def _http_get(self, url, data=None, headers=None, XHR=False, method=None, cache_limit=8): if data != None: data = client.encodePostData(data) html = client.request(url, post=data, headers=headers, XHR=XHR) if html == None: return if '<span>Log In</span>' not in html: log(type='INFO', method='Login', err='Logging in for url (%s)' % (url)) self.__login() html = client.request(url, post=data, headers=headers, XHR=XHR) self.__get_token(html) return html
def T3DonlineFilms(url): error = '' try: data = urlparse.parse_qs(url) headers = {} headers['Referer'] = '' b = data['page'][0] cook = client.request(b, output='cookie') l0 = '' post_data = {'file': data['src_file'][0]} cookie = '%s; zeroday=; visit=yes; jwplayer.qualityLabel=HD' % cook headers['Referer'] = data['page'][0] headers['User-Agent'] = client.agent() headers['Cookie'] = cookie try: ret = client.request(l0, post=client.encodePostData(post_data), output='extended', XHR=True, cookie=cookie) except: pass u = '%s?file=%s' % (data['file'][0], data['src_file'][0].replace( ' ', '')) paramsx = {'headers': headers} params = client.b64encode(json.dumps(paramsx, encoding='utf-8')) except Exception as e: error = '%s' % e return u, params, error
def __login(self): flix_up = control.setting('control_flixanity_user_pass') if flix_up != None: try: self.username = flix_up.split(':')[0] self.password = flix_up.split(':')[1] except: log(type='ERROR', method='Login', err='FliXanity User:Pass not set or not in correct format of User:Pass') # return all uncached blank pages if no user or pass if not self.username or not self.password: log(type='FAIL', method='Login', err='FliXanity Login Failed - No User:Pass set') return '' if (self.username+':'+self.password) == base64.b64decode(base64.b64decode(control.flix_up)): self.mode = self.modes[0] else: self.mode = self.modes[1] url = urlparse.urljoin(self.base_url, '/ajax/login.php') self.__get_token() if self.__token == None: log(type='FAIL', method='Login', err='FliXanity Login Failed - Could not get token') raise Exception('FliXanity Login Failed') data = {'username': self.username, 'password': self.password, 'action': 'login', 'token': self.__token, 't': ''} data = client.encodePostData(data) html = client.request(url, post=data, XHR=True) if html != '0': log(type='FAIL', method='Login', err='FliXanity Login Failed') raise Exception('FliXanity Login Failed') log(type='INFO', method='Login', err='FliXanity Login Done for User: %s' % self.username) r = client.request(self.base_url, post=data, XHR=True, output='extended') self.cookie = r[3] ; headers = r[1] ; html = r[0]
def resolve(url, online=None, USE_POST=False, page_url=None, **kwargs): try: if online == None: if check(url) == False: raise Exception('Video not available') elif online == False: raise Exception('Video not available') video_url = None err = '' data = {'confirm.x':44, 'confirm.y':55, 'block':1} edata = client.encodePostData(data) headers = {u'Referer': url, u'User-Agent': client.USER_AGENT} if len(RV_COOKIES) > 0: headers['Cookie'] = RV_COOKIES[0] try: cookies = None page_link = url page_data_string, r2, r3, cookies = client.request(page_link, post=edata, headers=headers, httpsskip=True, output='extended') if USE_POST == True: page_data_string, r2, r3, cookies = client.request(page_link, post=edata, headers=headers, httpsskip=True, output='extended') else: page_data_string, r2, r3, cookies = client.request(page_link, headers=headers, httpsskip=True, output='extended') if 'pad.php' in page_data_string: USE_POST = not USE_POST if USE_POST == True: page_data_string, r2, r3, cookies = client.request(page_link, post=edata, headers=headers, httpsskip=True, output='extended') else: page_data_string, r2, r3, cookies = client.request(page_link, headers=headers, httpsskip=True, output='extended') if 'captcha.php' in page_data_string: raise Exception('RapidVideo %s requires captcha verification' % url) if cookies != None and len(cookies) > 0: del RV_COOKIES[:] RV_COOKIES.append(cookies) video_url = client.parseDOM(page_data_string, 'div', attrs = {'id': 'home_video'})[0] try: video_url = client.parseDOM(video_url, 'source', ret='src')[0] except: raise Exception('No mp4 video found') except Exception as e: err = e log('FAIL', 'resolve', 'link > %s : %s' % (url, e), dolog=True) return (video_url, err, None) except Exception as e: e = '{}'.format(e) return (None, e, None)
def decode(url, page_url): items = [] err = '' try: id = re.compile('//.+?/(?:embed|v)/([0-9a-zA-Z-_]+)').findall(url)[0] headersx = { 'Referer': '' % id, 'User-Agent': client.agent() } post_data = {'r': page_url, 'd': ''} api_url = '' % id page_data = client.request(api_url, post=client.encodePostData(post_data), headers=headersx) j_data = json.loads(page_data) success = j_data['success'] if success == False: try: msd = j_data['data'] except: msd = "" raise Exception( 'API returned error: %s | Data: %s | Return msg: %s' % (api_url, post_data, msd)) else: srcs = j_data['data'] for src in srcs: q = src['label'] u = src['file'] fs = client.getFileSize(u, retry429=True, headers=headersx) online = check(u) u1 = client.request(u, output='geturl') if u1 != None: u = u1 urldata = client.b64encode(json.dumps('', encoding='utf-8')) params = client.b64encode(json.dumps('', encoding='utf-8')) paramsx = {'headers': headersx} params = client.b64encode(json.dumps(paramsx, encoding='utf-8')) items.append({ 'quality': q, 'src': u, 'fs': fs, 'online': online, 'params': params, 'urldata': urldata }) if len(items) == 0: raise Exception('No videos found !') except Exception as e: err = 'xtreamcdn Error: %s' % e return items, err
def T3DonlineFilms(url): error = '' try: data = urlparse.parse_qs(url) headers = {} if '' in url: headers['Referer'] = '' l0 = '' elif '' in url: headers['Referer'] = '' l0 = '' else: headers['Referer'] = '' l0 = '' u = data['file'][0] u = u.replace('//freedocufilms','//www.freedocufilms') page = data['page'][0] cook = client.request(page, output='cookie') post_data = {'file':data['src_file'][0]} cookie = '%s; zeroday=; visit=yes; jwplayer.qualityLabel=HD' % cook headers['Referer'] = data['page'][0] headers['User-Agent'] = client.agent() headers['Cookie'] = cookie try: ret = client.request(l0, post=client.encodePostData(post_data), output='extended', XHR=True, cookie=cookie) except: pass paramsx = {'headers':headers} params = client.b64encode(json.dumps(paramsx, encoding='utf-8')) except Exception as e: error = '%s' % e return u, error, params
def process(self, url, q, r, headers, page_url): items = [] try: if '' in url: id = re.compile('//.+?/(?:embed|f)/([0-9a-zA-Z-_]+)').findall(url)[0] headersx = {'Referer': url, 'User-Agent': client.agent()} page_data = client.request('' % id, headers=headersx) srcs = re.findall(r'sources:.\[(.*?)\]', page_data)[0] srcs = srcs.replace('\\n','').replace('\\','') srcs = '''[%s]''' % srcs j_data = json.loads(srcs) for j in j_data: t = j['name'] label = j['label'] u = j['src'] if label.lower() == 'raw': q = source_utils.check_sd_url(t) else: q = label r = source_utils.check_sd_url_rip(t) fs = client.getFileSize(u, retry429=True, headers=headers) if fs == None or int(fs) == 0: fs = client.getFileSize(u, retry429=True) q = qual_based_on_fs(q,fs) online = check(u) urldata = client.b64encode(json.dumps('', encoding='utf-8')) params = client.b64encode(json.dumps('', encoding='utf-8')) if headers != None: paramsx = {'headers':headers} params = client.b64encode(json.dumps(paramsx, encoding='utf-8')) items.append({'quality':q, 'riptype':r, 'src':u, 'fs':fs, 'online':online, 'params':params, 'urldata':urldata, 'allowsStreaming':True, 'allowsDownload':True}) elif '' in url or '' in url or '' in url: data = urlparse.parse_qs(url) headers = {} if '' in url: headers['Referer'] = '' l0 = '' elif '' in url: headers['Referer'] = '' l0 = '' else: headers['Referer'] = '' l0 = '' page = data['page'][0] cook = client.request(page, output='cookie') post_data = {'file':data['src_file'][0]} cookie = '%s; zeroday=; visit=yes; jwplayer.qualityLabel=HD' % cook headers['Referer'] = page headers['User-Agent'] = client.agent() headers['Cookie'] = cookie u = data['file'][0] u = u.replace('//freedocufilms','//www.freedocufilms') try: ret = client.request(l0, post=client.encodePostData(post_data),headers=headers, output='extended', XHR=True, cookie=cookie) except Exception as e: log(type='FAIL', method='process', err='%s' % e, dolog=False, logToControl=False, doPrint=True) ret = client.request(u, output='headers', headers=headers, XHR=True) try: fs = int(re.findall(r'Content-Length:(.*)', str(ret), re.MULTILINE)[0].strip()) except: fs = 0 q = qual_based_on_fs(q,fs) online = False if int(fs) > 0: online = True urldata = client.b64encode(json.dumps('', encoding='utf-8')) paramsx = {'headers':headers} params = client.b64encode(json.dumps(paramsx, encoding='utf-8')) items.append({'quality':q, 'riptype':r, 'src':url, 'fs':fs, 'online':online, 'params':params, 'urldata':urldata, 'allowsStreaming':False, 'allowsDownload':True}) elif '' in url: urlx = client.request(url, output='geturl', headers=headers) urlx = '%s?e=file.mp4' % urlx fs = client.getFileSize(url, retry429=True, headers=headers) if fs == None or int(fs) == 0: fs = client.getFileSize(url, retry429=True) q = qual_based_on_fs(q,fs) online = check(url) urldata = client.b64encode(json.dumps('', encoding='utf-8')) params = client.b64encode(json.dumps('', encoding='utf-8')) if headers != None: paramsx = {'headers':headers} params = client.b64encode(json.dumps(paramsx, encoding='utf-8')) allowsDownload = True items.append({'quality':q, 'riptype':r, 'src':urlx, 'fs':fs, 'online':online, 'params':params, 'urldata':urldata, 'allowsStreaming':True, 'allowsDownload':allowsDownload}) else: fs = client.getFileSize(url, retry429=True, headers=headers) if fs == None or int(fs) == 0: fs = client.getFileSize(url, retry429=True) q = qual_based_on_fs(q,fs) online = check(url) urldata = client.b64encode(json.dumps('', encoding='utf-8')) params = client.b64encode(json.dumps('', encoding='utf-8')) if headers != None: paramsx = {'headers':headers} params = client.b64encode(json.dumps(paramsx, encoding='utf-8')) allowsDownload = True if '.m3u8' in url: allowsDownload = False items.append({'quality':q, 'riptype':r, 'src':url, 'fs':fs, 'online':online, 'params':params, 'urldata':urldata, 'allowsStreaming':True, 'allowsDownload':allowsDownload}) except Exception as e: log(type='ERROR',method='process', err=u'%s' % e) if len(items) == 0: fs = client.getFileSize(url, retry429=True, headers=headers) if fs == None or int(fs) == 0: fs = client.getFileSize(url, retry429=True) q = qual_based_on_fs(q,fs) online = check(url) urldata = client.b64encode(json.dumps('', encoding='utf-8')) params = client.b64encode(json.dumps('', encoding='utf-8')) if headers != None: paramsx = {'headers':headers} params = client.b64encode(json.dumps(paramsx, encoding='utf-8')) items.append({'quality':q, 'riptype':r, 'src':url, 'fs':fs, 'online':online, 'params':params, 'urldata':urldata, 'allowsStreaming':True, 'allowsDownload':True}) return items
def get_sources(self, page_url): try: sources = [] html = client.request(page_url) action = 'getEpisodeEmb' if '/episode/' in page_url else 'getMovieEmb' match ='elid\s*=\s*"([^"]+)', html) if self.__token is None: self.__get_token() if match and self.__token is not None: elid = urllib.quote( base64.encodestring(str(int(time.time()))).strip()) data = { 'action': action, 'idEl':, 'token': self.__token, 'elid': elid, 'nopop': '' } ajax_url = urlparse.urljoin(self.base_url, SOURCES_URL) headers = { 'authorization': 'Bearer %s' % (self.__get_bearer()), 'Referer': page_url, 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.181 Safari/537.36' } #headers.update(XHR) try: poster = client.parseDOM(html, 'div', attrs={'class': 'poster'})[0] poster = client.parseDOM(poster, 'img', ret='data-src')[0] except: poster = None data = client.encodePostData(data) html = client.request(ajax_url, post=data, cookie=self.cookie, headers=headers) html = html.replace('\\"', '"').replace('\\/', '/') rep_txt = re.findall(r'<iframe(.*?)</iframe>', html, re.IGNORECASE) for rep in rep_txt: html = html.replace(rep, rep.replace('"', '\'')) if html == None or len(html) == 0: raise Exception('HTML data not found on %s' % ajax_url) json_html = json.loads(html) for k in json_html.keys(): html = json_html[k]['embed'] quality, t = cleantitle.getQuality2( json_html[k]['type'].replace('fbcdn', '').replace('-', '').strip()) pattern = '<iframe\s+src=\'([^\']+)' for match in re.finditer(pattern, html, re.DOTALL | re.I): url = host = client.geturlhost(url) direct = True if host == 'gvideo': direct = True quality = client.googletag(url) else: if '' in url and url.endswith('oid='): continue # skip bad links direct = False host = urlparse.urlparse(url).hostname source = { 'multi-part': False, 'url': url, 'host': host, 'quality': quality, 'views': None, 'rating': None, 'direct': direct, 'poster': poster } sources.append(source) except: pass return sources
def get_sources(self, url, hosthdDict=None, hostDict=None, locDict=None, proxy_options=None, key=None, testing=False): try: sources = [] if control.setting('Provider-%s' % name) == False: log('INFO','get_sources','Provider Disabled by User') log('INFO', 'get_sources', 'Completed') return sources if url == None: log('FAIL','get_sources','url == None. Could not find a matching title: %s' % cleantitle.title_from_key(key), dolog=not testing) log('INFO', 'get_sources', 'Completed') return sources data = urlparse.parse_qs(url) data = dict([(i, data[i][0]) if data[i] else (i, '') for i in data]) title = data['tvshowtitle'] if 'tvshowtitle' in data else data['title'] year = data['year'] aliases = eval(data['aliases']) #cookie = '; approve_search=yes' query = self.search_link % (urllib.quote_plus(title)) query = urlparse.urljoin(self.base_link, query) log(type='INFO', method='get_sources', err='Searching - %s' % query, dolog=False, logToControl=False, doPrint=True) result = client.request(query) #, cookie=cookie) links_m = [] try: if 'episode' in data: r = client.parseDOM(result, 'div', attrs={'class': 'ml-item'}) r = zip(client.parseDOM(r, 'a', ret='href'), client.parseDOM(r, 'a', ret='title')) r = [(i[0], i[1], re.findall('(.*?)\s+-\s+Season\s+(\d+)', i[1])) for i in r] r = [(i[0], i[1], i[2][0]) for i in r if len(i[2]) > 0] url = [i[0] for i in r if self.matchAlias(i[2][0], aliases) and i[2][1] == data['season']][0] url = '%swatch' % url result = client.request(url) url = re.findall('a href=\"(.+?)\" class=\"btn-eps first-ep \">Episode %02d' % int(data['episode']), result)[0] else: r = client.parseDOM(result, 'div', attrs={'class': 'ml-item'}) r = zip(client.parseDOM(r, 'a', ret='href'), client.parseDOM(r, 'a', ret='title'), client.parseDOM(r, 'img', ret='data-original')) results = [(i[0], i[1], re.findall(r'images/(.*?)-', i[2])) for i in r] try: r = [(i[0], i[1], i[2][0]) for i in results if len(i[2]) > 0] url = [i[0] for i in r if self.matchAlias(i[1], aliases) and (year == i[2])][0] except Exception as e: print e url = None pass if (url == None): url = [i[0] for i in results if self.matchAlias(i[1], aliases)][0] url = urlparse.urljoin(url, 'watch') #url = client.request(url, output='geturl') if url == None: raise Exception() except Exception as e: raise Exception('Step 1 Failed: %s > %s' % (url,e)) url = url if 'http' in url else urlparse.urljoin(self.base_link, url) log(type='INFO', method='get_sources', err='Match found - %s' % url, dolog=False, logToControl=False, doPrint=True) result = client.request(url) try: poster = client.parseDOM(result, 'img', attrs={'itemprop':'image'}, ret='src')[0] except: poster = None Juicy = False ss = [] riptype = 'BRRIP' if testing == False: trailer_res = client.parseDOM(result, 'div', attrs={'class':'block-trailer'})[0] trailer_res = client.parseDOM(trailer_res, 'a', ret='href')[0] trailer_res = client.request(trailer_res) trailers = [] try: matches = re.compile('http[s]?://(?:[a-zA-Z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&+]|[!*\(\),]|(?:%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]))+').findall(trailer_res) for match in matches: try: if '' in match: match = match.replace('embed/','watch?v=') trailers.append(match) except: pass except Exception as e: pass for trailer in trailers: try: l = resolvers.createMeta(trailer,, self.logo, '720p', [], key, poster=poster, vidtype='Trailer', testing=testing) for ll in l: if ll != None and 'key' in ll.keys(): links_m.append(ll) except: pass if 'streamdor' in result and Juicy == True: src = re.findall('src\s*=\s*"(.*\/video\/\d+)"', result)[0] if src.startswith('//'): src = 'http:'+src episodeId = re.findall('.*\d+)', src)[0] p = client.request(src, referer=url) try: #log(type='INFO', method='get_sources', err='Juicy Code', dolog=False, logToControl=False, doPrint=True) p = re.findall(r'JuicyCodes.Run\(([^\)]+)', p, re.IGNORECASE)[0] p = re.sub(r'\"\s*\+\s*\"','', p) p = re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z0-9+\\/=]','', p) p = base64.b64decode(p) p = jsunpack.unpack(p) p = unicode(p, 'utf-8') post = client.encodePostData({'id': episodeId}) p2 = client.request('', post=post, referer=src, XHR=True, timeout=60) js = json.loads(p2) tok = js['token'] quali = 'SD' try: quali = re.findall(r'label:"(.*?)"',p)[0] except: pass p = re.findall(r'var\s+episode=({[^}]+});',p)[0] js = json.loads(p) try: rtype = js['eName'] if '0p' in rtype.lower() or 'sd' in rtype.lower() or 'hd' in rtype.lower(): raise riptype = rtype except: pass if 'fileEmbed' in js and js['fileEmbed'] != '': ss.append([js['fileEmbed'], quali, riptype]) if 'filePlaylist' in js and js['filePlaylist'] != '': js_data = client.request(''%(js['filePlaylist'],tok), referer=src, XHR=True) js = json.loads(js_data) m_srcs = js['playlist'][0]['sources'] if 'error' not in m_srcs: for m_src in m_srcs: ss.append([m_src['file'], m_src['label'], riptype]) if 'fileHLS' in js and js['fileHLS'] != '': ss.append([''%(tok, js['fileHLS']), quali, riptype]) except Exception as e: raise Exception('Step 2 Failed: %s > %s' % (url,e)) else: #log(type='INFO', method='get_sources', err='Embed Code', dolog=False, logToControl=False, doPrint=True) div_s = client.parseDOM(result, 'div', attrs={'id': 'list-eps'})[0] pages = client.parseDOM(div_s, 'a', ret='href') #print pages quals = re.findall(r'>(.*?)</a>',div_s) #print quals c=0 for p in pages: try: p1 = client.request(p, referer=url) file_id = re.findall(r'load_player\.html\?e=(.*?)\"',p1)[0] file_loc = '' % file_id js_data = client.request(file_loc, referer=p) js = json.loads(js_data) m_srcs = js['embed'] try: rtype = quals[c] if '0p' in rtype.lower() or 'sd' in rtype.lower() or 'hd' in rtype.lower(): raise riptype = 'CAM' except: pass ss.append([m_srcs, file_quality(quals[c]), riptype]) c=c+1 except: pass for link in ss: #print link try: if 'google' in url: xs = client.googletag(url) for x in xs: try: l = resolvers.createMeta(x['url'],, self.logo, x['quality'], [], key, riptype, poster=poster, testing=testing) for ll in l: if ll != None and 'key' in ll.keys(): links_m.append(ll) if testing == True and len(links_m) > 0: break except: pass else: try: l = resolvers.createMeta(link[0],, self.logo, link[1], [], key, link[2], poster=poster, testing=testing) for ll in l: if ll != None and 'key' in ll.keys(): links_m.append(ll) if testing == True and len(links_m) > 0: break except: pass except: pass for l in links_m: if l != None and 'key' in l.keys(): sources.append(l) if len(sources) == 0: log('FAIL','get_sources','Could not find a matching title: %s' % cleantitle.title_from_key(key)) else: log('SUCCESS', 'get_sources','%s sources : %s' % (cleantitle.title_from_key(key), len(sources))) log('INFO', 'get_sources', 'Completed') return sources except Exception as e: log('ERROR', 'get_sources', '%s' % e) log('INFO', 'get_sources', 'Completed') return sources
def get_sources(self, url, hosthdDict=None, hostDict=None, locDict=None, proxy_options=None, key=None, testing=False): try: sources = [] if control.setting('Provider-%s' % name) == False: log('INFO', 'get_sources', 'Provider Disabled by User') return sources if url == None: log('FAIL', 'get_sources', 'url == None. Could not find a matching title: %s' % cleantitle.title_from_key(key), dolog=not testing) return sources data = urlparse.parse_qs(url) data = dict([(i, data[i][0]) if data[i] else (i, '') for i in data]) title = data['tvshowtitle'] if 'tvshowtitle' in data else data[ 'title'] year = data['year'] aliases = eval(data['aliases']) #cookie = '; approve_search=yes' query = self.search_link % (urllib.quote_plus(title)) query = urlparse.urljoin(self.base_link, query) log(type='INFO', method='get_sources', err='Searching - %s' % query, dolog=False, logToControl=False, doPrint=True) result = client.request(query) #, cookie=cookie) links_m = [] try: if 'episode' in data: r = client.parseDOM(result, 'div', attrs={'class': 'ml-item'}) r = zip(client.parseDOM(r, 'a', ret='href'), client.parseDOM(r, 'a', ret='title')) r = [(i[0], i[1], re.findall('(.*?)\s+-\s+Season\s+(\d+)', i[1])) for i in r] r = [(i[0], i[1], i[2][0]) for i in r if len(i[2]) > 0] url = [ i[0] for i in r if self.matchAlias(i[2][0], aliases) and i[2][1] == data['season'] ][0] url = '%swatch' % url result = client.request(url) url = re.findall( 'a href=\"(.+?)\" class=\"btn-eps first-ep \">Episode %02d' % int(data['episode']), result)[0] else: r = client.parseDOM(result, 'div', attrs={'class': 'ml-item'}) r = zip(client.parseDOM(r, 'a', ret='href'), client.parseDOM(r, 'a', ret='title'), client.parseDOM(r, 'img', ret='data-original')) results = [(i[0], i[1], re.findall(r'images/(.*?)-', i[2])) for i in r] try: r = [(i[0], i[1], i[2][0]) for i in results if len(i[2]) > 0] url = [ i[0] for i in r if self.matchAlias(i[1], aliases) and ( year == i[2]) ][0] except Exception as e: print e url = None pass if (url == None): url = [ i[0] for i in results if self.matchAlias(i[1], aliases) ][0] url = urlparse.urljoin(url, 'watch') #url = client.request(url, output='geturl') if url == None: raise Exception() except Exception as e: raise Exception('Step 1 Failed: %s > %s' % (url, e)) url = url if 'http' in url else urlparse.urljoin( self.base_link, url) result = client.request(url) try: poster = client.parseDOM(result, 'img', attrs={'itemprop': 'image'}, ret='src')[0] except: poster = None src = re.findall('src\s*=\s*"(.*\/video\/\d+)"', result)[0] if src.startswith('//'): src = 'http:' + src episodeId = re.findall('.*\d+)', src)[0] p = client.request(src, referer=url) riptype = 'BRRIP' try: p = re.findall(r'JuicyCodes.Run\(([^\)]+)', p, re.IGNORECASE)[0] p = re.sub(r'\"\s*\+\s*\"', '', p) p = re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z0-9+\\/=]', '', p) p = base64.b64decode(p) p = jsunpack.unpack(p) p = unicode(p, 'utf-8') post = client.encodePostData({'id': episodeId}) p2 = client.request('', post=post, referer=src, XHR=True, timeout=60) js = json.loads(p2) tok = js['token'] quali = 'SD' try: quali = re.findall(r'label:"(.*?)"', p)[0] except: pass p = re.findall(r'var\s+episode=({[^}]+});', p)[0] js = json.loads(p) ss = [] try: rtype = js['eName'] if '0p' in rtype.lower() or 'sd' in rtype.lower( ) or 'hd' in rtype.lower(): raise riptype = rtype except: pass #print js #if 'eName' in js and js['eName'] != '': # quali = source_utils.label_to_quality(js['eName']) if 'fileEmbed' in js and js['fileEmbed'] != '': ss.append([js['fileEmbed'], quali]) if 'filePlaylist' in js and js['filePlaylist'] != '': js_data = client.request( '' % (js['filePlaylist'], tok), referer=src, XHR=True) js = json.loads(js_data) m_srcs = js['playlist'][0]['sources'] if 'error' not in m_srcs: for m_src in m_srcs: ss.append([m_src['file'], m_src['label']]) if 'fileHLS' in js and js['fileHLS'] != '': ss.append([ '' % (tok, js['fileHLS']), quali ]) except Exception as e: raise Exception('Step 2 Failed: %s > %s' % (url, e)) for link in ss: try: if 'google' in url: xs = client.googletag(url) for x in xs: try: links_m = resolvers.createMeta(x['url'],, self.logo, x['quality'], links_m, key, riptype, poster=poster, testing=testing) if testing == True and len(links_m) > 0: break except: pass else: try: links_m = resolvers.createMeta(link[0],, self.logo, link[1], links_m, key, riptype, poster=poster, testing=testing) if testing == True and len(links_m) > 0: break except: pass except: pass for l in links_m: sources.append(l) if len(sources) == 0: log( 'FAIL', 'get_sources', 'Could not find a matching title: %s' % cleantitle.title_from_key(key)) return sources log('SUCCESS', 'get_sources', '%s sources : %s' % (cleantitle.title_from_key(key), len(sources)), dolog=not testing) return sources except Exception as e: log('ERROR', 'get_sources', '%s' % e, dolog=not testing) return sources