def EvaluateSurfaceParam(ref_srf, u_val, v_val): normalized = (u_val, v_val) parameter = rs.SurfaceParameter(ref_srf, normalized) print "Surface parameter: ", parameter return rs.EvaluateSurface(ref_srf, parameter[0], parameter[1])
def faces(): surfaces = rs.GetObjects("select surfaces", filter=rs.filter.surface) points = [ rs.EvaluateSurface(surface, *rs.SurfaceParameter(surface, (0.5, 0.5))) for surface in surfaces ] x = reduce(lambda s, point: s + point.X, points, 0) / len(points) y = reduce(lambda s, point: s + point.Y, points, 0) / len(points) z = reduce(lambda s, point: s + point.Z, points, 0) / len(points) # find the center of the object mass_center = rs.AddPoint(x, y, z) extrude_curves = {} # find the appropriate extrusion curve with the lowest dot product for surface in surfaces: surface_center = rs.EvaluateSurface( surface, *rs.SurfaceParameter(surface, (0.5, 0.5))) center_vector = rs.VectorCreate(surface_center, mass_center) normals = [] normals.append( rs.SurfaceNormal(surface, rs.SurfaceParameter(surface, (0.5, 0.5)))) normals.append(-rs.SurfaceNormal( surface, rs.SurfaceParameter(surface, (0.5, 0.5)))) if (rs.VectorDotProduct(normals[0], center_vector) < rs.VectorDotProduct(normals[1], center_vector)): extrude_curve = normals[0] else: extrude_curve = normals[1] extrude_curve = rs.VectorUnitize(extrude_curve) extrude_curve = rs.VectorScale(extrude_curve, 0.25) extrude_curve = [ surface_center, rs.VectorAdd(surface_center, extrude_curve) ] extrude_curve = rs.AddCurve(extrude_curve) rs.ExtrudeSurface(surface, extrude_curve) rs.DeleteObject(extrude_curve) rs.DeleteObject(surface) rs.DeleteObject(mass_center)
def set_part_base_plane(part): """returns an alinged plane at (U.5,V.5) of a planar surface""" x = True if x == True: #rs.IsPlaneSurface(part): normalizedParameter = (.5, .5) frameParameter = rs.SurfaceParameter(part, normalizedParameter) frame = rs.SurfaceFrame(part, frameParameter) return frame else: return "object is not a planar surface"
def inter_S_B(s, div, Lis, br): udiv = div vdiv = div srf = rs.AddSphere((s[1]), ((s[2]) * 2.5)) u = rs.SurfaceDomain(srf, 0) v = rs.SurfaceDomain(srf, 1) pts = [] for i in range(0, udiv + 1, 1): for j in range(0, vdiv + 1, 1): pt = (i / udiv, j / vdiv, 0) srfP = rs.SurfaceParameter(srf, pt) newpt = rs.EvaluateSurface(srf, srfP[0], srfP[1]) pts.append(rs.AddPoint(newpt)) lig = [] lid = [] for p in pts: lig.append(rs.AddLine((Lis[0])[1], p)) lid.append(rs.AddLine((Lis[0])[2], p)) ig = [] id = [] for i in lig: for u in br: if type(rs.CurveBrepIntersect(i, (u[0]))) == tuple: ig.append((rs.CurveBrepIntersect(i, (u[0]))) + (u[1], )) else: ig.append((rs.CurveBrepIntersect(i, (u[0])))) for i in lid: for u in br: if type(rs.CurveBrepIntersect(i, (u[0]))) == tuple: id.append((rs.CurveBrepIntersect(i, (u[0]))) + (u[1], )) else: id.append((rs.CurveBrepIntersect(i, (u[0])))) if len(id) == 0: self.AddRuntimeMessage( war, "it doesn't seem like there's any geometries connected") raise Exception('noGeo') intg = 0 for i in ig: if type(i) is tuple: intg += (1 * (i[-1])) intd = 0 for i in id: if type(i) is tuple: intd += (1 * (i[-1])) difg = len(ig) - intg if difg <= 0: difg = 0.1 difd = len(id) - intd if difd <= 0: difd = 0.1 return [(((math.log10(difg * 100 / len(ig))) * 35.3) - 70.6), (((math.log10(difd * 100 / len(id))) * 35.3) - 70.6)]
def create_tag_location(part, u, v): """Given a srf., create a tag location on the srf at a given normalized u,v parameter""" parameter = rs.SurfaceParameter(part, (u, v)) tagPt = rs.EvaluateSurface(part, parameter[0], parameter[1]) return tagPt
#Python Workshop Lesson:22 # import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs srf = rs.GetObject("Pick surface to divide") udiv = rs.GetInteger("Number of Divisions in U", 10) vdiv = rs.GetInteger("Number of Divisions in V", 10) u = rs.SurfaceDomain(srf, 0) v = rs.SurfaceDomain(srf, 1) print(str(u)) print(str(v)) pts = [] for i in range(0, udiv + 1, 1): for j in range(0, vdiv + 1, 1): pt = (i / udiv, j / vdiv, 0) srfP = rs.SurfaceParameter(srf, pt) newpt = rs.EvaluateSurface(srf, srfP[0], srfP[1]) pts.append(rs.AddPoint(newpt))
def RunScript(self, Vi, NmbrOfRay, NmbrOfRef, Tolerance): __author__ = "theomarchal" self.Params.Input[ 0].Description = "Visualize (from esquissons main engine)" self.Params.Input[ 1].Description = "Definition/number of ray (1-100)<default=10>" self.Params.Input[ 2].Description = "Level of reflexion/number of bounces(1-10)<default=2>" self.Params.Input[ 3].Description = "Ray Distance to listener tolerance (0.1-1.0)<default=0.5>" self.Params.Output[0].Description = "Reflexion Rays" self.Name = "Visualize Reflections" self.NickName = "Visualize Rays" self.Message = "EsquisSons V3" self.Category = "EsquisSons" self.SubCategory = "2/ Visualization" Def = NmbrOfRay Level = NmbrOfRef Dist = Tolerance import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs import Grasshopper.Kernel as gh rem = gh.GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Remark ero = gh.GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error war = gh.GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning if Def == None: Def = 10 if Level == None: Level = 2 if Dist == None: Dist = 0.5 try: Ge = Vi[0] except: self.AddRuntimeMessage( ero, 'A "Vi" ouptut from main engine must be connected !') raise Exception('noInput') Lis = Vi[1] Src = Vi[2] udiv = Def vdiv = Def Pt_L = Lis[0][0] Pt_R = Lis[0][2] srf = [] FirstRay = [] SecondRay = [] First_RefPoint = [] drawray = [] for i in Ge: srf.append(i[0]) for i in Src: sph = (rs.AddSphere(i[1], i[2])) Src_pt = (i[1]) u = rs.SurfaceDomain(sph, 0) v = rs.SurfaceDomain(sph, 1) pts = [] for i in range(0, udiv + 1, 1): for j in range(0, vdiv + 1, 1): pt = (i / udiv, j / vdiv, 0) sphP = rs.SurfaceParameter(sph, pt) newpt = rs.EvaluateSurface(sph, sphP[0], sphP[1]) pts.append(rs.AddPoint(newpt)) Dir = [] for p in pts: Dir.append(rs.VectorCreate(p, Src_pt)) Reflexion = [] for d in Dir: Reflexion.append(rs.ShootRay(srf, Src_pt, d, reflections=Level)) SourceRay = [] for v in Reflexion: Cl_Pt = [] Ray_v = [] try: Ray_v.append(rs.AddPolyline(v)) except: pass for u in Ray_v: pt_on = rs.CurveClosestPoint(u, Pt_L) cl = rs.EvaluateCurve(u, pt_on) Dicl = (rs.Distance(Pt_L, cl)) if Dicl <= ((Lis[0])[3]) * Dist: try: drawray.append(u) except: pass if len(drawray) == 0: self.AddRuntimeMessage( war, 'No ray, please be sure Geometries are connected to main engine and placed to create reflexions' ) self.AddRuntimeMessage(war, 'Change parameters to generate more rays') Rays = None else: Rays = drawray return Rays
def rev(Ge, Lis, Src, div): udiv = div vdiv = div Pt_L = Lis[0][0] srf = [] FirstRay = [] SecondRay = [] First_RefPoint = [] drawray = [] Reverb = [] for i in Ge: srf.append(i[0]) sph = (rs.AddSphere(Src[1], Src[2])) Src_pt = (Src[1]) u = rs.SurfaceDomain(sph, 0) v = rs.SurfaceDomain(sph, 1) pts = [] for i in range(0, udiv + 1, 1): for j in range(0, vdiv + 1, 1): pt = (i / udiv, j / vdiv, 0) sphP = rs.SurfaceParameter(sph, pt) newpt = rs.EvaluateSurface(sph, sphP[0], sphP[1]) pts.append(rs.AddPoint(newpt)) Dir = [] for p in pts: Dir.append(rs.VectorCreate(p, Src_pt)) Reflexion = [] for d in Dir: Reflexion.append(rs.ShootRay(srf, Src_pt, d, reflections=4)) Project = [] for v in Reflexion: Cl_Pt = [] Ray_v = [] try: Project.append(v[1]) Ray_v.append(rs.AddPolyline(v)) except: pass for u in Ray_v: pt_on = rs.CurveClosestPoint(u, Pt_L) cl = rs.EvaluateCurve(u, pt_on) Dicl = (rs.Distance(Pt_L, cl)) if Dicl <= ((Lis[0])[3]): try: First_RefPoint = rs.CurveClosestPoint(u, v[1]) Second_RefPoint = rs.CurveClosestPoint(u, v[2]) endc = ((rs.CurveClosestPoint( u, (rs.CurveEndPoint(u))))) if pt_on > Second_RefPoint: SecondRay.append(pt_on / endc * (rs.CurveLength(u))) drawray.append(u) elif pt_on > First_RefPoint: FirstRay.append(pt_on / endc * (rs.CurveLength(u))) except: pass box = rs.AddBox(rs.BoundingBox(Project)) boxarea = round((rs.SurfaceArea(box)[0]), 2) Cube = [] Cube.append(box) surfacetorev = [] for s in srf: ptons = [] for p in Project: if rs.Distance((rs.BrepClosestPoint(s, p)[0]), p) < 0.1: ptons.append(p) if len(ptons) > 0: surfacetorev.append(s) surfaceab = [] for x in Ge: if x[0] in surfacetorev: surfaceab.append(x[2]) SrfandAb = [(surfacetorev[i], surfaceab[i]) for i in range(0, len(surfacetorev))] bbox = box box = round(((rs.SurfaceVolume(box))[0]), 1) srfvol = [] srfvolex = [] absvol = [] srfarea = [] srfrev = [] areaabs = [] surfacecenter = [] absidx = [] absvoltot = [] for i in SrfandAb: if rs.SurfaceVolume(i[0]) > 0: srfvol.append(i[0]) absvol.append(i[1]) else: srfarea.append((rs.SurfaceArea(i[0]))[0]) absvoltot.append(i[1]) srfvolex = rs.ExplodePolysurfaces(srfvol) for i in srfvolex: ptonsrf = [] usefulsrf = [] for p in Project: if rs.Distance((rs.BrepClosestPoint(i, p)[0]), p) < 0.01: ptonsrf.append(p) usefulsrf.append(i) if len(ptonsrf) > 0: srfarea.append(rs.SurfaceArea(i)[0]) srfrev.append(i) for i in srfrev: surfacecenter.append(rs.SurfaceAreaCentroid(i)[0]) for b in srfvol: for i in surfacecenter: if rs.Distance((rs.BrepClosestPoint(b, i)[0]), i) < 0.01: absidx.append(srfvol.index(b)) for i in absidx: absvoltot.append(absvol[i]) try: areaabs = [ srfarea[i] * (absvoltot[i]) for i in range(0, len(absvoltot)) ] except: raise Exception( 'One source must be too deep inside a geometry, try to get it out or to move it a little bit !' ) Builtareaabs = 0 for i in areaabs: Builtareaabs += i BuiltArea = 0 for i in srfarea: BuiltArea += i BuiltArea = round(BuiltArea, 2) EmptyArea = 2 * (round(boxarea - BuiltArea, 2)) if EmptyArea < 0: EmptyArea = 0 TR = 1000 * (0.16 * box) / (Builtareaabs + (EmptyArea * 1)) FRValue = 0 for f in FirstRay: FV = ((((Lis[0])[3]) * 15) / f) FRValue += FV if FRValue >= 125: FRValue = 125 SRValue = 0 for s in SecondRay: SV = ((((Lis[0])[3]) * 20) / s) SRValue += SV if SRValue > 125: SRValue = 125 Reverb.append(round(FRValue)) Reverb.append(round(SRValue)) Reverb.append(round(TR, 2)) return Reverb
# SCRIPT # select object #objId = rs.GetObject("Select the surface", preselect = True, select = True) #objId = "48a4e368-b082-4929-b4f9-da80ee50404a" a = sc.doc.Objects.FindId(Guid.Parse(objId)) print(a) #rs.EnableRedraw(False) # make matrix m = make_matrix(10, get_normalized_series(17)) # iterate matrix d = iterate(m) for comb in d: params1 = rs.SurfaceParameter(objId, [comb[0], comb[1]]) params2 = rs.SurfaceParameter(objId, [comb[2], comb[3]]) params3 = rs.SurfaceParameter(objId, [comb[4], comb[5]]) params4 = rs.SurfaceParameter(objId, [comb[6], comb[7]]) p1 = rs.SurfaceEvaluate(objId, params1, 0) p2 = rs.SurfaceEvaluate(objId, params2, 0) p3 = rs.SurfaceEvaluate(objId, params3, 0) p4 = rs.SurfaceEvaluate(objId, params4, 0) rs.AddSrfPt([p1[0], p2[0], p3[0], p4[0]]) #rs.EnableRedraw(True)