예제 #1
    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
        parser_name = values[0]

        # this bit is taken directly from argparse:
            parser = self._name_parser_map[parser_name]
        except KeyError:
            tup = parser_name, ', '.join(self._name_parser_map)
            msg = 'unknown parser %r (choices: %s)' % tup
            raise ArgumentError(self, msg)

        self._setup_subparser(parser_name, parser)
        caller = super(LazySubParsersAction, self).__call__
        return caller(parser, namespace, values, option_string)
예제 #2
        def take_action(action, argument_strings, option_string=None):
            argument_values = self._get_values(action, argument_strings)

            # error if this argument is not allowed with other previously
            # seen arguments, assuming that actions that use the default
            # value don't really count as "present"
            if argument_values is not action.default:
                for conflict_action in action_conflicts.get(action, []):
                    if conflict_action in seen_non_default_actions:
                        msg = _('not allowed with argument %s')
                        action_name = _get_action_name(conflict_action)
                        raise ArgumentError(action, msg % action_name)

            # take the action if we didn't receive a SUPPRESS value
            # (e.g. from a default)
            if argument_values is not SUPPRESS:
                action(self, namespace, argument_values, option_string)
예제 #3
        def consume_optional(start_index):

            # get the optional identified at this index
            option_tuple = option_string_indices[start_index]
            action, option_string, explicit_arg = option_tuple

            # identify additional optionals in the same arg string
            # (e.g. -xyz is the same as -x -y -z if no args are required)
            match_argument = self._match_argument
            action_tuples = []
            while True:

                # if we found no optional action, skip it
                if action is None:
                    return start_index + 1

                # if there is an explicit argument, try to match the
                # optional's string arguments to only this
                if explicit_arg is not None:
                    arg_count = match_argument(action, 'A')

                    # if the action is a single-dash option and takes no
                    # arguments, try to parse more single-dash options out
                    # of the tail of the option string
                    chars = self.prefix_chars
                    if arg_count == 0 and option_string[1] not in chars:
                        action_tuples.append((action, [], option_string))
                        char = option_string[0]
                        option_string = char + explicit_arg[0]
                        new_explicit_arg = explicit_arg[1:] or None
                        optionals_map = self._option_string_actions
                        if option_string in optionals_map:
                            action = optionals_map[option_string]
                            explicit_arg = new_explicit_arg
                            msg = _('ignored explicit argument %r')
                            raise ArgumentError(action, msg % explicit_arg)

                    # if the action expect exactly one argument, we've
                    # successfully matched the option; exit the loop
                    elif arg_count == 1:
                        stop = start_index + 1
                        args = [explicit_arg]
                        action_tuples.append((action, args, option_string))

                    # error if a double-dash option did not use the
                    # explicit argument
                        msg = _('ignored explicit argument %r')
                        raise ArgumentError(action, msg % explicit_arg)

                # if there is no explicit argument, try to match the
                # optional's string arguments with the following strings
                # if successful, exit the loop
                    start = start_index + 1
                    selected_patterns = arg_strings_pattern[start:]
                    self.active_actions = [action]  # Added by argcomplete
                    action.num_consumed_args = 0  # Added by argcomplete
                    arg_count = match_argument(action, selected_patterns)
                    stop = start + arg_count
                    args = arg_strings[start:stop]

                    # Begin added by argcomplete
                    # If the pattern is not open (e.g. no + at the end), remove the action from active actions (since
                    # it wouldn't be able to consume any more args)
                    if not action_is_open(action):
                    elif action.nargs == OPTIONAL and len(args) == 1:
                    action.num_consumed_args = len(args)
                    # End added by argcomplete

                    action_tuples.append((action, args, option_string))

            # add the Optional to the list and return the index at which
            # the Optional's string args stopped
            assert action_tuples
            for action, args, option_string in action_tuples:
                take_action(action, args, option_string)
            return stop