예제 #1
 def testGetFQPatchIDForCoordinates(self):
     fqPatchIDs = [ (rhessystypes.FQPatchID(patchID=self.inPatchID, \
                                                zoneID=self.inZoneID, hillID=self.inHillID)) ]
     coords = self.grassdatalookup.getCoordinatesForFQPatchIDs(fqPatchIDs, self.patchMap, self.zoneMap, self.hillslopeMap)
     self.assertTrue( len(coords) == 1 )
     keys = coords.keys()
     coordPair = coords[keys[0]][0]
     self.assertTrue( abs(coordPair.easting - self.easting) < ZERO )
     self.assertTrue( abs(coordPair.northing - self.northing) < ZERO )
     coordinate = rhessystypes.getCoordinatePair(coordPair.easting, coordPair.northing)
     (patchID, zoneID, hillID) = \
         self.grassdatalookup.getFQPatchIDForCoordinates(coordinate, \
                                    self.patchMap, self.zoneMap, self.hillslopeMap)
     self.assertTrue( self.inPatchID == patchID )
     self.assertTrue( self.inZoneID == zoneID )
     self.assertTrue( self.inHillID == hillID )
예제 #2
 def _getCentroidCoordinatesForPatches(self, coordDict):
     """ @brief return a list of patch centroid coordinates for each list of patch sub-cell coordinates 
         stored in a dictionary.
         @param coordDict Dictionary mapping fully qualified patch ID to a list of patch sub-cell 
         @return List of coordinates representing the centroid of each cell
     coords = list()
     keys = coordDict.keys()
     for key in keys:
         coordList = coordDict[key]
         numCoords = len(coordList)
         easting = northing = 0.0
         if numCoords > 0:
             for c in coordList:
                 easting += c.easting
                 northing += c.northing
             easting = easting / numCoords
             northing = northing / numCoords
         coords.append(rhessystypes.getCoordinatePair(easting, northing))
     return coords
예제 #3
    def getCoordinatesForFQPatchIDs(self, fqPatchIDs, patchMap, zoneMap, hillslopeMap):
        """ @brief Get the geographic coordinates for a list of patches identified by
            their fully qualified patch ID. The fully qualified patch ID is the combination 
            of the patchID, zoneID, and hillslopeID.
            @param List of rhessystypes.FQPatchID objects representing a fully qualified 
            patch ID
            @param grassConfig GRASSConfig specifying the GRASS mapset that contains 
            the patch, zone, and hillslope maps
            @param patchMap String representing the name of the patch map
            @param zoneMap String representing the name of the zone map 
            @param hillslopeMap String representing the name of the hillslope map
            @return Dict mapping rhessystypes.FQPatchID to the list of rhessysweb.types.CoordinatePair 
            objects representing the raster pixels that make up each patch in the input list 
        coords = {}
        # Set up GRASS environment
        # Get the window so we can conver row,col to easting,northing
        window = self.grass_lowlevel.Cell_head()
        numRows = self.grass_lowlevel.G_window_rows()
        numCols = self.grass_lowlevel.G_window_cols()
        # Open patch map
        patch = self.grass_lowlevel.G_find_cell2(patchMap, '')
        patch = c_char_p(patch).value
        patchType = self.grass_lowlevel.G_raster_map_type(patchMap, patch)
        if patchType == 0: 
            ptype = POINTER(c_int) 
        elif patchType == 1: 
            ptype = POINTER(c_float) 
        elif patchType == 2: 
            ptype = POINTER(c_double) 
        patchFd = self.grass_lowlevel.G_open_cell_old(patchMap, patch) 
        patchRast = self.grass_lowlevel.G_allocate_raster_buf(patchType)     
        patchRast = cast(c_void_p(patchRast), ptype) 
        # Open zone map
        zone = self.grass_lowlevel.G_find_cell2(zoneMap, '')
        zone = c_char_p(zone).value
        zoneType = self.grass_lowlevel.G_raster_map_type(zoneMap, zone)
        if zoneType == 0: 
            ptype = POINTER(c_int) 
        elif zoneType == 1: 
            ptype = POINTER(c_float) 
        elif zoneType == 2: 
            ptype = POINTER(c_double) 
        zoneFd = self.grass_lowlevel.G_open_cell_old(zoneMap, zone) 
        zoneRast = self.grass_lowlevel.G_allocate_raster_buf(zoneType)     
        zoneRast = cast(c_void_p(zoneRast), ptype) 
        # Open hill map
        hill = self.grass_lowlevel.G_find_cell2(hillslopeMap, '')
        hill = c_char_p(hill).value
        hillType = self.grass_lowlevel.G_raster_map_type(hillslopeMap, hill)
        if hillType == 0: 
            ptype = POINTER(c_int) 
        elif hillType == 1: 
            ptype = POINTER(c_float) 
        elif hillType == 2: 
            ptype = POINTER(c_double) 
        hillFd = self.grass_lowlevel.G_open_cell_old(hillslopeMap, hill) 
        hillRast = self.grass_lowlevel.G_allocate_raster_buf(hillType)     
        hillRast = cast(c_void_p(hillRast), ptype) 
#        print( "getCoordinatesForFQPatchIDs: patchIDs: %s" % (fqPatchIDs,) )
        for row in range(numRows):
            # Get current row for each dataset
            self.grass_lowlevel.G_get_raster_row(patchFd, patchRast, row, patchType)
            self.grass_lowlevel.G_get_raster_row(zoneFd, zoneRast, row, zoneType)
            self.grass_lowlevel.G_get_raster_row(hillFd, hillRast, row, hillType)
            for col in range(numCols):
                for fqPatchID in fqPatchIDs:
                    if patchRast[col] == fqPatchID.patchID and \
                        zoneRast[col] == fqPatchID.zoneID and \
                        hillRast[col] == fqPatchID.hillID:
                        # Match found, get its coordinates
                        easting = self.grass_lowlevel.G_col_to_easting(col + 0.5, byref(window))
                        northing = self.grass_lowlevel.G_row_to_northing(row + 0.5, byref(window))
                            coordList = coords[fqPatchID]
                        except KeyError:
                            coordList = []
                            coords[fqPatchID] = coordList
                        coordList.append(rhessystypes.getCoordinatePair(easting, northing))
#                        print( "row: %d, col: %d; patch: %d, %d, %d; coordList: %s" % \
#                               (row, col, fqPatchID.patchID, fqPatchID.zoneID, fqPatchID.hillID, coordList) )
        # Clean up
#        os.environ['GIS_LOCK'] = ''
#        os.unlink(os.environ['GISRC'])
        returnCoords = OrderedDict()
        for fqPatchID in fqPatchIDs:
            returnCoords[fqPatchID] = coords[fqPatchID]
        return returnCoords
                  (args.grassdbase,) )
grassdbase = os.path.abspath(args.grassdbase)

grassConfig = GRASSConfig(gisbase=gisbase, dbase=grassdbase, location=args.location, mapset=args.mapset)

t_srs = getSpatialReferenceForGRASSDataset(grassConfig)
s_srs = osr.SpatialReference()
crx = osr.CoordinateTransformation(s_srs, t_srs)

sys.stdout.write("lat%slon%seasting%snorthing%spatchID%szoneID%shillID\n" % (SEP, SEP, SEP, SEP, SEP, SEP) )
f = open(args.coordinates, 'r')
f.next() # skip first line
for line in f:
    line = line.strip()
    values = line.split(',')
    lat = float(values[0])
    lon = float(values[1])
    # Transform coordinates from WGS84 to the coordinate system of the
    # GRASS mapset
    (x, y, z) = crx.TransformPoint( lon, lat )

    # Lookup patchID for transformed coordinates
    coord = rhessystypes.getCoordinatePair(x, y)
    id = getFQPatchIDForCoordinates(coord, grassConfig,
                                    args.patchmap, args.zonemap, args.hillmap)
    sys.stdout.write("%f%s%f%s%f%s%f%s%d%s%d%s%d\n" % (lat, SEP, lon, SEP, coord.easting, SEP, coord.northing, SEP, id.patchID, SEP, id.zoneID, SEP, id.hillID) )