예제 #1
class Client(irc.IRCClient):
    "The actual protocol/client, instanced by the Factory."

    def __init__(self, factory):
        self.factory = factory
        self.nickname = self.factory.network["nickname"]
        self.realname = self.factory.network.get("realname") or "demibot"
        self.username = self.factory.network.get("username") or "demibot"
        self.sourceURL = self.factory.URL  # CTCP source queries to the github.
        self.lineRate = 1  # Print at most n lines per second.
        self.wrap = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=400, break_long_words=True)
        self.lead = "."
        log.info("Bot initialized.")

    def __repr__(self):
        return "demibot v{}({}, {})".format(self.nickname, self.factory.VERSION,

    def printResult(self, msg, info):
        "Log wrapper for completed callbacks."
        log.debug("Result {} {}".format(msg, info))

    def printError(self, msg, info):
        "Log wrapper for errors from callbacks."
        log.error("ERROR {} {}".format(msg, info))

    def _command(self, user, channel, cmnd):
        "Finds and calls the command specified."
        # Check if the user has the minimum required permissions.
        if self.factory.minperms > 20:
            self.factory.minperms = 20
        if self.factory.minperms > self.factory.permissions(user):
            log.info("{} has insufficient permissions for {}."
                     .format(user, cmnd))
        # Split arguments from the command part
            cmnd, args = cmnd.split(" ", 1)
        except ValueError:
            args = ""

        # core commands
        method = getattr(self, "command_{}".format(cmnd), None)
        if method is not None:
            log.info("Internal command {} called by {} ({}) on {}"
                     .format(cmnd, user, self.factory.permissions(user),
            method(user, channel, args)

        # module commands
        for module, env in self.factory.ns.items():
            myglobals, mylocals = env
            # find all matching command functions
            commands = [(c, ref) for c, ref in mylocals.items() if\
                        c == "command_{}".format(cmnd)]

            for cname, command in commands:
                log.info("Module command {} called by {} ({}) on {}"
                         .format(cname, user, self.factory.permissions(user),
                # Defer commands to threads
                d = threads.deferToThread(command, self, user, channel,
                d.addCallback(self.printResult, "command %s completed" % cname)
                d.addErrback(self.printError, "command %s error" % cname)

    def say(self, channel, message, length=None):
        "Override default say to make replying to private messages easier."

        # Use utf-8 encoding for printing messages. Unicode or str would be
        # better but Twisted complains here otherwise.
        channel = self.factory.to_utf8(channel)
        message = self.factory.to_utf8(message)

        # Change nick!user@host -> nick, since all servers don't support full
        # hostmask messaging
        if "!" and "@" in channel:
            channel = self.factory.get_nick(channel)

        # wrap long text into suitable fragments
            msg = self.wrap.wrap(message)
        except AttributeError as e:
            log.debug("Could not wrap {}: {}".format(message, e))
            msg = ""

        cont = False

        for m in msg:
            if cont:
                m = "..." + m
            self.msg(channel, m, length)
            cont = True

        return ("client.say", channel, message)

    def connectionMade(self):
        "Called when a connection to the server has been established"
        if self.factory.logs_enabled:
            self.chatlogger = ChatLogger(self.factory)

    def connectionLost(self, reason):
        "Called when a connection to the server has been lost"
        irc.IRCClient.connectionLost(self, reason)
        if self.factory.logs_enabled:

    def signedOn(self):
        "Called when the bot has successfully signed on to server"

        network = self.factory.network

        if network["nickserv_pw"]:
            self.msg("NickServ", "IDENTIFY {}"

        for channel in network["channels"]:

    def joined(self, channel):
        "Called when the bot joins a channel"
        log.info("Joined {} on {}".format(channel,

        # Adds the channel to the relevant sets/dicts.
        if self.factory.logs_enabled:

    def left(self, channel):
        "Called when the bot has left a channel"
        log.info("Left {} on {}".format(channel,

        # Remove the channel from the channel set.
        if self.factory.logs_enabled:

    def privmsg(self, user, channel, msg):
        "Called when the bot receives a message"

        channel = channel.lower()
        lmsg = msg.lower()
        lnick = self.nickname.lower()
        nickl = len(lnick)

        # Log messages to a chatfile except private ones.
        if self.factory.logs_enabled and channel != lnick:
            self.chatlogger.log("<{}> {}".format(self.factory.get_nick(user),
                                                 msg), channel)

        # URL Handling.
        if "www" in msg or "http" in msg:
            url = self.factory.get_url(msg)
            if url:
                log.debug("URL detected: {}".format(url))
                if self.factory.urltitles_enabled:
                    self.say(channel, self.factory.get_title(url))
                if self.factory.logs_enabled:
                    self.chatlogger.log_url("<{}> {}".format(
                                            self.factory.get_nick(user), msg),

        if channel == lnick:
            # Turn private queries into a format we can understand
            if not msg.startswith(self.lead):
                msg = self.lead + msg
            elif lmsg.startswith(lnick):
                msg = self.lead + msg[nickl:].lstrip()
            elif lmsg.startswith(lnick) and len(lmsg) > nickl and\
                                            lmsg[nickl] in string.punctuation:
                msg = self.lead + msg[nickl + 1:].lstrip()
            # Turn 'nick:' prefixes into self.lead prefixes
            if lmsg.startswith(lnick) and len(lmsg) > nickl and\
                                            lmsg[nickl] in string.punctuation:
                msg = self.lead + msg[len(self.nickname) + 1:].lstrip()
        reply = (channel == lnick) and user or channel

        if msg.startswith(self.lead):
            cmnd = msg[len(self.lead):]
            self._command(user, reply, cmnd)

        # Run privmsg handlers
        self._runhandler("privmsg", user, reply, self.factory.to_utf8(msg))

    def _runhandler(self, handler, *args, **kwargs):

        handler = "handle_{}".format(handler)
        # module commands
        for module, env in self.factory.ns.items():
            myglobals, mylocals = env
            # find all matching command functions
            handlers = [(h, ref) for h, ref in mylocals.items()\
                        if h == handler and type(ref) == FunctionType]

            for hname, func in handlers:
                # Defer each handler to a separate thread, assign callbacks to
                # see when they end.
                d = threads.deferToThread(func, self, *args, **kwargs)
                d.addCallback(self.printResult, "handler %s completed" % hname)
                d.addErrback(self.printError, "handler %s error" % hname)

    # Handlers

    def irc_JOIN(self, prefix, params):
        "Override the twisted version to preserve full userhost info"
        nick = self.factory.get_nick(prefix)
        channel = params[-1]

        if nick == self.nickname:
            self.userJoined(prefix, channel)

        if nick.lower() != self.nickname.lower():
        elif channel not in self.factory.network["channels"]:

    # Universal events.
    def action(self, user, channel, data):
        "Someone performed an action?"
        self._runhandler("action", user, channel,

    def modeChanged(self, user, channel, perform, modes, args):
        "Mode changed on a user or the channel."
        self._runhandler("modeChanged", user, channel, perform, modes, args)

    def receivedMOTD(self, motd):
        self._runhandler("receivedMOTD", self.factory.to_utf8(motd))

    # Client events.
    def joined(self, channel):
        self._runhandler("joined", channel)

    def left(self, channel):
        self._runhandler("left", channel)

    def noticed(self, user, channel, message):
        self._runhandler("noticed", user, channel,

    def kickedFrom(self, channel, kicker, message):
        """I was kicked from a channel"""
        self._runhandler("kickedFrom", channel, kicker,

    def nickChanged(self, nick):
        """I changed my nick"""
        self._runhandler("nickChanged", nick)

    # Events on others.
    def userJoined(self, user, channel):
        self._runhandler("userJoined", user, channel)

#     def userLeft(self, user, channel, message):
#         self._runhandler("userLeft", user, channel,
#                          self.factory.to_utf8(message))

    def userKicked(self, kickee, channel, kicker, message):
        self._runhandler("userKicked", kickee, channel, kicker,

    def userRenamed(self, oldnick, newnick):
        self._runhandler("userRenamed", oldnick, newnick)
예제 #2
class Client(irc.IRCClient):
    "The actual protocol/client, instanced by the Factory."

    def __init__(self, factory):
        self.factory = factory
        self.nickname = self.factory.network["nickname"]
        self.realname = self.factory.network.get("realname") or "demibot"
        self.username = self.factory.network.get("username") or "demibot"
        self.sourceURL = self.factory.URL  # CTCP source queries to the github.
        self.lineRate = 1  # Print at most n lines per second.
        self.wrap = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=400, break_long_words=True)
        self.lead = "."
        log.info("Bot initialized.")

    def __repr__(self):
        return "demibot v{}({}, {})".format(self.nickname,

    def printResult(self, msg, info):
        "Log wrapper for completed callbacks."
        log.debug("Result {} {}".format(msg, info))

    def printError(self, msg, info):
        "Log wrapper for errors from callbacks."
        log.error("ERROR {} {}".format(msg, info))

    def _command(self, user, channel, cmnd):
        "Finds and calls the command specified."
        # Check if the user has the minimum required permissions.
        if self.factory.minperms > 20:
            self.factory.minperms = 20
        if self.factory.minperms > self.factory.permissions(user):
            log.info("{} has insufficient permissions for {}.".format(
                user, cmnd))
        # Split arguments from the command part
            cmnd, args = cmnd.split(" ", 1)
        except ValueError:
            args = ""

        # core commands
        method = getattr(self, "command_{}".format(cmnd), None)
        if method is not None:
            log.info("Internal command {} called by {} ({}) on {}".format(
                cmnd, user, self.factory.permissions(user), channel))
            method(user, channel, args)

        # module commands
        for module, env in self.factory.ns.items():
            myglobals, mylocals = env
            # find all matching command functions
            commands = [(c, ref) for c, ref in mylocals.items() if\
                        c == "command_{}".format(cmnd)]

            for cname, command in commands:
                log.info("Module command {} called by {} ({}) on {}".format(
                    cname, user, self.factory.permissions(user), channel))
                # Defer commands to threads
                d = threads.deferToThread(command, self, user, channel,
                d.addCallback(self.printResult, "command %s completed" % cname)
                d.addErrback(self.printError, "command %s error" % cname)

    def say(self, channel, message, length=None):
        "Override default say to make replying to private messages easier."

        # Use utf-8 encoding for printing messages. Unicode or str would be
        # better but Twisted complains here otherwise.
        channel = self.factory.to_utf8(channel)
        message = self.factory.to_utf8(message)

        # Change nick!user@host -> nick, since all servers don't support full
        # hostmask messaging
        if "!" and "@" in channel:
            channel = self.factory.get_nick(channel)

        # wrap long text into suitable fragments
            msg = self.wrap.wrap(message)
        except AttributeError as e:
            log.debug("Could not wrap {}: {}".format(message, e))
            msg = ""

        cont = False

        for m in msg:
            if cont:
                m = "..." + m
            self.msg(channel, m, length)
            cont = True

        return ("client.say", channel, message)

    def connectionMade(self):
        "Called when a connection to the server has been established"
        if self.factory.logs_enabled:
            self.chatlogger = ChatLogger(self.factory)

    def connectionLost(self, reason):
        "Called when a connection to the server has been lost"
        irc.IRCClient.connectionLost(self, reason)
        if self.factory.logs_enabled:

    def signedOn(self):
        "Called when the bot has successfully signed on to server"

        network = self.factory.network

        if network["nickserv_pw"]:
            self.msg("NickServ", "IDENTIFY {}".format(network["nickserv_pw"]))

        for channel in network["channels"]:

    def joined(self, channel):
        "Called when the bot joins a channel"
        log.info("Joined {} on {}".format(channel,

        # Adds the channel to the relevant sets/dicts.
        if self.factory.logs_enabled:

    def left(self, channel):
        "Called when the bot has left a channel"
        log.info("Left {} on {}".format(channel,

        # Remove the channel from the channel set.
        if self.factory.logs_enabled:

    def privmsg(self, user, channel, msg):
        "Called when the bot receives a message"

        channel = channel.lower()
        lmsg = msg.lower()
        lnick = self.nickname.lower()
        nickl = len(lnick)

        # Log messages to a chatfile except private ones.
        if self.factory.logs_enabled and channel != lnick:
                "<{}> {}".format(self.factory.get_nick(user), msg), channel)

        # URL Handling.
        if "www" in msg or "http" in msg:
            url = self.factory.get_url(msg)
            if url:
                log.debug("URL detected: {}".format(url))
                if self.factory.urltitles_enabled:
                    self.say(channel, self.factory.get_title(url))
                if self.factory.logs_enabled:
                        "<{}> {}".format(self.factory.get_nick(user), msg),

        if channel == lnick:
            # Turn private queries into a format we can understand
            if not msg.startswith(self.lead):
                msg = self.lead + msg
            elif lmsg.startswith(lnick):
                msg = self.lead + msg[nickl:].lstrip()
            elif lmsg.startswith(lnick) and len(lmsg) > nickl and\
                                            lmsg[nickl] in string.punctuation:
                msg = self.lead + msg[nickl + 1:].lstrip()
            # Turn 'nick:' prefixes into self.lead prefixes
            if lmsg.startswith(lnick) and len(lmsg) > nickl and\
                                            lmsg[nickl] in string.punctuation:
                msg = self.lead + msg[len(self.nickname) + 1:].lstrip()
        reply = (channel == lnick) and user or channel

        if msg.startswith(self.lead):
            cmnd = msg[len(self.lead):]
            self._command(user, reply, cmnd)

        # Run privmsg handlers
        self._runhandler("privmsg", user, reply, self.factory.to_utf8(msg))

    def _runhandler(self, handler, *args, **kwargs):

        handler = "handle_{}".format(handler)
        # module commands
        for module, env in self.factory.ns.items():
            myglobals, mylocals = env
            # find all matching command functions
            handlers = [(h, ref) for h, ref in mylocals.items()\
                        if h == handler and type(ref) == FunctionType]

            for hname, func in handlers:
                # Defer each handler to a separate thread, assign callbacks to
                # see when they end.
                d = threads.deferToThread(func, self, *args, **kwargs)
                d.addCallback(self.printResult, "handler %s completed" % hname)
                d.addErrback(self.printError, "handler %s error" % hname)

    # Handlers

    def irc_JOIN(self, prefix, params):
        "Override the twisted version to preserve full userhost info"
        nick = self.factory.get_nick(prefix)
        channel = params[-1]

        if nick == self.nickname:
            self.userJoined(prefix, channel)

        if nick.lower() != self.nickname.lower():
        elif channel not in self.factory.network["channels"]:

    # Universal events.
    def action(self, user, channel, data):
        "Someone performed an action?"
        self._runhandler("action", user, channel, self.factory.to_utf8(data))

    def modeChanged(self, user, channel, perform, modes, args):
        "Mode changed on a user or the channel."
        self._runhandler("modeChanged", user, channel, perform, modes, args)

    def receivedMOTD(self, motd):
        self._runhandler("receivedMOTD", self.factory.to_utf8(motd))

    # Client events.
    def joined(self, channel):
        self._runhandler("joined", channel)

    def left(self, channel):
        self._runhandler("left", channel)

    def noticed(self, user, channel, message):
        self._runhandler("noticed", user, channel,

    def kickedFrom(self, channel, kicker, message):
        """I was kicked from a channel"""
        self._runhandler("kickedFrom", channel, kicker,

    def nickChanged(self, nick):
        """I changed my nick"""
        self._runhandler("nickChanged", nick)

    # Events on others.
    def userJoined(self, user, channel):
        self._runhandler("userJoined", user, channel)

#     def userLeft(self, user, channel, message):
#         self._runhandler("userLeft", user, channel,
#                          self.factory.to_utf8(message))

    def userKicked(self, kickee, channel, kicker, message):
        self._runhandler("userKicked", kickee, channel, kicker,

    def userRenamed(self, oldnick, newnick):
        self._runhandler("userRenamed", oldnick, newnick)
예제 #3
 def connectionMade(self):
     "Called when a connection to the server has been established"
     if self.factory.logs_enabled:
         self.chatlogger = ChatLogger(self.factory)
예제 #4
 def connectionMade(self):
     "Called when a connection to the server has been established"
     if self.factory.logs_enabled:
         self.chatlogger = ChatLogger(self.factory)