def display(self): handle = _handle() items = [i for i in self.items if i] if not items and self.no_items_label: items.append( Item( label=_(self.no_items_label, _label=True), is_folder=False, )) for item in items:['thumb'] ='thumb') or self.thumb['fanart'] ='fanart') or self.fanart li = item.get_li() xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle, item.path, li, item.is_folder) if self.content: xbmcplugin.setContent(handle, self.content) if self.title: xbmcplugin.setPluginCategory(handle, self.title) for sort_method in self.sort_methods: xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(handle, sort_method) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(handle, succeeded=True, updateListing=self.updateListing, cacheToDisc=self.cacheToDisc)
def _error(e): try: error = str(e) except: error = e.message.encode('utf-8') if not hasattr(e, 'heading') or not e.heading: e.heading = _(_.PLUGIN_ERROR, addon=ADDON_NAME) log.error(error) _close() gui.ok(error, heading=e.heading) resolve()
def exception(heading=None): if not heading: heading = _(_.PLUGIN_EXCEPTION, addon=ADDON_NAME) exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() tb = [] for trace in reversed(traceback.extract_tb(exc_traceback)): if ADDON_ID in trace[0]: trace = list(trace) trace[0] = trace[0].split(ADDON_ID)[1] tb.append(trace) error = '{}\n{}'.format( ''.join(traceback.format_exception_only(exc_type, exc_value)), ''.join(traceback.format_list(tb))) text(error, heading=heading)
def parse_url(url): if url.startswith('?'): params = dict(parse_qsl(url.lstrip('?'), keep_blank_values=True)) for key in params: params[key] = unquote(params[key]) _url = params.pop('_', '') else: params = {} _url = url params['_url'] = url function = _routes.get(_url) if not function: raise RouterError(_(_.ROUTER_NO_FUNCTION, raw_url=url, parsed_url=_url)) log.debug('Router Parsed: \'{0}\' => {1} {2}'.format( url, function.__name__, params)) return function, params
def _download(url, dst, dst_path, arch, md5=None): filename = url.split('/')[-1] tmp = ADDON_PROFILE + "tmp" + os.sep + "widevine" downloaded = 0 if os.path.exists(dst_path): if md5 and md5sum(dst_path) == md5: log.debug('MD5 of local file {} same. Skipping download'.format( filename)) return True elif not gui.yes_no(_.NEW_IA_VERSION): return False else: if os.path.exists(dst_path): os.remove(dst_path) from .session import Session with gui.progress(_(_.IA_DOWNLOADING_FILE, url=filename), heading=_.IA_WIDEVINE_DRM) as progress: resp = Session().get(url, stream=True) if resp.status_code != 200: raise InputStreamError( _(_.ERROR_DOWNLOADING_FILE, filename=filename)) total_length = float(resp.headers.get('content-length', 1)) with open(tmp, 'wb') as f: for chunk in resp.iter_content(chunk_size=SESSION_CHUNKSIZE): f.write(chunk) downloaded += len(chunk) downloadperc = int(downloaded) * 100 downloadperc2 = int(downloadperc) // int(total_length) percent = int(downloadperc2) if progress.iscanceled(): progress.close() resp.close() progress.update(percent) if os.path.isfile(tmp): if 'arm' in arch: with open(tmp, "rb") as encoded_file: decoded_string = base64.b64decode( with open(dst_path, "wb") as decoded_file: decoded_file.write(decoded_string) else: with ZipFile(tmp, 'r') as zipObj: zipObj.extractall(ADDON_PROFILE + "tmp" + os.sep) if os.path.isfile(ADDON_PROFILE + "tmp" + os.sep + dst): shutil.copy(ADDON_PROFILE + "tmp" + os.sep + dst, dst_path) for file in glob.glob(ADDON_PROFILE + "tmp" + os.sep + "*"): os.remove(file) if progress.iscanceled(): return False checksum = md5sum(dst_path) if checksum != md5: if os.path.exists(dst_path): os.remove(dst_path) raise InputStreamError( _(_.MD5_MISMATCH, filename=filename, local_md5=checksum, remote_md5=md5)) return True
def install_widevine(reinstall=False): ia_addon = get_ia_addon(required=True) system, arch = _get_system_arch() kodi_version = get_kodi_version() if kodi_version < 18: raise InputStreamError(_(_.IA_KODI18_REQUIRED, system=system)) elif system == 'Android': return True elif system == 'UWP': raise InputStreamError(_.IA_UWP_ERROR) elif 'aarch64' in arch or 'arm64' in arch: raise InputStreamError(_.IA_AARCH64_ERROR) last_check = int(ia_addon.getSetting('_last_check') or 0) ver_slug = system + arch + str(kodi_version) + ia_addon.getAddonInfo( 'version') if ver_slug != ia_addon.getSetting(IA_VERSION_KEY): reinstall = True if not reinstall and time.time() - last_check < 86400: return True ia_addon.setSetting(IA_VERSION_KEY, '') ia_addon.setSetting('_last_check', str(int(time.time()))) r = load_file(file="settings.json", isJSON=True) widevine = r['widevine']['widevine'] wv_platform = widevine['platforms'].get(system + arch, None) if not wv_platform: raise InputStreamError( _(_.IA_NOT_SUPPORTED, system=system, arch=arch, kodi_version=kodi_version)) decryptpath = xbmc.translatePath(ia_addon.getSetting('DECRYPTERPATH')) if sys.version_info < (3, 0): decryptpath = decryptpath.decode("utf-8") if 'arm' in arch: url = wv_platform['zip'] else: url = widevine['base_url'] + wv_platform['zip'] wv_path = os.path.join(decryptpath, wv_platform['dst']) if not os.path.isdir(decryptpath): os.makedirs(decryptpath) if not os.path.isdir(ADDON_PROFILE + "tmp"): os.makedirs(ADDON_PROFILE + "tmp") if not _download(url, wv_platform['dst'], wv_path, arch, wv_platform['md5']): return False ia_addon.setSetting(IA_VERSION_KEY, ver_slug) if reinstall: gui.ok(_.IA_WV_INSTALL_OK) return True
def url_for_func(func, **kwargs): for url in _routes: if _routes[url].__name__ == func.__name__: return build_url(url, **kwargs) raise RouterError(_(_.ROUTER_NO_URL, function_name=func.__name__))