class Background: '''此类用于描述背景对象''' __image = res.load_image("background.gif") def __init__(self, canvas, *, speed=1): self.__canvas = canvas self.__speed = speed # self.__canvas_height = canvas_height = int(canvas.config("height")[-1]) self.__image_height = image_height = self.__image.height() self.__images_pos = [[0, 0], [0, -image_height]] self.__images_id = [ self.__canvas.create_image(*pos, image=self.__image, anchor="nw") for pos in self.__images_pos ] def on_timer(self): '''刷新背景''' for pos in self.__images_pos: pos[1] += self.__speed if pos[1] > self.__image_height: pos[1] -= self.__image_height * 2 for i, pos in enumerate(self.__images_pos): self.__canvas.coords(self.__images_id[i], *pos)
class PlaneLabel: '''此类用于描述飞机个数的图片控件''' __image = res.load_image("plane_count.gif") def __init__(self, canvas, *, count=0): self.__canvas = canvas image = self.__image self.__pos = position = (image.width() * .75, canvas.height() - image.height() * .75) self.__images_id = self.__canvas.create_image(*position, image=self.__image) self.__size = size = (image.width(), image.height()) # 宽和高(元组) text = self.__get_str(count) self.__font_id = canvas.create_text(position[0], position[1] + 20, text=text, font=("黑体", 18), fill='#333') def set_count(self, count): self.__canvas.itemconfigure(self.__font_id, text=self.__get_str(count)) self.__canvas.tag_raise(self.__images_id) self.__canvas.tag_raise(self.__font_id) def __get_str(self, n): return "x" + str(n)
class Bullet(Arm): __images = [ res.load_image("bullet.gif") ] # image = res.load_image("bullet.gif") def __init__(self, canvas, *, position, destroy_cb=None): self.__canvas = canvas image = self.__images[0] # 先算宽和高 size = (image.width(), image.height()) self.__image_id = canvas.create_image(*position, image=image) # self.__image = image self.__destroy_cb = destroy_cb super().__init__(position=position, size=size, speed=(0, -20)) # 图片管理器 self.__image_manager = FlyingImageManager(canvas, self.__image_id, position) def set_destroy(self): '''设置为击中销毁状态''' self.__canvas.delete(self.__image_id) if self.__destroy_cb: self.__destroy_cb(self) def on_timer(self): self.move() self.__image_manager.draw(self.pos()) if self.pos()[1] < 0: self.set_destroy()
def run(): #create screen pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode(WINDOW_SIZE, RESIZABLE) #load res font = res.load_font(FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE, FONTS_FOLDER) background_texture = res.load_image("back.png")[0] card_deck = CardDeck() card_deck.smart_locate_on_rect(screen.get_rect()) text = font.render(TEXT_FOR_FORMAT.format(*card_deck.get_number_states()), 1, FONT_COLOR) sprites = pygame.sprite.Group( def create_background(size, tex): b = pygame.Surface(size) fill_fullsurface(b, tex) return b background = create_background(WINDOW_SIZE, background_texture) while 1: pressed_key = pygame.key.get_pressed() for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT or event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE: return elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_SPACE or event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == 2: card_deck.all_set_states(Card.OPEN) text = font.render(TEXT_FOR_FORMAT.format(*card_deck.get_number_states()), 1, FONT_COLOR) elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() c = card_deck.get_by_point(pos) if event.button == 1 and pressed_key[K_TAB] or event.button == 3: if c: c.set_state(Card.YOUR if c.state != Card.YOUR else Card.OPEN) elif event.button == 1: if c: c.set_state(Card.CLOSE if c.state != Card.CLOSE else Card.OPEN) text = font.render(TEXT_FOR_FORMAT.format(*card_deck.get_number_states()), 1, FONT_COLOR) elif event.type == VIDEORESIZE: screen = pygame.display.set_mode(event.size, RESIZABLE) card_deck.smart_locate_on_rect(screen.get_rect()) if not TABLE_COLOR: background = create_background(event.size, background_texture) if TABLE_COLOR: screen.fill(TABLE_COLOR) else: screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) sprites.draw(screen) screen.blit(text, (2, 0)) pygame.display.flip() time.sleep(1. / FPS)
def __init__(self, number): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.image, self.rect = res.load_image("{0}.png".format(number), CARDS_FOLDER) self.original_image, self.original_rect = self.image, self.rect self.scaled_image = self.original_image self.state = Card.OPEN
def main(): global FPSCLOCK, DISPLAYSURF, BASICFONT, L_SQUIR_IMG, R_SQUIR_IMG, GRASSIMAGES pygame.init() FPSCLOCK = pygame.time.Clock() pygame.display.set_icon(load_image('gameicon.png')) DISPLAYSURF = pygame.display.set_mode((WINWIDTH, WINHEIGHT)) pygame.display.set_caption('Squirrel Eat Squirrel') BASICFONT = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 32) # load the image files L_SQUIR_IMG = load_image('squirrel.png') R_SQUIR_IMG = pygame.transform.flip(L_SQUIR_IMG, True, False) GRASSIMAGES = load_images("grass*.png") while True: runGame()
def main(): global FPSCLOCK, DISPLAYSURF, REDPILERECT, BLACKPILERECT, REDTOKENIMG global BLACKTOKENIMG, BOARDIMG, ARROWIMG, ARROWRECT, HUMANWINNERIMG global COMPUTERWINNERIMG, WINNERRECT, TIEWINNERIMG pygame.init() FPSCLOCK = pygame.time.Clock() DISPLAYSURF = pygame.display.set_mode((WINDOWWIDTH, WINDOWHEIGHT)) pygame.display.set_caption('Four in a Row') REDPILERECT = pygame.Rect(int(SPACESIZE / 2), WINDOWHEIGHT - int(3 * SPACESIZE / 2), SPACESIZE, SPACESIZE) BLACKPILERECT = pygame.Rect(WINDOWWIDTH - int(3 * SPACESIZE / 2), WINDOWHEIGHT - int(3 * SPACESIZE / 2), SPACESIZE, SPACESIZE) REDTOKENIMG = scale_image(load_image('4row_red.png'),SPACESIZES) BLACKTOKENIMG = scale_image(load_image('4row_black.png'),SPACESIZES) BOARDIMG = scale_image(load_image('4row_board.png'),SPACESIZES) HUMANWINNERIMG = load_image('4row_humanwinner.png') COMPUTERWINNERIMG = load_image('4row_computerwinner.png') TIEWINNERIMG = load_image('4row_tie.png') WINNERRECT = HUMANWINNERIMG.get_rect() = (int(WINDOWWIDTH / 2), int(WINDOWHEIGHT / 2)) ARROWIMG = load_image('4row_arrow.png') ARROWRECT = ARROWIMG.get_rect() ARROWRECT.left = REDPILERECT.right + 10 ARROWRECT.centery = REDPILERECT.centery isFirstGame = True while True: runGame(isFirstGame) isFirstGame = False
class Gameover: '''此类用于描述游戏结束窗口''' __image = res.load_image("gameover.gif") def __init__(self, canvas): self.__canvas = canvas self.__images_id = self.__canvas.create_image(canvas.width() / 2, canvas.height() / 2, image=self.__image)
class ResumeWidet(EventObject): '''此类用于描述临停窗口''' __image = res.load_image("pause.gif") # 此窗口的状态: # NORMAL = 1 # 显示状态 # DESTROY = 2 # 销毁状态 def __init__(self, canvas, *, resume_cb=None, destroy_cb=None): # self.__status = self.NORMAL # 设置显示状态 self.__canvas = canvas self.__image_id = self.__canvas.create_image(canvas.width() / 2, canvas.height() / 2, image=self.__image) self.__resume_cb = resume_cb self.__destroy_cb = destroy_cb self.__destroy_count = 75 print("in resume Fred") # def __del__(self): # print("PauseWidget 对象已销毁") def resume(self): if self.__resume_cb: self.__resume_cb() self.__canvas.delete(self.__image_id) canvas = self.__canvas self.__image_id = canvas.create_text(canvas.width() / 2, canvas.height() / 2, text="3", font=("黑体", 200), fill='yellow') def on_key_down(self, event): '''处理按键按下''' if event.keysym == 'r': self.resume() print("Fred in resume on_key_down") return True def on_mouse_down(self, event): '''处理鼠标左键按键按下''' if event.num == 1: self.resume() return True def on_timer(self): self.__destroy_count -= 1 if self.__destroy_count % 25 == 0: n = self.__destroy_count // 25 self.__canvas.itemconfigure(self.__image_id, text=str(n)) if self.__destroy_count <= 0: self.__canvas.delete(self.__image_id) if self.__destroy_cb: self.__destroy_cb() return True
def main(): global MAINCLOCK, DISPLAYSURF, FONT, BIGFONT, BGIMAGE pygame.init() MAINCLOCK = pygame.time.Clock() DISPLAYSURF = pygame.display.set_mode((WINDOWWIDTH, WINDOWHEIGHT)) pygame.display.set_caption('Flippy') FONT = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 16) BIGFONT = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 32) # Set up the background image. boardImage = scale_image(load_image('flippyboard.png'),(BOARDWIDTH * SPACESIZE, BOARDHEIGHT * SPACESIZE)) boardImageRect = boardImage.get_rect() boardImageRect.topleft = (XMARGIN, YMARGIN) BGIMAGE = scale_image(load_image('flippybackground.png'),(WINDOWWIDTH, WINDOWHEIGHT)) BGIMAGE.blit(boardImage, boardImageRect) # Run the main game. while True: if runGame() == False: break
class PauseButton(EventObject): '''此类用于描述暂停控件''' __image = res.load_image("game_pause_nor.gif") def __init__(self, canvas, *, callback=None): self.__canvas = canvas image = self.__image self.__pos = position = (image.width() * 0.75, image.height() * 0.75) self.__images_id = self.__canvas.create_image(*position, image=self.__image) self.__click_cb = callback self.__size = (image.width(), image.height()) # 宽和高(元组) def on_key_down(self, event): '''处理按键按下''' if event.keysym == 'p': if self.__click_cb: self.__click_cb() return True def is_touch(self, x, y): if y > self.__pos[1] + self.__size[1] / 2: return False if x < self.__pos[0] - self.__size[0] / 2: return False if x > self.__pos[0] + self.__size[0] / 2: return False if y < self.__pos[1] - self.__size[1] / 2: return False return True def on_mouse_down(self, event): '''处理鼠标左键按键按下''' if event.num == 1 and self.is_touch(event.x, event.y): if self.__click_cb: self.__click_cb() return True
def main(): global FPSCLOCK, DISPLAYSURF, LOGOIMAGE, SPOTIMAGE, SETTINGSIMAGE, SETTINGSBUTTONIMAGE, RESETBUTTONIMAGE pygame.init() FPSCLOCK = pygame.time.Clock() DISPLAYSURF = pygame.display.set_mode((WINDOWWIDTH, WINDOWHEIGHT)) # Load images LOGOIMAGE = load_image('inkspilllogo.png') SPOTIMAGE = load_image('inkspillspot.png') SETTINGSIMAGE = load_image('inkspillsettings.png') SETTINGSBUTTONIMAGE = load_image('inkspillsettingsbutton.png') RESETBUTTONIMAGE = load_image('inkspillresetbutton.png') pygame.display.set_caption('Ink Spill') mousex = 0 mousey = 0 mainBoard = generateRandomBoard(boardWidth, boardHeight, difficulty) life = maxLife lastPaletteClicked = None while True: # main game loop paletteClicked = None resetGame = False # Draw the screen. DISPLAYSURF.fill(bgColor) drawLogoAndButtons() drawBoard(mainBoard) drawLifeMeter(life) drawPalettes() checkForQuit() for event in pygame.event.get(): # event handling loop if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP: mousex, mousey = event.pos if pygame.Rect(WINDOWWIDTH - SETTINGSBUTTONIMAGE.get_width(), WINDOWHEIGHT - SETTINGSBUTTONIMAGE.get_height(), SETTINGSBUTTONIMAGE.get_width(), SETTINGSBUTTONIMAGE.get_height()).collidepoint(mousex, mousey): resetGame = showSettingsScreen() # clicked on Settings button elif pygame.Rect(WINDOWWIDTH - RESETBUTTONIMAGE.get_width(), WINDOWHEIGHT - SETTINGSBUTTONIMAGE.get_height() - RESETBUTTONIMAGE.get_height(), RESETBUTTONIMAGE.get_width(), RESETBUTTONIMAGE.get_height()).collidepoint(mousex, mousey): resetGame = True # clicked on Reset button else: # check if a palette button was clicked paletteClicked = getColorOfPaletteAt(mousex, mousey) if paletteClicked != None and paletteClicked != lastPaletteClicked: # a palette button was clicked that is different from the # last palette button clicked (this check prevents the player # from accidentally clicking the same palette twice) lastPaletteClicked = paletteClicked floodAnimation(mainBoard, paletteClicked) life -= 1 resetGame = False if hasWon(mainBoard): for i in range(4): # flash border 4 times flashBorderAnimation(WHITE, mainBoard) resetGame = True pygame.time.wait(2000) # pause so the player can bask in victory elif life == 0: # life is zero, so player has lost drawLifeMeter(0) pygame.display.update() pygame.time.wait(400) for i in range(4): flashBorderAnimation(BLACK, mainBoard) resetGame = True pygame.time.wait(2000) # pause so the player can suffer in their defeat if resetGame: # start a new game mainBoard = generateRandomBoard(boardWidth, boardHeight, difficulty) life = maxLife lastPaletteClicked = None pygame.display.update() FPSCLOCK.tick(FPS)
import pygame, sys from pygame.locals import * from res import load_image pygame.init() FPS = 30 # frames per second setting fpsClock = pygame.time.Clock() # set up the window DISPLAYSURF = pygame.display.set_mode((400, 300), 0, 32) pygame.display.set_caption('Animation') WHITE = (255, 255, 255) catImg = load_image('cat.png') catx = 10 caty = 10 direction = 'right' while True: # the main game loop DISPLAYSURF.fill(WHITE) if direction == 'right': catx += 5 if catx == 280: direction = 'down' elif direction == 'down': caty += 5 if caty == 220: direction = 'left' elif direction == 'left':
class StartWindow(EventObject): """此类用于实现开始窗口对象 """ __images = [ res.load_image("start2.gif"), res.load_image("start_label.gif") ] # 此窗口的状态: NORMAL = 1 # 显示状态 DESTROY = 2 # 销毁状态 def __init__(self, canvas, *, start_callback=None, destroy=None): self.__status = self.NORMAL # 设置显示状态 self.__canvas = canvas self.__start_fn = start_callback self.__destroy_cb = destroy image = self.__images[0] # 画布尺寸 canvas_width = canvas.width() canvas_height = canvas.height() self.__pos = [canvas_width / 2, canvas_height / 2 + 3] # 设置飞机的初始图片 self.__image_id = canvas.create_image(*self.__pos, image=image) self.__start_id = canvas.create_image(self.__pos[0], self.__pos[1] + 20, image=self.__images[1]) def move(self, offset): '''根据偏移量移动,当超出范围时较正位置''' self.__pos[0] += offset[0] self.__pos[1] += offset[1] def start_game(self): print("self in startwinodw class: ", self) self.__start_fn() self.__status = self.DESTROY def on_key_down(self, event): '''处理按键按下''' if event.keysym == 'space': self.start_game() return True def on_mouse_down(self, event): '''处理鼠标左键按键按下''' if event.num == 1: self.start_game() return True def on_timer(self): self.move((0, -20)) self.__canvas.coords(self.__image_id, *self.__pos) self.__canvas.coords(self.__start_id, self.__pos[0], self.__pos[1] + 20) # if self.__pos[1] < -100 and self.__destroy_cb: # 调试用 if self.__pos[1] < -500 and self.__destroy_cb: self.__canvas.delete(self.__image_id) self.__canvas.delete(self.__start_id) self.__destroy_cb(self)
class HeroPlane(Arm): """此类是英雄飞机类,此类继承自飞机对象,所有的飞机地象有相同的行为: 移动、发射子弹等的对象是一个或多个同样的英雄飞机 """ __images = [ res.load_image("hero2.gif"), res.load_image("hero1.gif"), res.load_image("hero_blowup_n1.gif"), res.load_image("hero_blowup_n2.gif"), res.load_image("hero_blowup_n3.gif"), res.load_image("hero_blowup_n4.gif"), ] # 飞机的状态: NORMAL = 1 # 正常飞行状态 DESTROY = 2 # 被击中状态,正在销毁中 def __init__(self, canvas, *, destroy_cb=None): self.__status = self.NORMAL # 设置飞行状态为正常飞行 self.__canvas = canvas self.__destroy_cb = destroy_cb image = self.__images[0] # self.old_image = self.new_image = self.__images[0] # 设置当前显示图片 # 画布尺寸 canvas_width = canvas.width() canvas_height = canvas.height() # canvas_width = int(canvas.config("width")[-1]) # canvas_height = int(canvas.config("height")[-1]) # 计算飞机能够飞行的的上下左右边缘 self.__left_side = image.width()/2 # 左边缘 self.__right_side = canvas_width - image.width()/2 # 右边缘 self.__top_side = image.height()/2 # 上边缘 self.__bottom_side = canvas_height - image.height()/2 # 下边缘 # 把飞机的初始放在图片的底部 (x坐标,y轴坐标) x = int(canvas_width / 2) y = int(canvas_height - image.height() / 2) pos = (x, y) # self.set_position((x, y)) size = (image.width(), image.height()) super().__init__(position=pos, size=size) # 此集合用于存放用户操作的按键或鼠标事件 self.__key_evens = set() # 设置飞机的初始图片 self.__image_id = canvas.create_image(pos, image=image) # 正常飞行时采用正常飞行图片管理器 self.__image_manager = HeroPlaneImageManager(canvas, self.__image_id, self.__images[:2], pos) # 鼠示的按下状态 self.__mouse_down = False # -----子弹相关---- from gamelist import TimerList self.__bullet_list = TimerList() self.__bullet_interval = 10 # 每秒钟2.5 发子弹 self.__bullet_count = 0 # 子弹计数 # def __del__(self): # print("英雄飞机已销毁..........") def destory_self(self): self.__image_manager = None self.__canvas.delete(self.__image_id) self.__bullet_list.clear() if self.__destroy_cb: self.__destroy_cb(self) def is_flying(self): '''判断是否是正常飞行状态''' return self.__status == self.NORMAL def is_destroy(self): '''判断是否是击中销毁状态''' return self.__status == self.DESTROY def set_destroy(self): '''设置为击中销毁状态''' self.__status = self.DESTROY # self.__image_manager = DestroyImageAnimate(self.__canvas, # self.__image_id, # self.__destroy_images, # callback=self.destory_self) self.__image_manager = DestroyImageAnimate( self.__canvas, self.__image_id, self.__images[2:], callback=self.destory_self) def __adjust_pos(self, position): '''校正飞机的坐标,如果超出地图,则修改正回来''' x, y = position if x < self.__left_side: x = self.__left_side if x > self.__right_side: x = self.__right_side if y < self.__top_side: y = self.__top_side if y > self.__bottom_side: y = self.__bottom_side super().set_position((x, y)) def set_position(self, position): self.__adjust_pos(position) def move(self, offset): '''根据偏移量移动,当超出范围时较正位置''' x, y = self.pos() x += offset[0] y += offset[1] self.__adjust_pos((x, y)) if offset[1] < 0: self.__image_manager.set_acelerator() else: self.__image_manager.set_acelerator(False) def on_key_down(self, event): '''处理按键按下''' # 当有铵键按下,把按键加入到集合中记录下来 self.__key_evens.add(event.keysym.lower()) def on_key_up(self, event): '''处理按键抬起''' # 当有铵键抬起,把按键从集合中移除 self.__key_evens.discard(event.keysym.lower()) def on_mouse_down(self, event): '''处理鼠标左键按键按下''' if event.num == 2: # self.set_destroy() return if event.num != 1: return self.__mouse_down = True self.mouse_pos = (event.x, event.y) def on_mouse_up(self, event): '''处理鼠标左键按键抬起''' if event.num != 1: return self.__mouse_down = False if self.is_flying(): self.__image_manager.set_acelerator(False) def on_mouse_move(self, event): '''处理鼠标左键按下的同时移动''' if not self.__mouse_down: return # x = event.x # y = event.y offset = (event.x - self.mouse_pos[0], event.y - self.mouse_pos[1]) self.mouse_pos = (event.x, event.y) # 用新位置替换旧位置 self.move(offset) def process_key_event(self): '''检查键盘状态,计算飞机飞行移动位置''' if self.is_destroy(): # 如果飞机已被击中,键盘无效 return if self.__mouse_down: return assert self.is_flying() speed = 5 self.__image_manager.set_acelerator(False) if 'a' in self.__key_evens or 'left' in self.__key_evens: self.move((-speed, 0)) if 'd' in self.__key_evens or 'right' in self.__key_evens: self.move((speed, 0)) if 'w' in self.__key_evens or 'up' in self.__key_evens: self.move((0, -speed)) self.__image_manager.set_acelerator() if 's' in self.__key_evens or 'down' in self.__key_evens: self.move((0, speed)) def fire(self): '''英雄飞机开火 ''' x, y = self.pos() # y -= 60 if False: # 单子弹位置(0, -60) pos = (x, y-60) b1 = Bullet(self.__canvas, position=pos, destroy_cb=self.__bullet_list.remove) self.__bullet_list.append(b1) else: # 双子弹位置(-32, -18)和 (32, -18) pos1 = (x-32, y-18) pos2 = (x+32, y-18) b1 = Bullet(self.__canvas, position=pos1, destroy_cb=self.__bullet_list.remove) self.__bullet_list.append(b1) b1 = Bullet(self.__canvas, position=pos2, destroy_cb=self.__bullet_list.remove) self.__bullet_list.append(b1) def check_attack(self, lst): '''此方法检测英雄飞机及子弹是否打印敌机,以及是否与英雄飞机进行碰幢 返回元组: 第一个元素: 飞机是否幢True/False 第二个元素: 本次得分 return (False, 20) # 本次得到20飞机没有被幢到 ''' score = 0 # 检查子弹是否打到敌机 i = 0 bullet_list = self.__bullet_list.get_objs() while i < len(bullet_list): bullet = bullet_list[i] for j, ep in enumerate(lst): if bullet.is_touch(ep): ep.set_destroy() del lst[j] bullet.set_destroy() score += 1 break else: i += 1 # 检查飞机是否被幢 for i, ep in enumerate(lst): if self.is_touch(ep): ep.set_destroy() self.set_destroy() del lst[i] break return score # def is_touch(self, other): # '''自定义飞机的碰幢检测''' # if super().is_touch(other): # return True # return False def on_timer(self): if self.is_flying(): self.process_key_event() # 先处理按键事件 # --- begin处理子弹是否发射--------- self.__bullet_count += 1 if self.__bullet_count >= self.__bullet_interval: self.__bullet_count = 0 # --- end 处理子弹是否发射--------- self.__image_manager.draw(self.int_position()) elif self.is_destroy(): if self.__image_manager: self.__image_manager.draw() self.__bullet_list.on_timer()
def main(): global FPSCLOCK, DISPLAYSURF, IMAGESDICT, TILEMAPPING, OUTSIDEDECOMAPPING, BASICFONT, PLAYERIMAGES, currentImage # Pygame initialization and basic set up of the global variables. pygame.init() FPSCLOCK = pygame.time.Clock() # Because the Surface object stored in DISPLAYSURF was returned # from the pygame.display.set_mode() function, this is the # Surface object that is drawn to the actual computer screen # when pygame.display.update() is called. DISPLAYSURF = pygame.display.set_mode((WINWIDTH, WINHEIGHT)) pygame.display.set_caption('Star Pusher') BASICFONT = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 18) # A global dict value that will contain all the Pygame # Surface objects returned by load_image(). IMAGESDICT = {'uncovered goal': load_image('RedSelector.png'), 'covered goal': load_image('Selector.png'), 'star': load_image('Star.png'), 'corner': load_image('Wall_Block_Tall.png'), 'wall': load_image('Wood_Block_Tall.png'), 'inside floor': load_image('Plain_Block.png'), 'outside floor': load_image('Grass_Block.png'), 'title': load_image('star_title.png'), 'solved': load_image('star_solved.png'), 'princess': load_image('princess.png'), 'boy': load_image('boy.png'), 'catgirl': load_image('catgirl.png'), 'horngirl': load_image('horngirl.png'), 'pinkgirl': load_image('pinkgirl.png'), 'rock': load_image('Rock.png'), 'short tree': load_image('Tree_Short.png'), 'tall tree': load_image('Tree_Tall.png'), 'ugly tree': load_image('Tree_Ugly.png')} # These dict values are global, and map the character that appears # in the level file to the Surface object it represents. TILEMAPPING = {'x': IMAGESDICT['corner'], '#': IMAGESDICT['wall'], 'o': IMAGESDICT['inside floor'], ' ': IMAGESDICT['outside floor']} OUTSIDEDECOMAPPING = {'1': IMAGESDICT['rock'], '2': IMAGESDICT['short tree'], '3': IMAGESDICT['tall tree'], '4': IMAGESDICT['ugly tree']} # PLAYERIMAGES is a list of all possible characters the player can be. # currentImage is the index of the player's current player image. currentImage = 0 PLAYERIMAGES = [IMAGESDICT['princess'], IMAGESDICT['boy'], IMAGESDICT['catgirl'], IMAGESDICT['horngirl'], IMAGESDICT['pinkgirl']] startScreen() # show the title screen until the user presses a key # Read in the levels from the text file. See the readLevelsFile() for # details on the format of this file and how to make your own levels. levels = readLevelsFile('starPusherLevels.txt') currentLevelIndex = 0 # The main game loop. This loop runs a single level, when the user # finishes that level, the next/previous level is loaded. while True: # main game loop # Run the level to actually start playing the game: result = runLevel(levels, currentLevelIndex) if result in ('solved', 'next'): # Go to the next level. currentLevelIndex += 1 if currentLevelIndex >= len(levels): # If there are no more levels, go back to the first one. currentLevelIndex = 0 elif result == 'back': # Go to the previous level. currentLevelIndex -= 1 if currentLevelIndex < 0: # If there are no previous levels, go to the last one. currentLevelIndex = len(levels)-1 elif result == 'reset': pass # Do nothing. Loop re-calls runLevel() to reset the level