def READ_ZIP(url): if not "_addon_data" in url: if not "tv_guide" in url: if dialog.yesno(AddonTitle,"[COLOR smokewhite]" + url + "[/COLOR]","Do you want to restore this backup?"): skinswap() wipe.WIPE_BACKUPRESTORE() _out = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join('special://','home')) else: sys.exit(1) else: if dialog.yesno(AddonTitle,"[COLOR smokewhite]" + url + "[/COLOR]","Do you want to restore this backup?"): _out = GUIDE else: sys.exit(1) else: if dialog.yesno(AddonTitle,"[COLOR smokewhite]" + url + "[/COLOR]","Do you want to restore this backup?"): _out = ADDON_DATA else: sys.exit(1) _in = url dp.create(AddonTitle,"Restoring File:",_in,'') unzip(_in, _out, dp) if not "addon_data" in url: if not "tv_guide" in url: dialog.ok(AddonTitle,'Restore Successful, please restart XBMC/Kodi for changes to take effect.','','') Common.killxbmc() else: dialog.ok(AddonTitle,'Your TDB TV Guide settings have been restored.','','') else: dialog.ok(AddonTitle,'Your Addon Data settings have been restored.','','')
def INSTALL_FANRIFFIC(name, url, description): buildname, url = url.split("|SPLIT|") choice = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno( AddonTitle, '[COLOR white]Do you wish to download the ' + buildname + ' theme?[/COLOR]', '', yeslabel='[B][COLOR yellowgreen]YES[/COLOR][/B]', nolabel='[B][COLOR lightskyblue]NO[/COLOR][/B]') if choice == 0: sys.exit(1) path = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join('special://home/addons', 'packages')) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) dp = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() dp.create(AddonTitle, "Please wait while we get everything ready to", "download the " + buildname + " build.", "[B]Build: [/B]" + buildname) lib = os.path.join(path, '') try: os.remove(lib) except: pass, lib, dp) addonfolder = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join('special://', 'home')) dp.update(0, "Extracting Zip Please Wait", "", " ") unzip(lib, addonfolder, dp) send_to_count = buildname + "|SPLIT|Fanriffic" add_download = Common.add_one(send_to_count) dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() dialog.ok( AddonTitle, "The theme has now been installed. To save the changes you must now force close Kodi." ) Common.killxbmc()
def FRESHSTART(): choice = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno( ADDONTITLE, '[COLOR lightskyblue][B]ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO RESTORE THE SYSTEM?[/B][/COLOR]', ' ', '[COLOR lightskyblue][B]EVERYTHING BAR THIS WIZARD WILL BE REMOVED[/B][/COLOR]', yeslabel='[B][COLOR green]YES[/COLOR][/B]', nolabel='[B][COLOR lightskyblue]NO[/COLOR][/B]') if choice == 0: sys.exit(1) skin = xbmc.getSkinDir() KODIV = float(xbmc.getInfoLabel("System.BuildVersion")[:4]) skinswapped = 0 #SWITCH THE SKIN IF THE CURRENT SKIN IS NOT CONFLUENCE if skin not in ['skin.confluence', 'skin.estuary']: skin = 'skin.estuary' if KODIV >= 17 else 'skin.confluence' skinSwitch.swapSkins(skin) skinswapped = 1 time.sleep(1) #IF A SKIN SWAP HAS HAPPENED CHECK IF AN OK DIALOG (CONFLUENCE INFO SCREEN) IS PRESENT, PRESS OK IF IT IS PRESENT if skinswapped == 1: if not xbmc.getCondVisibility("Window.isVisible(yesnodialog)"): xbmc.executebuiltin("Action(Select)") #IF THERE IS NOT A YES NO DIALOG (THE SCREEN ASKING YOU TO SWITCH TO CONFLUENCE) THEN SLEEP UNTIL IT APPEARS if skinswapped == 1: while not xbmc.getCondVisibility("Window.isVisible(yesnodialog)"): time.sleep(1) #WHILE THE YES NO DIALOG IS PRESENT PRESS LEFT AND THEN SELECT TO CONFIRM THE SWITCH TO CONFLUENCE. if skinswapped == 1: while xbmc.getCondVisibility("Window.isVisible(yesnodialog)"): xbmc.executebuiltin("Action(Left)") xbmc.executebuiltin("Action(Select)") time.sleep(1) skin = xbmc.getSkinDir() #CHECK IF THE SKIN IS NOT CONFLUENCE if skin not in ['skin.confluence', 'skin.estuary']: choice = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno( ADDONTITLE, '[COLOR lightskyblue][B]ERROR: AUTOSWITCH WAS NOT SUCCESSFUL[/B][/COLOR]', '[COLOR lightskyblue][B]CLICK YES TO MANUALLY SWITCH TO CONFLUENCE NOW[/B][/COLOR]', '[COLOR lightskyblue][B]YOU CAN PRESS NO AND ATTEMPT THE AUTO SWITCH AGAIN IF YOU WISH[/B][/COLOR]', yeslabel='[B][COLOR green]YES[/COLOR][/B]', nolabel='[B][COLOR lightskyblue]NO[/COLOR][/B]') if choice == 1: xbmc.executebuiltin("ActivateWindow(appearancesettings)") return else: sys.exit(1) dp.create(ADDONTITLE, "Restoring Kodi.", 'In Progress.............', 'Please Wait') try: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(HOME, topdown=True): dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs if d not in EXCLUDES] for name in files: try: os.remove(os.path.join(root, name)) os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name)) except: pass for name in dirs: try: os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name)) os.rmdir(root) except: pass except: pass dp.create(ADDONTITLE, "Wiping Install", 'Removing empty folders.', 'Please Wait') Common.REMOVE_EMPTY_FOLDERS() Common.REMOVE_EMPTY_FOLDERS() Common.REMOVE_EMPTY_FOLDERS() Common.REMOVE_EMPTY_FOLDERS() Common.REMOVE_EMPTY_FOLDERS() Common.REMOVE_EMPTY_FOLDERS() Common.REMOVE_EMPTY_FOLDERS() Common.REMOVE_EMPTY_FOLDERS() if os.path.exists(NAVI): try: shutil.rmtree(NAVI) except: pass if os.path.exists(DATABASES): try: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(DATABASES, topdown=True): dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs] for name in files: try: os.remove(os.path.join(root, name)) os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name)) except: pass for name in dirs: try: os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name)) os.rmdir(root) except: pass except: pass if os.path.exists(ADDON_DATA): try: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(ADDON_DATA, topdown=True): dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs] for name in files: try: os.remove(os.path.join(root, name)) os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name)) except: pass for name in dirs: try: os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name)) os.rmdir(root) except: pass except: pass Common.killxbmc()
def INSTALL(name, url, description): urla = url desca = description notice2, description, fresh, youtube, skin_used, build_notice = desca.split( ',') name, url = urla.split(',') wipeme = 0 xxl = 0 skipskin = 0 skin_swapped = 0 skin = xbmc.getSkinDir() KODIV = float(xbmc.getInfoLabel("System.BuildVersion")[:4]) skinswapped = 0 SKIP_FAVS = 0 if "lose your favourites" in notice2.lower(): SKIP_FAVS = 1 if not "skin." in skin_used: skin_used = "NULL" if fresh == "1": wipeme = 1 else: wipeme = 0 skipskin = 1 #SWITCH THE SKIN IF THE CURRENT SKIN IS NOT CONFLUENCE if skin not in ['skin.confluence', 'skin.estuary'] and skipskin == 0: skin = 'skin.estuary' if KODIV >= 17 else 'skin.confluence' skinSwitch.swapSkins(skin) skinswapped = 1 time.sleep(2) #IF A SKIN SWAP HAS HAPPENED CHECK IF AN OK DIALOG (CONFLUENCE INFO SCREEN) IS PRESENT, PRESS OK IF IT IS PRESENT if skinswapped == 1: if not xbmc.getCondVisibility("Window.isVisible(yesnodialog)"): xbmc.executebuiltin("Action(Select)") #IF THERE IS NOT A YES NO DIALOG (THE SCREEN ASKING YOU TO SWITCH TO CONFLUENCE) THEN SLEEP UNTIL IT APPEARS if skinswapped == 1: while not xbmc.getCondVisibility("Window.isVisible(yesnodialog)"): time.sleep(1) #WHILE THE YES NO DIALOG IS PRESENT PRESS LEFT AND THEN SELECT TO CONFIRM THE SWITCH TO CONFLUENCE. if skinswapped == 1: while xbmc.getCondVisibility("Window.isVisible(yesnodialog)"): xbmc.executebuiltin("Action(Left)") xbmc.executebuiltin("Action(Select)") time.sleep(1) skin = xbmc.getSkinDir() #CHECK IF THE SKIN IS NOT CONFLUENCE if skin not in ['skin.confluence', 'skin.estuary']: if skin_swapped == 1: choice = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno( AddonTitle, '[COLOR lightskyblue][B]ERROR: AUTOSWITCH WAS NOT SUCCESSFUL[/B][/COLOR]', '[COLOR lightskyblue][B]CLICK YES TO MANUALLY SWITCH TO CONFLUENCE NOW[/B][/COLOR]', '[COLOR lightskyblue][B]YOU CAN PRESS NO AND ATTEMPT THE AUTO SWITCH AGAIN IF YOU WISH[/B][/COLOR]', yeslabel='[B][COLOR green]YES[/COLOR][/B]', nolabel='[B][COLOR lightskyblue]NO[/COLOR][/B]') if choice == 1: xbmc.executebuiltin("ActivateWindow(appearancesettings)") return else: sys.exit(1) if wipeme == 1: found_trakt = 0 link = Common.OPEN_URL(BASEURL + base64.b64decode(b'b3RoZXIvcmRfdHJha3QueG1s')) plugins = re.compile('<plugin>(.+?)</plugin>').findall(link) for match in plugins: ADDONPATH = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join(ADDON_DATA, match)) ADDONSETTINGS = xbmc.translatePath( os.path.join(ADDONPATH, 'settings.xml')) EXCLUDEMOVE = xbmc.translatePath( os.path.join(EXCLUDES_FOLDER, match + '_settings.xml')) if os.path.isfile(ADDONSETTINGS): found_trakt = 1 if SKIP_FAVS == 1: keep_kodi_favs = 0 keep_trakt_rd = 0 if found_trakt == 1: found_a = 0 dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() choice = '[COLOR lightskyblue][B]TRAKT AND RD SETTINGS DETECTED[/B][/COLOR]', [ '[COLOR yellowgreen][B]Yes, Keep Trakt & Real Debrid Settings[/B][/COLOR]', '[COLOR lightskyblue][B]No, Remove My Settings[/B][/COLOR]' ]) if choice == 0: keep_trakt_rd = 1 found_a = 1 if choice == 1: keep_trakt_rd = 0 found_a = 1 if found_a == 0: sys.exit(1) else: found_favourites = 0 if os.path.isfile(FAVS): found_favourites = 1 keep_kodi_favs = 0 keep_trakt_rd = 0 if found_favourites == 1 and found_trakt == 1: found_c = 0 dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() choice = '[COLOR lightskyblue][B]TRAKT, RD & FAVOURITES DETECTED[/B][/COLOR]', [ '[COLOR lightskyblue][B]KEEP BOTH RD, TRAKT & FAVOURITES[/B][/COLOR]', '[COLOR yellowgreen][B]Only Keep Trakt & Real Debrid Settings[/B][/COLOR]', '[COLOR yellowgreen][B]Only Keep Kodi Favourites[/B][/COLOR]', '[COLOR lightskyblue][B]Remove All Settings & Favourites[/B][/COLOR]' ]) if choice == 0: keep_trakt_rd = 1 keep_kodi_favs = 1 found_c = 1 if choice == 1: keep_trakt_rd = 1 keep_kodi_favs = 0 found_c = 1 if choice == 2: keep_trakt_rd = 0 keep_kodi_favs = 1 found_c = 1 if choice == 3: keep_trakt_rd = 0 keep_kodi_favs = 0 found_c = 1 if found_c == 0: sys.exit(1) if found_favourites == 1 and found_trakt == 0: found_b = 0 dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() choice = '[COLOR lightskyblue][B]KODI FAVOURITES DETECTED[/B][/COLOR]', [ '[COLOR yellowgreen][B]Yes, Keep Favourites[/B][/COLOR]', '[COLOR lightskyblue][B]No Use The Builds Favourites[/B][/COLOR]' ]) if choice == 0: found_b = 1 keep_kodi_favs = 1 if choice == 1: found_b = 1 keep_kodi_favs = 0 if found_b == 0: sys.exit(1) if found_favourites == 0 and found_trakt == 1: found_a = 0 dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() choice = '[COLOR lightskyblue][B]TRAKT AND RD SETTINGS DETECTED[/B][/COLOR]', [ '[COLOR yellowgreen][B]Yes, Keep Trakt & Real Debrid Settings[/B][/COLOR]', '[COLOR lightskyblue][B]No, Remove My Settings[/B][/COLOR]' ]) if choice == 0: keep_trakt_rd = 1 found_a = 1 if choice == 1: keep_trakt_rd = 0 found_a = 1 if found_a == 0: sys.exit(1) if keep_trakt_rd == 1: backuprestore.AUTO_BACKUP_RD_TRAKT() wipe.WIPERESTORE(keep_kodi_favs) path = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join('special://home/addons', 'packages')) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) buildname = name dp = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() dp.create(AddonTitle, "Please wait while we get everything ready to", "download the " + buildname + " build.", "[B]Build: [/B]" + buildname) buildname = "build" lib = os.path.join(path, buildname + '.zip') try: os.remove(lib) except: pass if description.lower() != "null": hash = "null" while hash.lower() != description.lower(): dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog(), lib, dp) addonfolder = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join( 'special://', 'home')) dp.update(0, "", "Checking Zip File Integrity", "Please Wait..") hash = hashlib.md5(open(lib, 'rb').read()).hexdigest() if hash.lower() != description.lower(): choice = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno( AddonTitle, 'Error: Unfortunatly the ZIP file hash does not match.', 'The file has therefore been flagged as corrupt.', 'Would you like to download the file again?', nolabel='[B][COLOR lightskyblue]NO[/COLOR][/B]', yeslabel='[B][COLOR yellowgreen]YES[/COLOR][/B]') if choice == 0: try: os.remove(lib) except: pass sys.exit(1) else: try: os.remove(lib) except: pass else: dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog(), lib, dp) addonfolder = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join('special://', 'home')) dp.update(0, "Extracting Zip Please Wait", " ", " ") unzip(lib, addonfolder, dp) try: os.remove(lib) except: pass send_to_count = name + "|SPLIT|ECHO" add_download = Common.add_one(send_to_count) if os.path.isfile(FAVS_NEW): if os.path.isfile(FAVS): try: os.remove(FAVS) os.rename(FAVS_NEW, FAVS) except: pass else: try: os.rename(FAVS_NEW, FAVS) except: pass MARKER_TRAKT = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join(TMP_TRAKT, 'marker.xml')) if os.path.isfile(MARKER_TRAKT): backup_zip = xbmc.translatePath( os.path.join(TMP_TRAKT, '')) backuprestore.AUTO_READ_ZIP_TRAKT(backup_zip) _out = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join('special://', 'home/tmp_trakt')) try: os.remove(MARKER_TRAKT) shutil.rmtree(_out) shutil.rmdir(_out) except: pass skin_swapped = 0 skin = xbmc.getSkinDir() if "skin." in skin_used: #SWITCH THE SKIN IF THE CURRENT SKIN IS NOT CONFLUENCE if skin not in [skin_used]: skin_swapped = 1 xbmc.executebuiltin("UpdateAddonRepos") xbmc.executebuiltin("UpdateLocalAddons") xbmc.executebuiltin("RefreshRSS") skin = skin_used if KODIV >= 17 else skin_used skinSwitch.swapSkins(skin) time.sleep(1) #IF A SKIN SWAP HAS HAPPENED CHECK IF AN OK DIALOG (CONFLUENCE INFO SCREEN) IS PRESENT, PRESS OK IF IT IS PRESENT if not xbmc.getCondVisibility("Window.isVisible(yesnodialog)"): xbmc.executebuiltin("Action(Select)") #IF THERE IS NOT A YES NO DIALOG (THE SCREEN ASKING YOU TO SWITCH TO CONFLUENCE) THEN SLEEP UNTIL IT APPEARS while not xbmc.getCondVisibility("Window.isVisible(yesnodialog)"): time.sleep(1) #WHILE THE YES NO DIALOG IS PRESENT PRESS LEFT AND THEN SELECT TO CONFIRM THE SWITCH TO CONFLUENCE. while xbmc.getCondVisibility("Window.isVisible(yesnodialog)"): xbmc.executebuiltin("Action(Left)") xbmc.executebuiltin("Action(Select)") time.sleep(1) skin = xbmc.getSkinDir() if skin != skin_used: if skin_swapped == 1: choice = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno( AddonTitle, '[COLOR lightskyblue][B]ERROR: AUTOSWITCH WAS NOT SUCCESSFUL[/B][/COLOR]', '[COLOR lightskyblue][B]CLICK YES TO MANUALLY SWITCH NOW[/B][/COLOR]', '', yeslabel='[B][COLOR green]YES[/COLOR][/B]', nolabel='[B][COLOR lightskyblue]NO[/COLOR][/B]') if choice == 1: xbmc.executebuiltin("ActivateWindow(appearancesettings)") return else: sys.exit(1) if skin_swapped == 1: dialog.ok( AddonTitle, '[B][COLOR smokewhite]Your build has been installed.[/COLOR][/B]', '[B][COLOR orangered]YOU DO NOT NEED TO CLOSE KODI[/COLOR][/B].', '[COLOR white]Please press OK to enjoy your build![/COLOR]') xbmc.executebuiltin("ActivateWindow(Home)") sys.exit(1) else: dialog.ok( AddonTitle, "To save changes you now need to force close Kodi, Press OK to force close Kodi" ) Common.killxbmc()
def INSTALL_COMMUNITY(name, url, description): urla = url name, url, skin_used, developer = urla.split(',') skin = xbmc.getSkinDir() KODIV = float(xbmc.getInfoLabel("System.BuildVersion")[:4]) skinswapped = 0 raw_name = name.split('-')[0] if not "skin." in skin_used: skin_used = "NULL" #SWITCH THE SKIN IF THE CURRENT SKIN IS NOT CONFLUENCE if skin not in ['skin.confluence', 'skin.estuary']: choice = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno( AddonTitle, '[COLOR lightskyblue][B]We can see that you are not using the default confluence skin.[/B][/COLOR]', '[COLOR lightskyblue][B]CLICK YES TO ATTEMPT TO AUTO SWITCH TO CONFLUENCE[/B][/COLOR]', '[COLOR lightskyblue][B]PLEASE DO NOT DO PRESS ANY BUTTONS OR MOVE THE MOUSE WHILE THIS PROCESS IS TAKING PLACE, IT IS AUTOMATIC[/B][/COLOR]', yeslabel='[B][COLOR green]YES[/COLOR][/B]', nolabel='[B][COLOR lightskyblue]NO[/COLOR][/B]') if choice == 0: sys.exit(1) skin = 'skin.estuary' if KODIV >= 17 else 'skin.confluence' skinSwitch.swapSkins(skin) skinswapped = 1 time.sleep(1) #IF A SKIN SWAP HAS HAPPENED CHECK IF AN OK DIALOG (CONFLUENCE INFO SCREEN) IS PRESENT, PRESS OK IF IT IS PRESENT if skinswapped == 1: if not xbmc.getCondVisibility("Window.isVisible(yesnodialog)"): xbmc.executebuiltin("Action(Select)") #IF THERE IS NOT A YES NO DIALOG (THE SCREEN ASKING YOU TO SWITCH TO CONFLUENCE) THEN SLEEP UNTIL IT APPEARS if skinswapped == 1: while not xbmc.getCondVisibility("Window.isVisible(yesnodialog)"): time.sleep(1) #WHILE THE YES NO DIALOG IS PRESENT PRESS LEFT AND THEN SELECT TO CONFIRM THE SWITCH TO CONFLUENCE. if skinswapped == 1: while xbmc.getCondVisibility("Window.isVisible(yesnodialog)"): xbmc.executebuiltin("Action(Left)") xbmc.executebuiltin("Action(Select)") time.sleep(1) skin = xbmc.getSkinDir() #CHECK IF THE SKIN IS NOT CONFLUENCE if skin not in ['skin.confluence', 'skin.estuary']: if skinswapped == 1: choice = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno( AddonTitle, '[COLOR lightskyblue][B]ERROR: AUTOSWITCH WAS NOT SUCCESFULL[/B][/COLOR]', '[COLOR lightskyblue][B]CLICK YES TO MANUALLY SWITCH TO CONFLUENCE NOW[/B][/COLOR]', '[COLOR lightskyblue][B]YOU CAN PRESS NO AND ATTEMPT THE AUTO SWITCH AGAIN IF YOU WISH[/B][/COLOR]', yeslabel='[B][COLOR green]YES[/COLOR][/B]', nolabel='[B][COLOR lightskyblue]NO[/COLOR][/B]') if choice == 1: xbmc.executebuiltin("ActivateWindow(appearancesettings)") return else: sys.exit(1) found_trakt = 0 link = Common.OPEN_URL(BASEURL + base64.b64decode(b'b3RoZXIvcmRfdHJha3QueG1s')) plugins = re.compile('<plugin>(.+?)</plugin>').findall(link) for match in plugins: ADDONPATH = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join(ADDON_DATA, match)) ADDONSETTINGS = xbmc.translatePath( os.path.join(ADDONPATH, 'settings.xml')) EXCLUDEMOVE = xbmc.translatePath( os.path.join(EXCLUDES_FOLDER, match + '_settings.xml')) if os.path.isfile(ADDONSETTINGS): found_trakt = 1 found_favourites = 0 if os.path.isfile(FAVS): found_favourites = 1 keep_kodi_favs = 0 keep_trakt_rd = 0 if found_favourites == 1 and found_trakt == 1: found_c = 0 dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() choice = '[COLOR lightskyblue][B]TRAKT, RD & FAVOURITES DETECTED[/B][/COLOR]', [ '[COLOR lightskyblue][B]KEEP BOTH RD, TRAKT & FAVOURITES[/B][/COLOR]', '[COLOR yellowgreen][B]Only Keep Trakt & Real Debrid Settings[/B][/COLOR]', '[COLOR yellowgreen][B]Only Keep Kodi Favourites[/B][/COLOR]', '[COLOR lightskyblue][B]Remove All Settings & Favourites[/B][/COLOR]' ]) if choice == 0: keep_trakt_rd = 1 keep_kodi_favs = 1 found_c = 1 if choice == 1: keep_trakt_rd = 1 keep_kodi_favs = 0 found_c = 1 if choice == 2: keep_trakt_rd = 0 keep_kodi_favs = 1 found_c = 1 if choice == 3: keep_trakt_rd = 0 keep_kodi_favs = 0 found_c = 1 if found_c == 0: sys.exit(1) if found_favourites == 1 and found_trakt == 0: found_b = 0 dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() choice = '[COLOR lightskyblue][B]KODI FAVOURITES DETECTED[/B][/COLOR]', [ '[COLOR yellowgreen][B]Yes, Keep Favourites[/B][/COLOR]', '[COLOR lightskyblue][B]No Use The Builds Favourites[/B][/COLOR]' ]) if choice == 0: found_b = 1 keep_kodi_favs = 1 if choice == 1: found_b = 1 keep_kodi_favs = 0 if found_b == 0: sys.exit(1) if found_favourites == 0 and found_trakt == 1: found_a = 0 dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() choice = '[COLOR lightskyblue][B]TRAKT AND RD SETTINGS DETECTED[/B][/COLOR]', [ '[COLOR yellowgreen][B]Yes, Keep Trakt & Real Debrid Settings[/B][/COLOR]', '[COLOR lightskyblue][B]No, Remove My Settings[/B][/COLOR]' ]) if choice == 0: keep_trakt_rd = 1 found_a = 1 if choice == 1: keep_trakt_rd = 0 found_a = 1 if found_a == 0: sys.exit(1) if keep_trakt_rd == 1: backuprestore.AUTO_BACKUP_RD_TRAKT() wipe.WIPERESTORE(keep_kodi_favs) path = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join('special://home/addons', 'packages')) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) buildname = name raw_name_string = str(raw_name) raw_name = raw_name_string.replace('[B]', '').replace('[/B]', '') dp = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() dp.create(AddonTitle, "Please wait while we get everything ready to", "download the " + raw_name + " build.", " ") buildname = "build" lib = os.path.join(path, buildname + '.zip') try: os.remove(lib) except: pass dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() dp.update(0, "", "", "[B]Build: [/B]" + raw_name), lib, dp) addonfolder = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join('special://', 'home')) dp.update(0, "", "Extracting Zip File", "") unzip(lib, addonfolder, dp) time.sleep(1) send_to_count = name + "|SPLIT|" + developer add_download = Common.add_one(send_to_count) try: os.remove(lib) except: pass if os.path.isfile(FAVS_NEW): if os.path.isfile(FAVS): try: os.remove(FAVS) os.rename(FAVS_NEW, FAVS) except: pass else: try: os.rename(FAVS_NEW, FAVS) except: pass MARKER_TRAKT = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join(TMP_TRAKT, 'marker.xml')) if os.path.isfile(MARKER_TRAKT): backup_zip = xbmc.translatePath( os.path.join(TMP_TRAKT, '')) backuprestore.AUTO_READ_ZIP_TRAKT(backup_zip) _out = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join('special://', 'home/tmp_trakt')) try: os.remove(MARKER_TRAKT) shutil.rmtree(_out) shutil.rmdir(_out) except: pass skin_swapped = 0 skin = xbmc.getSkinDir() if "skin." in skin_used: #SWITCH THE SKIN IF THE CURRENT SKIN IS NOT CONFLUENCE if skin not in [skin_used]: skin_swapped = 1 xbmc.executebuiltin("UpdateAddonRepos") xbmc.executebuiltin("UpdateLocalAddons") xbmc.executebuiltin("RefreshRSS") skin = skin_used if KODIV >= 17 else skin_used skinSwitch.swapSkins(skin) time.sleep(1) #IF A SKIN SWAP HAS HAPPENED CHECK IF AN OK DIALOG (CONFLUENCE INFO SCREEN) IS PRESENT, PRESS OK IF IT IS PRESENT if not xbmc.getCondVisibility("Window.isVisible(yesnodialog)"): xbmc.executebuiltin("Action(Select)") #IF THERE IS NOT A YES NO DIALOG (THE SCREEN ASKING YOU TO SWITCH TO CONFLUENCE) THEN SLEEP UNTIL IT APPEARS while not xbmc.getCondVisibility("Window.isVisible(yesnodialog)"): time.sleep(1) #WHILE THE YES NO DIALOG IS PRESENT PRESS LEFT AND THEN SELECT TO CONFIRM THE SWITCH TO CONFLUENCE. while xbmc.getCondVisibility("Window.isVisible(yesnodialog)"): xbmc.executebuiltin("Action(Left)") xbmc.executebuiltin("Action(Select)") time.sleep(1) skin = xbmc.getSkinDir() if skin != skin_used: if skin_swapped == 1: choice = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno( AddonTitle, '[COLOR lightskyblue][B]ERROR: AUTOSWITCH WAS NOT SUCCESFULL[/B][/COLOR]', '[COLOR lightskyblue][B]CLICK YES TO MANUALLY SWITCH NOW[/B][/COLOR]', '', yeslabel='[B][COLOR green]YES[/COLOR][/B]', nolabel='[B][COLOR lightskyblue]NO[/COLOR][/B]') if choice == 1: xbmc.executebuiltin("ActivateWindow(appearancesettings)") return else: sys.exit(1) if skin_swapped == 1: open(COMMUNITY_BUILD, 'w') dialog.ok( AddonTitle, '[B][COLOR smokewhite]Your build has been installed.[/COLOR][/B]', '[B][COLOR orangered]YOU DO NOT NEED TO CLOSE KODI[/COLOR][/B].', '[COLOR white]Please press OK to enjoy your build![/COLOR]') xbmc.executebuiltin("ActivateWindow(Home)") sys.exit(1) else: open(COMMUNITY_BUILD, 'w') dialog.ok( AddonTitle, "To save changes you now need to force close Kodi, Press OK to force close Kodi" ) Common.killxbmc()