예제 #1
def run_distribute_file(dist_file):
    p_file = home_dir + "/" + key_nam + ".pem"
    s_text = ['root@cds1', 'root@cds2']
    d_text = hosts_dns1_name
    inpu_file = home_dir + dist_file
    for no in range(2):
        stext = s_text[no]
        dtext = d_text[no]
        rhui_lib.answers_replace(stext, dtext, inpu_file)  
    s_text = ['root@rhua']
    d_text = hosts_dns2_name
    inpu_file = home_dir + dist_file
    for no in range(1):
        stext = s_text[no]
        dtext = d_text[no]
        rhui_lib.answers_replace(stext, dtext, inpu_file)  
    stext = "cloud_key"
    dtext = "/root/" + key_nam + ".pem"
    rhui_lib.answers_replace(stext, dtext, inpu_file)
    print "\n\nWorking again with RHUA instance to upload the updated", inpu_file, " file"   
    for instance in reservation_rhua.instances:
        host_auto = instance.dns_name
        command = 'mkdir -p /root/rhui20'
        print "\nInstalling various rpms: \n", command
        rhui_lib.remote_exe(host_auto, p_file, command)
        l_path = home_dir + dist_file
        f_path = "/root" + dist_file
        rhui_lib.putfile(host_auto, p_file, l_path, f_path)
예제 #2
def answers_file(ans_file):
    s_text = ['rhua.example.com', 'cds1.example.com', 'cds2.example.com']
    d_text = hosts_dns_name
    inpu_file = home_dir + ans_file
    for no in range(3):
        stext = s_text[no]
        dtext = d_text[no]
        rhui_lib.answers_replace(stext, dtext, inpu_file)  
    s_text = ['rhua.crt', 'cds1.crt', 'cds2.crt']
    d_text = ssl_certs
    for no in range(3):
        stext = s_text[no]
        dtext = d_text[no]
        rhui_lib.answers_replace(stext, dtext, inpu_file)
    print "\n\nWorking again with RHUA instance to upload the updated answers.sample file"
    p_file = home_dir + "/" + key_nam + ".pem"   
    for instance in reservation_rhua.instances:
        host_auto = instance.dns_name
        l_path = home_dir + ans_file
        f_path = "/root" + ans_file
        rhui_lib.putfile(host_auto, p_file, l_path, f_path)
예제 #3
call(["cp", os.path.expanduser("~/rhui20/pulp.conf"), os.path.expanduser("~/rhui20/pulp1")]) 
call(["cp", os.path.expanduser("~/rhui20/cds.conf"), os.path.expanduser("~/rhui20/cds1")]) 
call(["cp", os.path.expanduser("~/rhui20/rhui-tools.conf"), os.path.expanduser("~/rhui20/rhui-tools1")])
call(["cp", os.path.expanduser("~/rhui20/answers_file"), os.path.expanduser("~/rhui20/answers_file1")])
call(["cp", os.path.expanduser("~/rhui20/run_distribute.sh"), os.path.expanduser("~/rhui20/run_distribute.sh.bkp")])
call(["cp", os.path.expanduser("~/rhui20/hostname.sh"), os.path.expanduser("~/rhui20/hostname.sh.bkp")])
call(["cp", os.path.expanduser("~/rhui20/host.sh"), os.path.expanduser("~/rhui20/host.sh.bkp")])

for instance1 in reservation_rhua.instances:
    host_pulp_srv = instance1.private_dns_name
    stext = "localhost"
    dtext = host_pulp_srv
    file_list_file = ['pulp.conf']
    for inpu in file_list_file:
        inpu_file = home_dir + "/rhui20/" + inpu
        rhui_lib.answers_replace(stext, dtext, inpu_file)
    stext = "localhost"
    dtext = host_pulp_srv
    inpu_file = home_dir + "/rhui20/rhui-tools.conf"
    rhui_lib.answers_replace(stext, dtext, inpu_file)

for instance in reservation_cds.instances:
    host_pulp_srv = instance1.private_dns_name
    stext = "localhost.localdomain"
    dtext = host_pulp_srv
    file_list_file = ['cds.conf']
    for inpu in file_list_file:
        inpu_file = home_dir + "/rhui20/" + inpu
        rhui_lib.answers_replace(stext, dtext, inpu_file)

os.system("pushd ~/rhui20 > /dev/null ; tar -cvf ~/rhui20/pulp_setup.tar pulp.conf cds.conf rhui-tools.conf ; popd > /dev/null")