예제 #1
def _write_package_dockerfile(utils: Utils, jobpair: JobPair):
    failed_job_id = jobpair.jobs[0].job_id
    passed_job_id = jobpair.jobs[1].job_id

    failed_dockerfile_path = join(utils.get_jobpair_dir(jobpair.jobs[0]),
                                  failed_job_id + '-Dockerfile')
    passed_dockerfile_path = join(utils.get_jobpair_dir(jobpair.jobs[1]),
                                  passed_job_id + '-Dockerfile')

    with open(failed_dockerfile_path) as f:
        failed_lines = list(map(str.strip, f.readlines()))

    with open(passed_dockerfile_path) as f:
        passed_lines = list(map(str.strip, f.readlines()))

    # Check that both the failed job and the passed job used the same Travis Docker image.
    if failed_lines[0] != passed_lines[0]:
        raise ReproduceError(
            'The failed job and the passed job used different Travis Docker images.'

    lines = [
        # Remove PPA and clean APT
        'RUN sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*',
        'RUN sudo rm -rf /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*',
        'RUN sudo apt-get clean',

        # Update OpenSSL and libssl to avoid using deprecated versions of TLS (TLSv1.0 and TLSv1.1).
        # TODO: Do we actually only want to do this when deriving from an image that has an out-of-date version of TLS?
        'RUN sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install --only-upgrade openssl libssl-dev',

        # Add the repositories.
        'ADD failed.tar /home/travis/build/failed/',
        'ADD passed.tar /home/travis/build/passed/',

        # Add the original logs.
        'ADD {}-orig.log /home/travis/build/'.format(failed_job_id),
        'ADD {}-orig.log /home/travis/build/'.format(passed_job_id),
        'RUN chmod 777 -R /home/travis/build',

        # Add the build scripts.
        'ADD {}-p.sh /usr/local/bin/run_failed.sh'.format(failed_job_id),
        'ADD {}-p.sh /usr/local/bin/run_passed.sh'.format(passed_job_id),
        'RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/run_failed.sh',
        'RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/run_passed.sh',

        # Set the user to use when running the image.
        'USER travis',
    # Append a newline to each line and then concatenate all the lines.
    content = ''.join(map(lambda l: l + '\n', lines))
    package_dockerfile = utils.get_abs_jobpair_dockerfile_path(jobpair)
    with open(package_dockerfile, 'w') as f:
예제 #2
def package_jobpair_image(utils: Utils, docker: DockerWrapper,
                          jobpair: JobPair):
    _copy_repo_tar(utils, jobpair)
    _copy_original_log(utils, jobpair)
    _modify_script(utils, jobpair)
    _write_package_dockerfile(utils, jobpair)

    image_tag = utils.construct_jobpair_image_tag(jobpair)
    full_image_name = utils.construct_full_image_name(image_tag)


    _clean_after_package(utils, docker, jobpair, full_image_name)