def find_closest_foe(self):
		""""Finds enemy robot closest to location of given robot and returns its location.
		Breaks ties by lowest HP. Assumes there are enemies remaining"""

		closest_robots = []
		if self.total_foes:
			closest_robot = self.total_foes[0] # take any robot to start out
			for rob in self.total_foes:
				current_dist = rg.wdist(self.robot.location, rob.location)
				if current_dist < rg.wdist(self.robot.location, closest_robot.location):
					closest_robot = rob

			# make list of closest robots (may include more than one)

			for rob in self.total_foes:
				current_dist = rg.wdist(self.robot.location, rob.location)
				if current_dist == rg.wdist(self.robot.location, closest_robot.location):
			# break ties with lowest HP if more than one closest robot

			if len(closest_robots) > 1:
				lowest_HP_rob = closest_robots[0]
				for rob in closest_robots:
					if rob.hp < lowest_HP_rob.hp:
						lowest_HP_rob = rob

				return lowest_HP_rob.location

			else: # only one robot, pick him
				return closest_robots[0].location
예제 #2
 def closest_bro(self,game):
   closest_dist = 1000
   for loc, bot in game['robots'].iteritems():
     if self.location != loc and bot.player_id == self.player_id and rg.wdist(self.location, loc) < closest_dist:
       closest = bot
       closest_dist = rg.wdist(self.location,loc)
   return closest, closest_dist
예제 #3
파일: 프로젝트: camwin/bots
def GetClosestEnemy(self):
    for loc, bot in'robots').items():
        if bot.player_id != self.player_id:
            if rg.wdist(loc, self.location) <= rg.wdist(self.location, self.closestEnemy):
                self.closestEnemy = loc
                #print "Enemy = %d, %d" %self.closestEnemy
    return self.closestEnemy
예제 #4
파일: 프로젝트: Throdne/RebotGame
    def act(self, game):
        """Called in every turn, for every instance of Robot

        :param game: a dictionary of all robots on the field mapped {location: robot}
        :return: any of the following: ['move', (x, y)]
                                       ['attack', (x, y)]
        # check if any robot is right next to us
        for (x, y) in rg.locs_around(self.location):
            if (x, y) in game['robots']:
                # if it is an enemy attack it, otherwise just guard
                if game['robots'][(x, y)].player_id != self.player_id:
                    return ['attack', (x, y)]
                    return ['guard']

        # move towards the closest enemy robot
        min_distance = 200
        # for loc, robot in list(game['robots'].items()):  # --use this with python3.x
        for loc, robot in game['robots'].iteritems():  # --use this with python2.x
            if robot.player_id != self.player_id and rg.wdist(self.location, loc) < min_distance:
                    min_distance, target_loc = rg.wdist(self.location, loc), loc

        # check if we can move towards the nearest robot
        # or someone else will move to that spot
        next_move_loc = rg.toward(self.location, target_loc)
        if self.is_loc_available(game, next_move_loc):
            return ['move', next_move_loc]
        return ['guard']
예제 #5
파일: 프로젝트: camwin/bots
def GetClosestFriendly(self):
    for loc, bot in'robots').items():
        if bot.player_id == self.player_id:
            if rg.wdist(loc, self.location) <= rg.wdist(self.location, self.closestFriend):
                self.closestFriend = loc
                #print "Friend = %d" %self.closestFriend
    return self.closestFriend
예제 #6
파일: 프로젝트: dmhacker/rg-bots
 def safe():
     around = {}
     for loc in rg.locs_around(curr, filter_out=('invalid','obstacle','spawn')):
         if loc not in self.movements:
             if loc not in game_bots:
                 danger = (len(nearby(True)) * 5)
                 + len(nearby(True, 2)) 
                 + rg.wdist(curr, nearest_spawn()) 
                 + rg.wdist(curr, rg.CENTER_POINT)
                 if loc in rg.settings.spawn_coords:
                     danger += 100 * (10 - til_spawn)
                 if rg.wdist(loc, nearest_spawn()) == 1:
                     if nearest_spawn() in game_bots:
                         if game_bots[nearest_spawn()].player_id == self.player_id:
                             danger += 1000
                             danger -= 100
                 if moveable(loc) == False:
                     danger += 2500
                 around[loc] = danger
     output = sorted(around, key=lambda a : around[a])
     if len(output) == 0:
         return None
     duplicated = {}
     supposed_best = output[0]
     duplicated[supposed_best] = len(nearby_of_location(supposed_best, False))
     for out in around.keys():
         if supposed_best != out:
             if around[supposed_best] == around[out]:
                 duplicated[out] = len(nearby_of_location(out, False))
     return sorted(duplicated, key=lambda p : duplicated[p])[0] # Move to a less crowded area
예제 #7
    def act(self, game):
        num_enemies = self.num_enemies(game)
        if num_enemies * 9 > self.hp:
            return ['suicide']

        min_distance = float("inf")
        move_to = self.get_center(game)
        for location, bot in game.get('robots').items():
            if bot.get('player_id') != self.player_id:
                if rg.dist(location, self.location) <= 1:
                    return ['attack', location]
            if bot.get('player_id') == self.player_id:
                if rg.wdist(location, self.location) < min_distance:
                    min_distance = rg.wdist(location, self.location)
                    move_to = location
        if min_distance < 2:
            move_to = self.get_center(game)
        if self.location == self.get_center(game):
            return ['guard']
        if self.num_frieds(game) > 1:
            return ['guard']
        return ['move', rg.toward(self.location, move_to)]
예제 #8
 def calculate_proposals_for_loc(self,src):
  panic=False;aggressive=True if self.robots[src]['hp']>=30 else False;proposals=ProposedMoveCollection();safer_neighbours=self.find_safer_neighbours(src);nearby_enemies=self.find_neighbours(src=src,player_id=self.enemy_id);max_damage_to_me=10*len(nearby_enemies);here_is_suicide=is_spawn(src)and self.is_spawn_imminent();i_will_be_killed=self.robots[src]['hp']<=max_damage_to_me
  if nearby_enemies and not safer_neighbours and(i_will_be_killed or here_is_suicide):return proposals.add_move(SCORE['suicide'],'suicide',src)
  if is_spawn(src)and self.is_spawn_imminent(within=1):panic=True
  if len(nearby_enemies)>=2:panic=True
  overwhelmed_enemies=[(x,self.count_neighbours(src=x,player_id=self.enemy_id),self.robots[x]['hp'])for x in nearby_enemies if self.count_neighbours(src=x,player_id=self.player_id)>1]
  for e in overwhelmed_enemies:score=SCORE['attack_overwhelmed_enemy']+e[1];proposals.add_move(score,'attack',src,e[0])
  for e in nearby_enemies:score=SCORE['attack_normal_enemy']+50-self.robots[e]['hp'];proposals.add_move(score,'attack',src,e)
  for dst in possibles:
   if dst in self.enemy_next_moves:score=SCORE['preemptive_strike']+self.enemy_next_moves[dst];proposals.add_move(score,'attack',src,dst)
   if dst in self.enemy_next_moves:base_move_score-=20*self.enemy_next_moves[dst]
   if aggressive and src in self.ally_assignments:
    if dst in self.best_attack_spots:base_move_score+=SCORE['move_to_best_attack_spot']
   if src==dst:base_move_score+=10
   if is_spawn(src)and self.is_spawn_imminent(within=1):base_move_score+=SCORE['move_to_safer_location']
   if is_spawn(dst):base_move_score-=10
   if is_spawn(dst)and self.is_spawn_imminent():base_move_score-=SCORE['suicide']
   if panic and src!=dst:base_move_score+=SCORE['panic']
   if dst_enemy_neighbours<src_enemy_neighbours:base_move_score+=SCORE['move_to_safer_location']+dst_enemy_neighbours-src_enemy_neighbours
   action='guard'if dst==src else'move';proposals.add_move(base_move_score,action,src,dst)
  return proposals
예제 #9
	def nearestEnemy(self, game):
		currentTarget = rg.CENTER_POINT
		for loc, bot in game.get('robots').items():
			if bot.player_id != self.player_id:
				if (rg.wdist(self.location, loc) <= rg.wdist(self.location, currentTarget)):
					currentTarget = loc
		return currentTarget
예제 #10
    def act(self, game):
        num_enemies = self.num_enemies(game)
        if num_enemies * 9 > self.hp:
            return ['suicide']

        min_distance = float("inf")
        move_to = rg.CENTER_POINT
        for location, bot in game.get('robots').items():
            if bot.get('player_id') != self.player_id:
                if rg.dist(location, self.location) <= 1:
                    return ['attack', location]
            if bot.get('player_id') == self.player_id:
                if rg.wdist(location, self.location) < min_distance:
                    min_distance = rg.wdist(location, self.location)
                    move_to = location
        if min_distance < 2:
            move_to = rg.CENTER_POINT
        if self.location == rg.CENTER_POINT:
            return ['guard']
        if self.num_frieds(game) > 1:
            return ['guard']
        return ['move', rg.toward(self.location, move_to)]
예제 #11
 def act(self, game):
     print "Turn: " +str( game.turn) + "\tBot: " + str(self.robot_id)
     # find closest friend & enemy
     closestFriend = (1000, 1000)
     closestEnemy = (1000, 1000)
     for loc, bot in game.get('robots').items():
         if bot.player_id != self.player_id:
             if rg.wdist(loc, self.location) <= rg.wdist(closestEnemy, self.location):
                 closestEnemy = loc
             if rg.wdist(loc, self.location) <= rg.wdist(closestFriend, self.location) and self.robot_id != bot.robot_id:
                 closestFriend = loc
     for loc, bot in game['robots'].iteritems():
         # if there are enemies around, attack them
         if bot.player_id != self.player_id:
             if rg.dist(loc, self.location) <= 1:
                 return ['attack', loc]
             # if there are friends around, move to them
             if rg.dist(loc, self.location) > 2:
                 return ['move', rg.toward(self.location, closestFriend)]
     # move towards enemy
     return ['move', rg.toward(self.location, closestEnemy)]
예제 #12
 def check_friend(current_close_friend, new_friend):
     if not current_close_friend:
         return new_friend
     if rg.wdist(self.location, new_friend.location) < rg.wdist(
             self.location, current_close_friend.location):
         return new_friend
     return current_close_friend
예제 #13
    def act(self, game):
        center = rg.CENTER_POINT
        enemy_bots = [
            b for b in game.robots.values() if b.player_id != self.player_id
        target = min(enemy_bots,
                     key=lambda bot: rg.wdist(bot.location, center))

        adjacent_bots = []
        for enemy in enemy_bots:
            if rg.wdist(enemy.location, self.location) == 1:
        if len(adjacent_bots) > self.hp / 9:
            return ['suicide']
        elif adjacent_bots:
            return ['attack', min(adjacent_bots, key=lambda b: b.hp).location]

        adj = rg.locs_around(target.location,
                             filter_out=('invalid', 'obstacle'))
        closest_locs = min(rg.wdist(loc, self.location) for loc in adj)
        dests = [
            loc for loc in adj if rg.wdist(loc, self.location) == closest_locs
        dest = random.choice(dests)
        if rg.wdist(target.location, self.location) == 1:
            return ['attack', target.location]
            return ['move', rg.toward(self.location, dest)]
예제 #14
def closest_enemy(player_id, location, game):
  closest_dist = 1000
  for loc, bot in game['robots'].iteritems():
    if bot.player_id != player_id and rg.wdist(location, loc) < closest_dist:
      closest = bot
      closest_dist = rg.wdist(location,loc)
  return closest
예제 #15
    def act(self, game):
        if self.robot_id in self.mayday:
            del self.mayday[self.robot_id]
        if self.hp < 10:
            return self.kill_self(game)

        enemies = []
        friends = []

        for robot in game.robots.itervalues():
            if hasattr(robot, "robot_id"):

        targets = []
        for enemy in enemies:
            targets.append((enemy, rg.wdist(self.location, enemy.location)))

        target, distance = min(targets, key=lambda (a, b): b)

        if distance == 1:
            self.mayday[self.robot_id] = target.location
            return ["attack", target.location]
        if self.mayday:
            targets = [(t, rg.wdist(self.location, t)) for t in self.mayday.values()]
            target, _ = min(targets, key=lambda (a, b): b)
            if rg.wdist(self.location, target) == 1:
                return ["attack", target]
            return ["move", rg.toward(self.location, target)]
        return ["move", rg.toward(self.location, target.location)]
예제 #16
파일: 프로젝트: camwin/bots
def TurtleMode(self,game):
    #for loc,bot in game.robots.items():
    #    if bot.player_id == self.player_id:
    if self.hp <= 15:
        if rg.wdist(self.location, GetClosestEnemy(self)) == 1:
            if rg.wdist(self.location, GetClosestFriendly(self)) > 1:
                print "Bot at %d %d entered turtle mode" %self.location
                return True
	def hunt(self, robot):
		if rg.wdist(, robot.location) <= 1:
			return Move(['attack', robot.location], "Hunter %s" % str(robot.location))
		for enemyRobotLocation in _gameView.locationsOfEnemyRobots:
			if rg.wdist(, enemyRobotLocation) <= 1:
				return Move(['attack', enemyRobotLocation], "Hunter [found other enemy] %s" % str(enemyRobotLocation))
		walker = Walker(
		return Move(walker.goTowards(robot.location), "Hunter %s [needed to walk]" % str(robot.location))
예제 #18
파일: 프로젝트: rui-lin/robot-game
    def process_attack_state(self, game):
        # Try parry from predicted explosion
        dangers = {x.location: x for x in self.neighbours_exploding()}
        if len(dangers) > 0:
            res = self.try_parry(game, spawn_points_ok=True)
            return res if res else ['guard']

        # Try escape from spawn reset
        res = self.escape_spawn_trap_move(game)
        if res:
            return res

        # Combat-mode
        targets =
        targets = [x for x in targets if
                   rg.wdist(self.location, x.location) == 1]
        targets.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.hp, y.hp))

        # 1 block away targets (in combat)
        if len(targets) > 0:
            # try parry if may die or getting double-team'd and can't kill
            # opponent
            if ((len(targets) == 1 and self.hp <= 10 and targets[0].hp > 9) or
                (len(targets) > 1 and any(x for x in targets if x.hp > 15))):
                    res = self.try_parry(game, spawn_points_ok=False)
                    if res:
                        return res

            # explode or attack decision
            if self.should_explode_over_attack():
                return ['suicide']
                return ['attack', targets[0].location]

        # TODO: team up attacks

        # 2 block away targets
        targets =
        targets = [x for x in targets if
                   rg.wdist(self.location, x.location) == 2]
        targets.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.hp, y.hp))
        for x in targets:
            # Can hit predicted loc 1? (towards center)
            predicted_loc = rg.toward(x.location, rg.CENTER_POINT)
            if rg.wdist(self.location, predicted_loc) == 1:
                return ['attack', predicted_loc]

            # Try predicted loc 2 (towards robot)
            predicted_loc = self.towards(x.location)[0]
            return ['attack', predicted_loc]

        # for later, if want to coordinate attacks from afar
        # targets.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(rg.wdist(self.location,x.location),
        # rg.wdist(self.location,y.location)))

        return ['guard']
예제 #19
    def closest_robot(location, robot_set, exclude_location):
        closest = None
        closestDistance = 300

        for bot in robot_set:
            if rg.wdist(location, bot.location) < closestDistance and ((not exclude_location) or (bot.location != location)):
                closest = bot
                closestDistance = rg.wdist(location, bot.location)

        return closest
예제 #20
	def runAwayFrom(self, enemy):
		valid_locs = rg.locs_around(self.location, filter_out=('invalid', 'obstacle', 'spawn'))
		farthest = self.location
		farthest_dist = rg.wdist(farthest, enemy.location)
		for loc in valid_locs:
			dist = rg.wdist(loc, enemy.location)
			if dist > farthest_dist:
				farthest = loc
				farthest_dist = dist
		return farthest
예제 #21
	def findNearestEnemy(self, game):
		enemies = self.getEnemies(game)
		closest = enemies[0]
		closestDist = rg.wdist(closest.location, self.location)
		for enemy in enemies[1:]:
			dist = rg.wdist(enemy.location, self.location)
			if dist < closestDist:
				closest = enemy
				closestDist = dist
		return closest
예제 #22
파일: 프로젝트: dmhacker/rg-bots
 def nearbyMembers(self, location, radius = 1, borderonly=False):
     robots = []
     for bot in self.bots:
         if bot.location is not location:
             if borderonly: 
                 if rg.wdist(bot.location, location) == radius:
                 if rg.wdist(bot.location, location) <= radius:
     return robots
예제 #23
파일: 프로젝트: dmhacker/rg-bots
 def nearbyEnemies(self, location, radius=1, borderonly=False):
     robots = []
     for loc, bot in self.all_bots.iteritems():
         if bot.player_id != self.playerid():
             if borderonly: 
                 if rg.wdist(loc, location) == radius:
                 if rg.wdist(loc, location) <= radius:
     return robots
예제 #24
파일: 프로젝트: dmhacker/rg-bots
 def nearbyAllies(self, location, radius=1, borderonly=False):
     robots = []
     for loc, bot in self.all_bots.iteritems():
         if bot.player_id is self.player_id:
             if bot.location is not location:
                 if borderonly: 
                     if rg.wdist(loc, location) == radius:
                     if rg.wdist(loc, location) <= radius:
     return robots
예제 #25
파일: 프로젝트: nattress/Misc
    def _flee(self, robot):
        Bravely run away!
        If there is a nice chunk of empty space to move to close-by, run there.
        If not, run to the protection of a nearby friendly

        # Find the closest point that's the farthest from enemies

        # distance_cost is how much we subtract from a tile's enemy farness to factor in that we'd rather be lazy
        # and not move if we don't have to.
        distance_cost = FLEE_DISTANCE_COST

        tile_scores = dict()
        for loc in self.play_area_locations:
            distance_to_tile = rg.wdist(robot.location, loc)
            closest_enemy = self._closest_robot(self.enemy_id, loc)
            distance_to_closest_enemy = 0
            if closest_enemy == None:
                # No enemies left - move to center since that'll be far from new enemy spawns
                return ['move', rg.toward(robot.location, rg.CENTER_POINT)]
                distance_to_closest_enemy = rg.wdist(loc, closest_enemy.location)

            tile_score = int(distance_to_closest_enemy - (distance_to_tile * distance_cost))
            tile_scores[loc] = tile_score

        # How many of the top locations we will try pathing to incase the best option is unreachable
        flee_attempts = 5
        for flee_location in sorted(tile_scores, key=lambda a: tile_scores[a], reverse=True):
            if (robot.location == flee_location):
                # Don't bother pathing since our current location is the best
                return ['guard']

            path = self._cooperative_shortest_path(self.flee_graph, robot.location, flee_location)
            if path == None:
                flee_attempts -= 1
                if flee_attempts <= 0:
                return ['move', path[1]]
        closestEnemy = self._closest_robot(self.enemy_id, robot.location)
        if closestEnemy != None:
            if rg.wdist(robot.location, closestEnemy.location) <= 1:
                return ['attack', closestEnemy.location]
        # We can't path to safety but we're not next to an enemy so stay where we are
        return ['guard']
예제 #26
 def propose(self, loc, action):
     if action[0]=="move":
         if self.is_empty(action[1]) and rg.wdist(loc,action[1])==1:
             return 1
         else: return -1 #invalid
     if action[0]=="attack":
         if self.is_enemy(action[1]) and rg.wdist(loc,action[1])==1:
             return 1 
         else: return -1 #invalid
     if action[0]=="guard":
         return 1
     if action[0]=="suicide":
         return 1
예제 #27
 def ring_search(self,src,wdist=1,inclusive=False):
   for x in range(src[0]-wdist,src[0]+wdist+1):
    for y in range(src[1]-wdist,src[1]+wdist+1):
     if'obstacle'in rg.loc_types(xy):continue
     if'invalid'in rg.loc_types(xy):continue
     if inclusive:
      if rg.wdist(src,xy)<=wdist:result.append(xy)
     if not inclusive:
      if rg.wdist(src,xy)==wdist:result.append(xy)
  except TypeError,e:raise Exception('Typeerror %s, src = %s and wdist = %s'%(e,src,wdist))
  return set(result)
예제 #28
def distance_from_spawn(square):
    #canonise the square
    canonical_x = square[0]
    canonical_y = square[1]
    if(canonical_x > 9): canonical_x = 18-canonical_x
    if(canonical_y > 9): canonical_y = 18-canonical_y
    if(canonical_x > canonical_y):
        canonical_square = (canonical_y, canonical_x)
        canonical_square = (canonical_x, canonical_y)
    distance = 10
    for loc in canonical_spawn_locs:
        if rg.wdist(loc, canonical_square) < distance:
            distance = rg.wdist(loc,canonical_square)
    return distance                         
예제 #29
def distance_from_spawn(square):
    #canonise the square
    canonical_x = square[0]
    canonical_y = square[1]
    if (canonical_x > 9): canonical_x = 18 - canonical_x
    if (canonical_y > 9): canonical_y = 18 - canonical_y
    if (canonical_x > canonical_y):
        canonical_square = (canonical_y, canonical_x)
        canonical_square = (canonical_x, canonical_y)
    distance = 10
    for loc in canonical_spawn_locs:
        if rg.wdist(loc, canonical_square) < distance:
            distance = rg.wdist(loc, canonical_square)
    return distance
예제 #30
def infront(l1, l2):
    if rg.wdist(l1, l2) == 2:
        if diag(l1, l2):
            return False
            return True
    return False
예제 #31
 def zprzodu(l1, l2):
     if rg.wdist(l1, l2) == 2:
         if abs(l1[0] - l2[0]) == 1:
             return False
             return True
     return False
예제 #32
 def act(self, game):
     us, them = process_game(game, self.player_id)
     x = int(sum([x[0] for x in us]) / len(us))
     y = int(sum([y[1] for y in us]) / len(us))
     if self.location == (x, y):
         return ['guard']
     enemies_around = list()
     friends_around = list()
     for each in them:
         if rg.dist(self.location, each) == 1:
     for each in us:
         if rg.dist(self.location, each) == 1:
     if len(friends_around) >= 3:
         return ['guard']
     distance_border = min([
         rg.wdist(place, self.location)
         for place in rg.settings.spawn_coords
     if len(friends_around) >= 2 and distance_border > 3:
         return ['guard']
     if len(enemies_around) >= 2:
         return ['suicide']
     if self.hp < 8 and enemies_around:
         return ['suicide']
     for each in them:
         if rg.dist(self.location, each) == 1:
             if test_location(each):
                 return ['attack', each]
     if test_location((x, y)):
         return ['move', rg.toward(self.location, (x, y))]
     return ['guard']
예제 #33
 def num_enemies(self, game):
     enemies = 0
     for location, bot in game.get('robots').items():
         if bot.get('player_id') != self.player_id:
             if 1 == rg.wdist(self.location, location):
                 enemies += 1
     return enemies
예제 #34
 def score_aggressiveness(loc1):
     self._aggressiveness = 0
     for loc2 in enemies:
         if rg.wdist(loc1, loc2) <= 2:
             self._aggressiveness = money_time
             return self._aggressiveness
     return self._aggressiveness
예제 #35
 def get_enemies_that_could_move_next_to(self, loc, game):
     enemies = []
     for bot in game.get('robots').values():
         if bot.player_id != self.player_id:
             if rg.wdist(bot.location, loc) == 2:
     return enemies
예제 #36
    def act(self, game): = game
        max_angry = 10
        angry = 8
        is_angry = random.choice([True]*angry+[False]*(max_angry-angry))

        local_enemies = self.local_enemies(game)
        empty_spaces = [e for e in self.local_spaces()
                        if e not in local_enemies.keys()]

        if local_enemies:
            if self.hp < 10 and len(local_enemies) > 1:
                return ['suicide']

            if is_angry:
                return ['attack', random.choice(local_enemies.keys())]
            if empty_spaces:
                return ['move', random.choice(empty_spaces)]

        enemies = self.enemies(game)

        for enemy in enemies:
            displacement = (self.location, enemy.location)
            if rg.wdist(*displacement) == 2:
                attack_loc = rg.toward(*displacement)
                if is_angry:
                    return ['move', attack_loc]
                if self.in_square(attack_loc) != 'friend':
                    return ['attack', attack_loc]

        return ['move', rg.toward(self.location,
예제 #37
파일: 프로젝트: sufendyc/merobot
    def act(self, game):
        # TODO:
        # Swarm around the sub-leader bot
        # attack in group, increase radius of search to 2-3 tiles away
        #print " robot {} has moves ".format(self.robot_id), self.move_randomly(game)
        #print " robot {} has {} enemy around".format(self.robot_id, len(self.enemy_around(game)))
        if self.move_randomly(game):
            return self.move_randomly(game)
            enemies_1 = self.enemy_around(game, 1)
            enemies_2 = self.enemy_around(game)
            if len(enemies_1) > 0:
                if self.hp <= 15: 
                    return ['suicide']
                #attack the weakest enemy
                weakest_enemy = self.find_weakest(enemies_1)
                return ['attack', weakest_enemy.location]
            elif len(enemies_2) > 0:
                #no enemy around, extend to 2nd radius
                weakest_enemy = self.find_weakest(enemies_2)
                if rg.wdist(self.location, weakest_enemy.location) == 2:
                    return ['attack', rg.toward(self.location, weakest_enemy.location)]
                    return ['move', rg.toward(self.location, weakest_enemy.location)]
            return ['guard']
        #next_move = rg.toward(self.location, rg.CENTER_POINT)
        #if next_move in game.robots
        #    return ['move', next_move]

        return ['guard']
예제 #38
 def num_enemies(self, game):
     enemies = 0
     for location, bot in game.get('robots').items():
         if bot.get('player_id') != self.player_id:
             if 1 == rg.wdist(self.location, location):
                 enemies += 1
     return enemies
예제 #39
 def enemys_near(self, query_loc):
     enemys = []
     for loc, bot in'robots').items():
         if bot.get('player_id') != self.player_id:
             if rg.wdist(loc, query_loc) <= 1:
                 enemys.append([loc, bot])
     return enemys
예제 #40
 def num_frieds(self, game):
     friends = 0
     for location, bot in game.get('robots').items():
         if bot.get('player_id') == self.player_id:
             if 1 == rg.wdist(self.location, location):
                 friends += 1
     return friends
예제 #41
 def score_coordination(loc1):
     self._coordination = 0
     for loc2 in friends:
         if rg.wdist(loc1, loc2) <= 1:
             self._coordination = living_space
             return self._coordination
     return self._coordination
예제 #42
 def num_frieds(self, game):
     friends = 0
     for location, bot in game.get('robots').items():
         if bot.get('player_id') == self.player_id:
             if 1 == rg.wdist(self.location, location):
                 friends += 1
     return friends
예제 #43
 def spawn(self, game, current_return):
     if current_return != ['empty']:
         return current_return
     #If bot is in spawn, determine how to move out.
     if rg.loc_types(self.location) == 'spawn':
         possible_locations = rg.locs_around(self.location,
         enemy_locs = []
         for locs in possible_locations:
             if locs in game.robots and game.robots[
                     locs].player_id != self.player_id:
         for enemy in enemy_locs:
             if enemy.hp < 9:
                 return ['attack', enemy]
             elif enemy in possible_locations:
         best_option = [100, (0, 0)]
         for locs in possible_locations:
             current = [rg.wdist(locs, rg.CENTER_POINT), locs]
             if current[0] <= best_option[0]:
                 best_option = current
         return ['move', best_option[1]]
     return current_return
예제 #44
def infront(l1, l2):
    if rg.wdist(l1, l2) == 2:
        if diag(l1, l2):
            return False
            return True
    return False
예제 #45
    def act(self, game):
        # if we're in the center, stay put
        if self.location == rg.CENTER_POINT:
            return ['guard']

        num_enemies_near = sum([ pt in self.enemy_bot_locations(game) for pt in rg.locs_around(self.location)])
        if num_enemies_near > 1 and self.hp < 20:
            return ['suicide']

        # if there are enemies around, attack them
        for loc, bot in game.robots.items():
            if bot.player_id != self.player_id:
                if rg.dist(loc, self.location) <= 1:
                    return ['attack', loc]

        # move toward the center
        dist_to_center = rg.wdist(self.location, rg.CENTER_POINT)
        if dist_to_center > 5:
            next_location = rg.toward(self.location, rg.CENTER_POINT)
            next_location = self.random_location()
        if next_location in game.robots:
            return ['guard']

        return ['move', next_location]
예제 #46
    def act(self, game):
        bestDistance = 999
        bestLoc = (0, 0)
        otherPlaces = rg.locs_around(self.location,
                                     filter_out=('invalid', 'obstacle'))
        for loc, bot in game['robots'].iteritems():
            if bot.player_id != self.player_id:
                if rg.wdist(loc, self.location) < bestDistance:
                    bestDistance = rg.dist(loc, self.location)
                    bestLoc = loc
        if game['robots'][self.location].hp <= 10:
            away = tuple(
                map(lambda x, y: x - y, rg.toward(self.location, bestLoc),
            move = tuple(map(lambda x, y: x - y, self.location, away))
            goodPlaces = rg.locs_around(self.location,
                                        filter_out=('invalid', 'obstacle',
            if move in goodPlaces:
                return ['move', move]
            for loc in rg.locs_around(self.location,
                                      filter_out=('invalid', 'obstacle')):
                if loc in game['robots']:
                    if game['robots'][loc].player_id != self.player_id:
                        return ['suicide']

                return ['guard']
        for loc, bot in game['robots'].iteritems():
            if bot.player_id != self.player_id:
                if rg.dist(loc, self.location) <= 1:
                    if loc in otherPlaces:
                        return ['attack', loc]
        if rg.dist(bestLoc, self.location) <= enemyDistance:
            if rg.toward(self.location, bestLoc) in otherPlaces:
                return ['move', rg.toward(self.location, bestLoc)]

        # otherwise clump up
        for loc, bot in game['robots'].iteritems():
            if bot.player_id == self.player_id:
                if rg.wdist(loc, self.location) <= allyDistance:
                    if loc in otherPlaces:
                        return ['move', rg.toward(self.location, loc)]
        if self.location == rg.CENTER_POINT:
            return ['guard']
        if rg.toward(self.location, rg.CENTER_POINT) in otherPlaces:
            return ['move', rg.toward(self.location, rg.CENTER_POINT)]
예제 #47
 def find_opponents(loc1):  #next to the bot
     self._opponents = []
     for loc2, bot in robots.iteritems():
         if rg.wdist(loc1, loc2) <= 1:
             if robots[base_bot]['player_id'] != robots[loc2][
     return self._opponents
예제 #48
    def act(self, game):

        # find closest enemy
        CLOSESTE = (1000, 1000)
        for loc, bot in game.get('robots').items():
            if bot.player_id != self.player_id:
                if rg.wdist(loc, self.location) <= rg.wdist(
                        CLOSESTE, self.location):
                    CLOSESTE = loc

        # Suicide if an enemy is close
        for loc, bot in game['robots'].iteritems():
            if bot.player_id != self.player_id:
                if rg.dist(loc, self.location) <= 1:
                    return ['suicide']

        # move towards enemy
        return ['move', rg.toward(self.location, CLOSESTE)]
예제 #49
    def act(self, game):

        # find closest enemy
        CLOSESTE = (1000, 1000)
        for loc, bot in game.get('robots').items():
            if bot.player_id != self.player_id:
                if rg.wdist(loc, self.location) <= rg.wdist(
                        CLOSESTE, self.location):
                    CLOSESTE = loc

        # if there are enemies around, attack them
        for loc, bot in game['robots'].iteritems():
            if bot.player_id != self.player_id:
                if rg.dist(loc, self.location) <= 1:
                    return ['attack', loc]

        # move towards enemy
        return ['move', rg.toward(self.location, CLOSESTE)]
예제 #50
    def ring_search(self, src, wdist=1, inclusive=False):
        """Give me all locations that are within wdist of src excluding src"""
        result = []
            for x in range(src[0] - wdist, src[0] + wdist + 1):
                for y in range(src[1] - wdist, src[1] + wdist + 1):
                    xy = (x, y)

                    if 'obstacle' in rg.loc_types(xy): continue
                    if 'invalid' in rg.loc_types(xy): continue

                    if inclusive:
                        if rg.wdist(src, xy) <= wdist: result.append(xy)
                    if not inclusive:
                        if rg.wdist(src, xy) == wdist: result.append(xy)
        except TypeError, e:
            raise Exception("Typeerror %s, src = %s and wdist = %s" %
                            (e, src, wdist))
예제 #51
    def find_closest(self, locs, center=None):
        if not locs:
            return None

        if not center:
            center = self.location

        locs.sort(key=lambda x: rg.wdist(center, x))

        return locs[0]
예제 #52
 def around(self, bot=None, distance=1, include_spawn=False):
     bot = bot or self
     valid_locations = self.ALL_LOCATIONS if include_spawn else self.VALID_LOCATIONS
     if distance == 1:
         return [
             l for l in (self.north(bot), self.east(bot), self.south(bot),
                         self.west(bot)) if l in valid_locations
     return filter(lambda l: rg.wdist(bot.location, l) <= distance,
예제 #53
 def get_center(bot):
     centers = [(9, 4), (14, 9), (9, 14), (4, 9)]
     # centers = [(9, 4), (9, 14)]
     min_distance = sys.maxint
     center = centers[0]
     for c in centers:
         dist = rg.wdist(bot.location, c)
         if dist < min_distance:
             min_distance = dist
             center = c
     return center
예제 #54
def safe(this_robot, loc, game):
    turns_left = 10 - game.turn % 10
    if (turns_left == 10): turns_left = 0
    if (turns_left <= 2 and spawn(loc)): return 0
    for bot in one_robots:
        if (loc == bot.location and bot.player_id != this_robot.player_id):
            return 0
    for bot in two_robots:
        if bot.player_id != this_robot.player_id:
            if rg.wdist(loc, bot.location) == 1:
                return 0
    return 1
예제 #55
    def act(self, game):
        # if we're in the center, stay put
        if self.location == rg.CENTER_POINT:
            return ['guard']

        # if there are enemies around, attack them
        for loc, bot in game.robots.iteritems():
            if bot.player_id != self.player_id:
                if rg.dist(loc, self.location) <= 1:
                    return ['attack', loc]

        self_to_center = rg.wdist(self.location, rg.CENTER_POINT)

        # try to approach the center
        for dst in rg.locs_around(self.location):
            dst_to_center = rg.wdist(dst, rg.CENTER_POINT)
            if dst_to_center < self_to_center:
                return ['move', dst]

        # it doesnt matter
        return ['guard']
예제 #56
 def find_closest_enemy(loc):
     self._ref_enemy_hp = 999
     self._closest_enemy_hp = 0
     self._ref_dist = 999
     self._enemy_dist = 0
     for loc2 in them:
         self._enemy_dist = rg.wdist(loc, loc2)
         if self._enemy_dist <= self._ref_dist:
             if robots[loc2]['hp'] < self._ref_enemy_hp:
                 self._closest_enemy_hp = robots[loc2]['hp']
                 self._closest_enemy = loc2
     return self._closest_enemy
예제 #57
파일: 프로젝트: willfurnass/robots
    def act(self, game):
        # If we're on a spawn square, get out
        if rg.loc_types(self.loc) != 'normal':
            return ['move', rg.toward(self.location, rg.CENTER_POINT)]

        d1_us = {}
        d1_them = {}
        d2_us = {}
        d2_them = {}
        for loc, bot in game.robots.iteritems():
            if rg.wdist(self.loc, loc) == 1:
                if bot.robot_id:
                    d1_us[loc] = bot
                    d1_them[loc] = bot
            elif rg.wdist(self.loc, loc) == 2:
                if bot.robot_id:
                    d2_us[loc] = bot
                    d2_them[loc] = bot

        if d1_them:
            return ['attack', d1_them.keys()[0]]
        elif d2_them:
            return ['attack', rg.toward(self.loc, d2_them.keys()[0])]

        # move:
        # - don't move into a square an ally could move into
        # - move towards an ally
        # - move towards an enemy

        # suicide condition
        #allyNeighbours = 0 # work out
        #enemyNeightbours = 0
        #if self.hp < 10 and allyNeighbours == 0 and (enemyNeightbours > 1 or enemyNeightbours == 1 and their hp > 10)
        #  return ['suicide']

        # Default action
        #return ['guard']
        return ['move', rg.toward(self.location, rg.CENTER_POINT)]
예제 #58
    def ring_search(self, src, wdist=1):
        """Give me all locations that are within wdist of src excluding src"""
        result = []
        for x in range(src[0] - wdist, src[0] + wdist + 1):
            for y in range(src[1] - wdist, src[1] + wdist + 1):
                xy = (x, y)
                if rg.loc_types(xy) in ['obstacle', 'invalid']:
                if rg.wdist(src, xy) <= wdist:

        return result