def tearDown(self): solr = get_solr_connection() solr.delete(q="*:*", commit=True) set_registry_record("qf", u"", interface=IRerSolrpushSettings) set_registry_record("bq", u"", interface=IRerSolrpushSettings) set_registry_record("bf", u"", interface=IRerSolrpushSettings) commit()
def remove_from_solr(uid): """ Perform remove item from solr """ if not is_solr_active(): return solr = get_solr_connection() portal = api.portal.get() if not solr: logger.error("Unable to push to solr. Configuration is incomplete.") return try: solr.delete( q="UID:{}".format(uid), commit=should_force_commit(), ) except (pysolr.SolrError, TypeError) as err: logger.error(err) message = _( "content_remove_error", default=u"There was a problem removing this content from SOLR. " " Please contact site administrator.", ) api.portal.show_message( message=message, request=portal.REQUEST, type="error" )
def reset_solr(): solr = get_solr_connection() if not solr: logger.error("Unable to push to solr. Configuration is incomplete.") return solr.delete( q='site_name:"{}"'.format(get_site_title()), commit=should_force_commit(), )
def search( query, fl=None, facets=False, facet_fields=["Subject", "portal_type"], **kwargs ): """[summary] TODO Args: query ([type]): [description] TODO fl (str, optional): [description]. Defaults to "". facets (bool, optional): [description]. Defaults to False. facet_fields (list, optional): [description]. Defaults to ["Subject", "portal_type"]. Returns: [type]: [description] """ solr = get_solr_connection() if not solr: msg = u"Unable to search using solr. Configuration is incomplete." logger.error(msg) return { "error": True, "message": translate( _("solr_configuration_error_label", default=msg), context=api.portal.get().REQUEST, ), } solr_query = generate_query( query, fl=fl, facets=facets, facet_fields=facet_fields, ) try: _set_query_debug(solr=solr, params=solr_query) res =**solr_query) return res except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) return { "error": True, "message": translate( _( "search_error_label", default=u"Unable to perform a search with SOLR." u" Please contact the site administrator or wait some" u" minutes.", ), context=api.portal.get().REQUEST, ), }
def push_to_solr(item_or_obj): """ Perform push to solr """ solr = get_solr_connection() if not solr: logger.error("Unable to push to solr. Configuration is incomplete.") return if not isinstance(item_or_obj, dict): if can_index(item_or_obj): item_or_obj = create_index_dict(item_or_obj) else: item_or_obj = None if not item_or_obj: return False attachment = item_or_obj.pop("attachment", None) if attachment: add_with_attachment( solr=solr, attachment=attachment, fields=item_or_obj ) else: solr.add(docs=[item_or_obj], commit=should_force_commit()) return True
def tearDown(self): solr = get_solr_connection() solr.delete(q="*:*", commit=True) commit()