예제 #1
def annealing(n,cnt):
    maze = generateMatrix(n)
    first = evaluation(maze,n)
    minima = first
    print("Init energy: %d" %(first))
    backup = maze;

    decay = 0.99999
    for i in range(cnt):
        #randomly choose a cell to change, make sure it's not goal state
        while new_cell == goal:
            row = rd.randint(0,n-1)
            col = rd.randint(0,n-1)
        #change the jump number, make sure it's not same as before
        old_step = maze[row,col]
        new_step = old_step
        maxrnd = max(n-row-1,n-col-1,row,col)
        while new_step == old_step:
            new_step = rd.randint(1,maxrnd) 
        maze[row,col] = new_step
        #get the new energy
        nexte = evaluation(maze,n)
        if i % 1000 == 0:
            print("Current energy: %d" %(minima))
            print("temp diff %d" %(first-nexte))
            print("temp %f" %(temperature*0.5))

        #if nexte <= first or rd.random()< np.exp((first-nexte)/temperature):
        if nexte <= first or rd.random()< temperature*0.5:
            first = nexte # minima < nexte < first, not minima keep going
            if nexte < minima: #new minima, store the matrix
                minima = nexte
                backup = maze
            maze = backup
        temperature = temperature*decay
    return (minima,maze)
예제 #2
def random_walk(n, cnt, p):
    maze = generateMatrix(n)
    first = evaluation(maze, n)
    minima = first
    print("Init energy: %d" % (first))
    backup = maze

    for i in range(cnt):
        #randomly choose a cell to change, make sure it's not goal state
        if i % 100 == 0:
            print("Current energy: %d" % (minima))
        goal = [n - 1, n - 1]
        new_cell = goal
        while new_cell == goal:
            row = rd.randint(0, n - 1)
            col = rd.randint(0, n - 1)
            new_cell = [row, col]

        #change the jump number, make sure it's not same as before
        old_step = maze[row, col]
        new_step = old_step
        maxrnd = max(n - row - 1, n - col - 1, row, col)
        while new_step == old_step:
            new_step = rd.randint(1, maxrnd)
        maze[row, col] = new_step

        #get the new energy
        nexte = evaluation(maze, n)
        if nexte < first or rd.random() < p:
            first = nexte  # minima < nexte < first, not minima keep going
            if nexte < minima:  #new minima, store the matrix
                minima = nexte
                backup = maze
            maze = backup

    return (minima, maze)
예제 #3
def main():
        n=int(input("Input the maze size (5-10): "))
        maze = generateMatrix(n)
def main():
    while (1):
        n = int(input("Input the maze size (5-10): "))
        maze = generateMatrix(n)
        print(better(maze, n))