예제 #1
def release_from_path(path, commit_message, njobs, build_time, allow_not_latest):
	release a package from the given path on disk, copying to the relevant tag,
	and performing a fresh build before installing it centrally. If 'commit_message'
	is None, then the user will be prompted for input using the editor specified
	path: filepath containing the project to be released
	commit_message: None, or message string to write to svn, along with changelog
	njobs: number of threads to build with; passed to make via -j flag
	build_time: epoch time to build at. If 0, use current time
	allow_not_latest: if True, allows for releasing a tag that is not > the latest tag version
	# check for ./package.yaml
	if not os.access(path + "/package.yaml", os.F_OK):
		raise RezReleaseError(path + "/package.yaml not found")

	# check we're in an svn working copy
	svnc = pysvn.Client()
	svnc.set_interactive( True )
	svnc.set_auth_cache( False )
	svnc.set_store_passwords( False )
	svnc.callback_get_login = getSvnLogin

	svn_entry = svnc.info(path)
	if not svn_entry:
		raise RezReleaseError("'" + path + "' is not an svn working copy")
	this_url = str(svn_entry["url"])

	# check that ./package.yaml is under svn control
	if not svn_url_exists(svnc, this_url + "/package.yaml"):
		raise RezReleaseError(path + "/package.yaml is not under source control")

	if (commit_message == None):
		# get preferred editor for commit message
		editor = os.getenv(EDITOR_ENV_VAR)
		if not editor:
			raise RezReleaseError("rez-release: $" + EDITOR_ENV_VAR + " is not set.")

	# load the package metadata
	metadata = ConfigMetadata(path + "/package.yaml")
	if (not metadata.version):
		raise RezReleaseError(path + "/package.yaml does not specify a version")
		this_version = versions.Version(metadata.version)
	except VersionError:
		raise RezReleaseError(path + "/package.yaml contains illegal version number")

	# metadata must have name
	if not metadata.name:
		raise RezReleaseError(path + "/package.yaml is missing name")

	# metadata must have uuid
	if not metadata.uuid:
		raise RezReleaseError(path + "/package.yaml is missing uuid")

	# metadata must have description
	if not metadata.description:
		raise RezReleaseError(path + "/package.yaml is missing a description")

	# metadata must have authors
	if not metadata.authors:
		raise RezReleaseError(path + "/package.yaml is missing authors")

	pkg_release_path = os.getenv(REZ_RELEASE_PATH_ENV_VAR)
	if not pkg_release_path:
		raise RezReleaseError("$" + REZ_RELEASE_PATH_ENV_VAR + " is not set.")

	# check uuid against central uuid for this package family, to ensure that
	# we are not releasing over the top of a totally different package due to naming clash
	existing_uuid = None
	package_uuid_dir = pkg_release_path + '/' + metadata.name
	package_uuid_file = package_uuid_dir + "/package.uuid"
	package_uuid_exists = True

		existing_uuid = open(package_uuid_file).read().strip()
	except Exception:
		package_uuid_exists = False
		existing_uuid = metadata.uuid

	if(existing_uuid != metadata.uuid):
		raise RezReleaseError("the uuid in '" + package_uuid_file + \
			"' does not match this package's uuid - you may have a package name clash. All package " + \
			"names must be unique.")

	# find the base path, ie where 'trunk', 'branches', 'tags' should be
	pos_tr = this_url.find("/trunk")
	pos_br = this_url.find("/branches")
	pos = max(pos_tr, pos_br)
	if (pos == -1):
		raise RezReleaseError(path + "is not in a branch or trunk")
	base_url = this_url[:pos]

	# check we're in a state to release (no modified/out-of-date files etc)
	status_list = svnc.status(path, get_all=False, update=True)
	status_list_known = []
	for status in status_list:
		if status.entry:
	if len(status_list_known) > 0:
		raise RezReleaseError("'" + path + "' is not in a state to release - you may need to " + \
			"svn-checkin and/or svn-update: " + str(status_list_known))

	# do an update
	print("rez-release: svn-updating...")

	tags_url = base_url + "/tags"
	latest_tag = []
	latest_tag_str = ''
	changeLog = ''

	tag_url = tags_url + '/' + str(this_version)

	# check that this tag does not already exist
	if svn_url_exists(svnc, tag_url):
		raise RezReleaseError("cannot release: the tag '" + tag_url + "' already exists in svn." + \
			" You may need to up your version, svn-checkin and try again.")

	# find latest tag, if it exists. Get the changelog at the same time.
	pret = subprocess.Popen("rez-svn-changelog", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
	changeLog, changeLog_err = pret.communicate()

	if (pret.returncode == 0) and (not allow_not_latest):
		last_tag_str = changeLog.splitlines()[0].split()[-1].replace('/',' ').replace(':',' ').split()[-1]
		if (last_tag_str != "(NONE)") and (last_tag_str[0] != 'v'):
			# make sure our version is newer than the last tagged release
			last_tag_version = versions.Version(last_tag_str)
			if this_version <= last_tag_version:
				raise RezReleaseError("cannot release: current version '" + metadata.version + \
					"' is not greater than the latest tag '" + last_tag_str + \
					"'. You may need to up your version, svn-checkin and try again.")

	# create base dir to do clean builds from
	base_dir = os.getcwd() + "/build/rez-release"
	pret = subprocess.Popen("rm -rf " + base_dir, shell=True)
	pret = subprocess.Popen("mkdir -p " + base_dir, shell=True)

	# write the changelog to file, so that rez-build can install it as metadata
	changelogFile = os.getcwd() + '/build/rez-release-changelog.txt'
	chlogf = open(changelogFile, 'w')

	# svn-export each variant out to a clean directory, and build it locally. If any
	# builds fail then this release is aborted
	varnum = -1
	variants = metadata.get_variants()
	variants_ = variants
	varname = "project"

	if not variants:
		variants_ = [ None ]
		varnum = ''
		vararg = ''

	print("rez-release: building...")

	# take note of the current time, and use it as the build time for all variants. This ensures
	# that all variants will find the same packages, in case some new packages are released
	# during the build.
	if str(build_time) == "0":
		build_time = subprocess.Popen("date +%s", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).communicate()[0]
		build_time = build_time.strip()

	timearg = "-t " + str(build_time)

	for variant in variants_:
		if variant:
			varnum += 1
			varname = "project variant #" + str(varnum)
			vararg = "-v " + str(varnum)

		subdir = base_dir + '/' + str(varnum) + '/'
		print("rez-release: svn-exporting clean copy of " + varname + " to " + subdir + "...")

		# remove subdir in case it already exists
		pret = subprocess.Popen("rm -rf " + subdir, shell=True)
		if (pret.returncode != 0):
			raise RezReleaseError("rez-release: deletion of '" + subdir + "' failed")

		# svn-export it. pysvn is giving me some false assertion crap on 'is_canonical(path)' here, hence shell
		pret = subprocess.Popen(["svn","export",this_url,subdir])
		if (pret.returncode != 0):
			raise RezReleaseError("rez-release: svn export failed")

		# build it
		build_cmd = "rez-build" + \
			" " + timearg + \
			" " + vararg + \
			" -s " + tag_url + \
			" -c " + changelogFile + \
			" -- -- -j" + str(njobs)

		print("rez-release: building " + varname + " in " + subdir + "...")
		print("rez-release: invoking: " + build_cmd)

		build_cmd = "cd " + subdir + " ; " + build_cmd
		pret = subprocess.Popen(build_cmd, shell=True)
		if (pret.returncode != 0):
			raise RezReleaseError("rez-release: build failed")

	# now install the variants
	varnum = -1

	if not variants:
		variants_ = [ None ]
		varnum = ''
		vararg = ''

	print("rez-release: installing...")

	# create the package.uuid file, if it doesn't exist
	if not package_uuid_exists:
		pret = subprocess.Popen("mkdir -p " + package_uuid_dir, shell=True)

		pret = subprocess.Popen("echo " + metadata.uuid + " > " + package_uuid_file, \
			stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)

	# install the variants
	for variant in variants_:
		if variant:
			varnum += 1
			varname = "project variant #" + str(varnum)
			vararg = "-v " + str(varnum)

		subdir = base_dir + '/' + str(varnum) + '/'

		# determine install path
		pret = subprocess.Popen("cd " + subdir + " ; rez-build -i " + vararg, \
			stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
		instpath, instpath_err = pret.communicate()
		if (pret.returncode != 0):
			raise RezReleaseError("rez-release: install failed!! A partial central installation may " + \
				"have resulted, please see to this immediately - it should probably be removed.")
		instpath = instpath.strip()

		print("rez-release: installing " + varname + " from " + subdir + " to " + instpath + "...")

		# run rez-build, and:
		# * manually specify the svn-url to write into metadata;
		# * manually specify the changelog file to use
		# these steps are needed because the code we're building has been svn-exported, thus
		# we don't have any svn context.
		pret = subprocess.Popen("cd " + subdir + " ; rez-build -n" + \
			" " + timearg + \
			" " + vararg + \
			" -s " + tag_url + \
			" -c " + changelogFile + \
			" -- -c -- install", shell=True)

		if (pret.returncode != 0):
			raise RezReleaseError("rez-release: install failed!! A partial central installation may " + \
				"have resulted, please see to this immediately - it should probably be removed.")

		# Prior to locking down the installation, remove any .pyc files that may have been spawned
		pret = subprocess.Popen("cd " + instpath + " ; rm -f `find -type f | grep '\.pyc$'`", shell=True)

		# Remove write permissions from all installed files.
		pret = subprocess.Popen("cd " + instpath + " ; chmod a-w `find -type f | grep -v '\.metadata'`", shell=True)

		# Remove write permissions on dirs that contain py files
		pret = subprocess.Popen("cd " + instpath + " ; find -name '*.py'", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
		cmdout, cmderr = pret.communicate()
		if len(cmdout.strip()) > 0:
			pret = subprocess.Popen("cd " + instpath + " ; chmod a-w `find -name '*.py' | xargs -n 1 dirname | sort | uniq`", shell=True)

	if (commit_message != None):
		commit_message += '\n' + changeLog
		# prompt for tag comment, automatically setting to the change-log
		commit_message = "\n\n" + changeLog

		tmpf = base_dir + '/' + RELEASE_COMMIT_FILE
		f = open(tmpf, 'w')

		pret = subprocess.Popen(editor + " " + tmpf, shell=True)
		if (pret.returncode == 0):
			# if commit file was unchanged, then give a chance to abort the release
			new_commit_message = open(tmpf).read()
			if (new_commit_message == commit_message):
				pret = subprocess.Popen( \
					'read -p "Commit message unchanged - (a)bort or (c)ontinue? "' + \
					' ; if [ "$REPLY" != "c" ]; then exit 1 ; fi', shell=True)
				if (pret.returncode != 0):
					print("release aborted by user")
					pret = subprocess.Popen("rm -f " + tmpf, shell=True)

			commit_message = new_commit_message

		pret = subprocess.Popen("rm -f " + tmpf, shell=True)

	print("rez-release: tagging...")

	# at this point all variants have built and installed successfully. Copy to the new tag
	print("rez-release: creating project tag in: " + tag_url + "...")
	svnc.callback_get_log_message = SvnValueCallback(commit_message)

	svnc.copy2([ (this_url,) ], \
		tag_url, make_parents=True )

	# the very last thing we do is write out the current date-time to a metafile. This is
	# used by rez to specify when a package 'officially' comes into existence.
	this_pkg_release_path = pkg_release_path + '/' + metadata.name + '/' + metadata.version
	time_metafile = this_pkg_release_path + '/.metadata/release_time.txt'
	timef = open(time_metafile, 'w')
	time_epoch = int(time.mktime(time.localtime()))
	timef.write(str(time_epoch) + '\n')

	# email
	usr = os.getenv("USER", "unknown.user")
	pkgname = "%s-%s" % (metadata.name, str(this_version))
	subject = "[rez] [release] %s released %s" % (usr, pkgname)
	if len(variants_) > 1:
		subject += " (%d variants)" % len(variants_)
	rrb.send_release_email(subject, commit_message)

	print("rez-release: your package was released successfully.")
예제 #2
	# the very last thing we do is write out the current date-time to a metafile. This is
	# used by rez to specify when a package 'officially' comes into existence.
	this_pkg_release_path = pkg_release_path + '/' + metadata.name + '/' + metadata.version
	time_metafile = this_pkg_release_path + '/.metadata/release_time.txt'
	timef = open(time_metafile, 'w')
	time_epoch = int(time.mktime(time.localtime()))
	timef.write(str(time_epoch) + '\n')

	# email
	usr = os.getenv("USER", "unknown.user")
	pkgname = "%s-%s" % (metadata.name, str(this_version))
	subject = "[rez] [release] %s released %s" % (usr, pkgname)
	if len(variants_) > 1:
		subject += " (%d variants)" % len(variants_)
	rrb.send_release_email(subject, commit_message)

	print("rez-release: your package was released successfully.")

# Utilities

def git_ahead_of_remote(repo):
	Checks that the git repo (git.Repo instance) is
예제 #3
def release_from_path(path, commit_message, njobs, build_time,
	release a package from the given path on disk, copying to the relevant tag,
	and performing a fresh build before installing it centrally. If 'commit_message'
	is None, then the user will be prompted for input using the editor specified
	path: filepath containing the project to be released
	commit_message: None, or message string to write to svn, along with changelog
	njobs: number of threads to build with; passed to make via -j flag
	build_time: epoch time to build at. If 0, use current time
	allow_not_latest: if True, allows for releasing a tag that is not > the latest tag version
    # check for ./package.yaml
    if not os.access(path + "/package.yaml", os.F_OK):
        raise RezReleaseError(path + "/package.yaml not found")

    # check we're in an svn working copy
    svnc = pysvn.Client()
    svnc.callback_get_login = getSvnLogin

    svn_entry = svnc.info(path)
    if not svn_entry:
        raise RezReleaseError("'" + path + "' is not an svn working copy")
    this_url = str(svn_entry["url"])

    # check that ./package.yaml is under svn control
    if not svn_url_exists(svnc, this_url + "/package.yaml"):
        raise RezReleaseError(path +
                              "/package.yaml is not under source control")

    if (commit_message == None):
        # get preferred editor for commit message
        editor = os.getenv(EDITOR_ENV_VAR)
        if not editor:
            raise RezReleaseError("rez-release: $" + EDITOR_ENV_VAR +
                                  " is not set.")

    # load the package metadata
    metadata = ConfigMetadata(path + "/package.yaml")
    if (not metadata.version):
        raise RezReleaseError(path +
                              "/package.yaml does not specify a version")
        this_version = versions.Version(metadata.version)
    except VersionError:
        raise RezReleaseError(path +
                              "/package.yaml contains illegal version number")

    # metadata must have name
    if not metadata.name:
        raise RezReleaseError(path + "/package.yaml is missing name")

    # metadata must have uuid
    if not metadata.uuid:
        raise RezReleaseError(path + "/package.yaml is missing uuid")

    # metadata must have description
    if not metadata.description:
        raise RezReleaseError(path + "/package.yaml is missing a description")

    # metadata must have authors
    if not metadata.authors:
        raise RezReleaseError(path + "/package.yaml is missing authors")

    pkg_release_path = os.getenv(REZ_RELEASE_PATH_ENV_VAR)
    if not pkg_release_path:
        raise RezReleaseError("$" + REZ_RELEASE_PATH_ENV_VAR + " is not set.")

    # check uuid against central uuid for this package family, to ensure that
    # we are not releasing over the top of a totally different package due to naming clash
    existing_uuid = None
    package_uuid_dir = pkg_release_path + '/' + metadata.name
    package_uuid_file = package_uuid_dir + "/package.uuid"
    package_uuid_exists = True

        existing_uuid = open(package_uuid_file).read().strip()
    except Exception:
        package_uuid_exists = False
        existing_uuid = metadata.uuid

    if (existing_uuid != metadata.uuid):
        raise RezReleaseError("the uuid in '" + package_uuid_file + \
         "' does not match this package's uuid - you may have a package name clash. All package " + \
         "names must be unique.")

    # find the base path, ie where 'trunk', 'branches', 'tags' should be
    pos_tr = this_url.find("/trunk")
    pos_br = this_url.find("/branches")
    pos = max(pos_tr, pos_br)
    if (pos == -1):
        raise RezReleaseError(path + "is not in a branch or trunk")
    base_url = this_url[:pos]

    # check we're in a state to release (no modified/out-of-date files etc)
    status_list = svnc.status(path, get_all=False, update=True)
    status_list_known = []
    for status in status_list:
        if status.entry:
    if len(status_list_known) > 0:
        raise RezReleaseError("'" + path + "' is not in a state to release - you may need to " + \
         "svn-checkin and/or svn-update: " + str(status_list_known))

    # do an update
    print("rez-release: svn-updating...")

    tags_url = base_url + "/tags"
    latest_tag = []
    latest_tag_str = ''
    changeLog = ''

    tag_url = tags_url + '/' + str(this_version)

    # check that this tag does not already exist
    if svn_url_exists(svnc, tag_url):
        raise RezReleaseError("cannot release: the tag '" + tag_url + "' already exists in svn." + \
         " You may need to up your version, svn-checkin and try again.")

    # find latest tag, if it exists. Get the changelog at the same time.
    pret = subprocess.Popen("rez-svn-changelog",
    changeLog, changeLog_err = pret.communicate()

    if (pret.returncode == 0) and (not allow_not_latest):
        last_tag_str = changeLog.splitlines()[0].split()[-1].replace(
            '/', ' ').replace(':', ' ').split()[-1]
        if (last_tag_str != "(NONE)") and (last_tag_str[0] != 'v'):
            # make sure our version is newer than the last tagged release
            last_tag_version = versions.Version(last_tag_str)
            if this_version <= last_tag_version:
                raise RezReleaseError("cannot release: current version '" + metadata.version + \
                 "' is not greater than the latest tag '" + last_tag_str + \
                 "'. You may need to up your version, svn-checkin and try again.")

    # create base dir to do clean builds from
    base_dir = os.getcwd() + "/build/rez-release"
    pret = subprocess.Popen("rm -rf " + base_dir, shell=True)
    pret = subprocess.Popen("mkdir -p " + base_dir, shell=True)

    # write the changelog to file, so that rez-build can install it as metadata
    changelogFile = os.getcwd() + '/build/rez-release-changelog.txt'
    chlogf = open(changelogFile, 'w')

    # svn-export each variant out to a clean directory, and build it locally. If any
    # builds fail then this release is aborted
    varnum = -1
    variants = metadata.get_variants()
    variants_ = variants
    varname = "project"

    if not variants:
        variants_ = [None]
        varnum = ''
        vararg = ''

    print("rez-release: building...")

    # take note of the current time, and use it as the build time for all variants. This ensures
    # that all variants will find the same packages, in case some new packages are released
    # during the build.
    if str(build_time) == "0":
        build_time = subprocess.Popen("date +%s",
        build_time = build_time.strip()

    timearg = "-t " + str(build_time)

    for variant in variants_:
        if variant:
            varnum += 1
            varname = "project variant #" + str(varnum)
            vararg = "-v " + str(varnum)

        subdir = base_dir + '/' + str(varnum) + '/'
        print("rez-release: svn-exporting clean copy of " + varname + " to " +
              subdir + "...")

        # remove subdir in case it already exists
        pret = subprocess.Popen("rm -rf " + subdir, shell=True)
        if (pret.returncode != 0):
            raise RezReleaseError("rez-release: deletion of '" + subdir +
                                  "' failed")

        # svn-export it. pysvn is giving me some false assertion crap on 'is_canonical(path)' here, hence shell
        pret = subprocess.Popen(["svn", "export", this_url, subdir])
        if (pret.returncode != 0):
            raise RezReleaseError("rez-release: svn export failed")

        # build it
        build_cmd = "rez-build" + \
         " " + timearg + \
         " " + vararg + \
         " -s " + tag_url + \
         " -c " + changelogFile + \
         " -- -- -j" + str(njobs)

        print("rez-release: building " + varname + " in " + subdir + "...")
        print("rez-release: invoking: " + build_cmd)

        build_cmd = "cd " + subdir + " ; " + build_cmd
        pret = subprocess.Popen(build_cmd, shell=True)
        if (pret.returncode != 0):
            raise RezReleaseError("rez-release: build failed")

    # now install the variants
    varnum = -1

    if not variants:
        variants_ = [None]
        varnum = ''
        vararg = ''

    print("rez-release: installing...")

    # create the package.uuid file, if it doesn't exist
    if not package_uuid_exists:
        pret = subprocess.Popen("mkdir -p " + package_uuid_dir, shell=True)

        pret = subprocess.Popen("echo " + metadata.uuid + " > " + package_uuid_file, \
         stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)

    # install the variants
    for variant in variants_:
        if variant:
            varnum += 1
            varname = "project variant #" + str(varnum)
            vararg = "-v " + str(varnum)

        subdir = base_dir + '/' + str(varnum) + '/'

        # determine install path
        pret = subprocess.Popen("cd " + subdir + " ; rez-build -i " + vararg, \
         stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
        instpath, instpath_err = pret.communicate()
        if (pret.returncode != 0):
            raise RezReleaseError("rez-release: install failed!! A partial central installation may " + \
             "have resulted, please see to this immediately - it should probably be removed.")
        instpath = instpath.strip()

        print("rez-release: installing " + varname + " from " + subdir +
              " to " + instpath + "...")

        # run rez-build, and:
        # * manually specify the svn-url to write into metadata;
        # * manually specify the changelog file to use
        # these steps are needed because the code we're building has been svn-exported, thus
        # we don't have any svn context.
        pret = subprocess.Popen("cd " + subdir + " ; rez-build -n" + \
         " " + timearg + \
         " " + vararg + \
         " -s " + tag_url + \
         " -c " + changelogFile + \
         " -- -c -- install", shell=True)

        if (pret.returncode != 0):
            raise RezReleaseError("rez-release: install failed!! A partial central installation may " + \
             "have resulted, please see to this immediately - it should probably be removed.")

        # Prior to locking down the installation, remove any .pyc files that may have been spawned
        pret = subprocess.Popen("cd " + instpath +
                                " ; rm -f `find -type f | grep '\.pyc$'`",

        # Remove write permissions from all installed files.
        pret = subprocess.Popen(
            "cd " + instpath +
            " ; chmod a-w `find -type f | grep -v '\.metadata'`",

        # Remove write permissions on dirs that contain py files
        pret = subprocess.Popen("cd " + instpath + " ; find -name '*.py'",
        cmdout, cmderr = pret.communicate()
        if len(cmdout.strip()) > 0:
            pret = subprocess.Popen(
                "cd " + instpath +
                " ; chmod a-w `find -name '*.py' | xargs -n 1 dirname | sort | uniq`",

    if (commit_message != None):
        commit_message += '\n' + changeLog
        # prompt for tag comment, automatically setting to the change-log
        commit_message = "\n\n" + changeLog

        tmpf = base_dir + '/' + RELEASE_COMMIT_FILE
        f = open(tmpf, 'w')

        pret = subprocess.Popen(editor + " " + tmpf, shell=True)
        if (pret.returncode == 0):
            # if commit file was unchanged, then give a chance to abort the release
            new_commit_message = open(tmpf).read()
            if (new_commit_message == commit_message):
                pret = subprocess.Popen( \
                 'read -p "Commit message unchanged - (a)bort or (c)ontinue? "' + \
                 ' ; if [ "$REPLY" != "c" ]; then exit 1 ; fi', shell=True)
                if (pret.returncode != 0):
                    print("release aborted by user")
                    pret = subprocess.Popen("rm -f " + tmpf, shell=True)

            commit_message = new_commit_message

        pret = subprocess.Popen("rm -f " + tmpf, shell=True)

    print("rez-release: tagging...")

    # at this point all variants have built and installed successfully. Copy to the new tag
    print("rez-release: creating project tag in: " + tag_url + "...")
    svnc.callback_get_log_message = SvnValueCallback(commit_message)

    svnc.copy2([ (this_url,) ], \
     tag_url, make_parents=True )

    # the very last thing we do is write out the current date-time to a metafile. This is
    # used by rez to specify when a package 'officially' comes into existence.
    this_pkg_release_path = pkg_release_path + '/' + metadata.name + '/' + metadata.version
    time_metafile = this_pkg_release_path + '/.metadata/release_time.txt'
    timef = open(time_metafile, 'w')
    time_epoch = int(time.mktime(time.localtime()))
    timef.write(str(time_epoch) + '\n')

    # email
    usr = os.getenv("USER", "unknown.user")
    pkgname = "%s-%s" % (metadata.name, str(this_version))
    subject = "[rez] [release] %s released %s" % (usr, pkgname)
    if len(variants_) > 1:
        subject += " (%d variants)" % len(variants_)
    rrb.send_release_email(subject, commit_message)

    print("rez-release: your package was released successfully.")
예제 #4
	# the very last thing we do is write out the current date-time to a metafile. This is
	# used by rez to specify when a package 'officially' comes into existence.
	this_pkg_release_path = pkg_release_path + '/' + metadata.name + '/' + metadata.version
	time_metafile = this_pkg_release_path + '/.metadata/release_time.txt'
	timef = open(time_metafile, 'w')
	time_epoch = int(time.mktime(time.localtime()))
	timef.write(str(time_epoch) + '\n')

	# email
	usr = os.getenv("USER", "unknown.user")
	pkgname = "%s-%s" % (metadata.name, str(this_version))
	subject = "[rez] [release] %s released %s" % (usr, pkgname)
	if len(variants_) > 1:
		subject += " (%d variants)" % len(variants_)
	rrb.send_release_email(subject, commit_message)

	print("rez-release: your package was released successfully.")

# Utilities

def git_ahead_of_remote(repo):
	Checks that the git repo (git.Repo instance) is