def test_format_value_boolean_or_none(self):
     Tests format_value with booleans and None
     self.assertEqual(format_value(True), '<code>true</code>')
     self.assertEqual(format_value(False), '<code>false</code>')
     self.assertEqual(format_value(None), '<code>null</code>')
 def test_format_value_list(self):
     Tests format_value with a list of strings
     list_items = ['item1', 'item2', 'item3']
     self.assertEqual(format_value(list_items), '\n item1, item2, item3\n')
     self.assertEqual(format_value([]), '\n\n')
 def test_format_value_boolean_or_none(self):
     Tests format_value with booleans and None
     self.assertEqual(format_value(True), '<code>true</code>')
     self.assertEqual(format_value(False), '<code>false</code>')
     self.assertEqual(format_value(None), '<code>null</code>')
 def test_format_value_list(self):
     Tests format_value with a list of strings
     list_items = ['item1', 'item2', 'item3']
     self.assertEqual(format_value(list_items), '\n item1, item2, item3\n')
     self.assertEqual(format_value([]), '\n\n')
    def test_format_value_table(self):
        Tests format_value with a list of lists/dicts
        list_of_lists = [['list1'], ['list2'], ['list3']]
        expected_list_format = """

        expected_dict_format = """

        list_of_dicts = [{
            'item1': 'value1'
        }, {
            'item2': 'value2'
        }, {
            'item3': 'value3'
예제 #6
    def render_to_table(self, value, row_data):
        Renders field value for table view

        :param value: field value
        :param row_data: data for entire row (for more complex renderers)
        :return: rendered value for table view
        choices = getattr(self, 'choices', {})
        if value in choices:
            # choice field: let's render display names, not values
            return drftt.format_value(choices[value])
        return drftt.format_value(value)
    def test_format_value_table(self):
        Tests format_value with a list of lists/dicts
        list_of_lists = [['list1'], ['list2'], ['list3']]
        expected_list_format = """

        expected_dict_format = """

        list_of_dicts = [{'item1': 'value1'}, {'item2': 'value2'}, {'item3': 'value3'}]
 def test_format_value_string_newlines(self):
     Tests format_value with a string with newline characters
     text = 'Dear user, \n this is a message \n from,\nsomeone'
     self.assertEqual(format_value(text), '<pre>Dear user, \n this is a message \n from,\nsomeone</pre>')
예제 #9
    def render_to_table(self, value, row_data):
        Renders field value for table view

        :param value: field value
        :param row_data: data for entire row (for more complex renderers)
        :return: rendered value for table view
        get_queryset = getattr(self, 'get_queryset', None)
        if isinstance(self, RelatedField) or get_queryset:
            return self.display_value(value)
        elif isinstance(self, ManyRelatedField):
            # Hm, not sure if this is the final thing to do: an example of this field is in
            # ALC plane editor (modes of takeoff). However, value is a queryset here. There seem to still be DB queries
            # However, in the example I have, the problem is solved by doing prefetch_related on the m2m relation
            cr = self.child_relation
            return ', '.join((cr.display_value(item) for item in value))
            # return ', '.join((cr.display_value(item) for item in cr.get_queryset().filter(pk__in=value)))
            choices = getattr(self, 'choices', {})

        # Now that we got our choices for related & choice fields, let's first get the value as it would be by DRF
        check_for_none = if isinstance(value, PKOnlyObject) else value
        if check_for_none is None:
            value = None
            value = super().to_representation(value)

        if isinstance(value, Hashable) and value in choices:
            # choice field: let's render display names, not values
            value = choices[value]
        if value is None:
            return DYNAMICFORMS.null_text_table

        return drftt.format_value(value)
 def test_format_value_string_newlines(self):
     Tests format_value with a string with newline characters
     text = 'Dear user, \n this is a message \n from,\nsomeone'
     self.assertEqual(format_value(text), '<pre>Dear user, \n this is a message \n from,\nsomeone</pre>')
 def test_format_value_hyperlink(self):
     Tests format_value with a URL
     url = ''
     name = 'name_of_url'
     hyperlink = Hyperlink(url, name)
     self.assertEqual(format_value(hyperlink), '<a href=%s>%s</a>' % (url, name))
 def test_format_value_string_hyperlink(self):
     Tests format_value with a url
     url = ''
         '<a href=""></a>')
 def test_lazy_hyperlink_names(self):
     global str_called
     context = {'request': None}
     serializer = ExampleSerializer(self.example, context=context)
     assert not str_called
     hyperlink_string = format_value(['url'])
     assert hyperlink_string == '<a href=/example/1/>An example</a>'
     assert str_called
 def test_format_value_string_email(self):
     Tests format_value with an email address
     email = '*****@*****.**'
         '<a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>'
 def test_format_value_dict(self):
     Tests format_value with a dict
     test_dict = {'a': 'b'}
     expected_dict_format = """
     <table class="table table-striped">
 def test_format_value_dict(self):
     Tests format_value with a dict
     test_dict = {'a': 'b'}
     expected_dict_format = """
     <table class="table table-striped">
예제 #17
def format_value(value):
    # TODO: this one pending removal on tasks #62 in #63 completion
    return drftt.format_value(value)
예제 #18
def admin_format_value(value):
    return format_value(value)
 def test_format_value_object(self):
     Tests that format_value with a object returns the object's __str__ method
     obj = object()
     self.assertEqual(format_value(obj), obj.__str__())
 def test_format_value_string_email(self):
     Tests format_value with an email address
     email = '*****@*****.**'
     self.assertEqual(format_value(email), '<a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>')
 def test_format_value_string_hyperlink(self):
     Tests format_value with a url
     url = ''
     self.assertEqual(format_value(url), '<a href=""></a>')
 def test_format_value_simple_string(self):
     Tests format_value with a simple string
     simple_string = 'this is an example of a string'
     self.assertEqual(format_value(simple_string), simple_string)
 def test_format_value_simple_string(self):
     Tests format_value with a simple string
     simple_string = 'this is an example of a string'
     self.assertEqual(format_value(simple_string), simple_string)
 def test_format_value_object(self):
     Tests that format_value with a object returns the object's __str__ method
     obj = object()
     self.assertEqual(format_value(obj), obj.__str__())