def download_feature(feature_type): """Generic request to download OSM data. :param feature_type The feature to extract. :type feature_type str :return A zip file """ if feature_type not in FEATURES: abort(404) bbox = request.args.get('bbox', config.BBOX) # Get the QGIS version # Currently 1, 2 are accepted, default to 2 # A different qml style file will be returned depending on the version qgis_version = int(request.args.get('qgis_version', '2')) # Optional parameter that allows the user to specify the filename. output_prefix = request.args.get('output_prefix', feature_type) # A different keywords file will be returned depending on the version. inasafe_version = request.args.get('inasafe_version', None) # Optional parameter that allows the user to specify the language for # the legend in QGIS. lang = request.args.get('lang', 'en') # error = None try: coordinates = split_bbox(bbox) except ValueError: # error = "Invalid bbox" # coordinates = split_bbox(config.BBOX) abort(500) else: try: file_handle = get_osm_file(coordinates, feature_type, 'body') except OverpassTimeoutException: abort(408) except OverpassBadRequestException: abort(500) except OverpassConcurrentRequestException: abort(509) except URLError: abort(500) try: # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable zip_file = import_and_extract_shapefile( feature_type,, qgis_version, output_prefix, inasafe_version, lang) f = open(zip_file, 'rb') except IOError: abort(404) return return Response(, mimetype='application/zip')
def test_split_bbox(self): """Test we can split a bounding box nicely.""" message = 'test_split_box failed.' self.assertEqual( split_bbox('106.78674459457397,-6.141301491467023,' '106.80691480636597,-6.133834354201348'), { 'SW_lng': 106.78674459457397, 'SW_lat': -6.141301491467023, 'NE_lng': 106.80691480636597, 'NE_lat': -6.133834354201348 }, message)
def download_feature(feature_type): """Generic request to download OSM data. :param feature_type The feature to extract. :type feature_type str :return A zip file """ if feature_type not in FEATURES: abort(404) bbox = request.args.get('bbox', config.BBOX) # Get the QGIS version # Currently 1, 2 are accepted, default to 2 # A different qml style file will be returned depending on the version qgis_version = int(request.args.get('qgis_version', '2')) # Optional parameter that allows the user to specify the filename. output_prefix = request.args.get('output_prefix', feature_type) # A different keywords file will be returned depending on the version. inasafe_version = request.args.get('inasafe_version', None) # Optional parameter that allows the user to specify the language for # the legend in QGIS. lang = request.args.get('lang', 'en') # error = None try: coordinates = split_bbox(bbox) except ValueError: # error = "Invalid bbox" # coordinates = split_bbox(config.BBOX) abort(500) else: try: file_handle = get_osm_file(coordinates, feature_type, 'body') except OverpassTimeoutException: abort(408) except OverpassBadRequestException: abort(500) except OverpassConcurrentRequestException: abort(509) except URLError: abort(500) try: # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable zip_file = import_and_extract_shapefile(feature_type,, qgis_version, output_prefix, inasafe_version, lang) f = open(zip_file, 'rb') except IOError: abort(404) return return Response(, mimetype='application/zip')
def user_status(): """Get nodes for user as a json doc. .. note:: User from reporter.js To use e.g.: http://localhost:5000/user?bbox=20.431909561157227, -34.02849543118406,20.45207977294922,-34.02227106658948& obj=building&username=timlinux """ username = request.args.get('username') bbox = request.args.get('bbox') try: coordinates = split_bbox(bbox) except ValueError: error = "Invalid bbox" coordinates = split_bbox(config.BBOX) LOGGER.exception(error + str(coordinates)) else: try: file_handle = get_osm_file(coordinates) except OverpassTimeoutException: error = "Bad request. Maybe the bbox is too big!" LOGGER.exception(error + str(coordinates)) except OverpassConcurrentRequestException: error = 'Please try again later, another query is running.' LOGGER.exception(error + str(coordinates)) except OverpassBadRequestException: error = "Bad request." LOGGER.exception(error + str(coordinates)) except URLError: error = "Bad request." LOGGER.exception(error + str(coordinates)) else: node_data = osm_nodes_by_user(file_handle, username) return jsonify(d=node_data)
def test_split_bbox(self): """Test we can split a bounding box nicely.""" message = 'test_split_box failed.' self.assertEqual( split_bbox('106.78674459457397,-6.141301491467023,' '106.80691480636597,-6.133834354201348'), { 'SW_lng': 106.78674459457397, 'SW_lat': -6.141301491467023, 'NE_lng': 106.80691480636597, 'NE_lat': -6.133834354201348 }, message )
def test_split_bad_bbox(self): """Test we can handle bad bounding boxes nicely.""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError): split_bbox('invalid bbox string')
def home(): """Home page view. On this page a map and the report will be shown. """ default_tag = 'highway' sorted_user_list = [] bbox = request.args.get('bbox', config.BBOX) tag_name = request.args.get('obj', default_tag) date_from = request.args.get('date_from', None) date_to = request.args.get('date_to', None) error = None try: coordinates = split_bbox(bbox) except ValueError: error = "Invalid bbox" coordinates = split_bbox(config.BBOX) else: if tag_name not in list(TAG_MAPPING.keys()): error = "Unsupported object type" tag_name = default_tag try: feature_type = TAG_MAPPING[tag_name] file_handle = get_osm_file(coordinates, feature_type, 'meta', date_from, date_to) except OverpassTimeoutException: error = 'Timeout, try a smaller area.' except OverpassBadRequestException: error = 'Bad request.' except OverpassConcurrentRequestException: error = 'Please try again later, another query is running.' except URLError: error = 'Bad request.' else: try: sorted_user_list = osm_object_contributions( file_handle, tag_name) except xml.sax.SAXParseException: error = ('Invalid OSM xml file retrieved. Please try again ' 'later.') node_count, way_count = get_totals(sorted_user_list) # We need to manually cast float in string, otherwise floats are # truncated, and then rounds in Leaflet result in a wrong bbox # Note: slit_bbox should better keep returning real floats coordinates = dict((k, repr(v)) for k, v in coordinates.items()) download_url = '%s-shp' % TAG_MAPPING[tag_name] context = dict( sorted_user_list=sorted_user_list, way_count=way_count, node_count=node_count, user_count=len(sorted_user_list), bbox=bbox, current_tag_name=tag_name, download_url=download_url, available_tag_names=list(TAG_MAPPING.keys()), error=error, coordinates=coordinates, display_update_control=int(config.DISPLAY_UPDATE_CONTROL), ) # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences return render_template('base.html', **context)
def home(): """Home page view. On this page a map and the report will be shown. """ default_tag = 'highway' sorted_user_list = [] bbox = request.args.get('bbox', config.BBOX) tag_name = request.args.get('obj', default_tag) date_from = request.args.get('date_from', None) date_to = request.args.get('date_to', None) error = None try: coordinates = split_bbox(bbox) except ValueError: error = "Invalid bbox" coordinates = split_bbox(config.BBOX) else: if tag_name not in list(TAG_MAPPING.keys()): error = "Unsupported object type" tag_name = default_tag try: feature_type = TAG_MAPPING[tag_name] file_handle = get_osm_file( coordinates, feature_type, 'meta', date_from, date_to) except OverpassTimeoutException: error = 'Timeout, try a smaller area.' except OverpassBadRequestException: error = 'Bad request.' except OverpassConcurrentRequestException: error = 'Please try again later, another query is running.' except URLError: error = 'Bad request.' else: try: sorted_user_list = osm_object_contributions( file_handle, tag_name) except xml.sax.SAXParseException: error = ( 'Invalid OSM xml file retrieved. Please try again ' 'later.') node_count, way_count = get_totals(sorted_user_list) # We need to manually cast float in string, otherwise floats are # truncated, and then rounds in Leaflet result in a wrong bbox # Note: slit_bbox should better keep returning real floats coordinates = dict((k, repr(v)) for k, v in coordinates.items()) download_url = '%s-shp' % TAG_MAPPING[tag_name] context = dict( sorted_user_list=sorted_user_list, way_count=way_count, node_count=node_count, user_count=len(sorted_user_list), bbox=bbox, current_tag_name=tag_name, download_url=download_url, available_tag_names=list(TAG_MAPPING.keys()), error=error, coordinates=coordinates, display_update_control=int(config.DISPLAY_UPDATE_CONTROL), ) # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences return render_template('base.html', **context)
def download_feature(feature_type): """Generic request to download OSM data. :param feature_type The feature to extract. :type feature_type str :return A zip file """ if feature_type not in FEATURES: abort(404) bbox = request.args.get('bbox', config.BBOX) # Get the QGIS version # Currently 1, 2 are accepted, default to 2 # A different qml style file will be returned depending on the version qgis_version = int(request.args.get('qgis_version', '2')) # Optional parameter that allows the user to specify the filename. output_prefix = request.args.get('output_prefix', feature_type) # A different keywords file will be returned depending on the version. inasafe_version = request.args.get('inasafe_version', None) # Optional parameter that allows the user to specify the language for # the legend in QGIS. lang = request.args.get('lang', 'en') # error = None try: coordinates = split_bbox(bbox) except ValueError: # error = "Invalid bbox" # coordinates = split_bbox(config.BBOX) abort(500) else: local_osm_file = abspath( join(dirname(__file__), 'resources', 'pbf', 'data.pbf')) if not exists(local_osm_file):'Going to download data from overpass.') try: file_handle = get_osm_file(coordinates, feature_type, 'body') except OverpassTimeoutException: abort(408) except OverpassBadRequestException: abort(500) except OverpassConcurrentRequestException: abort(509) except URLError: abort(500) else: 'Local PBF file detected. We will not use the Overpass API.') file_handle = open(local_osm_file, 'rb') # This is for logging requests so we can see what queries we received date_time = log_data = { 'feature_type': feature_type, 'qgis_version': qgis_version, 'inasafe_version': inasafe_version, 'year': date_time.year, 'month': date_time.month, 'day':, 'hour': date_time.hour, 'minute': date_time.minute, 'second': date_time.second } # add keys for SW_lng, SW_lat, NE_lng, etc. # to our log and write the log file out... log_data.update(coordinates) log_file_name = ( '{year}{month}{day}-{hour}{minute}{second}.geojson').format(**log_data) log_path = os.path.join(config.LOG_DIR, log_file_name) # Note that all the double {{ will be rendered as single below # They need to be double so that python does not confuse them as # string interpolators log_message = """ {{ "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [ {{ "type": "Feature", "properties": {{ "feature_type": "{feature_type}", "qgis_version": "{qgis_version}", "inasafe_version": "{inasafe_version}", "year": {year}, "month": {month}, "day": {day}, "hour": {hour} }}, "geometry": {{ "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ {SW_lng}, {NE_lat} ], [ {NE_lng}, {NE_lat} ], [ {NE_lng}, {SW_lat} ], [ {SW_lng}, {SW_lat} ], [ {SW_lng}, {NE_lat} ] ] ] }} }} ] }}""".format(**log_data) log_file = open(log_path, "w") log_file.write(log_message) log_file.close() try: # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable zip_file = import_and_extract_shapefile( feature_type,, qgis_version, output_prefix, inasafe_version, lang) f = open(zip_file, 'rb') except IOError: abort(404) return return Response(, mimetype='application/zip')