def _remove_deprecated_packages(package, namespaces, deprecate):
    """Remove Rez package requirements from a Rez package, if needed.

    If the Python imports defined in `deprecate` are no longer present
    in `namespaces` then that means that `package` no longer depends
    on the stuff listed in `deprecate` and the requirement effectively
    doesn't matter anymore and can be removed.

        package (:class:`rez.packges_.DeveloperPackage`): Some Rez package
            whose requirements may change as a result
            of this function getting ran.
        namespaces (iter[str]): The Python dot-separated namespaces that a Rez package uses.
            In short, these are all of the import statements that a
            Rez package has inside of it and can be thought of as its
            "dependencies". The function uses this list to figure out
            if `user_namespaces` is actually still being imported.
        deprecate (iter[tuple[:class:`rez.vendor.version.requirement.Requirement`, tuple[str]]]): E
            ach Rez package that is (assumed to already be) a dependency of `package`
            and the Python import namespaces that the package takes up.

            If any namespace in `namespaces` is still around, then that
            means `package` actually still depends on the Rez package so
            we can't safely remove it (because it's still a dependency).
            But if it isn't there, remove it.

    packages_to_remove = set()

    for package_, package_namespaces in deprecate:
        if _is_package_needed(package_namespaces, namespaces):


    if not packages_to_remove:
        # Nothing to do so exit early.

    with open(package.filepath, "r") as handler:
        code =

    new_code = api.remove_from_attribute("requires", list(packages_to_remove),

    with filesystem.make_path_writable(
        with serialise.open_file_for_write(package.filepath) as handler:
예제 #2
def _bump(package, increment, new_dependencies):
    rez_bump_api.bump(package, **{increment: 1})

    with open(package.filepath, "r") as handler:
        code =

    new_code = api.add_to_attribute("requires", new_dependencies, code)

    with filesystem.make_path_writable(
        with serialise.open_file_for_write(package.filepath) as handler:

    root = finder.get_package_root(package)

    return finder.get_nearest_rez_package(root)
예제 #3
    def _run_command_on_package(package):
        """Run the user-provided command on the given Rez package.

            package (:class:`rez.developer_package.DeveloperPackage`):
                The Rez package that presumably is a package.yaml file
                that needs to be changed.

                If `package` is not a package.yaml file.

            str: Any error message that occurred from this command, if any.

        if not package.filepath.endswith(".yaml"):
            raise exceptions.InvalidPackage(
                'Package "{package}" is not a YAML file.'.format(

        buffer_ = io.StringIO()
        package.print_info(, buf=buffer_)
        code = buffer_.getvalue()

        path = os.path.join(finder.get_package_root(package), "")'Now creating "%s".', path)

        # Writing to DeveloperPackage objects is currently bugged.
        # So instead, we disable caching during write.
        # Reference:
        with filesystem.make_path_writable(
            with serialise.open_file_for_write(path) as handler:
                handler.write(code)'Now removing the old "%s".', package.filepath)


        return ""
예제 #4
def _write_package_to_disk(package, version):
    """Update a Rez package on-disk with its new contents.

        package (:class:`rez.packages_.DeveloperPackage`):
            Some package on-disk to write out.
        version (str): The new semantic version that will be written to-disk.

    with open(package, "r") as handler:
        code =

    graph = parso.parse(code)

        assignment = parso_utility.find_assignment_nodes("version", graph)[-1]
    except IndexError:
        assignment = None

    prefix = " "

    if assignment:
        prefix = assignment.children[0].prefix.strip("\n") or prefix

    node = tree.String('"{version}"'.format(version=version), (0, 0),
    graph = convention.insert_or_append(node, graph, assignment, "version")

    # Writing to DeveloperPackage objects is currently bugged.
    # So instead, we disable caching during write.
    # Reference:
    with filesystem.make_path_writable(
        with serialise.open_file_for_write(package) as handler:
예제 #5
파일: 프로젝트: wizofe/rez
    def _create_variant(self, variant, dry_run=False, overrides=None):
        # special case overrides
        variant_name = overrides.get("name") or
        variant_version = overrides.get("version") or variant.version

        overrides = (overrides or {}).copy()
        overrides.pop("name", None)
        overrides.pop("version", None)

        # find or create the package family
        family = self.get_package_family(variant_name)
        if not family:
            family = self._create_family(variant_name)

        if isinstance(family, FileSystemCombinedPackageFamilyResource):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Cannot install variant into combined-style package file %r."
                % family.filepath)

        # find the package if it already exists
        existing_package = None

        for package in self.iter_packages(family):
            if package.version == variant_version:
                # during a build, the family/version dirs get created ahead of
                # time, which causes a 'missing package definition file' error.
                # This is fine, we can just ignore it and write the new file.
                except PackageDefinitionFileMissing:

                uuids = set([variant.uuid, package.uuid])
                if len(uuids) > 1 and None not in uuids:
                    raise ResourceError(
                        "Cannot install variant %r into package %r - the "
                        "packages are not the same (UUID mismatch)"
                        % (variant, package))

                existing_package = package

                if variant.index is None:
                    if package.variants:
                        raise ResourceError(
                            "Attempting to install a package without variants "
                            "(%r) into an existing package with variants (%r)"
                            % (variant, package))
                elif not package.variants:
                    raise ResourceError(
                        "Attempting to install a variant (%r) into an existing "
                        "package without variants (%r)" % (variant, package))

        existing_package_data = None
        release_data = {}

        # Need to treat 'config' as special case. In validated data, this is
        # converted to a Config object. We need it as the raw dict that you'd
        # see in a
        def _get_package_data(pkg):
            data = pkg.validated_data()
            if hasattr(pkg, "_data"):
                raw_data = pkg._data
                raw_data = pkg.resource._data

            raw_config_data = raw_data.get('config')
            data.pop("config", None)

            if raw_config_data:
                data["config"] = raw_config_data

            return data

        def _remove_build_keys(obj):
            for key in package_build_only_keys:
                obj.pop(key, None)

        new_package_data = _get_package_data(variant.parent)
        new_package_data.pop("variants", None)
        new_package_data["name"] = variant_name
        if variant_version:
            new_package_data["version"] = variant_version
        package_changed = False


        if existing_package:
                "Found existing package for installation of variant %s: %s",
                variant.uri, existing_package.uri

            existing_package_data = _get_package_data(existing_package)

            # detect case where new variant introduces package changes outside of variant
            data_1 = existing_package_data.copy()
            data_2 = new_package_data.copy()

            for key in package_release_keys:
                data_2.pop(key, None)
                value = data_1.pop(key, None)
                if value is not None:
                    release_data[key] = value

            for key in ("format_version", "base", "variants"):
                data_1.pop(key, None)
                data_2.pop(key, None)

            package_changed = (data_1 != data_2)

            if debug_print:
                if package_changed:
                    from rez.utils.data_utils import get_dict_diff_str

                    debug_print("Variant %s package data differs from package %s",
                                variant.uri, existing_package.uri)

                    txt = get_dict_diff_str(data_1, data_2, "Changes:")
                    debug_print("Variant %s package data matches package %s",
                                variant.uri, existing_package.uri)

        # check for existing installed variant
        existing_installed_variant = None
        installed_variant_index = None

        if existing_package:
            if variant.index is None:
                existing_installed_variant = \
                variant_requires = variant.variant_requires

                for variant_ in self.iter_variants(existing_package):
                    variant_requires_ = existing_package.variants[variant_.index]
                    if variant_requires_ == variant_requires:
                        installed_variant_index = variant_.index
                        existing_installed_variant = variant_

        if existing_installed_variant:
                "Variant %s already has installed equivalent: %s",
                variant.uri, existing_installed_variant.uri

        if dry_run:
            if not package_changed:
                return existing_installed_variant
                return None

        # construct package data for new installed package definition
        if existing_package:
            _, file_ = os.path.split(existing_package.filepath)
            package_filename, package_extension = os.path.splitext(file_)
            package_extension = package_extension[1:]
            package_format = FileFormat[package_extension]

            if package_changed:
                # graft together new package data, with existing package variants,
                # and other data that needs to stay unchanged (eg timestamp)
                package_data = new_package_data

                if variant.index is not None:
                    package_data["variants"] = existing_package_data.get("variants", [])
                package_data = existing_package_data
            package_data = new_package_data
            package_filename = _settings.package_filenames[0]
            package_extension = "py"
            package_format =

        # merge existing release data (if any) into the package. Note that when
        # this data becomes variant-specific, this step will no longer be needed

        # merge the new variant into the package
        if installed_variant_index is None and variant.index is not None:
            variant_requires = variant.variant_requires
            if not package_data.get("variants"):
                package_data["variants"] = []
            installed_variant_index = len(package_data["variants"]) - 1

        # a little data massaging is needed
        package_data.pop("base", None)

        # create version dir if it doesn't already exist
        family_path = os.path.join(self.location, variant_name)
        if variant_version:
            pkg_base_path = os.path.join(family_path, str(variant_version))
            pkg_base_path = family_path
        if not os.path.exists(pkg_base_path):

        # Apply overrides.
        # If we're installing into an existing package, then existing attributes
        # in that package take precedence over `overrides`. If we're installing
        # to a new package, then `overrides` takes precedence always.
        # This is done so that variants added to an existing package don't change
        # attributes such as 'timestamp' or release-related fields like 'revision'.
        for key, value in overrides.iteritems():
            if existing_package:
                if key not in package_data:
                    package_data[key] = value
                if value is self.remove:
                    package_data.pop(key, None)
                    package_data[key] = value

        # timestamp defaults to now if not specified
        if not package_data.get("timestamp"):
            package_data["timestamp"] = int(time.time())

        # format version is always set
        package_data["format_version"] = format_version

        # write out new package definition file
        package_file = ".".join([package_filename, package_extension])
        filepath = os.path.join(pkg_base_path, package_file)

        with make_path_writable(pkg_base_path):
            with open_file_for_write(filepath, mode=self.package_file_mode) as f:
                dump_package_data(package_data, buf=f, format_=package_format)

        # delete the tmp 'building' file.
        if variant_version:
            filename = self.building_prefix + str(variant_version)
            filepath = os.path.join(family_path, filename)
            if os.path.exists(filepath):

        # delete other stale building files; previous failed releases may have
        # left some around

        # touch the family dir, this keeps memcached resolves updated properly
        os.utime(family_path, None)

        # load new variant
        new_variant = None
        family = self.get_package_family(variant_name)

        if family:
            for package in self.iter_packages(family):
                if package.version == variant_version:
                    for variant_ in self.iter_variants(package):
                        if variant_.index == installed_variant_index:
                            new_variant = variant_
                elif new_variant:

        if not new_variant:
            raise RezSystemError("Internal failure - expected installed variant")
        return new_variant
def _add_new_requirement_packages(package,
    """Add new Rez package requirements to a Rez package, if needed.

    If no import statements were changed then this function does
    nothing. After all, if the imports of a package were changed then
    there's no way a Rez package's requirements should be any different.

        package (:class:`rez.packges_.DeveloperPackage`):
            Some Rez package whose requirements may change as a result
            of this function getting ran.
        namespaces (iter[str]): The Python dot-separated namespaces that a Rez package uses.
            In short, these are all of the import statements that a
            Rez package has inside of it and can be thought of as its
            "dependencies". The function uses this list to figure out
            if `user_namespaces` is actually still being imported.
        requirements (iter[tuple[:class:`rez.vendor.version.requirement.Requirement`, tuple[str]]]):
            Each Rez package that might get added to `package` and a
            series of Python namespaces that the Rez package defines.
            If there's any overlap between the package's namespaces and
            the full `namespaces` then that means that `package` depends
            on the Rez package and so it is added as a dependency to
        force (bool, optional):
            If True, change every requirement that already exists in
            `package` and `requirements`. If False, only change package
            requirements if `requirements` is in the list of changed
            `namespaces`. Default is False.

        bool: If `package` was changed as a result of this function.

    packages_to_add = set()

    if force:
        existing = set(
                       for requirement in package.requires or [])
        packages_to_add = set(
            str(package_) for package_, _ in requirements
            if in existing)
        for package_, package_namespaces in requirements:
            if not _is_package_needed(tuple(package_namespaces), namespaces):


    if not packages_to_add:
        # Nothing to do so exit early.
        return False

    with open(package.filepath, "r") as handler:
        code =

    new_code = api.add_to_attribute("requires", list(packages_to_add), code)

    with filesystem.make_path_writable(
        with serialise.open_file_for_write(package.filepath) as handler:

    return True
예제 #7
    def _create_variant(self, variant, dry_run=False, overrides=None):
        # find or create the package family
        family = self.get_package_family(
        if not family:
            family = self._create_family(

        if isinstance(family, FileSystemCombinedPackageFamilyResource):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Cannot install variant into combined-style package file %r."
                % family.filepath)

        # find the package if it already exists
        existing_package = None

        for package in self.iter_packages(family):
            if package.version == variant.version:
                # during a build, the family/version dirs get created ahead of
                # time, which causes a 'missing package definition file' error.
                # This is fine, we can just ignore it and write the new file.
                except PackageDefinitionFileMissing:

                uuids = set([variant.uuid, package.uuid])
                if len(uuids) > 1 and None not in uuids:
                    raise ResourceError(
                        "Cannot install variant %r into package %r - the "
                        "packages are not the same (UUID mismatch)"
                        % (variant, package))

                existing_package = package

                if variant.index is None:
                    if package.variants:
                        raise ResourceError(
                            "Attempting to install a package without variants "
                            "(%r) into an existing package with variants (%r)"
                            % (variant, package))
                elif not package.variants:
                    raise ResourceError(
                        "Attempting to install a variant (%r) into an existing "
                        "package without variants (%r)" % (variant, package))

        installed_variant_index = None
        existing_package_data = None
        existing_variants_data = None
        release_data = {}
        new_package_data = variant.parent.validated_data()
        new_package_data.pop("variants", None)
        package_changed = False

        if existing_package:
            existing_package_data = existing_package.validated_data()

            # detect case where new variant introduces package changes outside of variant
            data_1 = existing_package_data.copy()
            data_2 = new_package_data.copy()

            for key in package_release_keys:
                data_2.pop(key, None)
                value = data_1.pop(key, None)
                if value is not None:
                    release_data[key] = value

            for key in ("base", "variants"):
                data_1.pop(key, None)
                data_2.pop(key, None)
            package_changed = (data_1 != data_2)

        # special case - installing a no-variant pkg into a no-variant pkg
        if existing_package and variant.index is None:
            if dry_run and not package_changed:
                variant_ = self.iter_variants(existing_package).next()
                return variant_
                # just replace the package
                existing_package = None

        if existing_package:
            # see if variant already exists in package
            variant_requires = variant.variant_requires

            for variant_ in self.iter_variants(existing_package):
                variant_requires_ = existing_package.variants[variant_.index]
                if variant_requires_ == variant_requires:
                    installed_variant_index = variant_.index
                    if dry_run and not package_changed:
                        return variant_

            parent_package = existing_package
            _, file_  = os.path.split(existing_package.filepath)
            package_filename, package_extension = os.path.splitext(file_)
            package_extension = package_extension[1:]
            package_format = FileFormat[package_extension]

            if package_changed:
                # graft together new package data, with existing package variants,
                # and other data that needs to stay unchanged (eg timestamp)
                package_data = new_package_data
                package_data["variants"] = existing_package_data.get("variants", [])
                package_data = existing_package_data
            parent_package = variant.parent
            package_data = new_package_data
            package_filename = _settings.package_filenames[0]
            package_extension = "py"
            package_format =

        if dry_run:
            return None

        # merge existing release data (if any) into the package. Note that when
        # this data becomes variant-specific, this step will no longer be needed

        # merge the new variant into the package
        if installed_variant_index is None and variant.index is not None:
            variant_requires = variant.variant_requires
            if not package_data.get("variants"):
                package_data["variants"] = []
            installed_variant_index = len(package_data["variants"]) - 1

        # a little data massaging is needed
        package_data["config"] = parent_package._data.get("config")
        package_data.pop("base", None)

        # create version dir and write out the new package definition file
        family_path = os.path.join(self.location,
        if variant.version:
            path = os.path.join(family_path, str(variant.version))
            path = family_path
        if not os.path.exists(path):

        # add the timestamp
        overrides = overrides or {}
        overrides["timestamp"] = int(time.time())

        # apply attribute overrides
        for key, value in overrides.iteritems():
            if package_data.get(key) is None:
                package_data[key] = value

        package_file = ".".join([package_filename, package_extension])
        filepath = os.path.join(path, package_file)
        with open_file_for_write(filepath) as f:
            dump_package_data(package_data, buf=f, format_=package_format)

        # touch the family dir, this keeps memcached resolves updated properly
        os.utime(family_path, None)

        # load new variant
        new_variant = None
        family = self.get_package_family(
        if family:
            for package in self.iter_packages(family):
                if package.version == variant.version:
                    for variant_ in self.iter_variants(package):
                        if variant_.index == installed_variant_index:
                            new_variant = variant_
                elif new_variant:

        if not new_variant:
            raise RezSystemError("Internal failure - expected installed variant")
        return new_variant
예제 #8
    def _create_variant(self, variant, dry_run=False, overrides=None):
        # find or create the package family
        family = self.get_package_family(
        if not family:
            family = self._create_family(

        if isinstance(family, FileSystemCombinedPackageFamilyResource):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Cannot install variant into combined-style package file %r." %

        # find the package if it already exists
        existing_package = None

        for package in self.iter_packages(family):
            if package.version == variant.version:
                # during a build, the family/version dirs get created ahead of
                # time, which causes a 'missing package definition file' error.
                # This is fine, we can just ignore it and write the new file.
                except PackageDefinitionFileMissing:

                uuids = set([variant.uuid, package.uuid])
                if len(uuids) > 1 and None not in uuids:
                    raise ResourceError(
                        "Cannot install variant %r into package %r - the "
                        "packages are not the same (UUID mismatch)" %
                        (variant, package))

                existing_package = package

                if variant.index is None:
                    if package.variants:
                        raise ResourceError(
                            "Attempting to install a package without variants "
                            "(%r) into an existing package with variants (%r)"
                            % (variant, package))
                elif not package.variants:
                    raise ResourceError(
                        "Attempting to install a variant (%r) into an existing "
                        "package without variants (%r)" % (variant, package))

        installed_variant_index = None
        existing_package_data = None
        existing_variants_data = None
        release_data = {}
        new_package_data = variant.parent.validated_data()
        new_package_data.pop("variants", None)
        package_changed = False

        if existing_package:
            existing_package_data = existing_package.validated_data()

            # detect case where new variant introduces package changes outside of variant
            data_1 = existing_package_data.copy()
            data_2 = new_package_data.copy()

            for key in package_release_keys:
                data_2.pop(key, None)
                value = data_1.pop(key, None)
                if value is not None:
                    release_data[key] = value

            for key in ("base", "variants"):
                data_1.pop(key, None)
                data_2.pop(key, None)
            package_changed = (data_1 != data_2)

        # special case - installing a no-variant pkg into a no-variant pkg
        if existing_package and variant.index is None:
            if dry_run and not package_changed:
                variant_ = self.iter_variants(existing_package).next()
                return variant_
                # just replace the package
                existing_package = None

        if existing_package:
            # see if variant already exists in package
            variant_requires = variant.variant_requires

            for variant_ in self.iter_variants(existing_package):
                variant_requires_ = existing_package.variants[variant_.index]
                if variant_requires_ == variant_requires:
                    installed_variant_index = variant_.index
                    if dry_run and not package_changed:
                        return variant_

            parent_package = existing_package

            _, file_ = os.path.split(existing_package.filepath)
            package_filename, package_extension = os.path.splitext(file_)
            package_extension = package_extension[1:]
            package_format = FileFormat[package_extension]

            if package_changed:
                # graft together new package data, with existing package variants,
                # and other data that needs to stay unchanged (eg timestamp)
                package_data = new_package_data
                package_data["variants"] = existing_package_data.get(
                    "variants", [])
                package_data = existing_package_data
            parent_package = variant.parent
            package_data = new_package_data
            package_filename = _settings.package_filenames[0]
            package_extension = "py"
            package_format =

        if dry_run:
            return None

        # merge existing release data (if any) into the package. Note that when
        # this data becomes variant-specific, this step will no longer be needed

        # merge the new variant into the package
        if installed_variant_index is None and variant.index is not None:
            variant_requires = variant.variant_requires
            if not package_data.get("variants"):
                package_data["variants"] = []
            installed_variant_index = len(package_data["variants"]) - 1

        # a little data massaging is needed
        package_data["config"] = parent_package._data.get("config")
        package_data.pop("base", None)

        # create version dir and write out the new package definition file
        family_path = os.path.join(self.location,
        if variant.version:
            path = os.path.join(family_path, str(variant.version))
            path = family_path
        if not os.path.exists(path):

        # add the timestamp
        overrides = overrides or {}
        overrides["timestamp"] = int(time.time())

        # apply attribute overrides
        for key, value in overrides.iteritems():
            if package_data.get(key) is None:
                package_data[key] = value

        package_file = ".".join([package_filename, package_extension])
        filepath = os.path.join(path, package_file)
        with open_file_for_write(filepath) as f:
            dump_package_data(package_data, buf=f, format_=package_format)

        # touch the family dir, this keeps memcached resolves updated properly
        os.utime(family_path, None)

        # load new variant
        new_variant = None
        family = self.get_package_family(
        if family:
            for package in self.iter_packages(family):
                if package.version == variant.version:
                    for variant_ in self.iter_variants(package):
                        if variant_.index == installed_variant_index:
                            new_variant = variant_
                elif new_variant:

        if not new_variant:
            raise RezSystemError(
                "Internal failure - expected installed variant")
        return new_variant
예제 #9
    def _create_variant(self, variant, dry_run=False, overrides=None):
        # special case overrides
        variant_name = overrides.get("name") or
        variant_version = overrides.get("version") or variant.version

        overrides = (overrides or {}).copy()
        overrides.pop("name", None)
        overrides.pop("version", None)

        # find or create the package family
        family = self.get_package_family(variant_name)
        if not family:
            family = self._create_family(variant_name)

        if isinstance(family, FileSystemCombinedPackageFamilyResource):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Cannot install variant into combined-style package file %r."
                % family.filepath)

        # find the package if it already exists
        existing_package = None

        for package in self.iter_packages(family):
            if package.version == variant_version:
                # during a build, the family/version dirs get created ahead of
                # time, which causes a 'missing package definition file' error.
                # This is fine, we can just ignore it and write the new file.
                except PackageDefinitionFileMissing:

                uuids = set([variant.uuid, package.uuid])
                if len(uuids) > 1 and None not in uuids:
                    raise ResourceError(
                        "Cannot install variant %r into package %r - the "
                        "packages are not the same (UUID mismatch)"
                        % (variant, package))

                existing_package = package

                if variant.index is None:
                    if package.variants:
                        raise ResourceError(
                            "Attempting to install a package without variants "
                            "(%r) into an existing package with variants (%r)"
                            % (variant, package))
                elif not package.variants:
                    raise ResourceError(
                        "Attempting to install a variant (%r) into an existing "
                        "package without variants (%r)" % (variant, package))

        existing_package_data = None
        release_data = {}

        # Need to treat 'config' as special case. In validated data, this is
        # converted to a Config object. We need it as the raw dict that you'd
        # see in a
        def _get_package_data(pkg):
            data = pkg.validated_data()
            if hasattr(pkg, "_data"):
                raw_data = pkg._data
                raw_data = pkg.resource._data

            raw_config_data = raw_data.get('config')
            data.pop("config", None)

            if raw_config_data:
                data["config"] = raw_config_data

            return data

        def _remove_build_keys(obj):
            for key in package_build_only_keys:
                obj.pop(key, None)

        new_package_data = _get_package_data(variant.parent)
        new_package_data.pop("variants", None)
        new_package_data["name"] = variant_name
        if variant_version:
            new_package_data["version"] = variant_version
        package_changed = False


        if existing_package:
                "Found existing package for installation of variant %s: %s",
                variant.uri, existing_package.uri

            existing_package_data = _get_package_data(existing_package)

            # detect case where new variant introduces package changes outside of variant
            data_1 = existing_package_data.copy()
            data_2 = new_package_data.copy()

            for key in package_release_keys:
                data_2.pop(key, None)
                value = data_1.pop(key, None)
                if value is not None:
                    release_data[key] = value

            for key in ("format_version", "base", "variants"):
                data_1.pop(key, None)
                data_2.pop(key, None)

            package_changed = (data_1 != data_2)

            if debug_print:
                if package_changed:
                    from rez.utils.data_utils import get_dict_diff_str

                    debug_print("Variant %s package data differs from package %s",
                                variant.uri, existing_package.uri)

                    txt = get_dict_diff_str(data_1, data_2, "Changes:")
                    debug_print("Variant %s package data matches package %s",
                                variant.uri, existing_package.uri)

        # check for existing installed variant
        existing_installed_variant = None
        installed_variant_index = None

        if existing_package:
            if variant.index is None:
                existing_installed_variant = \
                variant_requires = variant.variant_requires

                for variant_ in self.iter_variants(existing_package):
                    variant_requires_ = existing_package.variants[variant_.index]
                    if variant_requires_ == variant_requires:
                        installed_variant_index = variant_.index
                        existing_installed_variant = variant_

        if existing_installed_variant:
                "Variant %s already has installed equivalent: %s",
                variant.uri, existing_installed_variant.uri

        if dry_run:
            if not package_changed:
                return existing_installed_variant
                return None

        # construct package data for new installed package definition
        if existing_package:
            _, file_ = os.path.split(existing_package.filepath)
            package_filename, package_extension = os.path.splitext(file_)
            package_extension = package_extension[1:]
            package_format = FileFormat[package_extension]

            if package_changed:
                # graft together new package data, with existing package variants,
                # and other data that needs to stay unchanged (eg timestamp)
                package_data = new_package_data

                if variant.index is not None:
                    package_data["variants"] = existing_package_data.get("variants", [])
                package_data = existing_package_data
            package_data = new_package_data
            package_filename = _settings.package_filenames[0]
            package_extension = "py"
            package_format =

        # merge existing release data (if any) into the package. Note that when
        # this data becomes variant-specific, this step will no longer be needed

        # merge the new variant into the package
        if installed_variant_index is None and variant.index is not None:
            variant_requires = variant.variant_requires
            if not package_data.get("variants"):
                package_data["variants"] = []
            installed_variant_index = len(package_data["variants"]) - 1

        # a little data massaging is needed
        package_data.pop("base", None)

        # create version dir if it doesn't already exist
        family_path = os.path.join(self.location, variant_name)
        if variant_version:
            pkg_base_path = os.path.join(family_path, str(variant_version))
            pkg_base_path = family_path
        if not os.path.exists(pkg_base_path):

        # Apply overrides.
        # If we're installing into an existing package, then existing attributes
        # in that package take precedence over `overrides`. If we're installing
        # to a new package, then `overrides` takes precedence always.
        # This is done so that variants added to an existing package don't change
        # attributes such as 'timestamp' or release-related fields like 'revision'.
        for key, value in overrides.iteritems():
            if existing_package:
                if key not in package_data:
                    package_data[key] = value
                if value is self.remove:
                    package_data.pop(key, None)
                    package_data[key] = value

        # timestamp defaults to now if not specified
        if not package_data.get("timestamp"):
            package_data["timestamp"] = int(time.time())

        # format version is always set
        package_data["format_version"] = format_version

        # write out new package definition file
        package_file = ".".join([package_filename, package_extension])
        filepath = os.path.join(pkg_base_path, package_file)

        with make_path_writable(pkg_base_path):
            with open_file_for_write(filepath, mode=self.package_file_mode) as f:
                dump_package_data(package_data, buf=f, format_=package_format)

        # delete the tmp 'building' file.
        if variant_version:
            filename = self.building_prefix + str(variant_version)
            filepath = os.path.join(family_path, filename)
            if os.path.exists(filepath):

        # delete other stale building files; previous failed releases may have
        # left some around

        # touch the family dir, this keeps memcached resolves updated properly
        os.utime(family_path, None)

        # load new variant
        new_variant = None
        family = self.get_package_family(variant_name)

        if family:
            for package in self.iter_packages(family):
                if package.version == variant_version:
                    for variant_ in self.iter_variants(package):
                        if variant_.index == installed_variant_index:
                            new_variant = variant_
                elif new_variant:

        if not new_variant:
            raise RezSystemError("Internal failure - expected installed variant")
        return new_variant