예제 #1
  def handle( self, handler ):
    content = None

    splitted_request = handler.request.uri.split('/')
    query = '/'.join(splitted_request[2:])[1:]

    if splitted_request[1] == 'metainfo':

      # content = self._core.get_meta_info(path)
      content = 'metainfo'
      content_type = 'text/html'

    #image data request
    elif splitted_request[1] == 'data':

        parser = RequestParser()
        args = parser.parse(splitted_request[2:])

        #Call the cutout method
        volume = self._core.get(*args)

        #Check if we got nothing in the case of a request outside the data with fit=True
        if volume.size == 0:
          raise IndexError('Tile index out of bounds')

        #Color mode is equivalent to segmentation color request right now
        color = parser.optional_queries['segcolor'] and parser.optional_queries['segmentation']
        # color = True
        #Accepted image output formats
        image_formats = settings.SUPPORTED_IMAGE_FORMATS

        #Process output
        out_dtype = np.uint8
        output_format = parser.output_format

        if output_format == 'zip' and not color:
          #Rotate out of numpy array
          volume = volume.transpose(1, 0, 2)
          zipped_data = zlib.compress(volume.astype(out_dtype).tostring('F'))

          output = StringIO.StringIO()
          content = output.getvalue()
          content_type = 'application/octet-stream'
        elif output_format in image_formats:
          if color:
            volume = volume[:,:,:,[2,1,0]]
            content = cv2.imencode('.' + output_format, volume[:,:,0,:].astype(out_dtype))[1].tostring()
            content = cv2.imencode('.' + output_format, volume[:,:,0].astype(out_dtype))[1].tostring()
          content_type = 'image/' + output_format
          content = 'Error 400: Bad request<br>Output file format not supported'
          content_type = 'text/html'

        #Show some basic statistics
        print 'Total volume shape:', volume.shape

      except (KeyError, ValueError):
        print 'Missing query'
        content = 'Error 400: Bad request<br>Missing query'
        content_type = 'text/html'
      except IndexError:
        print 'Could not load image'
        content = 'Error 400: Bad request<br>Could not load image'
        content_type = 'text/html'
      # except Exception:
      #   traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)

    # invalid request
    if not content:
      content = 'Error 404: Not found'
      content_type = 'text/html'

    # handler.set_header('Cache-Control','no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate')
    # handler.set_header('Pragma','no-cache')
    # handler.set_header('Expires','0')
    handler.set_header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
    handler.set_header('Content-Type', content_type)
    #Temporary check for img output