예제 #1
파일: DeltaNode.py 프로젝트: asilvaigor/psc
class DeltaNode(Node):
    Node for the graph in the Delta space, which is a 2D space where axis 1 is the first path and
    axis 2 is the second path. Units are in meters, representing the distance from the start of the
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.__pos = Point(x, y)

    def x(self):
        return self.__pos.x

    def y(self):
        return self.__pos.y

    def position(self):
        return self.__pos

    def dist(self, arg):
        Returns the distance to a certain object.
        :param arg: Object to calculate distance. Can be Point, Pose, StablePose or MeshNode.
        :return: float, distance to the object.
        if isinstance(arg, DeltaNode):
            return self.__pos.dist(arg.position())
        elif isinstance(arg, Point):
            return self.__pos.dist(arg)
            raise ValueError(
                "DeltaNode can't calculate distances to object of type " +

    def __eq__(self, node):
        Checks if two nodes are equal.
        :param node:
        return self.dist(node) < EPS

    def __hash__(self):
        Hash function to use in dicts.
        :return: HashCode associated to Node.
        return self.x.__hash__() ^ self.y.__hash__()

    def __repr__(self):
        Used for printing node.
        :return: String representing MeshNode.
        return "[" + str(self.x) + ", " + str(self.y) + "]"
예제 #2
파일: Path.py 프로젝트: asilvaigor/psc
    def __repr__(self):
        s = "Poses: ["
        for i in range(len(self.__poses) - 1):
            s += Point(self.__poses[i].position()).__repr__() + " -> "
        s += Point(self.__poses[-1].position()).__repr__() + "]"

        s += "\nTimes: "
        for i in range(len(self.__times) - 1):
            s += str(self.__times[i]) + " -> "
        s += str(self.__times[-1]) + "]"

        return s
예제 #3
파일: Path.py 프로젝트: asilvaigor/psc
 def add_pose(self, pose, time=None):
     Adds a new point to the path.
     :param pose: Pose of the drone.
     :param time: Time the drone should reach this pose, in respect to the initial pose in the
     if time is not None:
         if len(self.__poses) == 1:
             duration = self.__poses[-1].dist(self.__poses[-2]) / MAX_VEL
             self.__times.append(self.__times[-1] + duration)
             self.__lengths.append(self.__lengths[-1] +
예제 #4
파일: Segment.py 프로젝트: asilvaigor/psc
 def intersection_2d(self, s):
     Finds the intersection with another segment. Only works for 2d segments.
     :param s: Segment.
     :return: Point or None, representing the intersection.
     num = ((s.a.x - self.a.x) * (s.b.y - s.a.y) - (s.a.y - self.a.y) * (s.b.x - s.a.x))
     den = ((self.b.x - self.a.x) * (s.b.y - s.a.y) - (self.b.y - self.a.y) * (s.b.x - s.a.x))
     if abs(den) > EPS:
         i = num / den
         pt = Point(self.a.x + (self.b.x - self.a.x) * i, self.a.y + (self.b.y - self.a.y) * i)
         if self.contains(pt) and s.contains(pt):
             return pt
         return None
예제 #5
        def add_node(n):
            for node in self.__nodes:
                # Only short edges that are not on the ground or through obstacles
                if n.dist(node) < MESH_EDGE_DIST and (n.z > DRONE_HEIGHT or
                                                      node.z > DRONE_HEIGHT):
                    valid_edge = True
                    for obs in obstacle_collection.obstacles:
                        if isinstance(obs, Cylinder):
                            cylinder_seg = Segment(Point(obs.position),
                            if obs.axis == 'x':
                                cylinder_seg.b += Point(1000, 0, 0)
                            elif obs.axis == 'y':
                                cylinder_seg.b += Point(0, 1000, 0)
                                cylinder_seg.b += Point(0, 0, 1000)
                            edge_seg = Segment(Point(n.position()),

                            if cylinder_seg.min_distance(
                                    edge_seg) < obs.radius:
                                valid_edge = False
                    if valid_edge:
예제 #6
파일: Delta.py 프로젝트: asilvaigor/psc
 def convert_to_segments(path):
     s = []
     for i in range(len(path.poses) - 1):
                          Point(path.poses[i + 1].position())))
     return s
예제 #7
파일: Delta.py 프로젝트: asilvaigor/psc
    def __compute_orientations(self, intersections, l1, l2, ids):
        Computes orientations (CW or CCW) for every intersection. It does this by running A* on the
        2D space of the intersections, in which each intersection generates 4 nodes.
        O(i^3), where i is the number of intersections.
        TODO: This function only works for monotone paths.
        :param intersections: List of Intersection objects.
        :param l1: Total length of the first path.
        :param l2: Total length of the second path.
        # Generating nodes
        nodes = [DeltaNode(0, 0), DeltaNode(l1, l2), DeltaNode(l1, 0), DeltaNode(0, l2)]
        for i in intersections:
            for a in range(2):
                for b in range(2):
                    nodes.append(DeltaNode(i.interval_1[a], i.interval_2[b]))

        # For every two nodes, adding edge if it does not pass through any intersection (they can
        # have a point in common, though)
        for n1 in nodes:
            for n2 in nodes:
                if n1 != n2 and not n1.has_edge(n2):

                    intersect = False
                    for i in intersections:
                        s = Segment(n1.position(), n2.position())
                        p1 = Point(i.interval_1[0], i.interval_2[0])
                        p2 = Point(i.interval_1[0], i.interval_2[1])
                        p3 = Point(i.interval_1[1], i.interval_2[0])
                        p4 = Point(i.interval_1[1], i.interval_2[1])
                        s1 = Segment(p1, p2)
                        s2 = Segment(p1, p3)
                        s3 = Segment(p2, p4)
                        s4 = Segment(p3, p4)

                        # If edge intersects intersection, but not on extremity
                        intersect |= s.intersects(s1) and not s.intersects_at_extremity(s1)
                        intersect |= s.intersects(s2) and not s.intersects_at_extremity(s2)
                        intersect |= s.intersects(s3) and not s.intersects_at_extremity(s3)
                        intersect |= s.intersects(s4) and not s.intersects_at_extremity(s4)
                        # Case where it passes through the diagonal
                        intersect |= s.contains(p1) and s.contains(p4)
                        intersect |= s.contains(p2) and s.contains(p3)

                    if not intersect:

        # Changing the distance function. This function only allows monotonous paths, and considers
        # only the highest distance one of the two drones. This distance will be proportional to
        # time, because both drones are moving at the same time, and the one that has to fly the
        # furthest is the one that will take most time.
        # TODO: This function only allows monotone paths.
        def dist_function(node1, node2):
            if node1.x > node2.x + EPS or node1.y > node2.y + EPS:
                return float("inf")
            return max(abs(node1.x - node2.x), abs(node1.y - node2.y))

        self.__delta_path[ids] = AStarPlanner().plan(nodes[0], nodes[1], dist_function)

        # Checking sides, for each intersection
        for i in intersections:
            clock_wise = False
            for k in range(len(self.__delta_path[ids]) - 1):
                s = Segment(self.__delta_path[ids][k].position(),
                            self.__delta_path[ids][k + 1].position())
                # Using middle of the intersection
                p = Point((i.interval_1[0] + i.interval_1[1]) / 2.0,
                          (i.interval_2[0] + i.interval_2[1]) / 2.0)

                # Tracing a ray up. If it intersects the path, then the point is ccw.
                # TODO: This only works for monotone paths!!
                ray = s.intersection_with_line_2d(p, Point(0, 1))
                if ray is not None:
                    clock_wise = True

            if clock_wise:
                i.orientation = 1
                i.orientation = -1
예제 #8
파일: DeltaNode.py 프로젝트: asilvaigor/psc
 def __init__(self, x, y):
     self.__pos = Point(x, y)
예제 #9
 def random_point():
     return Point(random.uniform(-1, 1), random.uniform(-1, 1),
                  random.uniform(-1, 1))
예제 #10
    def __event_dt(self, x, x_goal, v):
        Computes the time until the next event.
        O(n_drones + i), where i is the total number of intersections.
        :param x: List of np.array of size n_drones and dtype float. Contains, for each step,
        the position for each drone in the coordination space.
        :param x_goal: np.array of size n_drones and dtype float. Contains, for each drone, the
        final position in the coordination space.
        :param v: np.array of size n_drones and dtype float. Contains a maximal velocity for
        each drone in the coordination space.
        :return: float, Time until the next event.
        dt = float("inf")

        # Time to reach the goals
        for i in range(self.__n_drones):
            if v[i] > EPS:
                dt = min(dt, (x_goal[i] - x[-1][i]) / v[i])

        # For each intersection
        for i in range(self.__n_drones):
            for j in range(self.__n_drones):
                if j <= i:

                for intersection in self.__delta[self.__i_to_drone_id[i],
                    # Tracing ray in direction (v[i], v[j])
                    pt = Point(x[-1][i], x[-1][j])
                    vec = Point(v[i], v[j])
                    if intersection.orientation == 1:
                        seg = Segment(
                            Point(intersection.interval_1[0], 0),
                        seg = Segment(
                            Point(0, intersection.interval_2[0]),

                    # One drone is stopped, the event is at the end of the segment
                    if seg.contains(pt):
                        # If it is at the end of the segment, ignore
                        if not (seg.a == pt or seg.b == pt):
                            if intersection.orientation == 1:
                                dt = min(dt,
                                         (intersection.interval_2[1] - pt.y) /
                                dt = min(dt,
                                         (intersection.interval_1[1] - pt.x) /
                    # If it reached the segment
                    elif seg.intersection_with_line_2d(pt, vec):
                        if intersection.orientation == 1:
                            dt = min(dt, (intersection.interval_1[0] - pt.x) /
                            dt = min(dt, (intersection.interval_2[0] - pt.y) /

        if dt < EPS:
            raise ValueError(
                "Something went wrong. Next event is current event")

        return dt