def _bulkadd(self): # responses.send_message_to_slack(self._channel,'Sorry for the inconvience, this bot is going through an upgrade and this function is currently unavailable.') tc_url = environment.DOMAIN_TC f = self._files iocs = '' for i in f: logger.debug(f"URL DOWNLOAD: {i['url_private_download']}") res = req.get( i['url_private_download'], headers={'Authorization': f'Bearer {environment.TOKEN}'}) if not res.ok: responses.send_failure(self._channel) return if res.text not in iocs: iocs += res.text ioc_array = iocs.split('\n') if len(ioc_array) > 50: responses.send_message_to_slack( self._channel, 'Due to limitations at the current time, we are only allowing 50 IOCs to be pushed at once. Sorry for the inconvience.' ) return logger.debug(f'Going to submit {str(len(ioc_array))} IOCS...') responses.send_ioc_count(self._channel, len(ioc_array)) count = 0 for i in ioc_array: with open('to_submit.txt', 'a+') as f: f.write(i + "\n")
def _falsepositive(self): tc_url = environment.FALSE_POSITIVE_THREAT_CONNECT for fp_ioc in self._command_arguments: if '[.]' in fp_ioc: fp_ioc = fp_ioc.replace('[.]', '.') fp_ioc = fp_ioc.strip('<') fp_ioc = fp_ioc.strip('>') data = { 'channel_name': self._channel, 'user_name': self._user, 'text': fp_ioc } logger.debug(f'False PositiveIOC: {json.dumps(data)}') res =, json=data) if res.ok: responses.send_message_to_slack( self._channel, 'False Positive was submitted!') else: responses.send_message_to_slack( self._channel, f'Failed to submit false positive. Received status code {res.status_code}' )
def _checkIOCs(self): try: db_conn = DBActions() iocs = db_conn.get_user_iocs(self._user) if not iocs: responses.send_message_to_slack( self._channel, "You do not have any IOCs assigned to you at this time") else: responses.send_ioc_list(self._channel, iocs) except: responses.send_failure(self._channel)
def _submitIOC(self): try: if self._command_arguments[0].isdigit() and ( self._command_arguments[1] == 'vetted' or self._command_arguments[1] == 'unvetted'): db_conn = DBActions() iocs = db_conn.get_user_iocs(self._user) belong_to_user = False ioc_type = '' indicator = '' for i in iocs: if int(i['id']) == int(self._command_arguments[0]): belong_to_user = True ioc_type = i['IOC_type'] indicator = i['ioc'] break if belong_to_user: logger.debug('IOC belongs to user... submitting...') tc = tc_api() succ = tc.submit_ioc(indicator, self._command_arguments[1], ioc_type) if not succ: logger.debug('**WARNING*** submitting ioc failed') raise succ = tc.delete_need_analysis(indicator, ioc_type) if not succ: logger.debug('**WARNING** failed to delete tag') raise succ = db_conn.remove_ioc(self._command_arguments[0]) if not succ: raise responses.send_thankyou(self._channel, self._user) else: responses.send_message_to_slack( self._channel, "It seems that this IOC was not assigned to you. You can only submit ioc analysis for iocs assinged to you." ) else: responses.send_message_to_slack( self._channel, 'The format for this command is `submitioc <id> <vetted|unvetted>`' ) except: responses.send_failure(self._channel)
def _getIOC(self): db_conn = DBActions() if db_conn.check_number_of_iocs(self._user) >= 10: responses.send_message_to_slack( self._channel, 'You currently have the max number of IOCs checked out\n\n You can view your IOCs with the `checkmyiocs` command' ) return if 'url' in self._command_arguments: try: ioc_type = 'URL' # ioc = req.get('THREATCONNECT ENDPOINT') tc = tc_api() ioc_array = tc.get_iocs() page = 1 found = False ioc = None while True: ioc = self._check_existing_iocs(db_conn, ioc_array) if ioc: break page += 1 ioc_array = tc.get_iocs(page=page) if not ioc_array: raise Exception("No IOCs returned from ThreatConnect") logger.debug(f'IOC being passed to db object {ioc}') db_conn.add_to_tracker(self._user, ioc, ioc_type) responses.send_ioc(self._channel, ioc) except: responses.send_failure(self._channel) else: responses.send_message_to_slack( self._channel, 'We are sorry, but we currently only support URLs for the queue' )