def __init__(self): self.orion = orionoid.Orionoid() self.pack = False # Checked by self.priority = 0 self.language = ['un'] self.base_link = = [network.Networker.linkDomain(self.base_link)] enabledPremiumize = debrid.Premiumize().accountValid() and ( tools.Settings.getBoolean('streaming.torrent.premiumize.enabled') or tools.Settings.getBoolean('streaming.usenet.premiumize.enabled')) enabledOffCloud = debrid.OffCloud().accountValid() and ( tools.Settings.getBoolean('streaming.torrent.offcloud.enabled') or tools.Settings.getBoolean('streaming.usenet.offcloud.enabled')) enabledRealDebrid = debrid.RealDebrid().accountValid( ) and tools.Settings.getBoolean('streaming.torrent.realdebrid.enabled') self.cache = tools.Settings.getBoolean('scraping.cache.enabled') and ( (enabledPremiumize and tools.Settings.getBoolean('scraping.cache.premiumize')) or (enabledOffCloud and tools.Settings.getBoolean('scraping.cache.offcloud')) or (enabledRealDebrid and tools.Settings.getBoolean('scraping.cache.realdebrid')))
def _showAccounts(self, first = True): if first: choice = self._option(35288, 33743, 33821) if choice == Wizard.ChoiceLeft: return self._cancel() orion = orionoid.Orionoid() enabled = interface.Format.fontBold(interface.Format.fontColor(interface.Translation.string(32301), interface.Format.ColorExcellent)) disabled = interface.Format.fontBold(interface.Format.fontColor(interface.Translation.string(32302), interface.Format.ColorBad)) special = interface.Translation.string(33105) premium = interface.Translation.string(33768) provider = interface.Translation.string(33681) general = interface.Translation.string(32310) items = [ interface.Format.fontBold(interface.Translation.string(33821)), interface.Format.fontBold('[' + special + '] ' + interface.Translation.string(35400) + ': ') + (enabled if orion.accountValid() else disabled), interface.Format.fontBold('[' + general + '] ' + interface.Translation.string(32315) + ': ') + (enabled if tools.Settings.getBoolean('accounts.informants.trakt.enabled') else disabled), interface.Format.fontBold('[' + general + '] ' + interface.Translation.string(32034) + ': ') + (enabled if tools.Settings.getBoolean('') else disabled), interface.Format.fontBold('[' + general + '] ' + interface.Translation.string(35260) + ': ') + (enabled if tools.Settings.getBoolean('accounts.artwork.fanart.enabled') else disabled), interface.Format.fontBold('[' + premium + '] ' + interface.Translation.string(33566) + ': ') + (enabled if debrid.Premiumize().accountValid() else disabled), interface.Format.fontBold('[' + premium + '] ' + interface.Translation.string(35200) + ': ') + (enabled if debrid.OffCloud().accountValid() else disabled), interface.Format.fontBold('[' + premium + '] ' + interface.Translation.string(33567) + ': ') + (enabled if debrid.RealDebrid().accountValid() else disabled), interface.Format.fontBold('[' + premium + '] ' + interface.Translation.string(33794) + ': ') + (enabled if debrid.EasyNews().accountValid() else disabled), interface.Format.fontBold('[' + premium + '] ' + interface.Translation.string(33568) + ': ') + (enabled if debrid.AllDebrid().accountValid() else disabled), interface.Format.fontBold('[' + premium + '] ' + interface.Translation.string(33569) + ': ') + (enabled if debrid.RapidPremium().accountValid() else disabled), ] choice = interface.Dialog.options(title = 32346, items = items) if choice < 0: return self._cancel() if choice == 0: return Wizard.OptionContinue elif choice == 1: if self._showOrion() == Wizard.OptionCancelWizard: return Wizard.OptionCancelWizard elif choice == 2: if self._showTrakt() == Wizard.OptionCancelWizard: return Wizard.OptionCancelWizard elif choice == 3: if self._showImdb() == Wizard.OptionCancelWizard: return Wizard.OptionCancelWizard elif choice == 4: if self._showFanart() == Wizard.OptionCancelWizard: return Wizard.OptionCancelWizard elif choice == 5: if self._showPremiumize() == Wizard.OptionCancelWizard: return Wizard.OptionCancelWizard elif choice == 6: if self._showOffCloud() == Wizard.OptionCancelWizard: return Wizard.OptionCancelWizard elif choice == 7: if self._showRealDebrid() == Wizard.OptionCancelWizard: return Wizard.OptionCancelWizard elif choice == 8: if self._showEasyNews() == Wizard.OptionCancelWizard: return Wizard.OptionCancelWizard elif choice == 9: if self._showAllDebrid() == Wizard.OptionCancelWizard: return Wizard.OptionCancelWizard elif choice == 10: if self._showRapidPremium() == Wizard.OptionCancelWizard: return Wizard.OptionCancelWizard return self._showAccounts(first = False)
def _showOrion(self): try: orion = orionoid.Orionoid() choice = self._option(35408, 33897, 33898) if choice == Wizard.ChoiceLeft: return Wizard.OptionCancelStep choice = self._option(35409, 33899, 33900) if choice == Wizard.ChoiceLeft: tools.System.openLink( choice = self._option(35410, 33743, 33898) if choice == Wizard.ChoiceLeft: return self._cancel() while True: if orion.accountUpdate(input = True, loader = True): orion.accountEnable() choice = self._option(35412, 33743, 33821) if choice == Wizard.ChoiceLeft: return self._cancel() return Wizard.OptionContinue else: orion.accountDisable() choice = self._option(35413, 33743, 33902) if choice == Wizard.ChoiceLeft: return self._cancel() return Wizard.OptionContinue except: tools.Logger.error()
def request(self, timeout = 30, range = None, force = False, parameters = None, addon = False, flare = True, form = None): try: if self.mResponse == None or force: self.mError = False self.mErrorCode = None self.mResponse = None self.mData = None json = False if self.mLink: if parameters == None: parameters = self.mParameters try: if isinstance(parameters, dict): for key, value in parameters.iteritems(): if isinstance(value, dict) or isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, tuple): json = True break if json: parameters = tools.Converter.jsonTo(parameters) else: parameters = urllib.urlencode(parameters, doseq = True) except: pass if form == None: request = urllib2.Request(self.mLink, data = parameters) else: if not isinstance(form, list): form = [form] boundry = 'X-X-X-' + str(tools.Time.timestamp()) + '-X-X-X' self.mHeadersPost['Content-Type'] = 'multipart/form-data; boundary=%s' % boundry data = bytearray('', 'utf8') for f in form: disposition = 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"' % f['name'] if 'filename' in form: disposition += '; filename="%s"' % f['filename'] disposition += '\n' data += bytearray('--%s\n' % boundry, 'utf8') data += bytearray(disposition, 'utf8') if 'type' in f: data += bytearray('Content-Type: %s\n' % f['type'], 'utf8') data += bytearray('\n', 'utf8') try: data += bytearray(f['data'], 'utf8') except: data += f['data'] data += bytearray('\n', 'utf8') data += bytearray('--%s--\n' % boundry, 'utf8') request = urllib2.Request(self.mLink, data = data) request.add_header('User-Agent', self.userAgent(randomize = True, mobile = False, addon = addon)) if json: request.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') if not range == None: start = 0 if range[0] == None else range[0] size = 0 if range[1] == None else range[1] if start > 0 or size > 0: if size == 0: request.add_header('Range', 'bytes=%d-' % start) else: request.add_header('Range', 'bytes=%d-%d' % (start, start + size - 1)) # Will override User-Agent if present in self.mHeadersPost. for key, value in self.mHeadersPost.iteritems(): request.add_header(key, value) try: secureContext = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1) self.mResponse = urllib2.urlopen(request, context = secureContext, timeout = timeout) except: # SPMC (Python < 2.7.8) does not support TLS. Try to do it wihout SSL/TLS, otherwise bad luck. self.mResponse = urllib2.urlopen(request, timeout = timeout) return self.mResponse except urllib2.HTTPError as error: # HTTP error. if flare and parameters == None and error.code == 503 and 'cloudflare' in str( try: from resources.lib.extensions import orionoid data = orionoid.Orionoid().flare(link = self.mLink) self.mResponse = data['response'] self.mData = data['body'] self.mHeaders = {} for key, value in data['headers'].iteritems(): self.mHeaders[key.lower()] = value return None # Ensure that the response is not read again. except urllib2.HTTPError as error: # HTTP error. self.mError = True self.mErrorCode = error.code if self.mDebug: tools.Logger.log( + " Network Error [" + self.mLink + "]: " + str(self.mErrorCode)) except urllib2.URLError as error: # Non-HTTP error, like not able to resolve URL. self.mError = True self.mErrorCode = error.args if self.mDebug: tools.Logger.log( + " Network Error [" + self.mLink + "]: " + str(self.mErrorCode)) except: # Other possible errors. self.mError = True self.mErrorCode = None if self.mDebug: tools.Logger.error() else: self.mError = True self.mErrorCode = error.code if self.mDebug: tools.Logger.log( + " Network Error [" + self.mLink + "]: " + str(self.mErrorCode)) except urllib2.URLError as error: # Non-HTTP error, like not able to resolve URL. self.mError = True self.mErrorCode = error.args if self.mDebug: tools.Logger.log( + " Network Error [" + self.mLink + "]: " + str(self.mErrorCode)) except: # Other possible errors. self.mError = True self.mErrorCode = None if self.mDebug: tools.Logger.error() return None
def keepPlaybackAlive(self): from resources.lib.extensions import core self._downloadCheck() pname = '%s.player.overlay' % control.addonInfo('id') control.window.clearProperty(pname) if self.typeMovie: overlay = playcount.getMovieOverlay(playcount.getMovieIndicators(), self.idImdb) elif self.typeTelevision: overlay = playcount.getEpisodeOverlay(playcount.getTVShowIndicators(), self.idImdb, self.idTvdb, self.seasonString, self.episodeString) else: overlay = '6' title = interface.Translation.string(33451) status = interface.Translation.string(33452) substatus1 = interface.Translation.string(35474) substatus2 = interface.Translation.string(35303) message = self.progressMessage if not message == '': if interface.Core.background() and not self.core.progressPlaybackEnabled(): message += ' - ' else: message += '.' + interface.Format.newline() message += status interface.Loader.hide() self.core.progressPlaybackInitialize(title = title, message = message, metadata = self.metadata) timeout = tools.Settings.getInteger('general.playback.timeout') # Use a thread for Kodi 18, since the player freezes for a few seconds before starting playback. thread = threading.Thread(target = self.keepPlaybackWait, args = (title, message, status, substatus1, substatus2, timeout)) thread.start() thread.join() if self.core.progressPlaybackCanceled(): self.core.progressPlaybackClose() self.stop() self._debridClear() return True # Only show the notification if the player is not able to load the file at all. if not self.isPlayback(): self.stop() self.core.progressPlaybackUpdate(progress = 100, message = '', status = None) # Must be set to 100 for background dialog, otherwise it shows up in a later dialog. control.window.clearProperty(pname) return False #self.core.progressPlaybackClose() addLibrary = tools.Settings.getBoolean('library.updates.watched') playbackEnd = tools.Settings.getInteger('general.playback.end') / 100.0 streamsHas = False visibleWas = False while self.isPlayingVideo(): try: self.timeTotal = self.getTotalTime() self.timeCurrent = self.getTime() watcher = (self.timeCurrent / self.timeTotal >= playbackEnd) property = control.window.getProperty(pname) if watcher == True and not property == '7': try: orionoid.Orionoid().streamVote(idItem = self.source['orion']['item'], idStream = self.source['orion']['stream'], vote = orionoid.Orionoid.VoteUp) except: pass control.window.setProperty(pname, '7') if self.typeMovie: playcount.markMovieDuringPlayback(self.idImdb, '7') if addLibrary: library.Library(type = self.type).add(title = self.title, year = self.year, imdb =, tmdb = self.tmdb, metadata = self.metadata) else: playcount.markEpisodeDuringPlayback(self.idImdb, self.idTvdb, self.seasonString, self.episodeString, '7') if addLibrary: library.Library(type = self.type).add(title = self.title, year = self.year, imdb =, tvdb = self.tvdb, metadata = self.metadata) elif watcher == False and not property == '6': control.window.setProperty(pname, '6') # Gaia # Do not mark as unwatched, otherwise if the video was previously watched and later rewatched, if will mark it as unwatched when played the second time. # Trakt can set multiple watches so that you can track on how many times you watched something. #playcount.markMovieDuringPlayback(self.idImdb, '6') #playcount.markEpisodeDuringPlayback(self.idImdb, self.idTvdb, self.seasonString, self.episodeString, '6') except: pass if self.navigationStreamsSpecial: for i in range(4): visible = self.isVisible() playback = self.isPlayback() if not visibleWas and visible: visibleWas = True if not streamsHas and playback and visibleWas and not visible: streamsHas = True self._showStreams() elif streamsHas and visible: streamsHas = False interface.Dialog.closeAll() if not == None: self._downloadCheck() xbmc.sleep(1000) else: if == None: xbmc.sleep(2000) else: for i in range(4): self._downloadCheck() xbmc.sleep(500) control.window.clearProperty(pname) return True
def _showProviders(self, first = True): if first: choice = self._option(33908, 33743, 33821) if choice == Wizard.ChoiceLeft: return self._cancel() orion = orionoid.Orionoid() enabled = interface.Format.fontColor(interface.Translation.string(32301), interface.Format.ColorExcellent) disabled = interface.Format.fontColor(interface.Translation.string(32302), interface.Format.ColorBad) special = '[' + interface.Translation.string(33105) + '] ' general = '[' + interface.Translation.string(32310) + '] ' torrent = '[' + interface.Translation.string(33199) + '] ' usenet = '[' + interface.Translation.string(33200) + '] ' hoster = '[' + interface.Translation.string(33198) + '] ' external = '[' + interface.Translation.string(35354) + '] ' choices = [None] items = [interface.Format.fontBold(interface.Translation.string(33821))] if orion.accountValid(): choices.append('specialorion') items.append(interface.Format.fontBold(special + interface.Translation.string(35414) + ': ' + (enabled if orion.accountEnabled() else disabled))) choices.append('generallocal') items.append(interface.Format.fontBold(general + interface.Translation.string(35356) + ': ' + (enabled if tools.Settings.getBoolean('') or tools.Settings.getBoolean('providers.general.local.member.enabled') else disabled))) if tools.Settings.getBoolean('accounts.debrid.premiumize.enabled') or tools.Settings.getBoolean('accounts.debrid.offcloud.enabled') or tools.Settings.getBoolean('accounts.debrid.realdebrid.enabled') or tools.Settings.getBoolean('accounts.debrid.easynews.enabled'): choices.append('generalpremium') items.append(interface.Format.fontBold(general + interface.Translation.string(35357) + ': ' + (enabled if tools.Settings.getBoolean('') or tools.Settings.getBoolean('providers.general.premium.member.enabled') else disabled))) if handler.Handler(handler.Handler.TypeTorrent).serviceHas(): choices.append('torrentuniversal') items.append(interface.Format.fontBold(torrent + interface.Translation.string(35355) + ': ' + (enabled if tools.Settings.getBoolean('') or tools.Settings.getBoolean('providers.torrent.universal.distributed.enabled') or tools.Settings.getBoolean('providers.torrent.universal.member.enabled') else disabled))) choices.append('torrentfrench') items.append(interface.Format.fontBold(torrent + interface.Translation.string(35033) + ': ' + (enabled if tools.Settings.getBoolean('') or tools.Settings.getBoolean('providers.torrent.french.member.enabled') else disabled))) choices.append('torrentrussian') items.append(interface.Format.fontBold(torrent + interface.Translation.string(35353) + ': ' + (enabled if tools.Settings.getBoolean('') or tools.Settings.getBoolean('providers.torrent.russian.member.enabled') else disabled))) choices.append('torrentitalian') items.append(interface.Format.fontBold(torrent + interface.Translation.string(35389) + ': ' + (enabled if tools.Settings.getBoolean('') or tools.Settings.getBoolean('providers.torrent.italian.member.enabled') else disabled))) if handler.Handler(handler.Handler.TypeUsenet).serviceHas(): choices.append('usenetuniversal') items.append(interface.Format.fontBold(usenet + interface.Translation.string(35355) + ': ' + (enabled if tools.Settings.getBoolean('') or tools.Settings.getBoolean('providers.usenet.universal.member.enabled') else disabled))) if handler.Handler(handler.Handler.TypeHoster).serviceHas(): choices.append('hosteruniversal') items.append(interface.Format.fontBold(hoster + interface.Translation.string(35355) + ': ' + (enabled if tools.Settings.getBoolean('') or tools.Settings.getBoolean('providers.hoster.universal.member.enabled') else disabled))) choices.append('externalopescrapers') items.append(interface.Format.fontBold(external + interface.Translation.string(35550) + ': ' + (enabled if tools.Settings.getBoolean('') else disabled))) choices.append('externallamscrapers') items.append(interface.Format.fontBold(external + interface.Translation.string(35530) + ': ' + (enabled if tools.Settings.getBoolean('') else disabled))) choices.append('externalcivscrapers') items.append(interface.Format.fontBold(external + interface.Translation.string(35531) + ': ' + (enabled if tools.Settings.getBoolean('') else disabled))) choices.append('externalgloscrapers') items.append(interface.Format.fontBold(external + interface.Translation.string(35532) + ': ' + (enabled if tools.Settings.getBoolean('') else disabled))) choices.append('externaluniscrapers') items.append(interface.Format.fontBold(external + interface.Translation.string(35349) + ': ' + (enabled if tools.Settings.getBoolean('') else disabled))) choices.append('externalnanscrapers') items.append(interface.Format.fontBold(external + interface.Translation.string(35350) + ': ' + (enabled if tools.Settings.getBoolean('') else disabled))) choices.append('externalincscrapers') items.append(interface.Format.fontBold(external + interface.Translation.string(35352) + ': ' + (enabled if tools.Settings.getBoolean('') else disabled))) choices.append('externalplascrapers') items.append(interface.Format.fontBold(external + interface.Translation.string(35351) + ': ' + (enabled if tools.Settings.getBoolean('') else disabled))) choices.append('externalyodscrapers') items.append(interface.Format.fontBold(external + interface.Translation.string(35533) + ': ' + (enabled if tools.Settings.getBoolean('') else disabled))) choice = interface.Dialog.options(title = 33014, items = items) if choice < 0: return self._cancel() choice = choices[choice] # Takes about 3 secs. By default they are all set to true, so this can be skipped. '''tools.Settings.set('streaming.torrent.enabled', True) tools.Settings.set('streaming.torrent.premiumize.enabled', True) tools.Settings.set('streaming.torrent.offcloud.enabled', True) tools.Settings.set('streaming.torrent.realdebrid.enabled', True) tools.Settings.set('streaming.usenet.enabled', True) tools.Settings.set('streaming.usenet.premiumize.enabled', True) tools.Settings.set('streaming.usenet.offcloud.enabled', True) tools.Settings.set('streaming.hoster.enabled', True) tools.Settings.set('streaming.hoster.premiumize.enabled', True) tools.Settings.set('streaming.hoster.offcloud.enabled', True) tools.Settings.set('streaming.hoster.realdebrid.enabled', True) tools.Settings.set('streaming.hoster.alldebrid.enabled', True) tools.Settings.set('streaming.hoster.rapidpremium.enabled', True) tools.Settings.set('streaming.hoster.resolveurl.enabled', True) tools.Settings.set('streaming.hoster.urlresolver.enabled', True)''' defaultTorrent = 0 defaultUsenet = 0 defaultHoster = 0 handlerPremium = tools.Settings.getBoolean('accounts.debrid.premiumize.enabled') handlerOffcloud = tools.Settings.getBoolean('accounts.debrid.offcloud.enabled') handlerRealdebrid = tools.Settings.getBoolean('accounts.debrid.realdebrid.enabled') handlers = int(handlerPremium) + int(handlerOffcloud) + int(handlerRealdebrid) if handlers == 1: defaultTorrent = 1 if handlerPremium else 2 if handlerOffcloud else 3 defaultUsenet = 1 if handlerPremium else 2 if handlerOffcloud else 0 defaultHoster = 1 if handlerPremium else 2 if handlerOffcloud else 3 tools.Settings.set('streaming.torrent.default', defaultTorrent) tools.Settings.set('streaming.usenet.default', defaultUsenet) tools.Settings.set('streaming.hoster.default', defaultHoster) if choice == None: count = len(provider.Provider.providers()) interface.Loader.hide() if count > 200: if self._option(interface.Translation.string(33909) % count, 35045, 35044) == Wizard.ChoiceLeft: return self._showProviders(first = False) return Wizard.OptionContinue elif choice == 'specialorion': active = self._option(35415, 33737, 33192) == Wizard.ChoiceRight orion.accountEnable(active) elif choice == 'generallocal': active = self._option(33958, 33737, 33192) == Wizard.ChoiceRight tools.Settings.set('', active) tools.Settings.set('providers.general.local.member.enabled', active) elif choice == 'generalpremium': active = self._option(33906, 33737, 33192) == Wizard.ChoiceRight tools.Settings.set('', active) tools.Settings.set('providers.general.premium.member.enabled', active) elif choice == 'torrentuniversal': active = self._option(interface.Translation.string(33956) % interface.Translation.string(35358), 33737, 33192) == Wizard.ChoiceRight tools.Settings.set('', active) tools.Settings.set('providers.torrent.universal.distributed.enabled', active) tools.Settings.set('providers.torrent.universal.member.enabled', active) elif choice == 'torrentfrench': active = self._option(interface.Translation.string(33956) % interface.Translation.string(33790), 33737, 33192) == Wizard.ChoiceRight tools.Settings.set('', active) tools.Settings.set('providers.torrent.french.member.enabled', active) elif choice == 'torrentrussian': active = self._option(interface.Translation.string(33956) % interface.Translation.string(33992), 33737, 33192) == Wizard.ChoiceRight tools.Settings.set('', active) tools.Settings.set('providers.torrent.russian.member.enabled', active) elif choice == 'torrentitalian': active = self._option(interface.Translation.string(33956) % interface.Translation.string(35388), 33737, 33192) == Wizard.ChoiceRight tools.Settings.set('', active) tools.Settings.set('providers.torrent.italian.member.enabled', active) elif choice == 'usenetuniversal': active = self._option(interface.Translation.string(33957) % interface.Translation.string(35358), 33737, 33192) == Wizard.ChoiceRight tools.Settings.set('', active) tools.Settings.set('providers.usenet.universal.member.enabled', active) elif choice == 'hosteruniversal': active = self._option(interface.Translation.string(33905) % interface.Translation.string(35358), 33737, 33192) == Wizard.ChoiceRight tools.Settings.set('', active) tools.Settings.set('providers.hoster.universal.member.enabled', active) elif choice == 'externalopescrapers': active = self._option(interface.Translation.string(33907) % interface.Translation.string(35548), 33737, 33192) == Wizard.ChoiceRight tools.Settings.set('', active) elif choice == 'externallamscrapers': active = self._option(interface.Translation.string(33907) % interface.Translation.string(35431), 33737, 33192) == Wizard.ChoiceRight tools.Settings.set('', active) elif choice == 'externalcivscrapers': active = self._option(interface.Translation.string(33907) % interface.Translation.string(35504), 33737, 33192) == Wizard.ChoiceRight tools.Settings.set('', active) elif choice == 'externalgloscrapers': active = self._option(interface.Translation.string(33907) % interface.Translation.string(35534), 33737, 33192) == Wizard.ChoiceRight tools.Settings.set('', active) elif choice == 'externaluniscrapers': active = self._option(interface.Translation.string(33907) % interface.Translation.string(35359), 33737, 33192) == Wizard.ChoiceRight tools.Settings.set('', active) elif choice == 'externalnanscrapers': active = self._option(interface.Translation.string(33907) % interface.Translation.string(35360), 33737, 33192) == Wizard.ChoiceRight tools.Settings.set('', active) elif choice == 'externalincscrapers': active = self._option(interface.Translation.string(33907) % interface.Translation.string(35362), 33737, 33192) == Wizard.ChoiceRight tools.Settings.set('', active) elif choice == 'externalplascrapers': active = self._option(interface.Translation.string(33907) % interface.Translation.string(35361), 33737, 33192) == Wizard.ChoiceRight tools.Settings.set('', active) elif choice == 'externalyodscrapers': active = self._option(interface.Translation.string(33907) % interface.Translation.string(35535), 33737, 33192) == Wizard.ChoiceRight tools.Settings.set('', active) return self._showProviders(first = False)
def request(url, close=True, redirect=True, error=False, proxy=None, post=None, headers=None, mobile=False, XHR=False, limit=None, referer=None, cookie=None, compression=True, output='', timeout='30', ignoreSsl=False, flare=True): try: # Gaia if url == None: return None handlers = [] if not proxy == None: handlers += [ urllib2.ProxyHandler({'http': '%s' % (proxy)}), urllib2.HTTPHandler ] opener = urllib2.build_opener(*handlers) opener = urllib2.install_opener(opener) if output == 'cookie' or output == 'extended' or not close == True: cookies = cookielib.LWPCookieJar() handlers += [ urllib2.HTTPHandler(), urllib2.HTTPSHandler(), urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookies) ] opener = urllib2.build_opener(*handlers) opener = urllib2.install_opener(opener) if ignoreSsl or ((2, 7, 8) < sys.version_info < (2, 7, 12)): try: import ssl ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context() ssl_context.check_hostname = False ssl_context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE handlers += [urllib2.HTTPSHandler(context=ssl_context)] opener = urllib2.build_opener(*handlers) opener = urllib2.install_opener(opener) except: pass if url.startswith('//'): url = 'http:' + url try: headers.update(headers) except: headers = {} if 'User-Agent' in headers: pass elif not mobile == True: #headers['User-Agent'] = agent() headers['User-Agent'] = cache.get(randomagent, 1) else: headers['User-Agent'] = 'Apple-iPhone/701.341' if 'Referer' in headers: pass elif referer is not None: headers['Referer'] = referer if not 'Accept-Language' in headers: headers['Accept-Language'] = 'en-US' if 'X-Requested-With' in headers: pass elif XHR == True: headers['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest' if 'Cookie' in headers: pass elif not cookie == None: headers['Cookie'] = cookie if 'Accept-Encoding' in headers: pass elif compression and limit is None: headers['Accept-Encoding'] = 'gzip' if redirect == False: class NoRedirection(urllib2.HTTPErrorProcessor): def http_response(self, request, response): return response opener = urllib2.build_opener(NoRedirection) opener = urllib2.install_opener(opener) try: del headers['Referer'] except: pass if isinstance(post, dict): # [GAIA] # Gets rid of the error: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xd0 in position 0: ordinal not in range(128) for key, value in post.iteritems(): try: post[key] = value.encode('utf-8') except: pass # [/GAIA] post = urllib.urlencode(post) request = urllib2.Request(url, data=post) _add_request_header(request, headers) try: response = urllib2.urlopen(request, timeout=int(timeout)) except urllib2.HTTPError as response: if response.code == 503: cf_result = try: encoding ='Content-Encoding') except: encoding = None if encoding == 'gzip': cf_result = gzip.GzipFile( fileobj=StringIO.StringIO(cf_result)).read() if flare and 'cloudflare' in str( try: from resources.lib.extensions import orionoid response = orionoid.Orionoid().flare(link=url) result = response['body'] response = response['response'] flare = 'cloudflare' # Used below except: from resources.lib.extensions import tools tools.Logger.error() elif 'cf-browser-verification' in cf_result: netloc = '%s://%s' % (urlparse.urlparse(url).scheme, urlparse.urlparse(url).netloc) ua = headers['User-Agent'] cf = cache.get(cfcookie().get, 168, netloc, ua, timeout) headers['Cookie'] = cf request = urllib2.Request(url, data=post) _add_request_header(request, headers) response = urllib2.urlopen(request, timeout=int(timeout)) else: log_utils.log( 'Request-Error (%s): %s' % (str(response.code), url), log_utils.LOGDEBUG) if error == False: return else: log_utils.log( 'Request-Error (%s): %s' % (str(response.code), url), log_utils.LOGDEBUG) if error == False: return if output == 'cookie': try: result = '; '.join( ['%s=%s' % (, i.value) for i in cookies]) except: pass try: result = cf except: pass if close == True: response.close() return result elif output == 'geturl': result = response.geturl() if close == True: response.close() return result elif output == 'headers': result = response.headers if close == True: response.close() return result elif output == 'chunk': try: content = int(response.headers['Content-Length']) except: content = (2049 * 1024) if content < (2048 * 1024): return result = * 1024) if close == True: response.close() return result if not flare == 'cloudflare': if limit == '0': result = * 1024) elif not limit == None: result = * 1024) else: result = try: encoding ='Content-Encoding') except: encoding = None if encoding == 'gzip': result = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=StringIO.StringIO(result)).read() if 'sucuri_cloudproxy_js' in result: su = sucuri().get(result) headers['Cookie'] = su request = urllib2.Request(url, data=post) _add_request_header(request, headers) response = urllib2.urlopen(request, timeout=int(timeout)) if limit == '0': result = * 1024) elif not limit == None: result = * 1024) else: result = try: encoding ='Content-Encoding') except: encoding = None if encoding == 'gzip': result = gzip.GzipFile( fileobj=StringIO.StringIO(result)).read() if '' in result and '' in result: netloc = '%s://%s' % (urlparse.urlparse(url).scheme, urlparse.urlparse(url).netloc) ua = headers['User-Agent'] headers['Cookie'] = cache.get(bfcookie().get, 168, netloc, ua, timeout) result = _basic_request(url, headers=headers, post=post, timeout=timeout, limit=limit) if output == 'extended': try: response_headers = dict([(item[0].title(), item[1]) for item in]) except: response_headers = response.headers response_code = str(response.code) try: cookie = '; '.join( ['%s=%s' % (, i.value) for i in cookies]) except: pass try: cookie = cf except: pass if close == True: response.close() return (result, response_code, response_headers, headers, cookie) else: if close == True: response.close() return result except Exception as e: # Gaia from resources.lib.extensions import tools tools.Logger.error() log_utils.log('Request-Error: (%s) => %s' % (str(e), url), log_utils.LOGDEBUG) return
def silent(self, silent=True): self.orion = orionoid.Orionoid(silent=silent)