예제 #1
def test_13_delete_select_0():
    add a CDS and see if no issue occurs if it and "a zeroth" (ghost) CDSs are selected for deletion
    # for RHBZ#1305612
    # choose a random CDS and add it
    cds = random.choice(CDS_HOSTNAMES)
    RHUIManagerInstance.add_instance(RHUA, "cds", cds)
    cds_list = RHUIManagerInstance.list(RHUA, "cds")
    nose.tools.assert_not_equal(cds_list, [])

    # try the deletion
    RHUIManager.screen(RHUA, "cds")
    Expect.enter(RHUA, "d")
    Expect.expect(RHUA, "Enter value")
    Expect.enter(RHUA, "0")
    Expect.expect(RHUA, "Enter value")
    Expect.enter(RHUA, "1")
    Expect.expect(RHUA, "Enter value")
    Expect.enter(RHUA, "c")
    state = Expect.expect_list(RHUA,
                               [(re.compile(".*Are you sure.*", re.DOTALL), 1),
                                (re.compile(".*An unexpected error.*", re.DOTALL), 2)])
    if state == 1:
        Expect.enter(RHUA, "y")
        RHUIManager.quit(RHUA, timeout=180)
        Expect.enter(RHUA, "q")

    # the CDS list ought to be empty now; if not, delete the CDS and fail
    cds_list = RHUIManagerInstance.list(RHUA, "cds")
    if cds_list:
        RHUIManagerInstance.delete_all(RHUA, "cds")
        raise AssertionError("The CDS list is not empty after the deletion attempt: %s." % cds_list)
예제 #2
def test_14_verbose_reporting():
    check if a failure is reported properly (if puppet is verbose)
    # for RHBZ#1751378
    # choose a random CDS and open port 443 on it, which will later prevent Apache from starting
    cds = random.choice(CDS)
    Expect.enter(cds, "ncat -l 443 --keep-open")
    # try adding the CDS and check for the specific error message in the output
    error_msg = "change from stopped to running failed"
    RHUIManager.screen(RHUA, "cds")
    Expect.enter(RHUA, "a")
    Expect.expect(RHUA, "Hostname")
    Expect.enter(RHUA, cds.hostname)
    Expect.expect(RHUA, "Username")
    Expect.enter(RHUA, SUDO_USER_NAME)
    Expect.expect(RHUA, "Absolute")
    Expect.enter(RHUA, SUDO_USER_KEY)
    Expect.expect(RHUA, "Proceed")
    Expect.enter(RHUA, "y")
    state = Expect.expect_list(RHUA,
                               [(re.compile(".*%s.*" % error_msg, re.DOTALL), 1),
                                (re.compile(".*Aborting.*", re.DOTALL), 2),
                                (re.compile(".*was successfully configured.*", re.DOTALL), 3)],
    # quit rhui-manager, clean up, fail if the error message didn't appear
    Expect.enter(RHUA, "q")
    Expect.enter(cds, CTRL_C)
    cds_list = RHUIManagerInstance.list(RHUA, "cds")
    if cds_list:
        RHUIManagerInstance.delete_all(RHUA, "cds")
    if state != 1:
        raise AssertionError("The expected error message was not seen in rhui-manager's output.")
예제 #3
    def test_18_repo_select_0():
        '''check if no repo is chosen if 0 is entered when adding a repo'''
        # for RHBZ#1305612
        # upload the small cert and try entering 0 when the list of repos is displayed
            RHUA, "/tmp/extra_rhui_files/rhcert_atomic.pem")
        RHUIManager.screen(RHUA, "repo")
        Expect.enter(RHUA, "a")
        Expect.expect(RHUA, "Enter value", 180)
        Expect.enter(RHUA, "3")
        Expect.expect(RHUA, "Enter value")
        Expect.enter(RHUA, "0")
        Expect.expect(RHUA, "Enter value")
        Expect.enter(RHUA, "c")
        Expect.expect(RHUA, "Proceed")
        Expect.enter(RHUA, "y")
        Expect.expect(RHUA, "Content")
        Expect.enter(RHUA, "q")

        # the RHUI repo list ought to be empty now; if not, delete the repo and fail
        repo_list = RHUIManagerRepo.list(RHUA)
        if repo_list:
            raise AssertionError("The repo list is not empty: %s." % repo_list)
 def create_atomic_conf_pkg(connection,
     create an atomic client configuration package (RHEL 7+ only)
     RHUIManager.screen(connection, "client")
     Expect.enter(connection, "o")
     Expect.expect(connection, "Full path to local directory.*:")
     Expect.enter(connection, dirname)
     Expect.expect(connection, "Name of the tar file.*:")
     Expect.enter(connection, tarname)
                   "Full path to the entitlement certificate.*:")
     Expect.enter(connection, certpath)
     Expect.expect(connection, "Full path to the private key.*:")
     Expect.enter(connection, certkey)
     Expect.expect(connection, "Port to serve Docker content on .*:")
     Expect.enter(connection, port)
                   "Location: %s/%s.tar.gz" % \
                   (dirname, tarname))
     Expect.enter(connection, "q")
예제 #5
def test_01_login_add_cds_hap():
    """log in to RHUI, add CDS and HAProxy nodes"""
    for cds in HOSTNAMES["CDS"]:
        RHUIManagerInstance.add_instance(RHUA, "cds", cds)
    for haproxy in HOSTNAMES["HAProxy"]:
        RHUIManagerInstance.add_instance(RHUA, "loadbalancers", haproxy)
 def list(connection):
     return the list of entitlements
     RHUIManager.screen(connection, "entitlements")
     lines = RHUIManager.list_lines(connection, prompt=RHUIManagerEntitlements.prompt)
     return lines
예제 #7
    def check_for_package(connection, reponame, package):
        list packages in a repository
        RHUIManager.screen(connection, "repo")
        Expect.enter(connection, "p")

        RHUIManager.select_one(connection, reponame)
        Expect.expect(connection, "\(blank line for no filter\):")
        Expect.enter(connection, package)

        pattern = re.compile('.*only\.\r\n(.*)\r\n-+\r\nrhui\s* \(repo\)\s* =>',
        ret = Expect.match(connection, pattern, grouplist=[1])[0]
        reslist = map(lambda x: x.strip(), ret.split("\r\n"))
        packagelist = []
        for line in reslist:
            if line == '':
            if line == 'Packages:':
            if line == 'No packages found that match the given filter.':
            if line == 'No packages in the repository.':

        return packagelist
 def create_container_conf_rpm(connection,
     create a container client configuration RPM
     RHUIManager.screen(connection, "client")
     Expect.enter(connection, "d")
     Expect.expect(connection, "Full path to local directory.*:")
     Expect.enter(connection, dirname)
     Expect.expect(connection, "Name of the RPM:")
     Expect.enter(connection, rpmname)
     Expect.expect(connection, "Version of the configuration RPM.*:")
     Expect.enter(connection, rpmversion)
     Expect.expect(connection, "Release of the configuration RPM.*:")
     Expect.enter(connection, rpmrelease)
     Expect.expect(connection, "Port to serve Docker content on .*:")
     Expect.enter(connection, port)
     if not rpmversion:
         rpmversion = "2.0"
     if not rpmrelease:
         rpmrelease = "1"
                   "Location: %s/%s-%s/build/RPMS/noarch/%s-%s-%s.noarch.rpm" % \
                   (dirname, rpmname, rpmversion, rpmname, rpmversion, rpmrelease))
     Expect.enter(connection, "q")
예제 #9
    def upload_rh_certificate(connection, certificate_file="/tmp/extra_rhui_files/rhcert.pem"):
        upload a new or updated Red Hat content certificate
        bad_cert_msg = "The provided certificate is expired or invalid"
        incompatible_cert_msg = "does not contain any entitlements"

        RHUIManager.screen(connection, "entitlements")
        Expect.enter(connection, "u")
        Expect.expect(connection, "Full path to the new content certificate:")
        Expect.enter(connection, certificate_file)
        state = Expect.expect_list(connection,
                                   [(re.compile(".*The RHUI will be updated.*", re.DOTALL), 1),
                                    (re.compile(".*Cannot find file.*", re.DOTALL), 2)])
        if state == 2:
            Expect.enter(connection, CTRL_C)
            raise MissingCertificate("No such certificate file: %s" % certificate_file)
        Expect.enter(connection, "y")
        match = Expect.match(connection,
                             re.compile("(.*)" + PROMPT, re.DOTALL))
        matched_string = match[0].replace('l\r\n\r\nRed Hat Entitlements\r\n\r\n  ' +
                                          '\x1b[92mValid\x1b[0m\r\n    ', '', 1)
        if bad_cert_msg in matched_string:
            Expect.enter(connection, 'q')
            raise BadCertificate()
        if incompatible_cert_msg in matched_string:
            Expect.enter(connection, 'q')
            raise IncompatibleCertificate()
        entitlements_list = []
        pattern = re.compile('(.*?\r\n.*?pem)', re.DOTALL)
        for entitlement in pattern.findall(matched_string):
        Expect.enter(connection, 'q')
        return entitlements_list
예제 #10
 def upload_content(connection, repolist, path):
     upload content to a custom repository
     # Temporarily quit rhui-manager and check whether "path" is a file or a directory.
     # If it is a directory, get a list of *.rpm files in it.
     Expect.enter(connection, 'q')
     Expect.enter(connection, "stat -c %F " + path)
     path_type = Expect.expect_list(
         connection, [(re.compile(".*regular file.*", re.DOTALL), 1),
                      (re.compile(".*directory.*", re.DOTALL), 2)])
     if path_type == 1:
         content = [basename(path)]
     elif path_type == 2:
         Expect.enter(connection, "echo " + path + "/*.rpm")
         output = Expect.match(connection, re.compile("(.*)", re.DOTALL))[0]
         rpm_files = output.splitlines()[1]
         content = []
         for rpm_file in rpm_files.split():
         # This should not happen. Getting here means that "path" is neither a file nor a directory.
         # Anyway, going on with no content, leaving it up to proceed_with_check() to handle this situation.
         content = []
     # Start rhui-manager again and continue.
     RHUIManager.screen(connection, "repo")
     Expect.enter(connection, "u")
     RHUIManager.select(connection, repolist)
     Expect.expect(connection, "will be uploaded:")
     Expect.enter(connection, path)
                                    "The following RPMs will be uploaded:",
    def check_for_package(connection, reponame, package):
        list packages in a repository
        RHUIManager.screen(connection, "repo")
        Expect.enter(connection, "p")

        RHUIManager.select_one(connection, reponame)
        Expect.expect(connection, r"\(blank line for no filter\):")
        Expect.enter(connection, package)

        pattern = re.compile(r'.*only\.\r\n(.*)\r\n-+\r\nrhui\s* \(repo\)\s* =>',
        ret = Expect.match(connection, pattern, grouplist=[1])[0]
        reslist = map(str.strip, str(ret).splitlines())
        packagelist = []
        for line in reslist:
            if line == '':
            if line == 'Packages:':
            if line == 'No packages found that match the given filter.':
            if line == 'No packages in the repository.':
        Expect.enter(connection, 'q')
        return packagelist
예제 #12
 def list(connection):
     return the list of entitlements
     RHUIManager.screen(connection, "entitlements")
     lines = RHUIManager.list_lines(connection, prompt=PROMPT)
     Expect.enter(connection, 'q')
     return lines
 def test_01_setup(self):
     '''log in to rhui-manager, upload RH cert, add a repo to sync '''
     entlist = RHUIManagerEntitlements.upload_rh_certificate(RHUA)
     nose.tools.assert_not_equal(len(entlist), 0)
     RHUIManagerRepo.add_rh_repo_by_repo(RHUA, [
         Util.format_repo(self.yum_repo_name, self.yum_repo_version,
예제 #14
 def list(connection):
     return the list of currently managed HAPs
     RHUIManager.screen(connection, "loadbalancers")
     # eating prompt!!
     lines = RHUIManager.list_lines(connection, prompt=RHUIManagerHap.prompt)
     ret = Hap.parse(lines)
     return [hap for _, hap in ret]
예제 #15
 def delete_haps(connection, *hapes):
     unregister (delete) HAP instance from the RHUI
     RHUIManager.screen(connection, "loadbalancers")
     Expect.enter(connection, "d")
     RHUIManager.select_items(connection, *hapes)
     Expect.enter(connection, "y")
     Expect.expect(connection, "Unregistered" + ".*rhui \(.*\) =>", 180)
예제 #16
 def list(connection):
     return the list of currently managed CDSes
     RHUIManager.screen(connection, "cds")
     # eating prompt!!
     lines = RHUIManager.list_lines(connection, prompt=RHUIManagerCds.prompt)
     ret = Cds.parse(lines)
     return [cds for _, cds in ret]
예제 #17
 def delete_cdses(connection, *cdses):
     unregister (delete) CDS instance from the RHUI
     RHUIManager.screen(connection, "cds")
     Expect.enter(connection, "d")
     RHUIManager.select_items(connection, *cdses)
     Expect.enter(connection, "y")
     Expect.expect(connection, "Unregistered" + ".*rhui \(.*\) =>", 180)
예제 #18
 def add_rh_repo_all(connection):
     add a new Red Hat content repository (All in Certificate)
     RHUIManager.screen(connection, "repo")
     Expect.enter(connection, "a")
     Expect.expect(connection, "Import Repositories:.*to abort:", 660)
     Expect.enter(connection, "1")
     Expect.expect(connection, ".*rhui \(" + "repo" + "\) =>", 180)
예제 #19
def test_00_rhui_init():
        add a CDS and run rhui-subscription-sync to ensure their log files exist
    #  use initial_run first to ensure we're logged in to rhui-manager
    RHUIManagerInstance.add_instance(CONNECTION_RHUA, "cds")
    # can't use expect_retval as the exit code can be 0 or 1 (sync is configured or unconfigured)
    Expect.ping_pong(CONNECTION_RHUA, "rhui-subscription-sync ; echo ACK",
 def list(connection):
     return the list of currently managed CDSes
     RHUIManager.screen(connection, "cds")
     # eating prompt!!
     lines = RHUIManager.list_lines(connection, prompt=RHUIManagerCds.prompt)
     ret = Cds.parse(lines)
     # custom quitting; have eaten the prompt
     Expect.enter(connection, 'q')
     return [cds for _, cds in ret]
예제 #21
 def test_99_cleanup(self):
     '''clean up'''
     Expect.expect_retval(CLI, "rhui-set-release --unset")
     Util.remove_rpm(CLI, [self.test_package, CONF_RPM_NAME])
     RHUIManagerCLI.repo_delete(RHUA, self.repo_id)
     Expect.expect_retval(RHUA, "rm -rf /tmp/%s*" % CONF_RPM_NAME)
     if not getenv("RHUISKIPSETUP"):
         RHUICLI.delete(RHUA, "haproxy", force=True)
         RHUICLI.delete(RHUA, "cds", force=True)
 def list(connection, screen):
     return the list of currently managed CDSes
     RHUIManager.screen(connection, screen)
     # eating prompt!!
     lines = RHUIManager.list_lines(connection,
                                    "rhui \(" + screen + "\) => ")
     ret = Instance.parse(lines)
     Expect.enter(connection, 'q')
     return [cds for _, cds in ret]
예제 #23
 def delete_all_repos(connection):
     delete all repositories from the RHUI
     RHUIManager.screen(connection, "repo")
     Expect.enter(connection, "d")
     Expect.expect(connection, "Enter value .*:", 360)
     Expect.enter(connection, "a")
     Expect.expect(connection, "Enter value .*:")
     Expect.enter(connection, "c")
     Expect.expect(connection, ".*rhui \(" + "repo" + "\) =>", 360)
예제 #24
 def test_99_cleanup():
     '''Cleanup: Delete all repositories from RHUI (interactively; not currently supported by the CLI), remove certs and other files'''
     nose.tools.assert_equal(RHUIManagerRepo.list(CONNECTION), [])
     Expect.ping_pong(CONNECTION, "rm -rf /tmp/atomic_and_my* ; " +
                      "ls /tmp/atomic_and_my* 2>&1",
                      "No such file or directory")
     Expect.ping_pong(CONNECTION, "rm -f /tmp/repos.std{out,err} ; " +
                      "ls /tmp/repos.std{out,err} 2>&1",
                      "No such file or directory")
예제 #25
 def _sync_cds(self, cdslist):
     """ Sync cds """
     if (not "RHUA" in self.rs.Instances.keys()) or len(self.rs.Instances["RHUA"]) < 1:
         raise nose.exc.SkipTest("can't test without RHUA!")
         RHUIManagerSync.sync_cds(self.rs.Instances["RHUA"][0], cdslist)
     except ExpectFailed:
         # The CDS is not available for syncing so most probably it's syncing right now
         # Trying to check the status
         Expect.enter(self.rs.Instances["RHUA"][0], "b")
    def add_instance(connection,
        Register (add) a new CDS or HAProxy instance
        @param hostname instance
        @param update: Bool; update the cds or hap if it is already tracked or raise ExpectFailed

        RHUIManager.screen(connection, screen)
        Expect.enter(connection, "a")
        Expect.expect(connection, ".*Hostname of the .*instance to register:")
        Expect.enter(connection, hostname)
        state = Expect.expect_list(connection, [ \
            (re.compile(".*Username with SSH access to %s and sudo privileges:.*" % hostname, re.DOTALL), 1),
            (re.compile(".*instance with that hostname exists.*Continue\?\s+\(y/n\): ", re.DOTALL), 2)
        if state == 2:
            # cds or haproxy of the same hostname is already being tracked
            if not update:
                # but we don't wish to update its config: raise
                raise ExpectFailed(
                    "%s already tracked but update wasn't required" % hostname)
                # we wish to update, send 'y' answer
                Expect.enter(connection, "y")
                # the question about user name comes now
                    "Username with SSH access to %s and sudo privileges:" %
        # if the execution reaches here, uesername question was already asked
        Expect.enter(connection, user_name)
            "Absolute path to an SSH private key to log into %s as ec2-user:"******".*Cannot find file, please enter a valid path.*", re.DOTALL), 1),
                                                (PROCEED_PATTERN, 2)])
        if state == 1:
            # don't know how to continue with invalid path: raise
            Expect.enter(connection, CTRL_C)
            Expect.enter(connection, "q")
            raise InvalidSshKeyPath(ssh_key_path)
        # all OK, confirm
        Expect.enter(connection, "y")
        # some installation and configuration through Puppet happens here, let it take its time
        RHUIManager.quit(connection, "The .*was successfully configured.", 180)
    def check_detailed_information(connection, repo_data, type_data, gpg_data, package_count):
        verify that a repository has the expected properties

        repo_data: [string, string]
                   [0]: repo name
                   [1]: relative path
        type_data: [bool, bool]
                   [0]: True? Custom. False? Red Hat.
                   [1]: True? Protected. False? Unprotected. (Only checked with a Custom repo.)
        gpg_data:  [bool, string, bool]
                   [0]: True? GPG Check Yes. False? GPG Check No.
                   [1]: Custom GPG Keys (comma-separated names), or None.
                   [2]: True? Red Hat GPG Key Yes. False? Red Hat GPG Key No.
        RHUIManager.screen(connection, "repo")
        Expect.enter(connection, "i")
        RHUIManager.select(connection, [repo_data[0]])
        pattern = re.compile(r".*(Name:.*)\r\n\r\n-+\r\nrhui\s* \(repo\)\s* =>", re.DOTALL)
        actual_responses = Expect.match(connection, pattern)[0].splitlines()
        Expect.enter(connection, "q")
        expected_responses = ["Name:                " + repo_data[0]]
        if type_data[0]:
            repo_type = "Custom"
            if type_data[1]:
                relative_path = "protected/" + repo_data[1]
                relative_path = "unprotected/" + repo_data[1]
            repo_type = "Red Hat"
            relative_path = repo_data[1]
        expected_responses.append("Type:                " + repo_type)
        expected_responses.append("Relative Path:       " + relative_path)
        if gpg_data[0]:
            expected_responses.append("GPG Check:           Yes")
            if gpg_data[1]:
                expected_responses.append("Custom GPG Keys:     " + gpg_data[1])
                expected_responses.append("Custom GPG Keys:     (None)")
            if gpg_data[2]:
                expected_responses.append("Red Hat GPG Key:     Yes")
                expected_responses.append("Red Hat GPG Key:     No")
            expected_responses.append("GPG Check:           No")
        expected_responses.append("Package Count:       " + str(package_count))
        if repo_type == "Red Hat":
            sync_data = actual_responses.pop()
            nose.tools.ok_("Next Sync:" in sync_data)
            sync_data = actual_responses.pop()
            nose.tools.ok_("Last Sync:" in sync_data)
        nose.tools.eq_(actual_responses, expected_responses)
예제 #28
 def delete_all(connection, screen):
     unregister (delete) all CDS or HAProxy instances from the RHUI
     RHUIManager.screen(connection, screen)
     Expect.enter(connection, "d")
     Expect.expect(connection, "Enter value .*:")
     Expect.enter(connection, "a")
     Expect.expect(connection, "Enter value .*:")
     Expect.enter(connection, "c")
     Expect.expect(connection, "Are you sure .*:")
     Expect.enter(connection, "y")
     RHUIManager.quit(connection, "Unregistered")
예제 #29
 def upload_content(connection, repolist, path):
     upload content to a custom repository
     # Temporarily quit rhui-manager and check whether "path" is a file or a directory.
     # If it is a directory, get a list of *.rpm files in it.
     Expect.enter(connection, 'q')
     Expect.enter(connection, "stat -c %F " + path)
     path_type = Expect.expect_list(connection, [(re.compile(".*regular file.*", re.DOTALL), 1), (re.compile(".*directory.*", re.DOTALL), 2)])
     if path_type == 1:
         content = [basename(path)]
     elif path_type == 2:
         Expect.enter(connection, "echo " + path + "/*.rpm")
         output = Expect.match(connection, re.compile("(.*)", re.DOTALL))[0]
         rpm_files = output.splitlines()[1]
         content = []
         for rpm_file in rpm_files.split():
         # This should not happen. Getting here means that "path" is neither a file nor a directory.
         # Anyway, going on with no content, leaving it up to proceed_with_check() to handle this situation.
         content = []
     # Start rhui-manager again and continue.
     RHUIManager.screen(connection, "repo")
     Expect.enter(connection, "u")
     RHUIManager.select(connection, repolist)
     Expect.expect(connection, "will be uploaded:")
     Expect.enter(connection, path)
     RHUIManager.proceed_with_check(connection, "The following RPMs will be uploaded:", content)
     Expect.expect(connection, "rhui \(" + "repo" + "\) =>")
 def get_cds_status(connection, cdsname):
     display CDS sync summary
     RHUIManager.screen(connection, "sync")
     Expect.enter(connection, "dc")
     res_list = Expect.match(connection, re.compile(".*\n" + cdsname.replace(".", "\.") + "[\.\s]*\[([^\n]*)\].*" + cdsname.replace(".", "\.") + "\s*\r\n([^\n]*)\r\n", re.DOTALL), [1, 2], 60)
     connection.cli.exec_command("killall -s SIGINT rhui-manager")
     ret_list = []
     for val in [res_list[0]] + res_list[1].split("             "):
         val = Util.uncolorify(val.strip())
     return ret_list
 def upload_content(connection, repolist, path):
     upload content to a custom repository
     # Check whether "path" is a file or a directory.
     # If it is a directory, get a list of *.rpm files in it.
     path_type = Util.get_file_type(connection, path)
     if path_type == "regular file":
         content = [basename(path)]
     elif path_type == "directory":
         content = Util.get_rpms_in_dir(connection, path)
         # This should not happen. Getting here means that "path" is neither a file
         # nor a directory.
         # Anyway, going on with no content,
         # leaving it up to proceed_with_check() to handle this situation.
         content = []
     # Continue in rhui-manager.
     RHUIManager.screen(connection, "repo")
     Expect.enter(connection, "u")
     RHUIManager.select(connection, repolist)
     Expect.expect(connection, "will be uploaded:")
     Expect.enter(connection, path)
     RHUIManager.proceed_with_check(connection, "The following RPMs will be uploaded:", content)
     RHUIManager.quit(connection, timeout=60)
 def get_repo_status(connection, reponame):
     display repo sync summary
     RHUIManager.screen(connection, "sync")
     Expect.enter(connection, "dr")
     reponame_quoted = reponame.replace(".", "\.")
     res = Expect.match(connection, re.compile(".*" + reponame_quoted + "\s*\r\n([^\n]*)\r\n.*", re.DOTALL), [1], 60)[0]
     connection.cli.exec_command("killall -s SIGINT rhui-manager")
     res = Util.uncolorify(res)
     ret_list = res.split("             ")
     for i in range(len(ret_list)):
         ret_list[i] = ret_list[i].strip()
     return ret_list
예제 #33
 def create_docker_conf_rpm(connection, dirname, rpmname, rpmversion="", dockerport=""):
     create a client configuration RPM from an entitlement certificate
     RHUIManager.screen(connection, "client")
     Expect.enter(connection, "d")
     Expect.expect(connection, "Full path to local directory.*:")
     Expect.enter(connection, dirname)
     Expect.expect(connection, "Name of the RPM:")
     Expect.enter(connection, rpmname)
     Expect.expect(connection, "Version of the configuration RPM.*:")
     Expect.enter(connection, rpmversion)
     Expect.expect(connection, "Port to serve Docker content on .*:")
     Expect.enter(connection, dockerport)
     Expect.expect(connection, ".*rhui \(" + "client" + "\) =>")
예제 #34
 def test_17_missing_cert_handling():
     '''check if rhui-manager can handle the loss of the RH cert'''
     # for RHBZ#1325390
     # launch rhui-manager in one connection, delete the cert in the other
     RHUIManager.screen(RHUA, "repo")
     Expect.enter(RHUA, "a")
     # a bit strange response to see in this context, but eh, no == all if you're a geek
         RHUA, "All entitled products are currently deployed in the RHUI")
     Expect.enter(RHUA, "q")
     # an error message should be logged, though
     Expect.ping_pong(RHUA, "tail /root/.rhui/rhui.log",
                      "The entitlement.*has no associated certificate")
예제 #35
 def test_99_cleanup(self):
     '''cleanup: remove repos and temporary files'''
     RHUIManagerCLI.repo_delete(RHUA, self.product["id"])
         RHUA, "rm -rf /tmp/%s* ; " % CLI_CFG[0] +
         "ls /tmp/%s* 2>&1" % CLI_CFG[0], "No such file or directory")
         RHUA, "rm -f /tmp/repos.std{out,err} ; " +
         "ls /tmp/repos.std{out,err} 2>&1", "No such file or directory")
         RHUA, "rm -rf /tmp/%s* ; " % ALT_CONTENT_SRC_NAME +
         "ls /tmp/%s* 2>&1" % ALT_CONTENT_SRC_NAME,
         "No such file or directory")
 def list_custom_entitlements(connection):
     list custom entitlements
     RHUIManager.screen(connection, "entitlements")
     Expect.enter(connection, "c")
     match = Expect.match(connection, re.compile("c\r\n\r\nCustom Repository Entitlements\r\n\r\n(.*)" + RHUIManagerEntitlements.prompt, re.DOTALL))[0]
     repo_list = []
     for line in match.splitlines():
         if "Name:" in line:
             repo_list.append(line.replace("Name:", "").strip())
     return sorted(repo_list)
예제 #37
 def test_01_setup():
     """log in to RHUI, ensure CDS & HAProxy nodes have been added"""
     if not getenv("RHUISKIPSETUP"):
         RHUICLI.add(RHUA, "cds", unsafe=True)
         RHUICLI.add(RHUA, "haproxy", unsafe=True)
     # check that
     cds_list = RHUICLI.list(RHUA, "cds")
     hap_list = RHUICLI.list(RHUA, "haproxy")
     # if running RHEL Beta, temporarily restore the non-Beta repos potentially disabled by choose_repo.py
     cmd = "if grep -q Beta /etc/redhat-release; then " \
           "cp /etc/yum.repos.d/redhat-rhui.repo{.disabled,}; " \
           "yum-config-manager --enable %s %s; fi" % (BIG_REPO, EMP_REPO)
     Expect.expect_retval(RHUA, cmd)
 def list_rh_entitlements(connection):
     list Red Hat entitlements
     RHUIManager.screen(connection, "entitlements")
     Expect.enter(connection, "l")
     match = Expect.match(connection, re.compile("(.*)" + RHUIManagerEntitlements.prompt, re.DOTALL))
     matched_string = match[0].replace('l\r\n\r\nRed Hat Entitlements\r\n\r\n  \x1b[92mValid\x1b[0m\r\n    ', '', 1)
     entitlements_list = []
     pattern = re.compile('(.*?\r\n.*?pem)', re.DOTALL)
     for entitlement in pattern.findall(matched_string):
     return entitlements_list
 def delete_repo(connection, repolist):
     delete a repository from the RHUI
     RHUIManager.screen(connection, "repo")
     Expect.enter(connection, "d")
     RHUIManager.select(connection, repolist)
 def sync_cluster(connection, clusterlist):
     sync a CDS cluster immediately
     RHUIManager.screen(connection, "sync")
     Expect.enter(connection, "sl")
     RHUIManager.select(connection, clusterlist)
     RHUIManager.proceed_with_check(connection, "The following CDS clusters will be scheduled for synchronization:", clusterlist)
 def sync_cds(connection, cdslist):
     sync an individual CDS immediately
     RHUIManager.screen(connection, "sync")
     Expect.enter(connection, "sc")
     RHUIManager.select(connection, cdslist)
     RHUIManager.proceed_with_check(connection, "The following CDS instances will be scheduled for synchronization:", cdslist)
 def test_99_cleanup(self):
        remove the repo and RH cert, uninstall CDS and HAProxy, delete the ostree configuration
     nose.tools.assert_equal(RHUIManagerRepo.list(RHUA), [])
     RHUIManagerInstance.delete_all(RHUA, "loadbalancers")
     RHUIManagerInstance.delete_all(RHUA, "cds")
     Expect.expect_retval(RHUA, "rm -f /root/test_atomic_ent_cli*")
     Expect.expect_retval(RHUA, "rm -f /root/test_atomic_pkg.tar.gz")
     if AH_EXISTS:
             "ostree remote delete %s" % self.atomic_repo_remote)
             ATOMIC_CLI, "mv -f /etc/containers/registries.conf{.backup,}")
예제 #43
 def _sync_repo(self, repolist):
     """ Sync repo """
     if (not "RHUA" in self.rs.Instances.keys()) or len(self.rs.Instances["RHUA"]) < 1:
         raise nose.exc.SkipTest("can't test without RHUA!")
         RHUIManagerSync.sync_repo(self.rs.Instances["RHUA"][0], repolist)
     except ExpectFailed:
         # The repo is not available for syncing so most probably it's syncing right now
         # Trying to check the status
         Expect.enter(self.rs.Instances["RHUA"][0], "b")
     for repo in repolist:
         reposync = ["In Progress", "", ""]
         while reposync[0] in ["In Progress", "Never"]:
             reposync = RHUIManagerSync.get_repo_status(self.rs.Instances["RHUA"][0], repo)
         nose.tools.assert_equal(reposync[2], "Success")
예제 #44
 def add_docker_container(connection, containername, containerid="", displayname=""):
     add a new Red Hat docker container
     RHUIManager.screen(connection, "repo")
     Expect.enter(connection, "ad")
     Expect.expect(connection, "Name of the container in the registry:")
     Expect.enter(connection, containername)
     Expect.expect(connection, "Unique ID for the container .*]", 60)
     Expect.enter(connection, containerid)
     Expect.expect(connection, "Display name for the container.*]:")
     Expect.enter(connection, displayname)
     RHUIManager.proceed_with_check(connection, "The following container will be added:",
     ["Container Id: " + containername.replace("/","_").replace(".","_"),
      "Display Name: " + displayname,
      "Upstream Container Name: " + containername])
     Expect.expect(connection, ".*rhui \(" + "repo" + "\) =>")
 def test_99_cleanup(self):
        remove repos, certs, cli rpms; remove rpms from cli, uninstall cds, hap
     test_rpm_name = self.custom_rpm.rsplit('-', 2)[0]
     nose.tools.assert_equal(RHUIManagerRepo.list(RHUA), [])
     Expect.expect_retval(RHUA, "rm -f /root/test_ent_cli*")
     Expect.expect_retval(RHUA, "rm -rf /root/test_cli_rpm-3.0/")
                     [self.test_package, "test_cli_rpm", test_rpm_name])
     Helpers.del_legacy_ca(CDS, LEGACY_CA_FILE)
     if not getenv("RHUISKIPSETUP"):
         RHUIManagerInstance.delete_all(RHUA, "loadbalancers")
         RHUIManagerInstance.delete_all(RHUA, "cds")
예제 #46
 def _sync_repo(self, repolist):
     """ Sync repo """
     if (not "RHUA" in self.rs.Instances.keys()) or len(self.rs.Instances["RHUA"]) < 1:
         raise nose.exc.SkipTest("can't test without RHUA!")
         RHUIManagerSync.sync_repo(self.rs.Instances["RHUA"][0], repolist)
     except ExpectFailed:
         # The repo is not available for syncing so most probably it's syncing right now
         # Trying to check the status
         Expect.enter(self.rs.Instances["RHUA"][0], "b")
     for repo in repolist:
         reposync = ["In Progress", "", ""]
         while reposync[0] in ["In Progress", "Never"]:
             reposync = RHUIManagerSync.get_repo_status(self.rs.Instances["RHUA"][0], repo)
         nose.tools.assert_equal(reposync[2], "Success")
예제 #47
    def list_custom_entitlements(connection):
        list custom entitlements

        RHUIManager.screen(connection, "entitlements")
        Expect.enter(connection, "c")
        match = Expect.match(connection,
                             re.compile("c\r\n\r\nCustom Repository Entitlements\r\n\r\n(.*)" +
                                        PROMPT, re.DOTALL))[0]

        repo_list = []

        for line in match.splitlines():
            if "Name:" in line:
                repo_list.append(line.replace("Name:", "").strip())
        Expect.enter(connection, 'q')
        return sorted(repo_list)
 def sync_repo(connection, repolist):
     sync an individual repository immediately
     RHUIManager.screen(connection, "sync")
     Expect.enter(connection, "sr")
     Expect.expect(connection, "Select one or more repositories.*for more commands:", 60)
     Expect.enter(connection, "l")
     RHUIManager.select(connection, repolist)
     RHUIManager.proceed_with_check(connection, "The following repositories will be scheduled for synchronization:", repolist)
예제 #49
 def subscriptions_unregister(connection, names):
     unregister a Red Hat subscription from RHUI
     RHUIManager.screen(connection, "subscriptions")
     Expect.enter(connection, "d")
     RHUIManager.select(connection, names)
                                    "The following subscriptions will be unregistered:",
예제 #50
def _get_repo_status(connection, reponame):
    display repo sync summary
    RHUIManager.screen(connection, "sync")
    Expect.enter(connection, "dr")
    res = Expect.match(
        re.compile(r".*%s\s*\r\n([^\n]*)\r\n.*" % re.escape(reponame),
                   re.DOTALL), [1], 60)[0]
    connection.cli.exec_command("killall -s SIGINT rhui-manager")
    res = Util.uncolorify(res)
    ret_list = res.split("             ")
    for i, _ in enumerate(ret_list):
        ret_list[i] = ret_list[i].strip()

    Expect.enter(connection, CTRL_C)
    Expect.enter(connection, "q")
    return ret_list
예제 #51
    def list_rh_entitlements(connection):
        list Red Hat entitlements

        RHUIManager.screen(connection, "entitlements")
        Expect.enter(connection, "l")
        match = Expect.match(connection,
                             re.compile("(.*)" + PROMPT, re.DOTALL))

        matched_string = match[0].replace('l\r\n\r\nRed Hat Entitlements\r\n\r\n  ' +
                                          '\x1b[92mValid\x1b[0m\r\n    ', '', 1)

        entitlements_list = []
        pattern = re.compile('(.*?\r\n.*?pem)', re.DOTALL)
        for entitlement in pattern.findall(matched_string):
        Expect.enter(connection, 'q')
        return entitlements_list
예제 #52
 def create_conf_rpm(connection, dirname, certpath, certkey, rpmname, rpmversion="", unprotected_repos=None):
     create a client configuration RPM from an entitlement certificate
     RHUIManager.screen(connection, "client")
     Expect.enter(connection, "c")
     Expect.expect(connection, "Full path to local directory.*:")
     Expect.enter(connection, dirname)
     Expect.expect(connection, "Name of the RPM:")
     Expect.enter(connection, rpmname)
     Expect.expect(connection, "Version of the configuration RPM.*:")
     Expect.enter(connection, rpmversion)
     Expect.expect(connection, "Full path to the entitlement certificate.*:")
     Expect.enter(connection, certpath)
     Expect.expect(connection, "Full path to the private key for the above entitlement certificate:")
     Expect.enter(connection, certkey)
     if unprotected_repos:
         RHUIManager.select(connection, unprotected_repos)
     Expect.expect(connection, ".*rhui \(" + "client" + "\) =>")
예제 #53
 def add_hap(connection, hap=Hap(), update=False):
     Register (add) a new HAP instance
     @param hap: rhuilib.hap.Hap instance
     @param update: Bool; update the hap if it is already tracked or raise ExpectFailed
     RHUIManager.screen(connection, "loadbalancers")
     Expect.enter(connection, "a")
     Expect.expect(connection, ".*Hostname of the HAProxy Load-balancer instance to register:")
     Expect.enter(connection, hap.host_name)
     state = Expect.expect_list(connection, [ \
         (re.compile(".*Username with SSH access to %s and sudo privileges:.*" % hap.host_name, re.DOTALL), 1),
         (re.compile(".*A HAProxy Load-balancer instance with that hostname exists.*Continue\?\s+\(y/n\): ", re.DOTALL), 2)
     if state == 2:
         # hap of the same hostname is already being tracked
         if not update:
             # but we don't wish to update its config: raise
             raise ExpectFailed("%s already tracked but update wasn't required" % hap.host_name)
             # we wish to update, send 'y' answer
             Expect.enter(connection, "y")
             # the question about user name comes now
             Expect.expect(connection, "Username with SSH access to %s and sudo privileges:" % hap.host_name)
     # if the execution reaches here, uesername question was already asked
     Expect.enter(connection, hap.user_name)
     Expect.expect(connection, "Absolute path to an SSH private key to log into %s as %s:" % (hap.host_name, hap.user_name))
     Expect.enter(connection, hap.ssh_key_path)
     state = Expect.expect_list(connection, [
         (re.compile(".*Cannot find file, please enter a valid path.*", re.DOTALL), 1),
         (PROCEED_PATTERN, 2)
     if state == 1:
         # don't know how to continue with invalid path: raise
         Expect.enter(connection, CTRL_C)
         Expect.enter(connection, "q")
         raise InvalidSshKeyPath(hap.ssh_key_path)
     # all OK, confirm
     Expect.enter(connection, "y")
     # some installation and configuration through Puppet happens here, let it take its time
     Expect.expect(connection, "The HAProxy Load-balancer was successfully configured." + ".*rhui \(.*\) =>", 180)
 def add_cds(connection, cds=Cds(), update=False):
     Register (add) a new CDS instance
     @param cds: rhuilib.cds.Cds instance
     @param update: Bool; update the cds if it is already tracked or rise ExpectFailed
     RHUIManager.screen(connection, "cds")
     Expect.enter(connection, "a")
     Expect.expect(connection, "Hostname of the Content Delivery Server instance to register:")
     Expect.enter(connection, cds.host_name)
     state = Expect.expect_list(connection, [ \
         (re.compile(".*Username with SSH access to %s and sudo privileges:.*" % cds.host_name, re.DOTALL), 1),
         (re.compile(".*A Content Delivery Server instance with that hostname exists.*Continue\?\s+\(y/n\): ", re.DOTALL), 2)
     if state == 2:
         # cds of the same hostname is already being tracked
         if not update:
             # but we don't wish to update its config: raise
             raise ExpectFailed("%s already tracked but update wasn't required" % cds.host_name)
             # we wish to update, send 'y' answer
             Expect.enter(connection, "y")
             # the question about user name comes now
             Expect.expect(connection, "Username with SSH access to %s and sudo privileges:" % cds.host_name)
     # if the execution reaches here, uesername question was already asked
     Expect.enter(connection, cds.user_name)
     Expect.expect(connection, "Absolute path to an SSH private key to log into %s as ec2-user:"******".*Cannot find file, please enter a valid path.*", re.DOTALL), 1),
         (PROCEED_PATTERN, 2)
     if state == 1:
         # don't know how to continue with invalid path: raise
         Expect.enter(connection, CTRL_C)
         Expect.enter(connection, "q")
         raise InvalidSshKeyPath(cds.ssh_key_path)
     # all OK, confirm
     Expect.enter(connection, "y")
     # some installation and configuration through Puppet happens here, let it take its time
     RHUIManager.quit(connection, "The Content Delivery Server was successfully configured.", timeout=180)
 def delete_cdses(connection, *cdses):
     unregister (delete) CDS instance from the RHUI
     RHUIManager.screen(connection, "cds")
     Expect.enter(connection, "d")
     RHUIManager.select_items(connection, *cdses)
     RHUIManager.quit(connection, timeout=30)
    def upload_rh_certificate(connection):
        upload a new or updated Red Hat content certificate
        certificate_file = '/tmp/extra_rhui_files/rhcert.pem'
        if connection.recv_exit_status("ls -la %s" % certificate_file)!=0:
            raise ExpectFailed("Missing certificate file: %s" % certificate_file)

        RHUIManager.screen(connection, "entitlements")
        Expect.enter(connection, "u")
        Expect.expect(connection, "Full path to the new content certificate:")
        Expect.enter(connection, certificate_file)
        Expect.expect(connection, "The RHUI will be updated with the following certificate:")
        Expect.enter(connection, "y")
        match = Expect.match(connection, re.compile("(.*)" + RHUIManagerEntitlements.prompt, re.DOTALL))
        matched_string = match[0].replace('l\r\n\r\nRed Hat Entitlements\r\n\r\n  \x1b[92mValid\x1b[0m\r\n    ', '', 1)
        entitlements_list = []
        pattern = re.compile('(.*?\r\n.*?pem)', re.DOTALL)
        for entitlement in pattern.findall(matched_string):
        return entitlements_list
예제 #57
 def delete_repo(connection, repolist):
     delete a repository from the RHUI
     RHUIManager.screen(connection, "repo")
     Expect.enter(connection, "d")
     RHUIManager.select(connection, repolist)
     Expect.expect(connection, ".*rhui \(" + "repo" + "\) =>")
예제 #58
 def list(connection):
     list repositories
     RHUIManager.screen(connection, "repo")
     Expect.enter(connection, "l")
     # eating prompt!!
     pattern = re.compile('l\r\n(.*)\r\n-+\r\nrhui\s* \(repo\)\s* =>',
     ret = Expect.match(connection, pattern, grouplist=[1])[0]
     reslist = map(lambda x: x.strip(), ret.split("\r\n"))
     repolist = []
     for line in reslist:
         # Readling lines and searching for repos
         if line == '':
         if "Custom Repositories" in line:
         if "Red Hat Repositories" in line:
         if "No repositories are currently managed by the RHUI" in line:
     return repolist
예제 #59
 def add_rh_repo_by_product(connection, productlist):
     add a new Red Hat content repository (By Product)
     RHUIManager.screen(connection, "repo")
     Expect.enter(connection, "a")
     Expect.expect(connection, "Import Repositories:.*to abort:", 660)
     Expect.enter(connection, "2")
     RHUIManager.select(connection, productlist)
     RHUIManager.proceed_with_check(connection, "The following products will be deployed:", productlist)
     Expect.expect(connection, ".*rhui \(" + "repo" + "\) =>")
예제 #60
 def add_rh_repo_by_repo(connection, repolist):
     add a new Red Hat content repository (By Repository)
     RHUIManager.screen(connection, "repo")
     Expect.enter(connection, "a")
     Expect.expect(connection, "Import Repositories:.*to abort:", 660)
     Expect.enter(connection, "3")
     RHUIManager.select(connection, repolist)
     repolist_mod = list(repolist)
     for repo in repolist:
         repolist_mod.append(re.sub(" \\\\\([a-zA-Z0-9_-]*\\\\\) \\\\\(Yum\\\\\)", "", repo))
     RHUIManager.proceed_with_check(connection, "The following product repositories will be deployed:", repolist_mod)
     Expect.expect(connection, ".*rhui \(" + "repo" + "\) =>")