예제 #1
def test_instance():    
    # check for basic syntax errors, use test_ice* to test
    # functionality
        clock=Clock(0, frequency=50e6),
        uart_rx=Signal(bool(0)), )
예제 #2
def main():
    args = cliparse()
    if args.test:
        atlys_blinky_host(Clock(0, frequency=50e6), Signal(intbv(0)[8:]),
                          Signal(intbv(0)[8:]), Signal(bool(0)),
    if args.build:
예제 #3
def test_instance():
    # check for basic syntax errors, use test_ice* to test
    # functionality
        clock=Clock(0, frequency=50e6),
예제 #4
def test_uart(args=None):
    # @todo: get numbytes from args
    numbytes = 13
    clock = Clock(0, frequency=12e6)
    reset = Reset(0, active=0, isasync=True)
    glbl = Global(clock, reset)
    mdlsi, mdlso = Signal(bool(1)), Signal(bool(1))
    uartmdl = UARTModel()
    fifobus = FIFOBus()

    def bench_uart():
        tbmdl = uartmdl.process(glbl, mdlsi, mdlso)
        tbdut = uartlite(glbl, fifobus, mdlso, mdlsi)
        tbclk = clock.gen()

        def tblpbk():
            fifobus.read.next = not fifobus.empty
            fifobus.write.next = fifobus.read_valid
            fifobus.write_data.next = fifobus.read_data

        def tbstim():
            yield reset.pulse(33)
            yield delay(1000)
            yield clock.posedge

            for ii in range(numbytes):
                wb = randint(0, 255)
                print("send {:02X}".format(wb))
                timeout = ((clock.frequency / uartmdl.baudrate) * 40)
                rb = uartmdl.read()
                while rb is None and timeout > 0:
                    yield clock.posedge
                    rb = uartmdl.read()
                    timeout -= 1
                if rb is None:
                    raise TimeoutError
                print("received {:02X}".format(rb))
                assert rb == wb, "{:02X} != {:02X}".format(rb, wb)

            yield delay(100)

            raise StopSimulation

        return tbdut, tbmdl, tbclk, tblpbk, tbstim

    run_testbench(bench_uart, args=args)
예제 #5
def convert():
    clock = Clock(0, frequency=50e6)
    reset = Reset(0, active=0, isasync=True)
    lcd_on = Signal(bool(0))
    lcd_resetn = Signal(bool(0))
    lcd_csn = Signal(bool(0))
    lcd_rs = Signal(bool(0))
    lcd_wrn = Signal(bool(0))
    lcd_rdn = Signal(bool(0))
    lcd_data = Signal(intbv(0)[16:])

    inst = mm_lt24lcdsys(clock, reset, lcd_on, lcd_resetn, lcd_csn, lcd_rs,
                         lcd_wrn, lcd_rdn, lcd_data)

    inst.convert(hdl='Verilog', directory='output')
예제 #6
def test_uart_model(args=None):
    # @todo: get numbytes from args
    numbytes = 7
    clock = Clock(0, frequency=50e6)
    reset = Reset(0, active=0, isasync=True)
    glbl = Global(clock, reset)
    si, so = Signal(bool(1)), Signal(bool(1))
    uartmdl = UARTModel()

    def bench_uart_model():
        tbdut = uartmdl.process(glbl, si, so)
        tbclk = clock.gen()

        def tblpbk():
            si.next = so

        def tbstim():
            yield reset.pulse(33)
            yield delay(1000)
            yield clock.posedge

            for ii in range(numbytes):
                wb = randint(0, 255)
                print("send {:02X}".format(wb))
                timeout = ((clock.frequency / uartmdl.baudrate) * 20)
                rb = uartmdl.read()
                while rb is None and timeout > 0:
                    yield clock.posedge
                    rb = uartmdl.read()
                    timeout -= 1
                if rb is None:
                    raise TimeoutError
                print("received {:02X}".format(rb))
                assert rb == wb, "{:02X} != {:02X}".format(rb, wb)

            yield delay(100)

            raise StopSimulation

        return tbdut, tbclk, tblpbk, tbstim

    run_testbench(bench_uart_model, args=args)
예제 #7
파일: test_regfile.py 프로젝트: wingel/rhea
def test_register_file_bits():
    global regfile
    # top-level signals and interfaces
    clock = Clock(0, frequency=50e6)
    reset = Reset(0, active=1, async=False)
    glbl = Global(clock, reset)
    regbus = Wishbone(glbl)

    def bench_regfile_bits():
        tbdut = memmap_peripheral_bits(glbl, regbus, 0xAA)
        tbor = regbus.interconnect()
        tbmclk = clock.gen()
        tbrclk = regbus.clk_i.gen()
        asserr = Signal(bool(0))

        def tbstim():
            regfile.ok.next = True
                yield reset.pulse(111)
                yield clock.posedge
                yield clock.posedge
                truefalse = True
                yield regbus.writetrans(regfile.control.addr, 0x01)
                for _ in range(100):
                    assert regfile.enable == truefalse
                    assert regfile.loop == (not truefalse)
                    yield regbus.readtrans(regfile.control.addr)
                    invertbits = ~intbv(regbus.get_read_data())[8:]
                    yield regbus.writetrans(regfile.control.addr, invertbits)
                    truefalse = not truefalse
                    yield clock.posedge
            except AssertionError as err:
                asserr.next = True
                for _ in range(20):
                    yield clock.posedge
                raise err

            raise StopSimulation

        return tbmclk, tbstim, tbdut, tbor, tbrclk

예제 #8
파일: xula_vga.py 프로젝트: wingel/rhea
def convert(color_depth=(10, 10, 10,)):
    """ convert the vgasys to verilog
    clock = Clock(0, frequency=50e6)
    reset = Reset(0, active=0, async=False)
    vselect = Signal(bool(0))

    hsync = Signal(bool(0))
    vsync = Signal(bool(0))
    cd = color_depth
    red = Signal(intbv(0)[cd[0]:])
    green = Signal(intbv(0)[cd[1]:])
    blue = Signal(intbv(0)[cd[2]:])
    pxlen = Signal(bool(0))
    active = Signal(bool(0))

    inst = xula_vga(
        clock, reset, vselect,
        hsync, vsync, red, green, blue,
        pxlen, active
예제 #9
def convert(color_depth=(
    """ convert the vgasys to verilog
    clock = Clock(0, frequency=50e6)
    reset = Reset(0, active=0, isasync=False)
    vselect = Signal(bool(0))

    hsync = Signal(bool(0))
    vsync = Signal(bool(0))
    cd = color_depth
    red = Signal(intbv(0)[cd[0]:])
    green = Signal(intbv(0)[cd[1]:])
    blue = Signal(intbv(0)[cd[2]:])
    pxlen = Signal(bool(0))
    active = Signal(bool(0))

    inst = mm_vgasys(clock, reset, vselect, hsync, vsync, red, green, blue,
                     pxlen, active)
    inst.convert(hdl='Verilog', directory='output', timescale='1ns/1ns')
예제 #10
def bench_lt24lcd_driver():
    clock = Clock(0, frequency=50e6)
    reset = Reset(0, active=1, isasync=False)
    glbl = Global(clock, reset)
    lcd = LT24Interface()
    display = LT24LCDDisplay()

    cmd = Signal(intbv(0)[8:])
    datalen = Signal(intbv(0, min=0, max=lcd.number_of_pixels + 1))
    data = Signal(intbv(0)[16:])
    datasent = Signal(bool(0))
    datalast = Signal(bool(0))
    cmd_in_progress = Signal(bool(0))

    tbdut = lt24lcd_driver(glbl,

    gtck = glbl_timer_ticks(glbl, tick_div=100)
    tbmdl = display.process(glbl, lcd)

    tbclk = clock.gen()

    def tbstim():
        yield reset.pulse(111)
        yield clock.posedge

        # --------------------------------------------
        # send a column write command
        print("column write command")
        cmd.next = 0x2A
        bytes = [0, 0, 0, 239]
        data.next = bytes[0]
        datalen.next = 4

        for ii in range(4):
            yield datasent.posedge
            data.next = bytes[ii + 1] if ii < 3 else 0
        cmd.next = 0
        yield cmd_in_progress.negedge
        yield clock.posedge

        # --------------------------------------------
        # send a page address write command
        print("page address write command")
        cmd.next = 0x2B
        bytes = [0, 0, 1, 0x3F]
        data.next = bytes[0]
        datalen.next = 4

        for ii in range(4):
            yield datasent.posedge
            data.next = bytes[ii + 1] if ii < 3 else 0
        cmd.next = 0
        yield cmd_in_progress.negedge
        yield clock.posedge

        # --------------------------------------------
        # write display memory, full update
        print("display update")
        cmd.next = 0x2C
        data.next = randint(0, data.max - 1)
        datalen.next = lcd.number_of_pixels

        for ii in range(lcd.number_of_pixels):
            yield datasent.posedge
            data.next = randint(0, data.max - 1)
            if (ii % 5000) == 0:
                print("{} pixels xfer'd".format(ii))
        cmd.next = 0
        yield cmd_in_progress.negedge
        yield clock.posedge
        print("display update complete")

        # --------------------------------------------
        # @todo: verify the display received an image
        yield delay(100)

        raise StopSimulation

    return myhdl.instances()
예제 #11
def test_sdram(args=None):
    """ SDRAM controller testbench
    args = tb_default_args(args)

    # @todo: get the number of address to test from argparse
    num_addr = 100   # number of address to test
    # internal clock
    clock = Clock(0, frequency=50e6)
    reset = Reset(0, active=0, isasync=False)

    # sdram clock
    clock_sdram = Clock(0, frequency=100e6)

    # interfaces to the modules
    glbl = Global(clock=clock, reset=reset)
    ixbus = Wishbone(glbl=glbl, data_width=32, address_width=32)
    exbus = SDRAMInterface()
    exbus.clk = clock_sdram

    # Models
    sdram = SDRAMModel(exbus)   # model driven by model :)

    max_addr = 2048   # @todo: add actual SDRAM memory size limit
    max_data = 2**16  # @todo: add actual databus width

    def bench_sdram():
        This test exercises a SDRAM controller ...

        tbmdl_sdm = sdram.process()
        tbmdl_ctl = sdram_controller_model(exbus, ixbus)

        # this test currently only exercises the models, 
        # insert a second SDRAMInterface to test an actual 
        # controller
        # tbdut = sdram_sdr_controller(ibus, exbus)
        tbclk = clock.gen(hticks=10*1000)
        tbclk_sdram = clock_sdram.gen(hticks=5*1000)

        def tbstim():
            reset.next = reset.active
            yield delay(18000)
            reset.next = not reset.active

            # test a bunch of random addresses
                saved_addr_data = {}
                for ii in range(num_addr):
                    # get a random address and random data, save the address and data
                    addr = randint(0, max_addr-1)
                    data = randint(0, max_data-1)
                    saved_addr_data[addr] = data
                    yield ixbus.writetrans(addr, data)
                    yield ixbus.readtrans(addr)
                    read_data = ixbus.get_read_data()
                    assert read_data == data, "{:08X} != {:08X}".format(read_data, data)

                yield delay(20*1000)

                # verify all the addresses have the last written data
                for addr, data in saved_addr_data.items():
                    yield ixbus.readtrans(addr)
                    read_data = ixbus.get_read_data()
                    assert read_data == data
                    yield clock.posedge

                for ii in range(10):
                    yield delay(1000)

            except AssertionError as err:
                # if test check fails about let the simulation run more cycles,
                # useful for debug
                yield delay(20000)
                raise err

            raise StopSimulation

        return tbclk, tbclk_sdram, tbstim, tbmdl_sdm, tbmdl_ctl

    run_testbench(bench_sdram, timescale='1ps')
예제 #12
def test_memmap_command_bridge(args=None):
    nloops = 37
    args = tb_default_args(args)
    clock = Clock(0, frequency=50e6)
    reset = Reset(0, active=1, async=False)
    glbl = Global(clock, reset)
    fifobus = FIFOBus()
    memmap = Barebone(glbl, data_width=32, address_width=28)

    fifobus.clock = clock

    def bench_command_bridge():
        tbclk = clock.gen()
        tbdut = command_bridge(glbl, fifobus, memmap)

        readpath, writepath = FIFOBus(), FIFOBus()
        readpath.clock = writepath.clock = clock
        tbmap = fifobus.assign_read_write_paths(readpath, writepath)
        tbftx = fifo_fast(glbl, writepath)   # user write path
        tbfrx = fifo_fast(glbl, readpath)    # user read path

        # @todo: add other bus types
        tbmem = memmap_peripheral_bb(clock, reset, memmap)

        # save the data read ...
        read_value = []

        def tbstim():
            yield reset.pulse(32)
            fifobus.read.next = False
            fifobus.write.next = False
            assert not fifobus.full
            assert fifobus.empty
            assert fifobus.read_data == 0
            fifobus.write_data.next = 0

                # test a single address
                pkt = CommandPacket(True, 0x0000)
                yield pkt.put(readpath)
                yield pkt.get(writepath, read_value, [0])

                pkt = CommandPacket(False, 0x0000, [0x5555AAAA])
                yield pkt.put(readpath)
                yield pkt.get(writepath, read_value, [0x5555AAAA])

                # test a bunch of random addresses
                for ii in range(nloops):
                    randaddr = randint(0, (2**20)-1)
                    randdata = randint(0, (2**32)-1)
                    pkt = CommandPacket(False, randaddr, [randdata])
                    yield pkt.put(readpath)
                    yield pkt.get(writepath, read_value, [randdata])

            except Exception as err:
                print("Error: {}".format(str(err)))

            yield delay(2000)
            raise StopSimulation

        wp_read, wp_valid = Signals(bool(0), 2)
        wp_read_data = Signal(intbv(0)[8:])
        wp_empty, wp_full = Signals(bool(0), 2)

        def tbmon():
            wp_read.next = writepath.read
            wp_read_data.next = writepath.read_data
            wp_valid.next = writepath.read_valid
            wp_full.next = writepath.full
            wp_empty.next = writepath.empty

        return tbclk, tbdut, tbmap, tbftx, tbfrx, tbmem, tbstim, tbmon

    run_testbench(bench_command_bridge, args=args)
예제 #13
파일: test_regfile.py 프로젝트: wingel/rhea
def test_register_file(args=None):
    global regfile
    args = tb_default_args(args)

    # top-level signals and interfaces
    clock = Clock(0, frequency=50e6)
    reset = Reset(0, active=1, async=False)
    glbl = Global(clock, reset)
    regbus = Wishbone(glbl)

    def bench_regfile():
        tbdut = memmap_peripheral(glbl, regbus, 0xAA)
        tbor = regbus.interconnect()
        tbmclk = clock.gen(hticks=5)
        asserr = Signal(bool(0))

        mon_ack = Signal(bool(0))

        def tbmon():
            mon_ack.next = regbus.ack_o

        regdef = regfile.get_regdef()

        def tbstim():
                yield delay(100)
                yield reset.pulse(110)
                yield clock.posedge

                for k, reg in regdef.items():
                    if reg.access == 'ro':
                        yield regbus.readtrans(reg.addr)
                        rval = regbus.get_read_data()
                        assert rval == reg.default, \
                            "ro: {:02x} != {:02x}".format(rval, reg.default)
                        wval = randint(0, (2**reg.width) - 1)
                        yield regbus.writetrans(reg.addr, wval)
                        for _ in range(4):
                            yield clock.posedge
                        yield regbus.readtrans(reg.addr)
                        rval = regbus.get_read_data()
                        assert rval == wval, \
                            "rw: {:02x} != {:02x} @ {:04X}".format(
                                rval, wval, reg.addr)
                yield delay(100)
            except AssertionError as err:
                print("@E: %s".format(err))
                asserr.next = True
                for _ in range(10):
                    yield clock.posedge
                raise err

            raise StopSimulation

        return tbmclk, tbstim, tbdut, tbmon, tbor

    run_testbench(bench_regfile, args=args)
예제 #14
def test_vgasys(args=None):
    if args is None:
        args = Namespace(resolution=(80, 60), color_depth=(8, 8, 8),
                         line_rate=31250, refresh_rate=60)
    args = tb_default_args(args)

    resolution = args.resolution
    refresh_rate = args.refresh_rate
    line_rate = args.line_rate
    color_depth = args.color_depth

    args = tb_default_args(args)

    clock = Clock(0, frequency=50e6)
    reset = Reset(0, active=0, async=False)
    vselect = Signal(bool(0))

    # interface to the VGA driver and emulated display
    vga = VGA(color_depth=color_depth)

    def bench_vgasys():
        # top-level VGA system 
        tbdut = mm_vgasys(
            clock, reset, vselect, vga.hsync, vga.vsync,
            vga.red, vga.green, vga.blue, vga.pxlen, vga.active,

        # group global signals
        glbl = Global(clock=clock, reset=reset)

        # a display for each dut        
        mvd = VGADisplay(

        # connect VideoDisplay model to the VGA signals
        tbvd = mvd.process(glbl, vga)
        # clock generator
        tbclk = clock.gen()

        def tbstim():
            reset.next = reset.active
            yield delay(18)
            reset.next = not reset.active
            # Wait till a full screen has been updated
            while mvd.update_cnt < 3:
                 yield delay(1000)

            print("display updates complete")
            # @todo: verify video system memory is correct!
            # @todo: (self checking!).  Read one of the frame
            # @todo: png's and verify a couple bars are expected

            raise StopSimulation

        return tbclk, tbvd, tbstim, tbdut

    # run the verification simulation
    run_testbench(bench_vgasys, args=args)
예제 #15
def bench_lt24lcd_driver():
    clock = Clock(0, frequency=50e6)
    reset = Reset(0, active=1, async=False)
    glbl = Global(clock, reset)
    lcd = LT24Interface()
    display = LT24LCDDisplay()

    cmd = Signal(intbv(0)[8:])
    datalen = Signal(intbv(0, min=0, max=lcd.number_of_pixels + 1))
    data = Signal(intbv(0)[16:])
    datasent = Signal(bool(0))
    datalast = Signal(bool(0))
    cmd_in_progress = Signal(bool(0))

    tbdut = lt24lcd_driver(glbl, lcd, cmd, datalen, data,
                           datasent, datalast, cmd_in_progress,

    gtck = glbl_timer_ticks(glbl, tick_div=100)
    tbmdl = display.process(glbl, lcd)

    tbclk = clock.gen()

    def tbstim():
        yield reset.pulse(111)
        yield clock.posedge

        # --------------------------------------------
        # send a column write command
        print("column write command")
        cmd.next = 0x2A
        bytes = [0, 0, 0, 239]
        data.next = bytes[0]
        datalen.next = 4

        for ii in range(4):
            yield datasent.posedge
            data.next = bytes[ii + 1] if ii < 3 else 0
        cmd.next = 0
        yield cmd_in_progress.negedge
        yield clock.posedge

        # --------------------------------------------
        # send a page address write command
        print("page address write command")
        cmd.next = 0x2B
        bytes = [0, 0, 1, 0x3F]
        data.next = bytes[0]
        datalen.next = 4

        for ii in range(4):
            yield datasent.posedge
            data.next = bytes[ii + 1] if ii < 3 else 0
        cmd.next = 0
        yield cmd_in_progress.negedge
        yield clock.posedge

        # --------------------------------------------
        # write display memory, full update
        print("display update")
        cmd.next = 0x2C
        data.next = randint(0, data.max - 1)
        datalen.next = lcd.number_of_pixels

        for ii in range(lcd.number_of_pixels):
            yield datasent.posedge
            data.next = randint(0, data.max - 1)
            if (ii % 5000) == 0:
                print("{} pixels xfer'd".format(ii))
        cmd.next = 0
        yield cmd_in_progress.negedge
        yield clock.posedge
        print("display update complete")

        # --------------------------------------------
        # @todo: verify the display received an image
        yield delay(100)

        raise StopSimulation

    return myhdl.instances()
예제 #16
파일: sdram_sdr.py 프로젝트: wingel/rhea
    state = Signal(States.INITWAIT)

    @always_seq(clock.posedge, reset=reset)
    def rtl_sdram_controller():

        # this is one big state-machine but ...
        if state == States.INITWAIT:
            if sdram.lock:
                timer.next = sdram.cyc_init
                state.next = States.initpchg
                sdram.sd_cke.next = False
            sdram.status.next = 1

        elif state == States.INITPCHG:
            sdram.cmd.next = Commands.PCHG
            # sdram.addr[CMDBITS] = Commands.ALL_BANKS
            timer.next = sdram.cycles

    return rtl_sdram_controller

# default portmap
clock = Clock(0, frequency=100e6)
sdram_sdr_controller.portmap = {
    'clock': clock,
    'reset': ResetSignal(0, active=0, async=False),
    'ibus': None,
    'extmem': SDRAMInterface(clock)