예제 #1
    def ocr(self, job_id):

        picData = tools.readPickle(job_id, 'step2')
        images = picData['images']['Points']
        file_path = picData['filePath']
        logging.info('%s LOAD DATA FROM PICKLE')

        img = cv2.imread(file_path, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
        img_shape = img.shape
        logging.info('%s LOAD IMG    width: %d, height: %d' %
                     (tools.getTempTime(), img_shape[1], img_shape[0]))

        datas = []
        for image in images.items():
            data = dict()
            data['name'] = image[0]
            ocrTemp, _ = tools.createRoi(img, image[1], job_id + '/step3',
                                         '3_' + image[0] + '_Roi')
            if data['name'] in ('customer', 'date'):
                data['value'] = tools.callOcr(ocrTemp, job_id + '/step3',
                                              img_shape[1], 1992)
                data['value'] = tools.callOcr(ocrTemp, job_id + '/step3',
            logging.info('%s CALL COR FOR BLOCK %s    result: %s' %
                         (tools.getTempTime(), data['name'], data['value']))

        return datas
예제 #2
    def post(self):
        json_data = request.get_json(force=True)
        job_id = json_data['job_id']
        logging.info('%s STEP TWO BEGIN' % tools.getTempTime())
        logging.info('%s LOAD JSON DATA    job_id: %s' %
                     (tools.getTempTime(), job_id))

        result = self.extractImage(job_id)
        logging.info('%s CREATE JSON DATA' % tools.getTempTime())

        images = []
        points = result['Points']
        paths = result['Paths']
        for data in points.items():
            image = dict()
            image['name'] = data[0]
            image['x'] = data[1][0][0]
            image['y'] = data[1][0][1]
            image['w'] = data[1][1][0] - data[1][0][0]
            image['h'] = data[1][1][1] - data[1][0][1]
            image['file'] = paths[data[0]]

        dummy_data = {'images': images}
        logging.info('%s RETURN JOSN BODY' % tools.getTempTime())
        logging.info('%s STEP TWO END' % tools.getTempTime())

        return {'code': 0, 'message': 'OK', 'data': dummy_data}
예제 #3
    def post(self):
        json_data = request.get_json(force=True)

        job_id = json_data['job_id']
        file_path = json_data['file_path']
        logging.info('%s STEP ONE BEGIN' % tools.getTempTime())
        logging.info('%s LOAD JSON DATA    job_id: %s, file_path: %s' % (tools.getTempTime(), job_id, file_path))

        result = self.detectInvoice(job_id, file_path)

        img_shape = result['imgShape']
        origin_shape = result['originShape']
        rotate_sum = result['rotateSum']
        doc_type = result['docType']
        file_path = result['compressPath']
        a_location = result['feaLoca'][0]
        b_location = result['feaLoca'][1]
        orig_left_top = result['originLeftTop']
        fea_path = result['feaPath']
        logging.info('%s CREATE JSON DATA' % tools.getTempTime())

        dummy_data = {
            'image': {
                'w': img_shape[1],
                'h': img_shape[0],
                'ori_w': origin_shape[1],
                'ori_h': origin_shape[0],
                'ori_left_top_x': orig_left_top[0],
                'file': file_path,
            'docType': doc_type,
            'featurePoints': [
                    'x': a_location[0][0],
                    'y': a_location[0][1],
                    'w': a_location[1][0] - a_location[0][0],
                    'h': a_location[1][1] - a_location[0][1],
                    'file': fea_path[0],
                    'x': b_location[0][0],
                    'y': b_location[0][1],
                    'w': b_location[1][0] - b_location[0][0],
                    'h': b_location[1][1] - b_location[0][1],
                    'file': fea_path[1],
        logging.info('%s RETURN JOSN BODY' % tools.getTempTime())
        logging.info('%s STEP ONE END' % tools.getTempTime())

        return {
            'code': 0,
            'message': 'OK',
            'data': dummy_data
예제 #4
    def post(self):
        json_data = request.get_json(force=True)
        job_id = json_data['job_id']
        logging.info('%s STEP THREE BEGIN' % tools.getTempTime())
        logging.info('%s LOAD JSON DATA    job_id: %s' %
                     (tools.getTempTime(), job_id))

        result = self.ocr(job_id)

        ocrs = []
        for data in result:
            ocr = dict()
            ocr['name'] = data['name']
            ocr['value'] = data['value']
        logging.info('%s RETURN JOSN BODY' % tools.getTempTime())
        logging.info('%s STEP THREE END' % tools.getTempTime())

        dummy_data = {'ocr': ocrs}

        return {'code': 0, 'message': 'OK', 'data': dummy_data}
예제 #5
    def extractImage(self, job_id):
        # read img
        picData = tools.readPickle(job_id, 'step1')
        feaLocas = picData['feaLoca']
        a = feaLocas[0]
        b = feaLocas[1]
        file_path = picData['filePath']
        logging.info('%s LOAD DATA FROM PICKLE' % tools.getTempTime())

        img = cv2.imread(file_path, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
        rare_img = img.copy()
        img_shape = img.shape
        logging.info('%s LOAD IMG    width: %d, height: %d' %
                     (tools.getTempTime(), img_shape[1], img_shape[0]))

        datas = dict()
        points = dict()
        paths = dict()
        datas['Points'] = points
        datas['Paths'] = paths
        points['customer'] = tools.findCustomerRect(a[0], a[1], b[0], b[1])
        points['number'] = tools.findNumberRect(a[0], a[1], b[0], b[1])
        points['date'] = tools.findDateRect(a[0], a[1], b[0], b[1])
        # points['seller'] = tools.findSellerRect(a[0], a[1], c[0], c[1])
        points['price'] = tools.findPriceRect(a[0], a[1], b[0], b[1])
        points['lines'] = tools.findLineRect(a[0], a[1], b[0], b[1])
        logging.info('%s DIVIDE THE BLOCKS' % tools.getTempTime())

        picData = dict()
        picData['images'] = datas
        picData['filePath'] = file_path

        for point in points.items():
            _, path = tools.createRoi(img, point[1], job_id + '/step2',
                                      '2_' + point[0] + '_Roi')
            cv2.rectangle(rare_img, point[1][0], point[1][1], 0, 2)
            paths[point[0]] = path
        tools.writeImageJob(rare_img, job_id + '/step2', '2_divided_img')
        logging.info('%s CREATE DIVIDED BLOCK ROIS' % tools.getTempTime())
        logging.info('%s SAVE ROIS TO FILE' % tools.getTempTime())

        tools.writePickle(picData, job_id, 'step2')
        logging.info('%s WRITE PICKLE' % tools.getTempTime())

        return datas
예제 #6
    def detectInvoice(self, job_id, file_path):
        img = cv2.imread(file_path, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
        origin_shape = img.shape
        logging.info('%s LOAD IMG    width:%d, height:%d' % (tools.getTempTime(), origin_shape[1], origin_shape[0]))

        img, rotate_sum = tools.findLinesandRotate(img)
        rotated_shape = img.shape
        img, img_detect, new_left_top = tools.matchAndImageCut(img)
        img_shape = img.shape
        rotate = np.deg2rad(-1*rotate_sum)
        x = new_left_top[0]-int(rotated_shape[1]/2)
        y = new_left_top[1]-int(rotated_shape[0]/2)
        newX, newY = int(np.cos(rotate)*x-np.sin(rotate)*y), int(np.cos(rotate)*y+np.sin(rotate)*x)
        origX, origY = -newY+int(origin_shape[1]/2), newX+int(origin_shape[0]/2)
        a_location, b_location = tools.detectFeaturePoints(img)
            '%s IMG AFTER ROTATE AND CUT  width:%d, height:%d' % (tools.getTempTime(), img_shape[1], img_shape[0]))

        img_copy1 = img.copy()
        img_copy2 = img.copy()
        img_compress = img.copy()
        img_black = tools.exBlackWords(img_copy1)
        img_blue = tools.exBlueWords(img_copy2)
        img_black = cv2.cvtColor(img_black, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        img_blue = cv2.cvtColor(img_blue, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

        cv2.rectangle(img_black, a_location[0], a_location[1], 0, 2)
        cv2.rectangle(img_black, b_location[0], b_location[1], 0, 2)
        logging.info('%s DRAW DOCTYPE TEMPLATE (%d, %d), (%d, %d)' % (
            tools.getTempTime(), a_location[0][0], a_location[0][1], a_location[1][0], a_location[1][1]))
        logging.info('%s DRAW DOCTYPE TEMPLATE (%d, %d), (%d, %d)' % (
            tools.getTempTime(), b_location[0][0], b_location[0][1], b_location[1][0], b_location[1][1]))

        # create compress image
        k = img_shape[1] / 1000.0
        compress_img = cv2.resize(img_compress, (int(img_shape[1] / k), int(img_shape[0] / k)))
        logging.info('%s COMPRESS IMAGE SAVED' % tools.getTempTime())

        # write img to file
        file_path = tools.writeImageJob(img, job_id + '/step1', '1_rotated')
        compress_path = tools.writeImageJob(compress_img, job_id + '/step1', '1_compressd')
        tools.writeImageJob(img_black, job_id + '/step1', '1_black')
        tools.writeImageJob(img_blue, job_id + '/step1', '1_blue')
        tools.writeImageJob(img_detect, job_id + '/step1', '1_detect')
        logging.info('%s ROTATED IMAGE SAVED IN %s' % (tools.getTempTime(), file_path))

        a_roi, a_path = tools.createRoi(img, a_location, job_id + '/step1', '1_type_Roi')
        b_roi, b_path = tools.createRoi(img, b_location, job_id + '/step1', '1_number_Roi')
        docType = tools.callOcr(a_roi, job_id + '/step1', img_shape[1])
        logging.info('%s CREATE TEMPLATE ROIS' % tools.getTempTime())
        logging.info('%s CALL OCR    docType: %s' % (tools.getTempTime(), docType))

        # write tickle to file for next step to use
        data = dict()
        data['feaLoca'] = [a_location, b_location]
        data['originLeftTop'] = [origX, origY]
        data['filePath'] = file_path
        data['compressPath'] = compress_path
        data['imgShape'] = img_shape
        data['originShape'] = origin_shape
        data['rotateSum'] = rotate_sum
        data['docType'] = docType
        data['feaPath'] = [a_path, b_path]
        tools.writePickle(data, job_id, 'step1')
        logging.info('%s WRITE PICKLE' % tools.getTempTime())

        return data