def test_from_httplib_py2(self):
        msg = """
Server: nginx
Content-Type: text/html; charset=windows-1251
Connection: keep-alive
X-Some-Multiline: asdf
\t asdf
Set-Cookie: bb_lastvisit=1348253375; expires=Sat, 21-Sep-2013 18:49:35 GMT; path=/
Set-Cookie: bb_lastactivity=0; expires=Sat, 21-Sep-2013 18:49:35 GMT; path=/
www-authenticate: asdf
www-authenticate: bla

        buffer = six.moves.StringIO(msg.lstrip().replace('\n', '\r\n'))
        msg = six.moves.http_client.HTTPMessage(buffer)
        d = HTTPHeaderDict.from_httplib(msg)
        assert d['server'] == 'nginx'
        cookies = d.getlist('set-cookie')
        assert len(cookies) == 2
        assert cookies[0].startswith("bb_lastvisit")
        assert cookies[1].startswith("bb_lastactivity")
        assert d['x-some-multiline'] == 'asdf asdf asdf'
        assert d['www-authenticate'] == 'asdf, bla'
        assert d.getlist('www-authenticate') == ['asdf', 'bla']
        with_invalid_multiline = """\tthis-is-not-a-header: but it has a pretend value
Authorization: Bearer 123

        buffer = six.moves.StringIO(
            with_invalid_multiline.replace('\n', '\r\n'))
        msg = six.moves.http_client.HTTPMessage(buffer)
        with pytest.raises(InvalidHeader):
 def test_dict_conversion(self, d):
     # Also tested in connectionpool, needs to preserve case
     hdict = {
         'Content-Length': '0',
         'Content-type': 'text/plain',
         'Server': 'TornadoServer/1.2.3'
     h = dict(HTTPHeaderDict(hdict).items())
     assert hdict == h
     assert hdict == dict(HTTPHeaderDict(hdict))
 def test_create_from_list(self):
     headers = [('ab', 'A'), ('cd', 'B'), ('cookie', 'C'), ('cookie', 'D'),
                ('cookie', 'E')]
     h = HTTPHeaderDict(headers)
     assert len(h) == 3
     assert 'ab' in h
     clist = h.getlist('cookie')
     assert len(clist) == 3
     assert clist[0] == 'C'
     assert clist[-1] == 'E'
 def test_create_from_headerdict(self):
     headers = [('ab', 'A'), ('cd', 'B'), ('cookie', 'C'), ('cookie', 'D'),
                ('cookie', 'E')]
     org = HTTPHeaderDict(headers)
     h = HTTPHeaderDict(org)
     assert len(h) == 3
     assert 'ab' in h
     clist = h.getlist('cookie')
     assert len(clist) == 3
     assert clist[0] == 'C'
     assert clist[-1] == 'E'
     assert h is not org
     assert h == org
 def test_string_enforcement(self, d):
     # This currently throws AttributeError on key.lower(), should
     # probably be something nicer
     with pytest.raises(Exception):
         d[3] = 5
     with pytest.raises(Exception):
         d.add(3, 4)
     with pytest.raises(Exception):
         del d[3]
     with pytest.raises(Exception):
         HTTPHeaderDict({3: 3})
 def test_not_equal(self, d):
     b = HTTPHeaderDict(cookie='foo, bar')
     c = NonMappingHeaderContainer(cookie='foo, bar')
     assert not (d != b)
     assert not (d != c)
     assert d != 2
 def test_equal(self, d):
     b = HTTPHeaderDict(cookie='foo, bar')
     c = NonMappingHeaderContainer(cookie='foo, bar')
     assert d == b
     assert d == c
     assert d != 2
 def test_getlist_after_copy(self, d):
     assert d.getlist('cookie') == HTTPHeaderDict(d).getlist('cookie')
 def test_extend_from_headerdict(self, d):
     h = HTTPHeaderDict(Cookie='foo', e='foofoo')
     assert d['cookie'] == 'foo, bar, foo'
     assert d['e'] == 'foofoo'
     assert len(d) == 2
 def test_create_from_iterator(self):
     teststr = 'urllib3ontherocks'
     h = HTTPHeaderDict((c, c * 5) for c in teststr)
     assert len(h) == len(set(teststr))
 def test_create_from_dict(self):
     h = HTTPHeaderDict(dict(ab=1, cd=2, ef=3, gh=4))
     assert len(h) == 4
     assert 'ab' in h
def d():
    header_dict = HTTPHeaderDict(Cookie='foo')
    header_dict.add('cookie', 'bar')
    return header_dict