self.traj_chosen_pub.publish(m) self.traj_chosen_id += 1 rate.sleep() def viz_cost_fn(self): rate = rospy.Rate(100) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if self.goal is not None and self.inferred_pose is not None: # There is viz_logic in here, so don't do anything with the return self.rhctrl.step(self.inferred_pose) rate.sleep() def start(self): # If we are trying to debug our rollouts, we only want to run # the loop on initial pose. This way of implementing it could be # changed, but for now this will get the job done if self.params.get_bool("~debug/flag/viz_traj_chosen_trace", True): traj_chosen_trace_t = threading.Thread(target=self.viz_traj_chosen_trace) traj_chosen_trace_t.start() if self.params.get_bool("~debug/flag/viz_cost_fn", False): cost_fn_t = threading.Thread(target=self.viz_cost_fn) cost_fn_t.start() rospy.spin() if __name__ == "__main__": params = parameters.RosParams() logger = logger.RosLog() node = RHCDebug(rhctensor.float_tensor(), params, logger, "rhcdebugger") node.start()
ctrl = traj[0] ctrlmsg = AckermannDriveStamped() ctrlmsg.header.stamp = = ctrl[0] = ctrl[1] self.rp_ctrls.publish(ctrlmsg) def set_inferred_pose(self, ip): with self.inferred_pose_lock: self._inferred_pose = ip def inferred_pose(self): with self.inferred_pose_lock: return self._inferred_pose if __name__ == "__main__": params = parameters.RosParams() logger = logger.RosLog() node = RHCNode(rhctensor.float_tensor(), params, logger, "rhcontroller") signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, node.shutdown) rhc = threading.Thread(target=node.start) rhc.start() # wait for a signal to shutdown while signal.pause() rhc.join()