def run_all(): from options import MultiOptions opt = MultiOptions() #opt.count_number_of_events() ### UNSUPERVISED METHOD ### if opt.opdict['method'] == 'kmeans': from unsupervised import classifier classifier(opt) ### SUPERVISED METHODS ### elif opt.opdict['method'] in ['lr','svm','svm_nl','lrsk']: from do_classification import classifier classifier(opt) from results import AnalyseResults res = AnalyseResults() if res.opdict['plot_confusion']: res.plot_confusion() elif opt.opdict['method'] in ['ova','1b1']: from do_classification import classifier classifier(opt) from results import AnalyseResultsExtraction res = AnalyseResultsExtraction()
def compare_pdfs_reclass(): """ Affiche et compare les pdfs avant et après reclassification automatique. """ from results import AnalyseResults opt = AnalyseResults() opt.opdict['stations'] = ['IJEN'] opt.opdict['channels'] = ['Z'] opt.opdict['Types'] = ['Tremor', 'VulkanikB', '?'] opt.opdict['feat_list'] = [ 'Centroid_time', 'Dur', 'Ene0-5', 'F_up', 'Growth', 'Kurto', 'RappMaxMean', 'RappMaxMeanTF', 'Skewness', 'TimeMaxSpec', 'Width' ] for sta in opt.opdict['stations']: for comp in opt.opdict['channels']: opt.opdict[ 'label_filename'] = '%s/Ijen_3class_all.csv' % opt.opdict[ 'libdir'] opt.x, opt.y = opt.features_onesta(sta, comp) opt.classname2number() opt.compute_pdfs() g1 = opt.gaussians opt.opdict[ 'label_filename'] = '%s/Ijen_3class_all_SVM.csv' % opt.opdict[ 'libdir'] opt.x, opt.y = opt.features_onesta(sta, comp) opt.classname2number() opt.compute_pdfs() g2 = opt.gaussians c = ['r', 'b', 'g'] for feat in opt.opdict['feat_list']: fig = plt.figure() fig.set_facecolor('white') for it, t in enumerate(opt.types): plt.plot(g1[feat]['vec'], g1[feat][t], ls='-', color=c[it], label=t) plt.plot(g2[feat]['vec'], g2[feat][t], ls='--', color=c[it]) plt.title(feat) plt.legend() #plt.savefig('../results/Ijen/comp_BrutReclass_%s.png'%feat)
def run_all(): from options import MultiOptions opt = MultiOptions() #opt.count_number_of_events() from do_classification import classifier classifier(opt) if opt.opdict['method'] == 'lr' or opt.opdict[ 'method'] == 'svm' or opt.opdict['method'] == 'lrsk': from results import AnalyseResults res = AnalyseResults() if res.opdict['plot_confusion']: res.plot_confusion() else: from results import AnalyseResultsExtraction res = AnalyseResultsExtraction()
def compare_unsup_indet(): """ Essaie de faire un lien entre les événements indéterminés mal classés par LR ou SVM avec classes non-supervisées. """ from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec print "### COMPARE UNSUP AND SUP ###" from results import AnalyseResults opt = AnalyseResults() m = a = unsup = read_binary_file( '../results/Ijen/KMEANS/results_kmeans_3c_11f_ini') nb_auto = [len([ == t]) for t in opt.opdict['types']] NB_class = len(opt.opdict['types']) for cl in opt.opdict['types']: #for cl in ['?']: m =[ == cl] a = colors = ['yellowgreen', 'gold', 'lightskyblue', 'lightcoral'] opt.data_for_LR() opt.opdict['channels'] = 'Z' opt.opdict['stations'] = ['IJEN'] for sta in opt.opdict['stations']: for comp in opt.opdict['channels']: u = pd.DataFrame(index=unsup[(sta, comp)][0]['list_ev'], columns=['Type', 'NumType']) u['Type'] = unsup[(sta, comp)][0]['StrClass'] u['NumType'] = unsup[(sta, comp)][0]['NumClass'] u = u.reindex(index=m.index) trad = unsup[(sta, comp)][0]['Equivalence'] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) fig.set_facecolor('white') nb_l, nb_c = 2, NB_class * 2 grid = GridSpec(nb_l, nb_c) ax = fig.add_subplot(grid[0, :nb_c / 2]) ax.pie(nb_auto, labels=opt.opdict['types'], autopct='%1.1f%%', colors=colors) ax.text(.4, -.1, r'# events = %d' % np.sum(nb_auto), transform=ax.transAxes) ax.axis("equal") nbs = [len(a[a.Type == t]) for t in opt.opdict['types']] ax = fig.add_subplot(grid[0, nb_c / 2:]) ax.pie(nbs, labels=opt.opdict['types'], autopct='%1.1f%%', colors=colors) ax.text(.4, -.1, r'# events = %d' % np.sum(nbs), transform=ax.transAxes) ax.axis("equal") lab_c = np.array(trad).copy() for it, t in enumerate(opt.opdict['types']): i = np.where(np.array(trad) == t)[0][0] lab_c[it] = i for it, t in enumerate(opt.opdict['types']): ared = a[a.Type == t] ured = u.reindex(index=ared.index) nbs = [ len(ured[ured.Type == ty]) for ty in opt.opdict['types'] ] ax = fig.add_subplot(grid[1, 2 * it:2 * it + 2]) ax.pie(nbs, labels=lab_c, autopct='%1.1f%%', colors=colors) ax.text(.3, -.1, r'# %s = %d' % (t, np.sum(nbs)), transform=ax.transAxes) #ax.set_title(t) plt.figtext(.1, .92, '(a) %s' % opt.opdict['method'].upper(), fontsize=16) plt.figtext(.55, .92, '(b) Manual repartition of %s' % cl, fontsize=16) plt.figtext(.1, .45, r'(c) $K$-means', fontsize=16) for it, t in enumerate(trad): plt.figtext(.3 + it * .15, .45, r'%s $\approx$ %s' % (it, trad[it])) plt.savefig( '../results/Ijen/KMEANS/figures/unsup_compSVM_%s.png' % cl)
plt.plot(p_tr, p_test, marker=markers[k], color=colors[k], lw=0, label=labels[k]) k = k + 1 plt.legend(numpoints=1, loc='upper left') plt.plot([0, 100], [0, 100], 'k--') plt.xlim([60, 100]) plt.ylim([60, 100]) plt.figtext(.7, .15, 'Sur-apprentissage') plt.xlabel('% training set') plt.ylabel('% test set') #plt.savefig('../results/Ijen/figures/SVM_training.png') if __name__ == '__main__': #plot_test_vs_train() from results import AnalyseResults res = AnalyseResults() #new_catalogue(res) plot_on_pdf(res) #plot_waveforms(res) #compare_pdfs_reclass() #compare_pdfs_train()