def drawOnePage(pdf, records): # all in inches margin = 0.25 printable_width = 7.5 each_printable_height = 8.0 / NUM_PER_PAGE for i, record in enumerate(records): # see reportlab-userguide.pdf page 62. story = [] # story.append(Paragraph(str(record['Idea']), heading)) # story.append(Spacer(0,.5*inch)) story.append(Spacer(0,.05*inch)) style = colorizeCategory(record['Type']) story.append(Paragraph(str(record['Type']), style)) story.append(Spacer(0,.1*inch)) story.append(Paragraph(valFor(record, 'Text'), heading)) #debugging colors i don't want and need to exclude # story.append(Paragraph(str(style.textColor), italic)) # story.append(Paragraph(valFor(record, 'Bucket'), italic)) # story.append(Paragraph(str(record['Internal / External']), italic)) # story.append(Paragraph(valFor(record, 'JTBD'), italic)) # story.append(Paragraph(valFor(record, 'Total Votes'), smallItalic)) # reportlab are dimensions from bottom left position. #x, y = the bottom left corner of this part of the page to print on. x = margin * inch y = (i * each_printable_height + margin)*inch f = Frame(x, y + margin*i*inch, printable_width*inch, each_printable_height*inch, showBoundary=1) f.addFromList(story, pdf) pdf.showPage()
def drawFrame(self,canvas,func, x,y, textWidth,availableHeight,vAlign="TOP"): story = self.document.makeStory(func, textWidth) if story is not None: height = 0 for e in story: unused,h = e.wrap(textWidth,availableHeight) height += h availableHeight -= h if vAlign == "BOTTOM": pass elif vAlign == "MIDDLE": y -= (height/2) elif vAlign == "TOP": y -= height canvas.saveState() f = Frame(x,y, textWidth,height, leftPadding=0, rightPadding=0, bottomPadding=0, topPadding=0) #showBoundary=True) f.addFromList(story,canvas) canvas.restoreState()
def make_notice(self, participant, mapping, notice_template, destination_dir=None): mapping.update({ 'unique_id': participant.unique_id.encode('utf-8'), }) body = [] styles = getSampleStyleSheet() styleN = styles['Normal'] styleN.fontName = 'Linux Libertine' if notice_template is not None: notice = notice_template.safe_substitute(mapping) xmldoc = ET.fromstring(notice) for para in xmldoc.iter('para'): para_str = ET.tostring(para, encoding="utf-8", method="xml") body.append(Paragraph(para_str, styleN)) destination_filename = participant.unique_id + ".pdf" destination = destination_filename if destination_dir: destination = os.path.join(destination_dir, destination_filename) c = canvas.Canvas(destination, pagesize=A4) c.rect(WINDOW_ORIGIN_X, WINDOW_ORIGIN_Y, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT) address_window = c.beginText() c.setFont('Linux Libertine', 12) address_window.setFont('Linux Libertine', 12) address_window.setTextOrigin(WINDOW_ORIGIN_X + 0.5*cm, WINDOW_ORIGIN_Y + WINDOW_HEIGHT - 0.5*cm) address_window.textLine( address_window.textLine(participant.address.street_number) address_window.textLine(participant.address.zip_code) address_window.textLine(str( c.drawText(address_window) f = Frame(BODY_ORIGIN_X, BODY_ORIGIN_Y, BODY_WIDTH, BODY_HEIGHT, showBoundary=0) f.addFromList(body, c) return c
def _header_footer(canvas, doc): # Save the state of our canvas so we can draw on it canvas.saveState() # canvas.setTitle("Shift export") styles = getSampleStyleSheet() styles.add(ParagraphStyle(name='NormalText', fontName='OpenSans-Regular', fontSize=10)) styles.add(ParagraphStyle(name='BottomText', fontName='OpenSans-Regular', fontSize=8)) styles.add(ParagraphStyle(name='Schluessel', alignment=TA_CENTER, fontName='OpenSans-Regular', fontSize=14)) styles.add(ParagraphStyle(name='centered', alignment=TA_CENTER, fontName='OpenSans-Regular')) # Text that is found on the bottom of (right now..) every page! canvas.setFillColor(colors.lightgrey) canvas.rect(200, doc.bottomMargin, 125, 40, fill=True) frame1 = Frame(200, doc.bottomMargin, 125, 40, showBoundary=1, topPadding=10) story = [Paragraph('Schlüssel', styles['Schluessel'])] story_inframe = KeepInFrame(4 * inch, 8 * inch, story) frame1.addFromList([story_inframe], canvas) key_text = Paragraph("K Krank<br /><br />U Urlaub", styles['NormalText']) w, h = key_text.wrap(doc.width, doc.bottomMargin) key_text.drawOn(canvas, 200 + 125 + 5, doc.bottomMargin + 2.5 ) note_text = Paragraph("* Tragen Sie in diese Spalte eines der folgenden Kürzel ein, wenn es für diesen " "Kalendertag zutrifft", styles['BottomText']) w, h = note_text.wrap(doc.width, doc.bottomMargin) note_text.drawOn(canvas, doc.leftMargin + 5, doc.bottomMargin + 45) status_text = Paragraph("Stand: 10/2015", styles['BottomText']) w, h = status_text.wrap(doc.width, doc.bottomMargin) status_text.drawOn(canvas, doc.width - 5 * mm, doc.bottomMargin) # Release the canvas canvas.restoreState()
def add_form(self, num_rows, form, print_object): cols = print_object.get_form_field_layout() field_aliases, field_widths = ['ID'], [5] field_aliases.extend([c.field.col_alias for c in cols]) field_widths.extend([c.width for c in cols]) field_widths = [n/100.0*self.inner_width for n in field_widths] #normalize x, y = self.origin_x, self.origin_y + self.qr_size width = self.inner_width height = self.inner_height - self.qr_size - 35 data, rowheights, header_flowables = [], [39], [] style = ParagraphStyle(name='Helvetica', fontName='Helvetica', fontSize=10) for a in field_aliases: header_flowables.append(Paragraph('<b>%s</b>' % a, style)) data.append(header_flowables) for n in range(0, num_rows): data.append(['' for n in field_widths]) rowheights.append(39) t=Table(data, field_widths, rowheights) GRID_STYLE = TableStyle([ ('GRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25,, ('FONT', (0,0), (-1,-1), 'HandSean'), ('BOX',(0,0),(-1,-1),2, ]) t.setStyle(GRID_STYLE) frame = Frame(x, y, width, height, showBoundary=0, leftPadding=0, bottomPadding=0, rightPadding=0, topPadding=0) frame.addFromList([t], self.canvas)
def add_form(self, num_rows, form, is_mini_form=False): cols = form.get_fields(print_only=True) field_aliases, field_widths = ['ID'], [5] field_aliases.extend([c.col_alias for c in cols]) field_widths.extend([c.display_width for c in cols]) field_widths = [n/100.0*self.inner_width for n in field_widths] #normalize x, y = self.origin_x, self.origin_y + self.qr_size width = self.inner_width height = self.inner_height - self.qr_size - 35 if is_mini_form: height = Units.pixel_to_point(300) #only render a 300-pixel tall form data, rowheights, header_flowables = [], [39], [] style = ParagraphStyle(name='Helvetica', fontName='Helvetica', fontSize=10) for a in field_aliases: header_flowables.append(Paragraph('<b>%s</b>' % a, style)) data.append(header_flowables) for n in range(0, num_rows): data.append(['', '', '', '']) rowheights.append(39) t=Table(data, field_widths, rowheights) GRID_STYLE = TableStyle([ ('GRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25,, ('FONT', (0,0), (-1,-1), 'HandSean'), ('BOX',(0,0),(-1,-1),2, ]) t.setStyle(GRID_STYLE) frame = Frame(x, y, width, height, showBoundary=0, leftPadding=0, bottomPadding=0, rightPadding=0, topPadding=0) frame.addFromList([t], self.canvas)
def draw_summary_frame(canvas, summary, text_color, show_boundary): """ Frame mit der Summary des Tickets zeichnen :param canvas: :param summary: Summary als Text :param text_color: Farbe für den Text :param show_boundary: Rahmen des Frames zeichnen? :return: """ style = ParagraphStyle(name='Normal', fontName='Helvetica', fontSize=30, leading=30, alignment=TA_CENTER, textColor=text_color) frame_width = 390 frame_height = 170 elements = list() paragraph = Paragraph(html.escape(summary), style) text_height = paragraph.wrap(frame_width, frame_height)[1] elements.append(paragraph) top_padding = (frame_height - text_height) / 2 if top_padding <= 20: top_padding = 0 frame = Frame(15, 70, frame_width, frame_height, showBoundary=show_boundary, topPadding=top_padding) frame.addFromList(elements, canvas)
def generer_coupons(output_file, coupon): """ :param output_file: File :param coupon: Coupon :return: """ # Styles styles = StyleSheet() styles.add_style('normal', fontName='Helvetica', fontSize=14) styles.add_style('normal-centered', fontName='Helvetica', fontSize=14, alignment=TA_CENTER) styles.add_style('normal-bold', fontName='Helvetica-bold', fontSize=14) styles.add_style('grand', fontName='Helvetica', fontSize=18) styles.add_style('grand-bold', fontName='Helvetica-bold', fontSize=18) styles.add_style('petit', fontName='Helvetica', fontSize=12) styles.add_style('petit-bold', fontName='Helvetica-bold', fontSize=12) styles.add_style('titre', fontName='Helvetica-Bold', fontSize=15) styles.add_style('centered', alignment=TA_CENTER) styles.add_style('remarque', fontName='Helvetica-Oblique', fontSize=11) styles.add_style('gros-numero', fontName='Helvetica-Bold', fontSize=36) styles.add_style('right-aligned', alignment=TA_RIGHT) canvas = Canvas(output_file, pagesize=PAGESIZE) draw_coupon(canvas, styles, coupon.nom_participant, coupon.noms_invites, coupon.infos_depart_arrivee.depart_date, coupon.infos_depart_arrivee.depart_de, 'depart', coupon.nb_personnes) draw_coupon(canvas, styles, coupon.nom_participant, coupon.noms_invites, coupon.infos_depart_arrivee.arrivee_date, coupon.infos_depart_arrivee.arrivee_a, 'arrivee', coupon.nb_personnes) page_width, page_height = PAGESIZE frame_height = 10 * cm frame = Frame(COUPON_MARGIN_SIDE, calc_coupon_y('depart') - frame_height, page_width - COUPON_MARGIN_SIDE * 2, frame_height) frame.addFromList([Paragraph(u"""<br/><br/><u>Veuillez noter que les transferts en navette ne s'effectuent que dans les conditions suivantes:</u><br/><br/> À votre arrivée, les transferts en navette organisés des aéroports de Casablanca et de Marrakech sont uniquement à destination du lieu de l’Assemblée générale, le Palais des Congrès de l'hôtel Mogador Agdal 2. <br/><b>Ces transferts ne sont disponibles que du 6 au 10 mai 2017.</b> <br/><br/> À votre départ, les transferts en navette oganisés à destination des aéroports de Casablanca et de Marrakech se feront au même point qu'à l'arrivée à l'hôtel Mogador Agdal 2.<br/> <b>Ces transferts ne sont disponibles que du 12 au 15 mai 2017.</b> <br/><br/> Aucun autre arrêt n'est prévu durant ces trajets. Si vous ne logez pas au Mogador Agdal 2, vous devez assurer, à vos frais, votre déplacement entre votre hôtel et le lieu de l’Assemblée générale. <br/><br/> <b>Adresse du Mogador Agdal 2:</b> Zone Touristique Agdal, Route d'Ourika, Marrakech 40000, Maroc <br/><br/> <b>En cas de problème à l'arrivée, veuillez contacter:</b> <br/>Casablanca: +212 6 89 91 77 19 Marrakech: +212 6 89 91 77 20 """, styles['remarque'])], canvas)
def add_items(items, showBoundary=False): f = Frame(c.x(0), c.y(0), c.width(1), c.height(1), showBoundary=showBoundary, leftPadding=0, bottomPadding=0, rightPadding=0, topPadding=0) f.addFromList(items, canvas) if items: raise Exception("Does not fit - items left")
def render(self, canvas, context): canvas.rect(self.left_margin, self.bottom_margin, self.box_width, self.box_height, stroke=1, fill=1) data = [ ('Last name:', context['student']['last_name']), ('Name:', context['student']['first_name']), ('Teacher:', '{} {}'.format(context['teacher']['last_name'], context['teacher']['first_name'])), ('ID:', context['student']['id']), ('School:', context['school']), ] t = Table(data, (30 * mm, self.box_width - 32 * mm), [(self.box_height - 3 * mm) / len(data)] * len(data)) s = TableStyle([ ('FONTSIZE', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 8), ('LEFTPADDING', (0, 0), (0, -1), 13), ('BACKGROUND', (0, 0), (-1, -1), colors.white), ]) t.setStyle(s) f = Frame(self.left_margin, self.bottom_margin, self.box_width, self.box_height, leftPadding=1 * mm, rightPadding=1 * mm, topPadding=2.5 * mm, bottomPadding=0 * mm) f.addFromList([t], canvas)
def _generate_fromfield(c, styles, name, referat, email, logo): addressbox = [] addressbox.append(Paragraph("Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss", styles['Normal'])) addressbox.append(Paragraph("Adenauerring 7\n76131 Karlsruhe",styles['Normal'])) addressbox.append(Paragraph("<a href='Test'>Test</a>", styles['Normal'])) f = Frame(width - (5+1)*cm, height - (3.2+7.5)*cm, 5*cm, 7.5*cm, showBoundary=1) f.addFromList(addressbox, c) return c
def test1(): c = Canvas('figures.pdf') f = Frame(inch, inch, 6*inch, 9*inch, showBoundary=1) v = PlatPropFigure1() v.captionTextColor = toColor('blue') v.captionBackColor = toColor('lightyellow') f.addFromList([v],c)
def draw(self,canvas): f = Frame(self.startx, self.starty - self.height + 10, self.width, self.height) styles = getSampleStyleSheet() styleN = styles['Normal'] styleN.fontSize = self.fontsize styleN.leading = int(1.1 * self.fontsize) data = [] data.append(Paragraph(self.string, styleN)) f.addFromList(data,canvas)
def __init__(self, x1, y1, width,height, leftPadding=6, bottomPadding=6, rightPadding=6, topPadding=6, id=None, showBoundary=0, overlapAttachedSpace=None,_debug=None,background=None): Frame.__init__(self, x1, y1, width, height, leftPadding, bottomPadding, rightPadding, topPadding, id, showBoundary, overlapAttachedSpace, _debug) self.background = background
def cabecera(self, canvas): origen = Frame(self.MARGEN, A4[1] - 1.5 * cm, A4[0] - (2 * self.MARGEN), 1 * cm, id='cabecera', showBoundary=self.mostrar) story = [] story.append(Paragraph(self.header, self.estilos['cabecera'])) origen.addFromList(story, canvas) canvas.line(x1=self.MARGEN, y1=A4[1] - 1.2 * cm, x2=A4[0] - (self.MARGEN), y2=A4[1] - 1.2 * cm)
def drawInfoBox(c, t, x, y): lines = [] c.setFillColor(HexColor('#E8E8E8')) c.setStrokeColor(HexColor('#E8E8E8')) c.rect(x - boxw / 2, y, boxw, boxh / 3.0, fill=1) f = Frame(x - boxw / 2, y, boxw, boxh / 3.0, leftPadding=1, bottomPadding=1, rightPadding=1, topPadding=1, showBoundary=1) lines.append(Paragraph(t, styleT)) f.addFromList(lines,c) c.setStrokeColor(HexColor('#000000'))
def getPreformatted ( self, c, x, y, w, h, style, info, mm_mode = 1 ) : """ formatieren Bereich zurueckgeben """ lInfo = [] lInfo.append(XPreformatted( info, style)) if mm_mode == 1 : f = Frame ( x, y, w, h, showBoundary=0 ) else : f = Frame ( x*mm, y*mm, w*mm, h*mm, showBoundary=0 ) f.addFromList ( lInfo, c )
def createPdf(self, imageGenerator = None): if imageGenerator: mapImage = imageGenerator.createMapImage() else: mapImage = None (self.filehandle,self.filename) = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.pdf') c = canvas.Canvas(self.filename) port_width,port_height = letter land_width = port_height land_height = port_width c.setPageSize([land_width,land_height]) # choose some colors c.setStrokeColorRGB(0.5,0.5,0.5) c.setFillColorRGB(0.95,0.95,0.95) # draw a rectangle c.rect(0.45*inch,0.45*inch,10.1*inch,6.6*inch, fill=1) # Add the image if mapImage: c.drawImage(mapImage,0.5*inch,0.5*inch,10.0*inch,6.5*inch) c.setFont("Helvetica", 24) c.setFillColorRGB(0,0,0) c.drawString(0.5*inch, 7.5*inch, self.fields['title'] or "Untitled") description = self.fields['description'] or "" styles = getSampleStyleSheet() styleN = styles['Normal'] descriptionFlowable = [Paragraph(description,styleN)] f = Frame(5*inch,7.25*inch,4*inch,1*inch,showBoundary=0) f.addFromList(descriptionFlowable,c) #descTextObj = c.beginText() #descTextObj.setTextOrigin(7.5*inch,8*inch) #descTextObj.setFont("Helvetica", 12) #descTextObj.textLines(description) #c.drawText(descTextObj) if self.imagefilename: logoImage = ImageReader(self.imagefilename) c.drawImage(logoImage,9.25*inch,7.25*inch,1.25*inch,1*inch, preserveAspectRatio=True, anchor="nw") # define a large font c.setFont("Helvetica", 14) c.setFillColorRGB(1,1,1) # Layers to draw layers = self.fields['oldata']['mapLayers'] layerNames = "" for layer in layers: layerNames = layerNames + ' ' + layer['name'] #c.drawString(3.5*inch, 5*inch, "Map Layers Passed Down") c.showPage() = c.getpdfdata() return (self.filename,
def getParagraph ( self, c, x, y, w, h, style, info, mm_mode = 1 ) : """ formatieren Bereich zurueckgeben """ lInfo = [] lInfo.append(Paragraph(info, style, encoding="utf-8")) if mm_mode == 1 : f = Frame ( x, y, w, h, showBoundary=0 ) else : f = Frame ( x*mm, y*mm, w*mm, h*mm, showBoundary=0 ) f.addFromList ( lInfo, c ) return f
def framePie(pdf, obj): # Recuadro controlado pdf.setStrokeColorRGB(0, 0, 0) f = Frame(margXizq, margYtop - 700, 230, 80) f.drawBoundary(pdf) pdf.setFont("Helvetica", 11) pdf.rect(margXizq, margYtop - 640, 230, 0.5, 1, 1) pdf.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 11) pdf.drawString(margXizq + 6, margYtop - 635, u"Controlado") # Recuadro Recibido pdf.setStrokeColorRGB(0, 0, 0) f = Frame(margXizq, margYtop - 785, 230, 80) f.drawBoundary(pdf) pdf.setFont("Helvetica", 11) pdf.rect(margXizq, margYtop - 725, 230, 0.5, 1, 1) pdf.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 11) pdf.drawString(margXizq + 6, margYtop - 720, u"Recibido") # Recuadro Autorizado pdf.setStrokeColorRGB(0, 0, 0) f = Frame(margXizq+240, margYtop - 700, 230, 80) f.drawBoundary(pdf) pdf.setFont("Helvetica", 11) pdf.rect(margXizq+240, margYtop - 640, 230, 0.5, 1, 1) pdf.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 11) pdf.drawString(margXizq + 246, margYtop - 635, u"Autorizado")
def einsatzfax_pdf(request, id): """ Creates a pdf of an einsatz ready for printing """ try: # TODO: create pdf from Einsatz einsatz = Einsaetze.objects.get(id=id) # Create the HttpResponse object with the appropriate PDF headers. response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/pdf') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=einsatzfax.pdf' # Create the PDF object, using the response object as its "file" in DIN A4 format p = canvas.Canvas(response,pagesize=A4) # A4 width and height breite, hoehe = A4 # Define the styles styleHeader = ParagraphStyle('Header', fontName='Helvetica', fontSize=36, leading=40, spaceAfter=40, alignment=TA_LEFT) styleText = ParagraphStyle('Text', fontName='Helvetica', fontSize=16, leading=20, alignment=TA_LEFT) styleLine = ParagraphStyle('Line', fontName='Helvetica', fontSize=16, leading=20, alignment=TA_LEFT, textColor=HexColor(0xFFFFFF)) # Creating a list, which contains the content content = [] # Create the frame where the content will be placed f = Frame(1*cm,1*cm,breite-(2*cm),hoehe-(2*cm)) # Draw things on the PDF. Here's where the PDF generation happens. # See the ReportLab documentation for the full list of functionality. # Generate content meldeb = Meldebilder.objects.get(id = einsatz.meldebild_id) alarm = Alarmstufen.objects.get(stufe = meldeb.stufe_id) content.append(Paragraph(alarm.stufe + " " + meldeb.beschreibung, styleHeader)) content.append(Paragraph(einsatz.strasse + " " + einsatz.nummer1 + " " + einsatz.nummer2 + " " + einsatz.nummer3, styleText)) content.append(Paragraph(str(einsatz.plz) + " " + einsatz.ort, styleText)) content.append(Paragraph("a", styleLine)) if einsatz.objekt: content.append(Paragraph("Objekt: " + einsatz.objekt, styleText)) if einsatz.melder: content.append(Paragraph("Melder: " + einsatz.melder, styleText)) if einsatz.meldertel: content.append(Paragraph("Meldertelefon: " + einsatz.meldertel, styleText)) if einsatz.einsatzerzeugt: content.append(Paragraph("Meldezeitpunkt: " + str(einsatz.einsatzerzeugt), styleText)) content.append(Paragraph("a", styleLine)) content.append(Paragraph(einsatz.bemerkung, styleText)) # Add content f.addFromList(content,p) # Close the PDF object cleanly, and we're done. p.showPage() return response except Einsaetze.DoesNotExist: return render(request, "infoscreen_screen/einsatzfax/einsatzfax_pdf.xml")
def frame(self,story,width='100%',height='100%',left=0,bottom=0,top=None,right=None): ''' create a zone that will contain flowable elements ''' self.saveState() width = checkPercent(width, self.width) height = checkPercent(height, self.height) x,y = self.placement(width,height,left,bottom,top,right) f = Frame(x,y,width,height) f.addFromList(story,self) self.restoreState()
def test02(self): "What happens if a Frame gets full?" c = Canvas('test02.pdf') "create a very small frame:" f = Frame(inch, inch, inch, inch, showBoundary=1) f.addFromList(self.story,c) """ The Frame takes from the list all elemens that fit into the Frame. """ self.assertEqual(len(self.story),1)
def drawOn(self, canv): # make a frame frame = Frame(self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height) frame.showBoundary = self.showBoundary # build a story for the frame story = [] for thingy in self.content: # ask it for any flowables story.append(thingy.getFlowable()) # draw it frame.addFromList(story, canv)
def myUsingFrames(): styleSheet = getSampleStyleSheet() styleN = styleSheet['Normal'] styleH = styleSheet['Heading1'] story = [] story.append(Paragraph('This is a heading:: ŐŐŐŐŐÚÚÚÜÜÜ', styleH, encoding='utf8')) story.append(Paragraph('This is <i>normal</i> paragraph:: ŐŐŐŐŐÚÚÚÜÜÜ', styleN, encoding='utf8')) c = Canvas("usingframes.pdf") f = Frame(inch, inch, 6*inch, 9*inch, showBoundary=1) f.addFromList(story,c)
def addInfoPage(conn, scriptParams, c, panels_json): base_url = None if 'Webclient_URI' in scriptParams: base_url = scriptParams['Webclient_URI'] pageWidth = scriptParams['Page_Width'] pageHeight = scriptParams['Page_Height'] # Need to sort panels from top (left) -> bottom of Figure panels_json.sort(key=lambda x: int(x['y']) + x['y'] * 0.01) imgIds = set() styles = getSampleStyleSheet() styleN = styles['Normal'] styleH = styles['Heading1'] story = [] scalebars = [] story.append(Paragraph("Figure Images", styleH)) def addPara(lines): text = "<br />".join(lines) attrs = "spaceBefore='15' spaceAfter='15'" para = "<para %s>%s</para>" % (attrs, text) story.append(Paragraph(para, styleN)) # Go through sorted panels, adding paragraph for each unique image for p in panels_json: iid = p['imageId'] # list unique scalebar lengths if 'scalebar' in p and p['scalebar']['length'] not in scalebars: scalebars.append(p['scalebar']['length']) if iid in imgIds: continue # ignore images we've already handled imgIds.add(iid) thumbSrc = getThumbnail(conn, iid) thumb = "<img src='%s' width='25' height='25' valign='middle' />" % thumbSrc line = [thumb] line.append(p['name']) img_url = "%s?show=image-%s" % (base_url, iid) line.append("<a href='%s' color='blue'>%s</a>" % (img_url, img_url)) addPara([" ".join(line)]) if len(scalebars) > 0: story.append(Paragraph("Scalebars", styleH)) sbs = [str(s) for s in scalebars] addPara(["Scalebars: %s microns" % " microns, ".join(sbs)]) f = Frame(inch, inch, pageWidth-2*inch, pageHeight-2*inch) f.addFromList(story, c)
def frameDetalle(pdf, idOrden): f = Frame(10,55, 570, 437) f.drawBoundary(pdf) encabezado = ('CANT.', 'MATERIAL') # Detalle de tabla con 20 renglones # Recorre PedidoItem (linea por producto) detalle = [] for qs in PedidoItem.objects.filter(pedido=idOrden).order_by('pk'): descripcion = qs.producto.descripcion + ' ' + qs.sAclaracion if (len(descripcion) <= 102): detalle += [(qs.sCantidad +' '+ qs.unidades.descripcionCorta, descripcion)] else: detalle += [(qs.sCantidad +' '+ qs.unidades.descripcionCorta, descripcion[:102])] if (len(descripcion[102:240]) <= 102): detalle += [('', descripcion[102:240])] else: detalle += [('', descripcion[102:240])] detalle += [('', descripcion[240:300])] # Recorre PedidoItemConcepto (linea por concepto) for qs in PedidoItemConcepto.objects.filter(pedido=idOrden).order_by('pk'): descripcion = qs.sDescripcion if (len(descripcion) <= 102): detalle += [(qs.sCantidad +' '+ qs.unidades.descripcionCorta, descripcion)] else: detalle += [(qs.sCantidad +' '+ qs.unidades.descripcionCorta, descripcion[:102])] if (len(descripcion[102:240]) <= 102): detalle += [('', descripcion[102:240])] else: detalle += [('', descripcion[102:240])] detalle += [('', descripcion[240:300])] while len(detalle) < 23: detalle = detalle + [('', '')] detalle_orden = Table([encabezado] + detalle, colWidths=[2 * cm, 17.95 * cm]) detalle_orden.setStyle(TableStyle( [ # La primera fila(encabezados) va a estar centrada ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (1, 0), 'CENTER'), # Los bordes de todas las celdas serán de color negro y con un grosor de 1 ('GRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 1,, # El tamaño de las letras de cada una de las celdas será de 10 ('FONTSIZE', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 10), ] )) # Establecemos el tamaño de la hoja que ocupará la tabla detalle_orden.wrapOn(pdf, 800, 600) # Definimos la coordenada donde se dibujará la tabla detalle_orden.drawOn(pdf, 12, 57)
def text_to_pdf(text, output, lines_per_page=66): c = Canvas(output, pagesize=letter) style = ParagraphStyle ( "default_style", fontName="Courier-Bold", fontSize=10, leading=11.1, alignment=TA_LEFT, allowWidows=1, allowOrphans=1 ) lines = text.splitlines() while lines: group = lines[:lines_per_page] lines = lines[lines_per_page:] newtext = "<br/>".join ( escape(l) for l in group ) story = [Paragraph(newtext, style)] f = Frame(0.5*inch, 0.25*inch, 7.5*inch, 10.5*inch) f.addFromList(story, c) assert len(story) == 0 c.showPage()
def draw_header(self, canv, doc): canv.saveState() header_height = self.wrap_y(self.header) top = self.pagesize[1] - self.topMargin frame = Frame(self.leftMargin, top - header_height, self.width, header_height, leftPadding=0, bottomPadding=0, topPadding=0, rightPadding=0) frame.addFromList(self.header, canv) canv.restoreState()
def frameCabecera(pdf, obj): beneficiario = obj.beneficiario() if type(beneficiario) is User: strBeneficiario = beneficiario.first_name + ', ' + beneficiario.last_name else: strBeneficiario = beneficiario.__str__() motivo = obj.motivo.__str__() if getattr(obj.beneficiario(), 'cuit', None) is None: usr = ExtendUser.objects.get(pk=obj.beneficiario().pk) cdn = str(usr.dni) else: cdn = str(obj.beneficiario().cuit) # Recuadro pdf.setStrokeColorRGB(0, 0, 0) f = Frame(margXizq, margYtop-185, 540, 170) f.drawBoundary(pdf) # titulo pdf.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 13) pdf.drawString(margXizq*7, margYtop-45, u"ORDEN DE PAGO Nº ") pdf.drawString(margXizq*11+12, margYtop-45, str( # Tabla Cabecera p0 = Paragraph('''<b>Beneficiario:</b>''', stylesheet['Normal']) p1 = Paragraph('''<b>Cuit/DNI:</b>''', stylesheet['Normal']) p2 = Paragraph('''<b>Recibo:</b>''', stylesheet['Normal']) p3 = Paragraph('''<b>Motivo:</b>''', stylesheet['Normal']) data = [[p0, strBeneficiario], [p1, cdn], [p2, ' '], [p3, motivo]] t1 = Table(data, colWidths=[3 * cm, 5 * cm]) t1.setStyle(TableStyle( [ # La primera fila(encabezados) va a estar centrada # ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (3, 0), 'CENTER'), # Los bordes de todas las celdas serán de color negro y con un grosor de 1 ('LINEBELOW', (1, 0), (1, 3), 1,, # El tamaño de las letras de cada una de las celdas será de 10 # ('FONTSIZE', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 10), ] )) pdf.rect(margXizq, margYtop-145, 540, 1, 1, 1) p4 = Paragraph('''<b>SON PESOS: </b>''', stylesheet['Normal']) data2 = [[p4, importe.toText()]] t2 = Table(data2, colWidths=[3 * cm, 5 * cm]) t1.wrapOn(pdf, 800, 600) t2.wrapOn(pdf, 800, 600) t1.drawOn(pdf, margXizq+15, margYtop-135) t2.drawOn(pdf, margXizq+15, margYtop-175)
def savePdfReport( fileName, attImage ): # ATENÇÃO: Necessário ter instalado o módulo reportlab from reportlab.pdfgen.canvas import Canvas from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet from reportlab.lib.units import inch from reportlab.platypus import Paragraph, Frame, Image styles = getSampleStyleSheet() styleN = styles['Normal'] styleH = styles['Heading1'] story = [] story.append(Paragraph("EPM Data Analysis Report",styleH)) story.append(Paragraph("Relatório gerado a partir do EPM Studio - Dataset Analysis", styleN)) story.append(Paragraph(" ", styleN)) im = Image(attImage, width=4*inch, height=3.02*inch) im.hAlign = 'CENTER' story.append(im) c = Canvas( fileName ) f = Frame(inch, inch, 6*inch, 9*inch, showBoundary=1) f.addFromList(story,c)
def create_report(self, buff=None): def get_method(section): try: method = getattr(self, "_section_" + section) except AttributeError: raise Exception("Section method not found: " + section) return method def page_number(canv, doc): page_num = Paragraph( str(, extend_style(styles["rc-aawp-main-content"], alignment=TA_CENTER, fontSize=8), ) page_num.wrapOn(canv, self.page_size[0], 0) page_num.drawOn(canv, 0, 4.8 * mm) if not buff: buff = io.BytesIO() story = [] for section in self.sections: elems = get_method(section)() for elem in elems: story.append(elem) page_t = PageTemplate('normal', [ Frame( self.page_margin[0], self.page_margin[1], self.page_size[0] - self.page_margin[0] * 2, self.page_size[1] - self.page_margin[1] * 2, leftPadding=0, bottomPadding=0, rightPadding=0, topPadding=0, ) ], onPage=page_number) doc_t = BaseDocTemplate( buff, pagesize=letter, title=self.title,, leftMargin=self.page_margin[0], rightMargin=self.page_margin[0], topMargin=self.page_margin[1], bottomMargin=self.page_margin[1], ) doc_t.addPageTemplates(page_t) return buff
def demo1(canvas): frame = Frame( 2 * inch, # x 4 * inch, # y at bottom 4 * inch, # width 5 * inch, # height showBoundary=1 # helps us see what's going on ) bodyStyle = ParagraphStyle('Body', fontName='Times-Roman', fontSize=24, leading=28, spaceBefore=6) para1 = Paragraph('Spam spam spam spam. ' * 5, bodyStyle) para2 = Paragraph('Eggs eggs eggs. ' * 5, bodyStyle) mydata = [para1, para2] #this does the packing and drawing. The frame will consume #items from the front of the list as it prints them frame.addFromList(mydata, canvas)
def add_footer_to_document(self): first_page_frame = Frame(self.doc.leftMargin, self.doc.bottomMargin + 50, self.doc.width, self.doc.height, id='first_frame') next_page_frame = Frame(self.doc.leftMargin, self.doc.bottomMargin + 50, self.doc.width, self.doc.height, id='last_frame') first_template = PageTemplate(id='first', frames=first_page_frame, onPage=self.footer) next_template = PageTemplate(id='next', frames=next_page_frame, onPage=self.footer) self.doc.addPageTemplates([first_template, next_template]) self.story.append(NextPageTemplate(['*', 'next']))
def draw(self, output, story): from reportlab.platypus import BaseDocTemplate, Frame, PageTemplate PAGE_SIZE = A4 MARGIN_SIZE = 15 * mm doc = BaseDocTemplate(output, pagesize=PAGE_SIZE, leftMargin=MARGIN_SIZE, rightMargin=MARGIN_SIZE, topMargin=MARGIN_SIZE, bottomMargin=MARGIN_SIZE) main_frame = Frame(MARGIN_SIZE, MARGIN_SIZE, PAGE_SIZE[0] - 2 * MARGIN_SIZE, PAGE_SIZE[1] - 2 * MARGIN_SIZE, leftPadding=0, rightPadding=0, bottomPadding=0, topPadding=0, id='main_frame') main_template = PageTemplate(id='main_template', frames=[main_frame]) doc.addPageTemplates([main_template])
def set_footer(self, canvas, doc): if not self.has_footer(): return f = Frame( # (x1,y1) <-- lower left corner x1=doc.leftMargin, y1=doc.bottomMargin - self.footer_height, width=doc. width, # doc.width = doc.pagesize[1] - doc.leftMargin - doc.rightMargin height=self.footer_height, leftPadding=1, bottomPadding=1, rightPadding=1, topPadding=1, id=None, showBoundary=0, overlapAttachedSpace=None, _debug=None, ) f.addFromList( self._get_header_or_footer_story("footer", canvas, doc)[:], canvas)
def __init__(self): super().__init__(pagesize=pagesizes.A4, frames=Frame( x1=self.margins, y1=self.margins, width=pagesizes.A4[0] - self.margins * 2, height=pagesizes.A4[1] - self.margins * 2, leftPadding=0, bottomPadding=0, rightPadding=0, topPadding=0, ))
def get_frames(self, doc): from reportlab.platypus import Frame self.frame = Frame(doc.leftMargin, doc.bottomMargin, doc.width, doc.height, leftPadding=0, rightPadding=0, topPadding=0, bottomPadding=0, id='normal') return [self.frame]
def __init__(self, id, pageSize=A4): self.pageWidth = pageSize[0] self.pageHeight = pageSize[1] self.pageWidth = pageSize[0] self.pageHeight = pageSize[1] frame2 = Frame(2.54 * cm, 1.25 * cm, self.pageWidth - 2 * 2.54 * cm, self.pageHeight - 2.54 * cm - 1.25 * cm - (title_1_style.fontSize * 2), id='Normal') PageTemplate.__init__(self, id, [frame2]) # note lack of onPage
def build_pdf(filename, flowables): doc = BaseDocTemplate(filename) doc.addPageTemplates([ PageTemplate(frames=[ Frame(doc.leftMargin, doc.bottomMargin, doc.width, doc.height, id=None), ]), ])
def __init__(self, id, pageSize=A4): self.pageWidth = pageSize[0] self.pageHeight = pageSize[1] self.pageWidth = pageSize[0] self.pageHeight = pageSize[1] frame3 = Frame(2.54 * cm, 1.25 * cm, self.pageWidth - 2 * 2.54 * cm, self.pageHeight - 2.54 * cm - 1.25 * cm - 1.75 * cm - (title_1_style.fontSize * 2) - logo_height, id='Credits') PageTemplate.__init__(self, id, [frame3]) # note lack of onPage
def __init__(self, pdf_template_filename, name=None): frames = [ Frame(0.85 * inch, 0.5 * inch, PAGE_WIDTH - 1.15 * inch, PAGE_HEIGHT - (1.5 * inch)) ] PageTemplate.__init__(self, name, frames) # use first page as template page = PdfReader(pdf_template_filename).pages[0] self.page_template = pagexobj(page) # Scale it to fill the complete page self.page_xscale = PAGE_WIDTH / self.page_template.BBox[2] self.page_yscale = PAGE_HEIGHT / self.page_template.BBox[3]
def init_reportlab(self, save_to_file=True): self.styles = getSampleStyleSheet() self.buff = BytesIO() self.doc = BaseDocTemplate(os.path.join(self.output_path, self.filename) if save_to_file else self.buff, pagesize=self.page_format, leftMargin=self.page_margin * cm, rightMargin=self.page_margin * cm, topMargin=self.page_margin * cm, bottomMargin=self.page_margin * cm, showBoundary=0, allowSplitting=1) # define styles for paragraphs self.styles.add(ParagraphStyle( 'Header', fontSize=self.font_size, fontName=self.font_name, spaceBefore=self.space_before, spaceAfter=self.space_after, leading=self.font_size, alignment=TA_CENTER )) self.styles.add(ParagraphStyle( 'Move_Text', fontSize=self.font_size, fontName=self.font_name, spaceBefore=self.space_before, spaceAfter=self.space_after, leading=self.font_size, )) # TODO: Add more Layouts if False: pass elif self.page_layout == 'two_col': frame_width = self.doc.width / 2 - self.col_gap / 2 * cm frame1 = Frame(self.doc.leftMargin, self.doc.bottomMargin, frame_width, self.doc.height, id='col1') frame2 = Frame(self.doc.leftMargin + frame_width + self.col_gap * cm, self.doc.bottomMargin, frame_width, self.doc.height, id='col2') self.doc.addPageTemplates([PageTemplate(id='twoCol', frames=[frame1, frame2])]) # Set board dimensions relative to the two column layout self.board_length = 0.8 * frame_width / cm # in cm self.tile_length = self.board_length / 8 # in cm
def exportToPDF(alltext): styles = getSampleStyleSheet() styleN = styles['Normal'] styleH = styles['Heading1'] # Cited from body = ParagraphStyle(fontName='Times', fontSize=12, name="TOCHeading1", firstLineIndent=40, leading=16,spaceAfter = 6, spaceBefore = 6) heading = ParagraphStyle(fontName='Times-Bold', fontSize=16, name="TOCHeading1", leading=16,spaceAfter = 12, spaceBefore = 6, alignment=1) heading1 = ParagraphStyle(fontName='Times-Bold', fontSize=14, name="TOCHeading1", firstLineIndent=10, leading=16,spaceAfter = 12, spaceBefore = 6) heading2 = ParagraphStyle(fontName='Times-Bold', fontSize=12, name="TOCHeading1", firstLineIndent=15, leading=16,spaceAfter = 12, spaceBefore = 6) story = [] # add some flowables title = Paragraph("Work Log",heading) story.append(title) modeList = sort.filterByMode(alltext,usefulMode = [0,1,2]) for i in range(len(modeList)): # drawString mode modeName = user.mode[i] p = Paragraph(modeName,heading1) story.append(p) d = filterByTime(modeList[i]) # drawString day for key in d: k = str(key)[1:-1] story.append(Paragraph(k,heading2)) story.extend(drawTime(d[key], body)) c = canvas.Canvas("Work.pdf", pagesize=letter) c.setLineWidth(.3) c.setFont('Helvetica', 12) f = Frame(inch, inch, 7*inch, 9*inch) f.addFromList(story,c)
def test01(self): """A Frame consumes the story while rendering. But this can be avoided by using list(story) """ c = Canvas('test01.pdf') f = Frame(inch, inch, 2 * inch, 9 * inch, showBoundary=1) f.addFromList(list(self.story), c) self.assertEqual(len(self.story), 2) f = Frame(4 * inch, inch, 2 * inch, 9 * inch, showBoundary=1) f.addFromList(self.story, c) self.assertEqual(len(self.story), 0)
def setStyleSheet(self, aStyleSheet): = aStyleSheet self.doc = DocTemplateWithToc('', outputfilepagesize=self.pageRect,["marginL"],["marginR"],["marginT"],["marginB"]) portraitTempl = PageTemplate(id="portrait", frames=Frame( 0, 0, self.pageRect[0], self.pageRect[1],["marginL"],["marginB"],["marginR"],["marginT"]), onPageEnd=self.drawDecoration, pagesize=self.pageRect) self.doc.addPageTemplates(portraitTempl) landscapeTempl = PageTemplate(id="landscape", frames=Frame( 0, 0, self.pageRect[0], self.pageRect[1],["marginL"],["marginB"],["marginR"],["marginT"]), onPageEnd=self.drawDecoration, pagesize=self.pageRect) self.doc.addPageTemplates(landscapeTempl) self.doc.setDefaultTemplate(self.orientation)
def build_pdf(filename, content): doc = BaseDocTemplate(filename, showBoundary=0) # doc.watermark = 'Draft' doc.addPageTemplates([ PageTemplate(frames=[ Frame(doc.leftMargin, doc.bottomMargin, doc.width, doc.height, id=None), ]), ]), canvasmaker=NumberedCanvas)
def addFrame(x1, y1, width, height, leftPadding=6, bottomPadding=6, rightPadding=6, topPadding=6, id=None, showBoundary=0): #creates a Frame object return Frame(x1, y1, width, height, leftPadding, bottomPadding, rightPadding, topPadding, id, showBoundary)
def main1(): file = "base3.html" # file = "fe_data0.html" f = open(file, "r") st = elements = [] makePDF(st, elements) doc = SimpleDocTemplate("test.pdf", pagesize=letter) frame = Frame(15, 15, 580, 760, id='col1', showBoundary=1) # 610x790 Page = PageTemplate(id='col1', frames=[frame]) doc.addPageTemplates([Page])
def run(): styles = getSampleStyleSheet() styleN = styles['Normal'] styleH = styles['Heading1'] story = [] story.append(Paragraph('I2of5', styleN)) story.append(I2of5(1234, xdim=inch * 0.02, checksum=0)) story.append(Paragraph('MSI', styleN)) story.append(MSI(1234, xdim=inch * 0.02)) story.append(Paragraph('Codabar', styleN)) story.append(Codabar("A012345B", xdim=inch * 0.02)) story.append(Paragraph('Code 11', styleN)) story.append(Code11("01234545634563")) story.append(Paragraph('Code 39', styleN)) story.append(Standard39("A012345B%R")) story.append(Paragraph('Extended Code 39', styleN)) story.append(Extended39("A012345B}")) story.append(Paragraph('Code93', styleN)) story.append(Standard93("CODE 93")) story.append(Paragraph('Extended Code93', styleN)) story.append(Extended93("L@@K! Code 93 :-)")) #, xdim=0.005 * inch)) story.append(Paragraph('Code 128', styleN)) c = Code128("AB-12345678") #, xdim=0.005 * inch) #print 'WIDTH =', (c.width / inch), 'XDIM =', (c.xdim / inch) #print 'LQ =', (c.lquiet / inch), 'RQ =', (c.rquiet / inch) story.append(c) story.append(Paragraph('USPS FIM', styleN)) story.append(FIM("A")) story.append(Paragraph('USPS POSTNET', styleN)) story.append(POSTNET('78247-1043')) story.append(Paragraph('Label Size', styleN)) story.append(XBox((2.0 + 5.0 / 8.0) * inch, 1 * inch, '1x2-5/8"')) story.append(Paragraph('Label Size', styleN)) story.append(XBox((1.75) * inch, .5 * inch, '1/2x1-3/4"')) c = Canvas('out.pdf') f = Frame(inch, inch, 6 * inch, 9 * inch, showBoundary=1) f.addFromList(story, c)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.has_title_page = kwargs.pop('has_title_page', False) frame = Frame( left_margin, bottom_margin, frame_width, frame_height, id='normal', leftPadding=0, topPadding=0, rightPadding=0, bottomPadding=0 ) pageTemplates = [ PageTemplate(id='standard', frames=[frame]) ] BaseDocTemplate.__init__( self, pageTemplates=pageTemplates, *args, **kwargs )
def build_card_for_entry(self, canvas, entry): """Create a card for the given backlog item.""" assignee = entry["assignee"] rank = entry["rank"] card_color, first_line_style = self.get_first_line_style(assignee) rank_style = self.get_rank_style(rank, assignee, first_line_style) frame_content = [] table_data = self.get_table_data(entry, first_line_style, rank_style) card_frame = Frame(self.start_x, self.start_y, width=14.5 *, height=8.5 *, showBoundary=0) card_style = TableStyle([ ('BACKGROUND', (0, 0), (1, 0), card_color), ('VALIGN', (0, 0), (1, 0), "MIDDLE"), ('BOTTOMPADDING', (0, 0), (1, 0), 14), ('VALIGN', (0, 1), (-1, -1), "TOP"), ('INNERGRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.9,, ('BOX', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.9, ]) table = Table( data=table_data, colWidths=[2.7 *, 11.3 *], rowHeights=[ 1.2 *, 3.4 *, 2.1 *, 1.2 * ]) table.setStyle(card_style) frame_content.append(table) card_frame.addFromList(frame_content, canvas) self.get_new_card_position(canvas)
def _get_first_page_frames(self, doc): footer_length = 3.5 * len(self.invoice.footer_text.split('\n')) * mm return [ Frame(doc.leftMargin, doc.bottomMargin, doc.width, doc.height - 95 * mm, leftPadding=0, rightPadding=0, topPadding=0, bottomPadding=footer_length, id='normal') ]
def writepdf(number, effort, times, p, jpg, canvas): for frmt in range(times): styles = getSampleStyleSheet() styleN = styles['Normal'] styleN.spaceBefore = 10 styleN.spaceAfter = 10 styleH = styles['Heading1'] styleH.alignment = 1 styleN.alignment = 1 story = [] for i in range(5): story.append(Paragraph('<br/>', styleH)) if effort: story.append(Paragraph('%i' % number, styleH)) story.append(Paragraph('Harvest %i000 calories' % number, styleN)) else: story.append( Paragraph('<font color="blue">%i</font>' % number, styleH)) canvas.saveState() f = Frame(spacer + p[0] * width, spacer + p[1] * height, width, height, showBoundary=1) f.addFromList(story, canvas) canvas.restoreState() if jpg: canvas.showPage() elif p == (3, 3): canvas.showPage() p = (0, 0) else: if p[1] == 3: p = (p[0] + 1, 0) else: p = (p[0], p[1] + 1) return p
def portfolio_return_block(df: pd.DataFrame, block_position: BlockPosition): """Формирует блок pdf-файла с информацией доходности портфеля и индекса В левой части располагается табличка, а в правой части диаграмма """ block_header = Paragraph('Portfolio Return', BLOCK_HEADER_STYLE) table = make_pdf_table(df) frame = Frame(block_position.x, block_position.y, block_position.width * LEFT_PART_OF_BLOCK, block_position.height, leftPadding=0, bottomPadding=0, rightPadding=0, topPadding=6, showBoundary=0) frame.addFromList([block_header, table], block_position.canvas) image = make_plot(df, block_position.width * (1 - LEFT_PART_OF_BLOCK), block_position.height) image.drawOn(block_position.canvas, block_position.x + block_position.width * LEFT_PART_OF_BLOCK, block_position.y)
def CreateTemplateFrames(self): return [ Frame(self.nLeft, self.nBottom, self.pageWidth - (self.nLeft + self.nRight), 0.65 * self.pageHeight - self.nBottom, id='chcover', leftPadding=0, bottomPadding=0, rightPadding=0, topPadding=0, showBoundary=0) ]
def controlPage(self) -> None: # ==================== Card Back ======================== # Draw on the canvas f = Frame(INCH / 2, INCH / 2, self.width - INCH, self.height - INCH) tlist = f.split(self.controlTable, self.canvas) while len(tlist) > 0: f.addFromList(tlist, self.canvas) self.canvas.showPage() # Not exactly sure why a new fram is needed here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ f = Frame(INCH / 2, INCH / 2, self.width - INCH, self.height - INCH)
def squeeze_text_into_box(canvas, text, x0, y0, x1, y1, units=inch, style=default_style, escape=True): if escape: text = escape_html(text).replace('\n', '<br/>') frame = Frame(x0 * units, y0 * units, (x1 - x0) * units, (y1 - y0) * units, leftPadding=2, rightPadding=2, topPadding=0, bottomPadding=4, showBoundary=0) current_style = style current_size = style.fontSize while True: story = [Paragraph(text, current_style)] frame.addFromList(story, canvas) if len(story) == 0: break # Story empty, so all text was successfully flowed into frame if current_size > 6: current_size -= 1 elif current_size > 3: current_size -= 0.5 elif current_size > 1: current_size -= 0.1 else: raise Exception( "Could not squeeze text into box, even with a font size of 1 point." ) current_style = ParagraphStyle("temp_style", parent=style, fontSize=current_size, leading=current_size)
def drawBox(c, e, x, y): c.setFillColorRGB(1, 1, 1) for cl in colors: if cl[0] and e.location.upper() != cl[0]: continue if cl[1] and e.startdate.upper() != cl[1]: continue if cl[2] and e.status.upper() != cl[2]: continue c.setFillColor(HexColor(cl[3])) break c.setStrokeColor(HexColor('#E8E8E8')) c.rect(x - boxw / 2, y - boxh / 2, boxw, boxh, fill=1) f = Frame(x - boxw / 2, y - boxh / 2, boxw, boxh, leftPadding=1, bottomPadding=1, rightPadding=1, topPadding=3, showBoundary=1) f2 = Frame(x - boxw / 2, y - boxh + 21, boxw, 11, leftPadding=1, bottomPadding=1, rightPadding=2, topPadding=3, showBoundary=0) lines = [] if e.startdate.upper() == 'OPEN': lines.append(Paragraph('OPEN-' + e.status, styleH)) else: lines.append(Paragraph(, styleH)) lines.append(Paragraph(e.title, styleN)) lines2 = [] lines2.append(Paragraph(e.desk, styleB)) f2.addFromList(lines2, c) f.addFromList(lines, c) c.setStrokeColor(HexColor('#000000'))
def gen_pdf(request, template=None): h_orientacion = 'Titulo_' + template.header_id.orientacion f_orientacion = 'Footer_' + template.footer_id.orientacion response, buff = init_pdf_doc() doc = SimpleDocTemplate( buff, pagesize=letter, rightMargin=40, leftMargin=40, topMargin=60, bottomMargin=18, ) t = [] #cambiar el path a relativo - se usa full path para desarrollo #path relativo # archivo_imagen2 = settings.MEDIA_ROOT+'/header/logo/login.png' #full path header_tmp = template.header_id.header content1 = str(header_tmp).replace('\n', '<br />\n') print(content1) header = Paragraph(content1, get_styles_customs(h_orientacion)) logo = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + '/' + str(template.header_id.logo) imagen = Image(logo, width=80, height=60, hAlign='RIGHT') t.append(imagen) t.append(header) t.append(Paragraph('Rp./', get_styles_customs('Titulo2_I'))) legend = request.POST.get('descripcion') content = str(legend).replace('\n', '<br />\n') t.append( Paragraph(content, get_styles_customs('Normal_' + template.orientacion))) frame = Frame(doc.leftMargin, doc.bottomMargin, doc.width, doc.height, id='normal') header_content = Paragraph(template.footer_id.footer, get_styles_customs(f_orientacion)) template = PageTemplate(id='test', frames=frame, onPage=partial(header_footer, content=header_content)) doc.addPageTemplates([template]) response.write(buff.getvalue()) buff.close() return response