class DataStreamerServicer: """ Datastream Servicer handles the communication with users. Sends the datastream records and handles the predictions that are sent by users. It creates the topics. Starts Kafka producers and loads the data structures for communication with users, generated from .proto file. """ def __init__(self, server, competition, competition_config): """ Construct the DatastreamServicer Class. Once the communication is triggered by the user, it starts publishing messages to be sent to that user and at the same time activates module for receiving the predictions. :param server: Kafka server IP address :param competition: Competition object :param competition_config: Competition configuration object """ self.server = server self.producer = ProducerToMongoSink(server) self.predictions_producer = ProducerToMongoSink(server) conf_producer = {'bootstrap.servers': server} self.kafka_producer = Producer(conf_producer) self.consumers_dict = {} self.repo = MongoRepository(_MONGO_HOST) self.competition = competition # Defining three topics: input (competition name), output (competition name + predictions) # data (competition name + data) self.input_topic =" ", "") self.output_topic =" ", "") + 'data' self.spark_topic =" ", "") + 'predictions' try: # create data_object dictionary with following fields: competition_id, dataset data_object = {} data_object['competition_id'] = str(self.competition.competition_id) data_object['dataset'] = [] # Insert document in mongo repository with db name: data, collection name: data self.repo.insert_document('data', 'data', data_object) except Exception as e: pass # Import the right gRPC module # file_path: ../local/data/uploads/competition_generated_code/competition_name -> pb2_file_path = os.path.join(_UPLOAD_REPO, _COMPETITION_GENERATED_CODE,, '') # grpc file path: ../local/data/uploads/competition_generated_code/competition_name -> pb2_grpc_file_path = os.path.join(_UPLOAD_REPO, _COMPETITION_GENERATED_CODE,, '') # import parent modules self.file_pb2 = imp.load_source('file_pb2', pb2_file_path) self.file_pb2_grpc = imp.load_source('file_pb2_grpc', pb2_grpc_file_path) # import classes self.DataStreamer = imp.load_source('file_pb2_grpc.DataStreamerServicer', pb2_grpc_file_path) self.Message = imp.load_source('file_pb2.Message', pb2_file_path) self.targets = [] for key in competition_config.keys(): y = str(key).replace(' ', '') # Key self.targets.append(y) self.__bases__ = (self.DataStreamer,) # ?? def sendData(self, request_iterator, context): """ After the user has initialized the communication with the server. It checks user's credentials and starts sending the data records. :param request_iterator: Sent by the user through gRPC/Protobuf protocol :param context: data :return: """ _SUBSCRIPTION_REPO = SubscriptionRepository(_SQL_HOST, _SQL_DBNAME) _USER_REPO = UserRepository(_SQL_HOST, _SQL_DBNAME) _COMPETITION_REPO = CompetitionRepository(_SQL_HOST, _SQL_DBNAME) metadata = context.invocation_metadata() metadata = dict(metadata) token = metadata['authorization'] user_id = metadata['user_id'] competition_code = metadata['competition_id'] user = _USER_REPO.get_user_by_email(user_id) _USER_REPO.cleanup() if user is None: context.set_code(grpc.StatusCode.PERMISSION_DENIED) context.set_details('You are not registered, please register on the website') return self.file_pb2.Message() competition = _COMPETITION_REPO.get_competition_by_code(competition_code) _COMPETITION_REPO.cleanup() if competition is None: context.set_code(grpc.StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT) context.set_details('Unknown competition, please refer to the website') return self.file_pb2.Message() # TODO : for Subscription Data subscription = _SUBSCRIPTION_REPO.get_subscription(competition.competition_id, user.user_id) _SUBSCRIPTION_REPO.cleanup() if subscription is None: # TODO : Should close connection context.set_code(grpc.StatusCode.PERMISSION_DENIED) context.set_details('You are not allowed to participate, please subscribe to the competition on website') return self.file_pb2.Message() # TODO : check secret token decoded_token = decode_subscription_token(token) if decoded_token is None: print('Wrong token') # TODO : should close connection context.set_code(grpc.StatusCode.UNAUTHENTICATED) context.set_details('Please check your authentication credentials, Wrong Token!') return self.file_pb2.Message() decoded_token = decoded_token[1] token_competition_id = decoded_token['competition_id'] token_user_id = decoded_token['user_id'] if int(token_competition_id) != int(competition.competition_id) or token_user_id != user_id: # TODO : should close channel print('Using wrong token for this competition') context.set_code(grpc.StatusCode.UNAUTHENTICATED) context.set_details('Please check your authentication token, the secret key does not match') return self.file_pb2.Message() end_date = self.competition.end_date + 5 * datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.competition.predictions_time_interval) if user_id in self.consumers_dict: consumer = self.consumers_dict[user_id] else: consumer = Consumer({'': user_id, 'bootstrap.servers': self.server, '': competition.initial_training_time * 10000, 'auto.offset.reset': 'latest'}) # consumer.subscribe([self.input_topic]) self.consumers_dict[user_id] = consumer try: stop_thread = False t = threading.Thread(target=receive_predictions, kwargs={'predictions': request_iterator, 'competition_id': self.competition.competition_id, 'user_id': user.user_id, 'end_date': end_date, 'kafka_producer': self.kafka_producer, 'spark_topic': self.spark_topic, 'targets': self.targets, 'stop': lambda: stop_thread}) # use default name t.start() except Exception as e: print(str(e)) while context.is_active(): message = consumer.poll(timeout=0) if message is None: continue else: try: values = orjson.loads(message.value()) json_string = json.dumps(values, default=json_util.default) message = self.file_pb2.Message() final_message = json_format.Parse(json_string, message, ignore_unknown_fields=True) time.sleep(0.01) if context.is_active(): yield message else: break except Exception as e: pass if > end_date: break logging.debug("disconnect") stop_thread = True t.join()
start_date=format_time(now), file_path="file.proto", predictions_time_interval=5, end_date=format_time(end_date), description="Functionality test competition", code=code) _COMPETITION_REPO.insert_one(competition) code = code_generator(competition.competition_id) _COMPETITION_REPO.set_competition_code(competition.competition_id, code) _COMPETITION_REPO.session.commit() evaluation_measures = { 'competition_id': competition.competition_id, 'measures': competition_config } _MONGO_REPO.insert_document('evaluation_measures', 'evaluation_measures', evaluation_measures) _SCHEDULER.schedule_competition(competition, competition_config) ############################### def authorized(*roles): """ Give authorization only to ADMIN user for some routes. :param roles: :return: """ def wrapper(f): @wraps(f)