def _unzipIterChunkyTest(self, compression, chunksize, lower, upper): """ unzipIterChunky should unzip the given number of bytes per iteration. """ junk = ' '.join([str(random.random()) for n in xrange(1000)]) junkmd5 = md5(junk).hexdigest() tempdir = filepath.FilePath(self.mktemp()) tempdir.makedirs() zfpath = tempdir.child('').path self._makebigfile(zfpath, compression, junk) uziter = zipstream.unzipIterChunky(zfpath, tempdir.path, chunksize=chunksize) r = # test that the number of chunks is in the right ballpark; # this could theoretically be any number but statistically it # should always be in this range approx = lower < r < upper self.failUnless(approx) for r in uziter: pass self.assertEqual(r, 0) newmd5 = md5( tempdir.child("zipstreamjunk").open().read()).hexdigest() self.assertEqual(newmd5, junkmd5)
def test_unzipIterChunky(self): """ L{twisted.python.zipstream.unzipIterChunky} returns an iterator which must be exhausted to completely unzip the input archive. """ numfiles = 10 contents = ['This is test file %d!' % i for i in range(numfiles)] zpfilename = self.makeZipFile(contents) list(zipstream.unzipIterChunky(zpfilename, self.unzipdir.path)) self.assertEquals( set(self.unzipdir.listdir()), set(map(str, range(numfiles)))) for child in self.unzipdir.children(): num = int(child.basename()) self.assertEquals(child.getContent(), contents[num])
def test_unzipIterChunkyDirectory(self): """ The path to which a file is extracted by L{zipstream.unzipIterChunky} is determined by joining the C{directory} argument to C{unzip} with the path within the archive of the file being extracted. """ numfiles = 10 contents = ['This is test file %d!' % i for i in range(numfiles)] zpfilename = self.makeZipFile(contents, 'foo') list(zipstream.unzipIterChunky(zpfilename, self.unzipdir.path)) self.assertEquals( set(self.unzipdir.child('foo').listdir()), set(map(str, range(numfiles)))) for child in self.unzipdir.child('foo').children(): num = int(child.basename()) self.assertEquals(child.getContent(), contents[num])