def check(self, input): "Checks if the data is valid" if input is None: raise base.FormatError sbuf = StringIO.StringIO(input) l = luks.LuksFile() try: l.load_from_file(sbuf) except: l.close() raise base.FormatError l.close()
def import_data(self, input, password): "Imports data into an entrystore" # check password if password is None: raise base.PasswordError # create a LuksFile buffer = StringIO.StringIO(input) luksfile = luks.LuksFile() try: luksfile.load_from_file(buffer) except: luksfile.close() buffer.close() raise base.FormatError slot = luksfile.open_any_key(password) if slot == None: luksfile.close() buffer.close() raise base.PasswordError data = luksfile.decrypt_data(0, luksfile.data_length()) # remove the pad, and decompress padlen = struct.unpack("<I", data[-4:])[0] data = zlib.decompress(data[0:-padlen]) if data.strip()[:5] != "<?xml": raise base.FormatError entrystore = RevelationXML.import_data(self, data) return entrystore
def export_data(self, entrystore, password): "Exports data from an entrystore" # check and pad password if password is None: raise base.PasswordError # generate and compress XML data = RevelationXML.export_data(self, entrystore) data = zlib.compress(data) # data needs to be padded to 512 bytes # We use Merkle-Damgard length padding (1 bit followed by 0 bits + size) # padlen = 512 - (len(data) % 512) if padlen < 4: padlen = 512 + padlen if padlen > 4: data += "\x80" + "\x00" * (padlen - 5) data += struct.pack("<I", padlen) # create a new luks file in memory buffer = StringIO.StringIO() luksfile = luks.LuksFile() luksfile.create(buffer, "aes", "cbc-essiv:sha256", "sha1", 16, 400) luksfile.set_key(0, password, 5000, 400) # encrypt the data luksfile.encrypt_data(0, data) return