예제 #1
class ReversiTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        # set board
        0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
           │   │   │   │   │   │   │ O │0
           │   │   │   │   │   │ * │   │1
           │   │ O │   │   │ * │   │   │2
           │   │ * │ O │ * │   │   │   │3
           │   │   │ * │ O │   │   │   │4
           │   │ W │ * │ * │ O │   │   │5
           │ * │   │ * │   │   │   │   │6
           │   │   │   │ O │   │   │   │7
        self.game = Reversi()
        self.game.board[Coord(0, 7)] = self.game.WHITE
        self.game.board[Coord(1, 6)] = self.game.BLACK
        self.game.board[Coord(2, 2)] = self.game.WHITE
        self.game.board[Coord(2, 5)] = self.game.BLACK

        self.game.board[Coord(3, 2)] = self.game.BLACK

        self.game.board[Coord(5, 3)] = self.game.BLACK
        self.game.board[Coord(5, 4)] = self.game.BLACK
        self.game.board[Coord(5, 5)] = self.game.WHITE

        self.game.board[Coord(6, 1)] = self.game.BLACK
        self.game.board[Coord(6, 3)] = self.game.BLACK
        self.game.board[Coord(7, 4)] = self.game.WHITE
        self.game.player = self.game.white_player

    def test_valid_move(self):
        self.assertTrue(self.game.is_valid_move(Coord(7, 3)))
        self.assertTrue(self.game.is_valid_move(Coord(4, 2)))
        self.assertTrue(self.game.is_valid_move(Coord(2, 4)))
        self.assertTrue(self.game.is_valid_move(Coord(6, 4)))
        self.assertTrue(self.game.is_valid_move(Coord(6, 2)))
        self.assertFalse(self.game.is_valid_move(Coord(6, 0)))

    def test_play_new_board(self):
        self.game.play(Coord(5, 2))
        # board after the turn
        0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
           │   │   │   │   │   │   │ O │0
           │   │   │   │   │   │ O │   │1
           │   │ O │   │   │ O │   │   │2
           │   │ * │ O │ O │   │   │   │3
           │   │   │ O │ O │   │   │   │4
           │   │ O │ O │ O │ O │   │   │5
           │ * │   │ O │   │   │   │   │6
           │   │   │   │ O │   │   │   │7
        new_board = self.game.board.copy()
        new_board[Coord(5, 2)] = self.game.WHITE
        new_board[Coord(1, 6)] = self.game.WHITE
        new_board[Coord(2, 5)] = self.game.WHITE
        new_board[Coord(4, 3)] = self.game.WHITE
        new_board[Coord(3, 4)] = self.game.WHITE
        new_board[Coord(6, 3)] = self.game.WHITE

        new_board[Coord(5, 3)] = self.game.WHITE
        new_board[Coord(5, 4)] = self.game.WHITE

        self.assertEqual(new_board, self.game.board)
        self.assertEqual(self.game.black_player.result, 2)
        self.assertEqual(self.game.white_player.result, 14)

    def test_available_fields(self):
        fields = {
            Coord(7, 3),
            Coord(4, 2),
            Coord(2, 4),
            Coord(6, 4),
            Coord(6, 2),
            Coord(5, 2),
            Coord(3, 1),
            Coord(3, 5)
        self.assertEqual(fields, set(self.game.available_fields()))

    def test_outcome(self):

    def test_outcome_after_play(self):
        self.game.play(Coord(2, 4))

    def black_player_discs_test(self):
        self.assertEqual(len(self.game.black_player_discs()), 9)

    def white_player_discs_test(self):
        self.assertEqual(len(self.game.white_player_discs()), 6)
예제 #2
class ReversiTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        # set board
        0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
           │   │   │   │   │   │   │ O │0
           │   │   │   │   │   │ * │   │1
           │   │ O │   │   │ * │   │   │2
           │   │ * │ O │ * │   │   │   │3
           │   │   │ * │ O │   │   │   │4
           │   │ W │ * │ * │ O │   │   │5
           │ * │   │ * │   │   │   │   │6
           │   │   │   │ O │   │   │   │7
        self.game = Reversi()
        self.game.board[Coord(0, 7)] = self.game.WHITE
        self.game.board[Coord(1, 6)] = self.game.BLACK
        self.game.board[Coord(2, 2)] = self.game.WHITE
        self.game.board[Coord(2, 5)] = self.game.BLACK

        self.game.board[Coord(3, 2)] = self.game.BLACK

        self.game.board[Coord(5, 3)] = self.game.BLACK
        self.game.board[Coord(5, 4)] = self.game.BLACK
        self.game.board[Coord(5, 5)] = self.game.WHITE

        self.game.board[Coord(6, 1)] = self.game.BLACK
        self.game.board[Coord(6, 3)] = self.game.BLACK
        self.game.board[Coord(7, 4)] = self.game.WHITE
        self.game.player = self.game.white_player

    def test_valid_move(self):
        self.assertTrue(self.game.is_valid_move(Coord(7, 3)))
        self.assertTrue(self.game.is_valid_move(Coord(4, 2)))
        self.assertTrue(self.game.is_valid_move(Coord(2, 4)))
        self.assertTrue(self.game.is_valid_move(Coord(6, 4)))
        self.assertTrue(self.game.is_valid_move(Coord(6, 2)))
        self.assertFalse(self.game.is_valid_move(Coord(6, 0)))

    def test_play_new_board(self):
        self.game.play(Coord(5, 2))
        # board after the turn
        0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
           │   │   │   │   │   │   │ O │0
           │   │   │   │   │   │ O │   │1
           │   │ O │   │   │ O │   │   │2
           │   │ * │ O │ O │   │   │   │3
           │   │   │ O │ O │   │   │   │4
           │   │ O │ O │ O │ O │   │   │5
           │ * │   │ O │   │   │   │   │6
           │   │   │   │ O │   │   │   │7
        new_board = self.game.board.copy()
        new_board[Coord(5, 2)] = self.game.WHITE
        new_board[Coord(1, 6)] = self.game.WHITE
        new_board[Coord(2, 5)] = self.game.WHITE
        new_board[Coord(4, 3)] = self.game.WHITE
        new_board[Coord(3, 4)] = self.game.WHITE
        new_board[Coord(6, 3)] = self.game.WHITE

        new_board[Coord(5, 3)] = self.game.WHITE
        new_board[Coord(5, 4)] = self.game.WHITE

        self.assertEqual(new_board, self.game.board)
        self.assertEqual(self.game.black_player.result, 2)
        self.assertEqual(self.game.white_player.result, 14)

    def test_available_fields(self):
        fields = {Coord(7, 3), Coord(4, 2), Coord(2, 4), Coord(6, 4),
                  Coord(6, 2), Coord(5, 2), Coord(3, 1), Coord(3, 5)}
        self.assertEqual(fields, set(self.game.available_fields()))

    def test_outcome(self):
            self.game.outcome(), self.game.GAME_STATES['IN_PROGRESS'])

    def test_outcome_after_play(self):
        self.game.play(Coord(2, 4))
            self.game.outcome(), self.game.GAME_STATES['IN_PROGRESS'])

    def black_player_discs_test(self):
        self.assertEqual(len(self.game.black_player_discs()), 9)

    def white_player_discs_test(self):
        self.assertEqual(len(self.game.white_player_discs()), 6)
예제 #3
class ReversiEndGame(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_tie(self):
        # set board
        0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
         O │ O │ O │ O │ O │ O │ O │ O │0
         O │ O │ O │ O │ O │ O │ O │ O │1
           │   │   │   │   │   │   │   │2
           │   │   │   │   │   │   │   │3
           │   │   │   │   │   │   │   │4
           │   │   │   │   │   │   │   │5
         * │ * │ * │ * │ * │ * │ * │ * │6
         * │ * │ * │ * │ * │ * │ * │ * │7
        self.game = Reversi()
        self.game.board[Coord(3, 3)] = self.game.EMPTY
        self.game.board[Coord(3, 4)] = self.game.EMPTY
        self.game.board[Coord(4, 3)] = self.game.EMPTY
        self.game.board[Coord(4, 4)] = self.game.EMPTY
        for row in range(2):
            for column in range(8):
                self.game.board[Coord(row, column)] = self.game.WHITE
        for row in range(6, 8):
            for column in range(8):
                self.game.board[Coord(row, column)] = self.game.BLACK
        self.assertEqual(self.game.outcome(), self.game.GAME_STATES['TIE'])

    def test_black_wins(self):
        # set board
        0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
           │   │   │   │   │   │   │   │0
         O │ O │ O │ O │ O │ O │ O │ O │1
           │   │   │   │   │   │   │   │2
           │   │   │   │   │   │   │   │3
           │   │   │   │   │   │   │   │4
           │   │   │   │   │   │   │   │5
         * │ * │ * │ * │ * │ * │ * │ * │6
         * │ * │ * │ * │ * │ * │ * │ * │7
        self.game = Reversi()
        self.game.board[Coord(3, 3)] = self.game.EMPTY
        self.game.board[Coord(3, 4)] = self.game.EMPTY
        self.game.board[Coord(4, 3)] = self.game.EMPTY
        self.game.board[Coord(4, 4)] = self.game.EMPTY
        for column in range(8):
            self.game.board[Coord(1, column)] = self.game.WHITE
        for row in range(6, 8):
            for column in range(8):
                self.game.board[Coord(row, column)] = self.game.BLACK
        self.game.black_player.result = len(self.game.black_player_discs())
        self.game.white_player.result = len(self.game.white_player_discs())

    def test_white_wins(self):
        # set board
        0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
         O │ O │ O │ O │ O │ O │ O │ O │0
         * │ O │ O │ O │ O │ O │ O │ O │1
         * │ * │ O │ O │ O │ O │ O │ O │2
         * │ * │ * │ O │ O │ O │ O │ O │3
         * │ * │ * │ * │ O │ O │ O │ O │4
         * │ * │ * │ * │ * │ O │ O │ O │5
         * │ * │ * │ * │ * │ * │ O │ O │6
         * │ * │ * │ * │ * │ * │ * │ O │7
        self.game = Reversi()
        for row in range(0, 8):
            for column in range(row, 8):
                self.game.board[Coord(row, column)] = self.game.WHITE
        for row in range(7, 0, -1):
            for column in range(row - 1, -1, -1):
                self.game.board[Coord(row, column)] = self.game.BLACK
        self.game.black_player.result = len(self.game.black_player_discs())
        self.game.white_player.result = len(self.game.white_player_discs())
예제 #4
class ReversiEndGame(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_tie(self):
        # set board
        0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
         O │ O │ O │ O │ O │ O │ O │ O │0
         O │ O │ O │ O │ O │ O │ O │ O │1
           │   │   │   │   │   │   │   │2
           │   │   │   │   │   │   │   │3
           │   │   │   │   │   │   │   │4
           │   │   │   │   │   │   │   │5
         * │ * │ * │ * │ * │ * │ * │ * │6
         * │ * │ * │ * │ * │ * │ * │ * │7
        self.game = Reversi()
        self.game.board[Coord(3, 3)] = self.game.EMPTY
        self.game.board[Coord(3, 4)] = self.game.EMPTY
        self.game.board[Coord(4, 3)] = self.game.EMPTY
        self.game.board[Coord(4, 4)] = self.game.EMPTY
        for row in range(2):
            for column in range(8):
                self.game.board[Coord(row, column)] = self.game.WHITE
        for row in range(6, 8):
            for column in range(8):
                self.game.board[Coord(row, column)] = self.game.BLACK
        self.assertEqual(self.game.outcome(), self.game.GAME_STATES['TIE'])

    def test_black_wins(self):
        # set board
        0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
           │   │   │   │   │   │   │   │0
         O │ O │ O │ O │ O │ O │ O │ O │1
           │   │   │   │   │   │   │   │2
           │   │   │   │   │   │   │   │3
           │   │   │   │   │   │   │   │4
           │   │   │   │   │   │   │   │5
         * │ * │ * │ * │ * │ * │ * │ * │6
         * │ * │ * │ * │ * │ * │ * │ * │7
        self.game = Reversi()
        self.game.board[Coord(3, 3)] = self.game.EMPTY
        self.game.board[Coord(3, 4)] = self.game.EMPTY
        self.game.board[Coord(4, 3)] = self.game.EMPTY
        self.game.board[Coord(4, 4)] = self.game.EMPTY
        for column in range(8):
            self.game.board[Coord(1, column)] = self.game.WHITE
        for row in range(6, 8):
            for column in range(8):
                self.game.board[Coord(row, column)] = self.game.BLACK
        self.game.black_player.result = len(self.game.black_player_discs())
        self.game.white_player.result = len(self.game.white_player_discs())
            self.game.outcome(), self.game.GAME_STATES["BLACK_WINS"])

    def test_white_wins(self):
        # set board
        0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
         O │ O │ O │ O │ O │ O │ O │ O │0
         * │ O │ O │ O │ O │ O │ O │ O │1
         * │ * │ O │ O │ O │ O │ O │ O │2
         * │ * │ * │ O │ O │ O │ O │ O │3
         * │ * │ * │ * │ O │ O │ O │ O │4
         * │ * │ * │ * │ * │ O │ O │ O │5
         * │ * │ * │ * │ * │ * │ O │ O │6
         * │ * │ * │ * │ * │ * │ * │ O │7
        self.game = Reversi()
        for row in range(0, 8):
            for column in range(row, 8):
                self.game.board[Coord(row, column)] = self.game.WHITE
        for row in range(7, 0, -1):
            for column in range(row - 1, -1, -1):
                self.game.board[Coord(row, column)] = self.game.BLACK
        self.game.black_player.result = len(self.game.black_player_discs())
        self.game.white_player.result = len(self.game.white_player_discs())
            self.game.outcome(), self.game.GAME_STATES["WHITE_WINS"])