class TvGuide: """ Menu code related to the TV Guide """ def __init__(self): """ Initialise object """ self._vtm_go_epg = VtmGoEpg() def show_tvguide_channel(self, channel): """ Shows the dates in the tv guide :type channel: str """ listing = [] for day in self._vtm_go_epg.get_dates('%A %d %B %Y'): if day.get('highlight'): title = '[B]{title}[/B]'.format(title=day.get('title')) else: title = day.get('title') listing.append(kodiutils.TitleItem( title=title, path=kodiutils.url_for('show_tvguide_detail', channel=channel, date=day.get('key')), art_dict=dict( icon='DefaultYear.png', thumb='DefaultYear.png', ), info_dict=dict( plot=None, date=day.get('date'), ), )) kodiutils.show_listing(listing, 30013, content='files', sort=['date']) def show_tvguide_detail(self, channel=None, date=None): """ Shows the programs of a specific date in the tv guide :type channel: str :type date: str """ try: epg = self._vtm_go_epg.get_epg(channel=channel, date=date) except UnavailableException as ex: kodiutils.notification(message=str(ex)) kodiutils.end_of_directory() return listing = [] for broadcast in epg.broadcasts: if broadcast.playable_type == 'episodes': context_menu = [( kodiutils.localize(30102), # Go to Program 'Container.Update(%s)' % kodiutils.url_for('show_catalog_program', channel=channel, program=broadcast.program_uuid) )] else: context_menu = None title = '{time} - {title}{live}'.format( time=broadcast.time.strftime('%H:%M'), title=broadcast.title, live=' [I](LIVE)[/I]' if else '' ) if broadcast.airing: title = '[B]{title}[/B]'.format(title=title) path = kodiutils.url_for('play_or_live', channel=broadcast.channel_uuid, category=broadcast.playable_type, item=broadcast.playable_uuid) else: path = kodiutils.url_for('play', category=broadcast.playable_type, item=broadcast.playable_uuid) listing.append(kodiutils.TitleItem( title=title, path=path, art_dict=dict( thumb=broadcast.thumb, ), info_dict=dict( title=title, plot=broadcast.description, duration=broadcast.duration, mediatype='video', ), stream_dict=dict( duration=broadcast.duration, codec='h264', height=1080, width=1920, ), context_menu=context_menu, is_playable=True, )) kodiutils.show_listing(listing, 30013, content='episodes', sort=['unsorted']) def play_epg_datetime(self, channel, timestamp): """ Play a program based on the channel and the timestamp when it was aired :type channel: str :type timestamp: str """ broadcast = self._vtm_go_epg.get_broadcast(channel, timestamp) if not broadcast: kodiutils.ok_dialog(heading=kodiutils.localize(30711), message=kodiutils.localize(30713)) # The requested video was not found in the guide. kodiutils.end_of_directory() return kodiutils.redirect( kodiutils.url_for('play', category=broadcast.playable_type, item=broadcast.playable_uuid))
class TvGuide: """ Menu code related to the TV Guide """ EPG_NO_BROADCAST = 'Geen Uitzending' def __init__(self, kodi): """ Initialise object :type kodi: resources.lib.kodiwrapper.KodiWrapper """ self._kodi = kodi self._vtm_go_epg = VtmGoEpg(self._kodi) def show_tvguide_channel(self, channel): """ Shows the dates in the tv guide :type channel: str """ listing = [] for day in self._vtm_go_epg.get_dates('%A %d %B %Y'): if day.get('highlight'): title = '[B]{title}[/B]'.format(title=day.get('title')) else: title = day.get('title') listing.append( TitleItem(title=title, path=self._kodi.url_for('show_tvguide_detail', channel=channel, date=day.get('key')), art_dict={ 'icon': 'DefaultYear.png', 'thumb': 'DefaultYear.png', }, info_dict={ 'plot': None, 'date': day.get('date'), })) self._kodi.show_listing(listing, 30013, content='files', sort=['date']) def show_tvguide_detail(self, channel=None, date=None): """ Shows the programs of a specific date in the tv guide :type channel: str :type date: str """ try: epg = self._vtm_go_epg.get_epg(channel=channel, date=date) except UnavailableException as ex: self._kodi.show_notification(message=str(ex)) self._kodi.end_of_directory() return listing = [] for broadcast in epg.broadcasts: if broadcast.playable_type == 'episodes': context_menu = [( self._kodi.localize(30102), # Go to Program 'XBMC.Container.Update(%s)' % self._kodi.url_for('show_program_from_epg', channel=channel, program=broadcast.uuid))] else: context_menu = None title = '{time} - {title}{live}'.format( time=broadcast.time.strftime('%H:%M'), title=broadcast.title, live=' [I](LIVE)[/I]' if else '') if broadcast.airing: title = '[B]{title}[/B]'.format(title=title) if broadcast.title == self.EPG_NO_BROADCAST: title = '[COLOR gray]' + title + '[/COLOR]' listing.append( TitleItem(title=title, path=self._kodi.url_for( 'play_epg_program', channel=channel, program_type=broadcast.playable_type, epg_id=broadcast.uuid, airing=epg.uuid if broadcast.airing else None), art_dict={ 'icon': broadcast.image, 'thumb': broadcast.image, }, info_dict={ 'title': title, 'plot': broadcast.description, 'duration': broadcast.duration, 'mediatype': 'video', }, stream_dict={ 'duration': broadcast.duration, 'codec': 'h264', 'height': 1080, 'width': 1920, }, context_menu=context_menu, is_playable=True)) self._kodi.show_listing(listing, 30013, content='episodes', sort=['unsorted']) def show_program_from_epg(self, channel, program): """ Show a program based on the channel and information from the EPG :type channel: str :type program: str """ details = self._vtm_go_epg.get_details(channel=channel, program_type='episodes', epg_id=program) if not details: self._kodi.show_ok_dialog( heading=self._kodi.localize(30711), message=self._kodi.localize( 30713)) # The requested video was not found in the guide. self._kodi.end_of_directory() return # Show the program with our freshly obtained program_uuid self._kodi.redirect( self._kodi.url_for('show_catalog_program', program=details.program_uuid).replace( 'plugin://', '')) def play_epg_datetime(self, channel, timestamp): """ Play a program based on the channel and the timestamp when it was aired :type channel: str :type timestamp: str """ broadcast = self._vtm_go_epg.get_broadcast(channel, timestamp) if not broadcast: self._kodi.show_ok_dialog( heading=self._kodi.localize(30711), message=self._kodi.localize( 30713)) # The requested video was not found in the guide. self._kodi.end_of_directory() return self.play_epg_program(channel, broadcast.playable_type, broadcast.uuid) def play_epg_program(self, channel, program_type, epg_id, airing=None): """ Play a program based on the channel and information from the EPG :type channel: str :type program_type: str :type epg_id: str :type airing: str """ if airing: res = self._kodi.show_context_menu( [self._kodi.localize(30103), self._kodi.localize(30105)]) # Watch Live | Play from Catalog if res == -1: # user has cancelled return if res == 0: # user selected "Watch Live" self._kodi.redirect( self._kodi.url_for('play', category='channels', item=airing)) return details = self._vtm_go_epg.get_details(channel=channel, program_type=program_type, epg_id=epg_id) if not details: self._kodi.show_ok_dialog( heading=self._kodi.localize(30711), message=self._kodi.localize( 30713)) # The requested video was not found in the guide. self._kodi.end_of_directory() return # Play this program self._kodi.redirect( self._kodi.url_for('play', category=details.playable_type, item=details.playable_uuid))