def _jasper_execute(self, ex, current_document, js_conf, pdf_list, reload=False, ids=None, context=None): """ After retrieve datas to launch report, execute it and return the content """ # Issue 934068 with web client with model is missing from the context if not self.model: self.model = current_document.model_id.model self.model_obj = self.pool.get(self.model) if context is None: context = self.context.copy() if ids is None: ids = [] cur_obj = self.model_obj.browse(, self.uid, ex, context=context) aname = False if self.attrs['attachment']: try: aname = eval(self.attrs['attachment'], {'object': cur_obj, 'time': time}) except SyntaxError, e: logger.warning('Error %s' % str(e)) raise EvalError(_('Attachment Error'), _('Syntax error when evaluate attachment\n\nMessage: "%s"') % str(e)) except NameError, e: logger.warning('Error %s' % str(e)) raise EvalError(_('Attachment Error'), _('Error when evaluate attachment\n\nMessage: "%s"') % str(e))
def _eval_duplicate(self, cur_obj, current_document): """ Evaluate the duplicate field """ try: return int(eval(current_document.duplicate, {'o': cur_obj})) except SyntaxError, e: _logger.warning('Error %s' % str(e)) raise EvalError( _('Duplicate Error'), _('Syntax error when evaluate duplicate\n\nMessage: "%s"') % str(e)) # noqa
def _eval_field(self, cur_obj, fieldcontent): """ Evaluate the field """ try: return eval(fieldcontent, {'object': cur_obj, 'time': time}) except SyntaxError, e: _logger.warning('Error %s' % str(e)) raise EvalError( _('Field Eval Error'), _('Syntax error when evaluate field\n\nMessage: "%s"') % str(e)) # noqa
def _eval_lang(self, cur_obj, current_document): """ Evaluate the lang field """ try: return eval(current_document.lang, {'o': cur_obj}) except SyntaxError, e: logger.warning('Error %s' % str(e)) raise EvalError( _('Language Error'), _('Syntax error when evaluate language\n\nMessage: "%s"') % str(e))
def _jasper_execute(self, ex, current_document, js_conf, pdf_list, ids=None, context=None): """ After retrieve datas to launch report, execute it and return the content """ if context is None: context = self.context.copy() if ids is None: ids = [] doc_obj = self.pool.get('jasper.document') js_obj = self.pool.get('jasper.server') cur_obj = self.model_obj.browse(, self.uid, ex, context=context) aname = False if self.attrs['attachment']: try: aname = eval(self.attrs['attachment'], { 'object': cur_obj, 'time': time }) except SyntaxError, e: _logger.warning('Error %s' % str(e)) raise EvalError( _('Attachment Error'), _('Syntax error when evaluate attachment\n\nMessage: "%s"') % str(e)) except NameError, e: _logger.warning('Error %s' % str(e)) raise EvalError( _('Attachment Error'), _('Error when evaluate attachment\n\nMessage: "%s"') % str(e))
def _eval_lang(self, cur_obj, current_document, context=None): """ Evaluate the lang field """ if context is None: context = {} try: return eval(current_document.lang, {'o': cur_obj, 'ctx': context}) except SyntaxError, e: _logger.warning('Error %s' % str(e)) raise EvalError( _('Language Error'), _('Syntax error when evaluate language\n\nMessage: "%s"') % str(e)) # noqa
def _eval_attachment(self, cur_obj): """ Launch eval on attachement field, and return the value """ try: return eval(self.attrs['attachment'], { 'object': cur_obj, 'time': time }) except SyntaxError, e: _logger.warning('Error %s' % str(e)) raise EvalError( _('Attachment Error'), _('Syntax error when evaluate attachment\n\nMessage: "%s"') % str(e)) # noqa
class Report(object): """ compose the SOAP Query, launch the query and return the value """ def __init__(self, name, cr, uid, ids, data, context): """Initialise the report""" = name self.service = name.replace('report.jasper.report_', '') = cr self.uid = uid self.ids = ids = data self.attrs = data.get('form', {}) self.custom = data.get('jasper', {}) self.model = data.get('model', False) self.pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) self.outputFormat = 'PDF' self.path = None # Reuse object pool self.model_obj = self.pool.get(self.model) self.doc_obj = self.pool.get('jasper.document') self.js_obj = self.pool.get('jasper.server') self.obj = None # If no context, retrieve one on the current user self.context = context or self.pool.get('res.users').context_get( cr, uid, uid) def add_attachment(self, res_id, aname, content, mimetype='binary', context=None): """ Add attachment for this report """ name = aname + '.' + self.outputFormat.lower() ctx = context.copy() ctx['type'] = mimetype ctx['default_type'] = 'binary' return self.pool.get('ir.attachment').create(, self.uid, { 'name': name, 'datas': base64.encodestring(content), 'datas_fname': name, 'file_type': mimetype, 'res_model': self.model, 'res_id': res_id }, context=ctx) def _eval_field(self, cur_obj, fieldcontent): """ Evaluate the field """ try: return eval(fieldcontent, {'object': cur_obj, 'time': time}) except SyntaxError, e: _logger.warning('Error %s' % str(e)) raise EvalError( _('Field Eval Error'), _('Syntax error when evaluate field\n\nMessage: "%s"') % str(e)) # noqa except NameError, e: _logger.warning('Error %s' % str(e)) raise EvalError(_('Field Eval Error'), _('Error when evaluate field\n\nMessage: "%s"') % str(e)) # noqa
def _jasper_execute(self, ex, current_document, js_conf, pdf_list, reload=False, ids=None, context=None): """ After retrieve datas to launch report, execute it and return the content """ # Issue 934068 with web client with model is missing from the context if not self.model: self.model = current_document.model_id.model self.model_obj = self.pool.get(self.model) if context is None: context = self.context.copy() if ids is None: ids = [] cur_obj = self.model_obj.browse(, self.uid, ex, context=context) aname = False if self.attrs['attachment']: aname = self._eval_attachment(cur_obj) duplicate = 1 if current_document.duplicate: duplicate = self._eval_duplicate(cur_obj, current_document) log_debug('Number of duplicate copy: %d' % int(duplicate)) language = context.get('lang', 'en_US') if current_document.lang: language = self._eval_lang(cur_obj, current_document, context=context) # Check if we can launch this reports # Test can be simple, or un a function if current_document.check_sel != 'none': try: if current_document.check_sel == 'simple' and \ not eval(current_document.check_simple, {'o': cur_obj}): raise JasperException( _('Check Print Error'), current_document.message_simple) # noqa elif current_document.check_sel == 'func' and \ not hasattr(self.model_obj, 'check_print'): raise JasperException( _('Check Print Error'), _('"check_print" function not found in "%s" object') % self.model) # noqa elif current_document.check_sel == 'func' and \ hasattr(self.model_obj, 'check_print') and \ not self.model_obj.check_print(, self.uid, cur_obj, context=context): raise JasperException( _('Check Print Error'), _('Function "check_print" return an error')) # noqa except SyntaxError, e: _logger.warning('Error %s' % str(e)) raise EvalError( _('Check Error'), _('Syntax error when check condition\n\nMessage: "%s"') % str(e)) # noqa except NameError, e: _logger.warning('Error %s' % str(e)) raise EvalError( _('Check Error'), _('Error when check condition\n\nMessage: "%s"') % str(e)) # noqa
return eval(fieldcontent, {'object': cur_obj, 'time': time}) except SyntaxError, e: _logger.warning('Error %s' % str(e)) raise EvalError( _('Field Eval Error'), _('Syntax error when evaluate field\n\nMessage: "%s"') % str(e)) # noqa except NameError, e: _logger.warning('Error %s' % str(e)) raise EvalError(_('Field Eval Error'), _('Error when evaluate field\n\nMessage: "%s"') % str(e)) # noqa except AttributeError, e: _logger.warning('Error %s' % str(e)) raise EvalError( _('Field Eval Error'), _('Attribute error when evaluate field\nVerify if specify field exists and valid\n\nMessage: "%s"' ) % str(e)) # noqa except Exception, e: _logger.warning('Error %s' % str(e)) raise EvalError( _('Field Eval Error'), _('Unknown error when evaluate field\nMessage: "%s"') % str(e)) # noqa def _eval_attachment(self, cur_obj): """ Launch eval on attachement field, and return the value """ try: return eval(self.attrs['attachment'], { 'object': cur_obj,
class Report(object): """ compose the SOAP Query, launch the query and return the value """ def __init__(self, name, cr, uid, ids, data, context): """Initialise the report""" = name self.service = name.replace('report.jasper.', '') = cr self.uid = uid self.ids = ids = data self.attrs = data.get('form', {}) self.custom = data.get('jasper', {}) self.model = data.get('model', False) self.pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) self.outputFormat = 'pdf' self.path = None # Reuse object pool self.model_obj = self.pool.get(self.model) self.doc_obj = self.pool.get('jasper.document') self.js_obj = self.pool.get('jasper.server') self.obj = None # If no context, retrieve one on the current user self.context = context or self.pool.get('res.users').context_get(cr, uid, uid) def add_attachment(self, id, aname, content, context=None): """ Add attachment for this report """ name = aname + '.' + self.outputFormat ctx = context.copy() ctx['type'] ='binary' ctx['default_type'] ='binary' return self.pool.get('ir.attachment').create(, self.uid, { 'name': aname, 'datas': base64.encodestring(content), 'datas_fname': name, 'res_model': self.model, 'res_id': id, }, context=ctx ) def _jasper_execute(self, ex, current_document, js_conf, pdf_list, reload=False, ids=None, context=None): """ After retrieve datas to launch report, execute it and return the content """ # Issue 934068 with web client with model is missing from the context if not self.model: self.model = current_document.model_id.model self.model_obj = self.pool.get(self.model) if context is None: context = self.context.copy() if ids is None: ids = [] cur_obj = self.model_obj.browse(, self.uid, ex, context=context) aname = False if self.attrs['attachment']: try: aname = eval(self.attrs['attachment'], {'object': cur_obj, 'time': time}) except SyntaxError, e: logger.warning('Error %s' % str(e)) raise EvalError(_('Attachment Error'), _('Syntax error when evaluate attachment\n\nMessage: "%s"') % str(e)) except NameError, e: logger.warning('Error %s' % str(e)) raise EvalError(_('Attachment Error'), _('Error when evaluate attachment\n\nMessage: "%s"') % str(e)) except AttributeError, e: logger.warning('Error %s' % str(e)) raise EvalError(_('Attachment Error'), _('Attribute error when evaluate attachment\nVerify if specify field exists and valid\n\nMessage: "%s"') % str(e))
class Report(object): """ compose the SOAP Query, launch the query and return the value """ def __init__(self, name, cr, uid, ids, data, context): """Initialise the report""" = name self.service = name.replace('report.jasper.', '') = cr self.uid = uid self.ids = ids = data self.attrs = data.get('form', {}) self.custom = data.get('jasper', {}) self.model = data.get('model', False) self.pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) self.model_obj = self.pool.get(self.model) self.obj = None self.outputFormat = 'pdf' self.path = None # If no context, retrieve one on the current user self.context = context or self.pool.get('res.users').context_get( cr, uid, uid) def _jasper_execute(self, ex, current_document, js_conf, pdf_list, ids=None, context=None): """ After retrieve datas to launch report, execute it and return the content """ if context is None: context = self.context.copy() if ids is None: ids = [] doc_obj = self.pool.get('jasper.document') js_obj = self.pool.get('jasper.server') cur_obj = self.model_obj.browse(, self.uid, ex, context=context) aname = False if self.attrs['attachment']: try: aname = eval(self.attrs['attachment'], { 'object': cur_obj, 'time': time }) except SyntaxError, e: _logger.warning('Error %s' % str(e)) raise EvalError( _('Attachment Error'), _('Syntax error when evaluate attachment\n\nMessage: "%s"') % str(e)) except NameError, e: _logger.warning('Error %s' % str(e)) raise EvalError( _('Attachment Error'), _('Error when evaluate attachment\n\nMessage: "%s"') % str(e)) except AttributeError, e: _logger.warning('Error %s' % str(e)) raise EvalError( _('Attachment Error'), _('Attribute error when evaluate attachment\nVerify if specify field exists and valid\n\nMessage: "%s"' ) % str(e))