예제 #1
def generate_logblobs_params():
    """Generate the initial log blog"""
    # It seems that this log is sent when logging in to a profile the first time
    # i think it is the easiest to reproduce, the others contain too much data
    screen_size = str(xbmcgui.getScreenWidth()) + 'x' + str(xbmcgui.getScreenHeight())
    timestamp_utc = time.time()
    timestamp = int(timestamp_utc * 1000)
    client_ver = g.LOCAL_DB.get_value('asset_core', '', table=TABLE_SESSION)
    app_id = int(time.time()) * 10000 + random.randint(1, 10001)  # Should be used with all log requests
    if client_ver:
        result = re.search(r'-([0-9\.]+)\.js$', client_ver)
        client_ver = result.groups()[0]

    # Here you have to enter only the real data, falsifying the data would cause repercussions in netflix server logs
    # therefore since it is possible to exclude data, we avoid entering data that we do not have
    blob = {
        'browserua': common.get_user_agent().replace(' ', '#'),
        'browserhref': 'https://www.netflix.com/browse',
        # 'initstart': 988,
        # 'initdelay': 268,
        'screensize': screen_size,  # '1920x1080',
        'screenavailsize': screen_size,  # '1920x1040',
        'clientsize': screen_size,  # '1920x944',
        # 'pt_navigationStart': -1880,
        # 'pt_fetchStart': -1874,
        # 'pt_secureConnectionStart': -1880,
        # 'pt_requestStart': -1853,
        # 'pt_domLoading': -638,
        # 'm_asl_start': 990,
        # 'm_stf_creat': 993,
        # 'm_idb_open': 993,
        # 'm_idb_succ': 1021,
        # 'm_msl_load_no_data': 1059,
        # 'm_asl_comp': 1256,
        'type': 'startup',
        'sev': 'info',
        'devmod': 'chrome-cadmium',
        'clver': client_ver,  # e.g. '6.0021.220.051'
        'osplatform': g.LOCAL_DB.get_value('browser_info_os_name', '', table=TABLE_SESSION),
        'osver': g.LOCAL_DB.get_value('browser_info_os_version', '', table=TABLE_SESSION),
        'browsername': 'Chrome',
        'browserver': g.LOCAL_DB.get_value('browser_info_version', '', table=TABLE_SESSION),
        'appLogSeqNum': 0,
        'uniqueLogId': common.get_random_uuid(),
        'appId': app_id,
        'esn': g.get_esn(),
        'lver': '',
        # 'jssid': '15822792997793',  # Same value of appId
        # 'jsoffms': 1261,
        'clienttime': timestamp,
        'client_utc': int(timestamp_utc),
        'uiver': g.LOCAL_DB.get_value('ui_version', '', table=TABLE_SESSION)

    blobs_container = {
        'entries': [blob]
    blobs_dump = json.dumps(blobs_container)
    blobs_dump = blobs_dump.replace('"', '\"').replace(' ', '').replace('#', ' ')
    return {'logblobs': blobs_dump}
예제 #2
 def set_autoupdate_device(self, pathitems):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
     """Set the current device to manage auto-update of the shared-library (MySQL)"""
     if _check_auto_update_running():
     random_uuid = common.get_random_uuid()
     G.LOCAL_DB.set_value('client_uuid', random_uuid)
     G.SHARED_DB.set_value('auto_update_device_uuid', random_uuid)
     ui.show_notification(common.get_local_string(30209), time=8000)
예제 #3
def rate_thumb(videoid, rating, track_id_jaw):
    """Rate a video on Netflix"""
    LOG.debug('Thumb rating {} as {}', videoid.value, rating)
    event_uuid = common.get_random_uuid()
        {'endpoint': 'set_thumb_rating',
         'data': {
             'eventUuid': event_uuid,
             'titleId': int(videoid.value),
             'trackId': track_id_jaw,
             'rating': rating,
예제 #4
def rate_thumb(videoid, rating, track_id_jaw):
    """Rate a video on Netflix"""
    common.debug('Thumb rating {} as {}', videoid.value, rating)
    event_uuid = common.get_random_uuid()
    response = common.make_call(
        {'component': 'set_thumb_rating',
         'data': {
             'eventUuid': event_uuid,
             'titleId': int(videoid.value),
             'trackId': track_id_jaw,
             'rating': rating,
    if response.get('status', '') == 'success':
        common.error('Rating thumb error, response detail: {}', response)
        ui.show_error_info('Rating error', 'Error type: {}' + response.get('status', '--'),
                           True, True)