예제 #1
    def __init__(self):
		Starts with speed zero on the upper left corner
        self.pos = tools.Vector2(constants.DEF_Px, constants.DEF_Py)
        self.direction = constants.STOP
        self.sprite = theme.sprite('default/hero.png', 0.4)
예제 #2
    def random_pos():
		Calculates a valid random position for the ball
		:return: a valid random position
        return tools.Vector2(
            random.randint(1 + int(0.1 * constants.SCREEN_SIZE[0]),
                           int(0.9 * constants.SCREEN_SIZE[0])),
            random.randint(int(1 + 0.1 * constants.SCREEN_SIZE[1]),
                           int(0.9 * constants.SCREEN_SIZE[1])))
예제 #3
    def update(self, grid):
		given the actual game state, calculates the next position of the ball and its next
		direction (if the ball collide with the wall). And checks if the ball killed the hero.
		:param grid: game state
		:return: returns if the ball killed or not the hero
        nextPos = tools.Vector2(
            self.pos.x + constants.BALL_RADIUS * tools.sign(self.speed.x),
            self.pos.y + constants.BALL_RADIUS * tools.sign(self.speed.y))
        actualGrid = tools.discretize(self.pos)
        nextGrid = tools.discretize(nextPos)

        #horizontal reflection on walls
        if tools.valid(nextGrid[0], actualGrid[1], grid) and grid[nextGrid[0]][
                actualGrid[1]] == constants.CONQUERED or not tools.valid_x(
                    nextGrid[0], grid):
            self.speed.x *= -1
            nextPos.x = self.pos.x + self.speed.x
            nextGrid[0] = tools.conv(nextPos.x, 0)

        #vertical reflectio on walls
        if tools.valid(
                actualGrid[0], nextGrid[1], grid) and grid[actualGrid[0]][
                    nextGrid[1]] == constants.CONQUERED or not tools.valid_y(
                        nextGrid[1], grid):
            self.speed.y *= -1
            nextPos.y = self.pos.y + self.speed.y
            nextGrid[1] = tools.conv(nextPos.y, 1)

        #verify if player path was hit
        if tools.valid(
                nextGrid[0], nextGrid[1],
                grid) and grid[nextGrid[0]][nextGrid[1]] == constants.PROCESS:
            return constants.LOSE

        #new position
        self.pos = tools.Vector2(self.pos.x + self.speed.x,
                                 self.pos.y + self.speed.y)

        #may return 'LOSE' or 'UNDEFINED' states
        return constants.UNDEFINED
예제 #4
    def random_spd():
		Calculates a random direction for the ball
		:return: a random direction
        speed = tools.Vector2(constants.DEF_Vx, constants.DEF_Vy)
        if random.randint(-1, 1) < 0:
            speed.x *= -1
        if random.randint(-1, 1) < 0:
            speed.y *= -1
        return speed
예제 #5
    def update(self, grid):
		This ball is capable of destroying the wall, so this function updates the ball position,
		destroys the wall and check if the ball killed the hero.
		:param grid: current state of the game
		:return: returns if the ball killed or not the hero
        self.destructedBlocks = 0
        nextPos = tools.Vector2(
            self.pos.x + constants.BALL_RADIUS *
            (self.speed.x / abs(self.speed.x)), self.pos.y +
            constants.BALL_RADIUS * self.speed.y / abs(self.speed.y))
        actualGrid = tools.discretize(self.pos)
        nextGrid = tools.discretize(nextPos)

        if grid[nextGrid[0]][actualGrid[1]] == constants.CONQUERED:
            if nextGrid[0] > 0 and nextGrid[0] < len(grid) - 1:
                grid[nextGrid[0]][actualGrid[1]] = constants.NOTHING
                self.destructedBlocks -= 1
            self.speed.x *= -1
            nextPos.x = self.pos.x + self.speed.x
            nextGrid[0] = tools.conv(nextPos.x, 0)

        if grid[actualGrid[0]][nextGrid[1]] == constants.CONQUERED:
            if nextGrid[1] > 0 and nextGrid[1] < len(grid[actualGrid[0]]) - 1:
                grid[actualGrid[0]][nextGrid[1]] = constants.NOTHING
                self.destructedBlocks -= 1
            self.speed.y *= -1
            nextPos.y = self.pos.y + self.speed.y
            nextGrid[1] = tools.conv(nextPos.y, 1)

        if grid[nextGrid[0]][nextGrid[1]] == constants.PROCESS:
            return constants.LOSE

        self.pos = tools.Vector2(self.pos.x + self.speed.x,
                                 self.pos.y + self.speed.y)

        return constants.UNDEFINED
예제 #6
    def __init__(self, x, y, width, maxValue, action, value=0, share=None):
		:param x: horizontal position
		:param y: vertical position
		:param width: width of the slider
		:param maxValue: maximum value of the slider
		:param action: function that will be called when the user clicks the slider
		:param value: current value of the slider
        self.action = action
        self.width = width
        self.height = 50
        self.maxValue = maxValue
        self.value = value
        self.old_value = value
        self.shortcut = [constants.NOKEY]

        Elements.__init__(self, x, y)

        self.pointerPos = tools.Vector2(
            self.x + int(self.value * self.width / self.maxValue), self.y)
        self.backgroundColor = theme.sliderBackColor
        self.icon = share
예제 #7
 def __init__(self):
     self.pos = tools.Vector2(400, 300)
     self.destructedBlocks = 0
예제 #8
 def setValue(self, value):
     self.value = value
     self.pointerPos = tools.Vector2(
         self.x + int(self.value * self.width / self.maxValue), self.y)