예제 #1
파일: Action.py 프로젝트: oliverfields/reqy
def list_direct_traces(item_file_path):
	For item, list direct traces to and from (i.e. indirect traces are not shown)

	from requirements import RequirementTree

	repo_dir = get_repo_dir()
	rt = RequirementTree.RequirementTree()

	# If not absolute path, add repo dir
	if item_file_path.startswith(os.sep) == False:
		item_file_path = os.path.join(repo_dir, item_file_path)

	# If package, add attributes.pkg
	if os.path.isdir(item_file_path):
		item_file_path = os.path.join(item_file_path, 'attributes.pkg')

	# Check item exists in tree
	if rt.is_item(item_file_path) == False:
		report_error(1, 'The item "%s" was not found in the repository' % item_file_path)

	# Loop over dependencies and compile list of dependencies to and from item
	# List direct traces to the item
	from_list = []
	to_list = []
	for item in rt.get_dependencies():
		if item[0]._file_path == item_file_path:
		elif item[1]._file_path == item_file_path:

	if from_list:
		print '\n  Traces from "%s" (%s):' % (make_path_relative(item_file_path), len(from_list))
		for item in from_list:
			print '    %s' % make_path_relative(item._file_path)
		print '\n  No traces from "%s"' % make_path_relative(item_file_path)

	if to_list:
		print '\n  Traces to "%s" (%s):' % (make_path_relative(item_file_path), len(to_list))
		for item in to_list:
			print '    %s' % make_path_relative(item._file_path)
		print '\n  No traces to "%s"' % make_path_relative(item_file_path)
예제 #2
파일: Action.py 프로젝트: oliverfields/reqy
def new_item(item_type, item_path):
	repo_dir = get_repo_dir()
	item_settings = {
		'glossary': { 'directory': 'glossary', 'file_ext': '.def', 'template_file': 'glossary.def' },
		'package': { 'directory': 'requirements', 'file_ext': '.pkg', 'template_file': 'attributes.pkg' },
		'requirement': { 'directory': 'requirements', 'file_ext': '.req', 'template_file': 'requirement.req' },
		'stakeholder': { 'directory': 'stakeholders', 'file_ext': '.sth', 'template_file': 'stakeholder.sth' },

	valid_item_type = False
	for key in item_settings.items():
		if item_type == key[0]:
			valid_item_type = True

	if valid_item_type == False:
		report_error(1, 'Unknown type "%s"' % item_type)

	if item_path.endswith(os.sep):
		report_error(1, 'Cannot specify directory as new item (trailing "/")')

	# Make path absolute if not
	cwd = os.getcwd()
	# If not a absolute path, then make it one based on cwd
	if item_path.startswith(os.sep) == False:
		item_path = os.path.join(cwd, item_path)

	# Check item is in repo/requirement dir
	if item_path.startswith(repo_dir) == False:
		report_error(1, 'Item must be created in "%s"' % repo_dir)

	file_name = os.path.basename(item_path)
	if file_name == '':
		report_error(1, 'Cannot create %s with no name')

	# Chop off item type directory if user supplied it, gets added later
	if item_path.startswith(item_settings[item_type]['directory']):
		item_path = item_path[len(item_settings[item_type]['directory']):]
		item_path = item_path.lstrip(os.sep)

	# If package add package attribute.pkg
	if item_type == 'package':
		if item_path.endswith('attributes.pkg') == False:
			item_path = os.path.join(item_path, 'attributes.pkg')
	elif item_path.endswith(item_settings[item_type]['file_ext']) == False:
		item_path += item_settings[item_type]['file_ext']

	parent_directory = get_parent_dir(item_path)

	abs_path = os.path.join(parent_directory, item_path)

	# Package is is a directory/attributes.pkg so check differently
	if item_type == 'package':
		if os.path.isdir(item_path):
			report_error(1, 'The package "%s" already exists' % parent_directory)
				report_error(1, 'Unable to create package directory "%s"' % parent_directory)
		if os.path.isdir(parent_directory) == False:
			report_error(1, 'Directory "%s" does not exist' % parent_directory)

	if os.path.isfile(abs_path):
		report_error(1, 'The file "%s" already exists' % abs_path)

	# Check template exists
	template_file = os.path.join(repo_dir, 'templates', item_settings[item_type]['template_file'])
	if os.path.isfile(template_file) == False:
		report_error(1, 'Unable to find template "%s"' % template_file)

	# All is well, lets create new item by copying appropriate template
		copyfile(template_file, abs_path)
		report_error(1, 'Unable to copy template "%s" to "%s"' % (template_file, abs_path))
예제 #3
파일: Action.py 프로젝트: oliverfields/reqy
def build_artifacts(artifact_name):
	from requirements import ProjectConfig 
	from requirements.artifact import GenDotGraph
	from requirements.artifact import GenRequirementsTraceabilityMatrix
	from requirements.artifact import GenRequirementList
	from requirements.artifact import GenRequirementListRst
	from requirements.artifact import GenEstimation
	from requirements.artifact import GenEstimationTriplePoint
	from requirements.artifact import GenPlannerExport

	artifact_dir = os.path.join(get_repo_dir(), 'artifacts')

	project = ProjectConfig()
	project.load_config_from_file(os.path.join(get_repo_dir(), 'project.conf'))

	if project.short_name:
		short_name = '%s_' % project.short_name
		short_name = ''

	if artifact_name == 'estimate' or artifact_name == 'all':
		target_file = os.path.join(artifact_dir, '%sproject-estimation' % short_name)
		report = GenEstimation.GenEstimation()

	if artifact_name == 'estimatetriple' or artifact_name == 'all':
		target_file = os.path.join(artifact_dir, '%sproject-estimation-triple-point' % short_name)
		report = GenEstimationTriplePoint.GenEstimationTriplePoint()

	if artifact_name == 'graph' or artifact_name == 'all':
		target_file = os.path.join(artifact_dir, '%soverview_graph.dot' % short_name)
		graph = GenDotGraph.GenDotGraph()

	if artifact_name == 'rtm' or artifact_name == 'all':
		target_file = os.path.join(artifact_dir, '%srequirements-traceability-matrix.csv' % short_name)
		rtm = GenRequirementsTraceabilityMatrix.GenRequirementsTraceabilityMatrix()

	if artifact_name == 'list' or artifact_name == 'all':
		target_file = os.path.join(artifact_dir, '%srequirement-list' % short_name)
		list_report = GenRequirementList.GenRequirementList("list")

	if artifact_name == 'basiclist' or artifact_name == 'all':
		target_file = os.path.join(artifact_dir, '%srequirement-basic-list' % short_name)
		list_report = GenRequirementList.GenRequirementList("basiclist")

	if artifact_name == 'listrst' or artifact_name == 'all':
		target_file = os.path.join(artifact_dir, '%srequirement-list' % short_name)
		list_report = GenRequirementListRst.GenRequirementListRst("list")

	if artifact_name == 'basiclistrst' or artifact_name == 'all':
		target_file = os.path.join(artifact_dir, '%srequirement-basic-list' % short_name)
		list_report = GenRequirementListRst.GenRequirementListRst("basiclist")

	if artifact_name == 'planner' or artifact_name == 'all':
		target_file = os.path.join(artifact_dir, '%sexport.planner' % short_name)
		export = GenPlannerExport.GenPlannerExport()

	if artifact_name != 'all' and artifact_name != 'graph' and artifact_name != 'rtm' and artifact_name != 'list' and artifact_name != 'estimate' and artifact_name != 'planner' and artifact_name != 'basiclist' and artifact_name != 'basiclistrst' and artifact_name != 'listrst' and artifact_name != 'estimatetriple':
		report_error(1, 'Unknown artifact type "%s"' % artifact_name)