def test1(self): from reportlab.lib.styles import ParagraphStyle from reportlab.platypus import SimpleDocTemplate, Paragraph from reportlab.platypus.flowables import DocAssign, DocExec, DocPara, DocIf, DocWhile normal = ParagraphStyle(name='Normal', fontName='Helvetica', fontSize=8.5, leading=11) header = ParagraphStyle(name='Heading1', parent=normal, fontSize=14, leading=19, spaceAfter=6, keepWithNext=1) story = [ DocAssign('currentFrame', ''), DocAssign('currentPageTemplate', ''), DocAssign('aW', 'availableWidth'), DocAssign('aH', 'availableHeight'), DocAssign('aWH', 'availableWidth,availableHeight'), DocAssign('i', 3), DocIf('i>3', Paragraph('The value of i is larger than 3', normal), Paragraph('The value of i is not larger than 3', normal)), DocIf('i==3', Paragraph('The value of i is equal to 3', normal), Paragraph('The value of i is not equal to 3', normal)), DocIf('i<3', Paragraph('The value of i is less than 3', normal), Paragraph('The value of i is not less than 3', normal)), DocWhile('i', [ DocPara('i', format='The value of i is %(__expr__)d', style=normal), DocExec('i-=1') ]), DocPara('repr(doc._nameSpace)', escape=True), DocPara('doc.canv.getPageNumber()', 'The current page number is %(__expr__)d', style=normal) ] doc = SimpleDocTemplate(outputfile('test_doc_programming.pdf'))
def test2(self): "This makes one long multi-page paragraph in multi-pass for testing docWhile etc etc" from reportlab.platypus.flowables import DocAssign, DocExec, DocPara, DocIf, DocWhile from test_platypus_xref import MyDocTemplate from reportlab.platypus.tableofcontents import TableOfContents, SimpleIndex from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet, ParagraphStyle from reportlab.platypus import Paragraph from reportlab.lib import colors from reportlab.lib.randomtext import randomText, PYTHON # Build story. story = [] styleSheet = getSampleStyleSheet() h1 = styleSheet['Heading1'] h1.pageBreakBefore = 1 h1.keepWithNext = 1 h1.outlineLevel = 0 h2 = styleSheet['Heading2'] h2.backColor = colors.cyan h2.keepWithNext = 1 h2.outlineLevel = 1 bt = styleSheet['BodyText'] story.append( Paragraph("""Cross-Referencing Test""", styleSheet["Title"])) story.append( Paragraph( """ Subsequent pages test cross-references: indexes, tables and individual cross references. The number in brackets at the end of each paragraph is its position in the story. (%d)""" % len(story), bt)) story.append(Paragraph("""Table of Contents:""", styleSheet["Title"])) toc = TableOfContents() story.append(toc) chapterNum = 1 for i in range(10): story.append( Paragraph( 'Chapter %d: Chapters always starts a new page' % chapterNum, h1)) chapterNum += chapterNum story.append(DocAssign('chapterNum', chapterNum)) for j in range(3): story.append( Paragraph( 'Heading1 paragraphs should always' 'have a page break before. Heading 2 on the other hand' 'should always have a FRAME break before (%d)' % len(story), bt)) story.append( Paragraph( 'Heading 2 should always be kept with the next thing (%d)' % len(story), h2)) for j in range(3): story.append( Paragraph( randomText(theme=PYTHON, sentences=2) + ' (%d)' % len(story), bt)) story.append( Paragraph( 'I should never be at the bottom of a frame (%d)' % len(story), h2)) story.append( Paragraph( randomText(theme=PYTHON, sentences=1) + ' (%d)' % len(story), bt)) story.extend([ DocAssign('currentFrame', ''), DocAssign('currentPageTemplate', ''), DocAssign('aW', 'availableWidth'), DocAssign('aH', 'availableHeight'), DocAssign('aWH', 'availableWidth,availableHeight'), DocAssign('i', 3, life='forever'), DocIf('i>3', Paragraph('The value of i is larger than 3', bt), Paragraph('The value of i is not larger than 3', bt)), DocIf('i==3', Paragraph('The value of i is equal to 3', bt), Paragraph('The value of i is not equal to 3', bt)), DocIf('i<3', Paragraph('The value of i is less than 3', bt), Paragraph('The value of i is not less than 3', bt)), DocWhile('i', [ DocPara('i', format='The value of i is %(__expr__)d', style=bt), DocExec('i-=1') ]), DocPara('repr(doc._nameSpace)', escape=True), ]) story.append(Paragraph('The Index which goes at the back', h1)) story.append(SimpleIndex()) doc = MyDocTemplate( outputfile('test_platypus_programming_multipass.pdf')) doc.multiBuild(story)
def test1(self): from reportlab.lib.styles import ParagraphStyle from reportlab.platypus import SimpleDocTemplate, Paragraph from reportlab.platypus.flowables import DocAssign, DocExec, DocPara, DocIf, DocWhile normal = ParagraphStyle(name='Normal', fontName='Helvetica', fontSize=8.5, leading=11) header = ParagraphStyle(name='Heading1', parent=normal, fontSize=14, leading=19, spaceAfter=6, keepWithNext=1) story = [ DocAssign('currentFrame',''), DocAssign('currentPageTemplate',''), DocAssign('aW','availableWidth'), DocAssign('aH','availableHeight'), DocAssign('aWH','availableWidth,availableHeight'), DocAssign('i',3), DocIf('i>3',Paragraph('The value of i is larger than 3',normal),Paragraph('The value of i is not larger than 3',normal)), DocIf('i==3',Paragraph('The value of i is equal to 3',normal),Paragraph('The value of i is not equal to 3',normal)), DocIf('i<3',Paragraph('The value of i is less than 3',normal),Paragraph('The value of i is not less than 3',normal)), DocWhile('i',[DocPara('i',format='The value of i is %(__expr__)d',style=normal),DocExec('i-=1')]), DocPara('"{"+", ".join(("%s=%s" % (_k,(_v.__class__.__name__ if "<" in repr(_v) else repr(_v)[1:] if repr(_v) and repr(_v)[0] in "ub" else repr(_v))) for _k,_v in sorted(doc._nameSpace.items()) if _k not in ("_k","_v")))+"}"',escape=True), DocPara('doc.canv.getPageNumber()','The current page number is %(__expr__)d',style=normal) ] doc = SimpleDocTemplate(outputfile('test_doc_programming.pdf'))
story.append(Paragraph('Heading 2 should always be kept with the next thing ({})'.format(len(story)), h2)) # 二级标题 for p in range(3): story.append(Paragraph(randomText(theme=PYTHON, sentences=2) + ' ({})'.format(len(story)), bt)) # 两句,内容随机产生,普通文本 story.append(Paragraph('I should never be at the bottom of a frame ({})'.format(len(story)), h2)) # 二级标题 story.append(Paragraph(randomText(theme=PYTHON, sentences=1) + ' ({})'.format(len(story)), bt)) # 一句,内容随机产生,普通文本 story.extend([ DocAssign('currentFrame', ''), DocAssign('currentPageTemplate', ''), DocAssign('aW', 'availableWidth'), DocAssign('aH', 'availableHeight'), DocAssign('aWH', 'availableWidth,availableHeight'), DocAssign('i', 3), DocIf('i>3', Paragraph('The value of i is larger than 3', bt), Paragraph('The value of i is not larger than 3', bt)), DocIf('i==3', Paragraph('The value of i is equal to 3', bt), Paragraph('The value of i is not equal to 3', bt)), DocIf('i<3', Paragraph('The value of i is less than 3', bt), Paragraph('The value of i is not less than 3', bt)), DocWhile('i', [DocPara('i', format='The value of i is %(__expr__)d', style=bt), DocExec('i-=1')]), DocPara('repr(doc._nameSpace)'), ]) story.append(Paragraph('The Index which goes at the back', h1)) # 索引的标题 story.append(SimpleIndex()) # 添加索引 doc = MyDocTemplate('multipass.pdf') doc.multiBuild(story)