out': attendances.insert(0, {'name': monday.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'action': 'sign_in'}) if attendances and attendances[-1]['action'] == 'sign_in': attendances.append({'name': n_monday.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'action': 'sign_out'}) # sum up the attendances' durations ldt = None for att in attendances: dt = datetime.strptime(att['name'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if ldt and att['action'] == 'sign_out': week_wh[] = week_wh.get(, 0) + ((dt - ldt).seconds/3600) else: ldt = dt # Week xml representation week_repr = ['<week>', '<weekstart>%s</weekstart>' % monday.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), '<weekend>%s</weekend>' % n_monday.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')] for idx in range(7): week_repr.append('<%s>' % num2day[idx]) if idx in week_wh: week_repr.append('<workhours>%sh%02d</workhours>' % to_hour(week_wh[idx])) week_repr.append('</%s>' % num2day[idx]) week_repr.append('<total>') week_repr.append('<worked>%sh%02d</worked>' % to_hour(reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, week_wh.values(), 0))) week_repr.append('</total>') week_repr.append('</week>') if len(week_repr) > 21: # 21 = minimal length of week_repr week_xml.append('\n'.join(week_repr)) monday, n_monday = n_monday, n_monday + one_week user_xml.append(user_repr % '\n'.join(week_xml)) xml = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <report> %s </report> ''' % '\n'.join(user_xml) return self.post_process_xml_data(cr, uid, xml, context)