예제 #1
파일: generate.py 프로젝트: BHCLL/blendocv
def generate_rig(context, metarig):
    """ Generates a rig from a metarig.

    t = Timer()

    # Random string with time appended so that
    # different rigs don't collide id's
    rig_id = random_id(16)

    # Initial configuration
    # mode_orig = context.mode  # UNUSED
    rest_backup = metarig.data.pose_position
    metarig.data.pose_position = 'REST'


    scene = context.scene

    # Create/find the rig object and set it up

    # Check if the generated rig already exists, so we can
    # regenerate in the same object.  If not, create a new
    # object to generate the rig in.
    print("Fetch rig.")
        name = metarig["rig_object_name"]
    except KeyError:
        name = "rig"

        obj = scene.objects[name]
    except KeyError:
        obj = bpy.data.objects.new(name, bpy.data.armatures.new(name))
        obj.draw_type = 'WIRE'

    obj.data.pose_position = 'POSE'

    # Get rid of anim data in case the rig already existed
    print("Clear rig animation data.")

    # Select generated rig object
    metarig.select = False
    obj.select = True
    scene.objects.active = obj

    # Remove all bones from the generated rig armature.
    for bone in obj.data.edit_bones:

    # Create temporary duplicates for merging
    temp_rig_1 = metarig.copy()
    temp_rig_1.data = metarig.data.copy()

    temp_rig_2 = metarig.copy()
    temp_rig_2.data = obj.data

    # Select the temp rigs for merging
    for objt in scene.objects:
        objt.select = False  # deselect all objects
    temp_rig_1.select = True
    temp_rig_2.select = True
    scene.objects.active = temp_rig_2

    # Merge the temporary rigs

    # Delete the second temp rig

    # Select the generated rig
    for objt in scene.objects:
        objt.select = False  # deselect all objects
    obj.select = True
    scene.objects.active = obj

    # Copy over bone properties
    for bone in metarig.data.bones:
        bone_gen = obj.data.bones[bone.name]

        # B-bone stuff
        bone_gen.bbone_segments = bone.bbone_segments
        bone_gen.bbone_in = bone.bbone_in
        bone_gen.bbone_out = bone.bbone_out

    # Copy over the pose_bone properties
    for bone in metarig.pose.bones:
        bone_gen = obj.pose.bones[bone.name]

        # Rotation mode and transform locks
        bone_gen.rotation_mode = bone.rotation_mode
        bone_gen.lock_rotation = tuple(bone.lock_rotation)
        bone_gen.lock_rotation_w = bone.lock_rotation_w
        bone_gen.lock_rotations_4d = bone.lock_rotations_4d
        bone_gen.lock_location = tuple(bone.lock_location)
        bone_gen.lock_scale = tuple(bone.lock_scale)

        # Custom properties
        for prop in bone.keys():
            bone_gen[prop] = bone[prop]

        # Constraints
        for con1 in bone.constraints:
            con2 = bone_gen.constraints.new(type=con1.type)
            copy_attributes(con1, con2)

            # Set metarig target to rig target
            if "target" in dir(con2):
                if con2.target == metarig:
                    con2.target = obj

    # Copy drivers
    if metarig.animation_data:
        for d1 in metarig.animation_data.drivers:
            d2 = obj.driver_add(d1.data_path)
            copy_attributes(d1, d2)
            copy_attributes(d1.driver, d2.driver)

            # Remove default modifiers, variables, etc.
            for m in d2.modifiers:
            for v in d2.driver.variables:

            # Copy modifiers
            for m1 in d1.modifiers:
                m2 = d2.modifiers.new(type=m1.type)
                copy_attributes(m1, m2)

            # Copy variables
            for v1 in d1.driver.variables:
                v2 = d2.driver.variables.new()
                copy_attributes(v1, v2)
                for i in range(len(v1.targets)):
                    copy_attributes(v1.targets[i], v2.targets[i])
                    # Switch metarig targets to rig targets
                    if v2.targets[i].id == metarig:
                        v2.targets[i].id = obj

                    # Mark targets that may need to be altered after rig generation
                    tar = v2.targets[i]
                    # If a custom property
                    if v2.type == 'SINGLE_PROP' \
                    and re.match('^pose.bones\["[^"\]]*"\]\["[^"\]]*"\]$', tar.data_path):
                        tar.data_path = "RIGIFY-" + tar.data_path

            # Copy key frames
            for i in range(len(d1.keyframe_points)):
                k1 = d1.keyframe_points[i]
                k2 = d2.keyframe_points[i]
                copy_attributes(k1, k2)

    t.tick("Duplicate rig: ")
    # Make a list of the original bones so we can keep track of them.
    original_bones = [bone.name for bone in obj.data.bones]

    # Add the ORG_PREFIX to the original bones.
    for i in range(0, len(original_bones)):
        obj.data.bones[original_bones[i]].name = make_original_name(original_bones[i])
        original_bones[i] = make_original_name(original_bones[i])

    # Create a sorted list of the original bones, sorted in the order we're
    # going to traverse them for rigging.
    # (root-most -> leaf-most, alphabetical)
    bones_sorted = []
    for name in original_bones:
        bones_sorted += [name]
    bones_sorted.sort()  # first sort by names
    bones_sorted.sort(key=lambda bone: len(obj.pose.bones[bone].parent_recursive))  # then parents before children

    t.tick("Make list of org bones: ")
    # Create the root bone.
    root_bone = new_bone(obj, ROOT_NAME)
    obj.data.edit_bones[root_bone].head = (0, 0, 0)
    obj.data.edit_bones[root_bone].tail = (0, 1, 0)
    obj.data.edit_bones[root_bone].roll = 0
    obj.data.bones[root_bone].layers = ROOT_LAYER
    # Put the rig_name in the armature custom properties
    rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(obj.data, "rig_id", create=True)
    obj.data["rig_id"] = rig_id

    t.tick("Create root bone: ")
        # Collect/initialize all the rigs.
        rigs = []
        deformation_rigs = []
        for bone in bones_sorted:
            rigs += get_bone_rigs(obj, bone)
        t.tick("Initialize rigs: ")

        # Generate all the rigs.
        ui_scripts = []
        for rig in rigs:
            # Go into editmode in the rig armature
            context.scene.objects.active = obj
            obj.select = True
            scripts = rig.generate()
            if scripts != None:
                ui_scripts += [scripts[0]]
        t.tick("Generate rigs: ")
    except Exception as e:
        # Cleanup if something goes wrong
        print("Rigify: failed to generate rig.")
        metarig.data.pose_position = rest_backup
        obj.data.pose_position = 'POSE'

        # Continue the exception
        raise e


    # Get a list of all the bones in the armature
    bones = [bone.name for bone in obj.data.bones]

    # Parent any free-floating bones to the root.
    for bone in bones:
        if obj.data.edit_bones[bone].parent is None:
            obj.data.edit_bones[bone].use_connect = False
            obj.data.edit_bones[bone].parent = obj.data.edit_bones[root_bone]

    # Every bone that has a name starting with "DEF-" make deforming.  All the
    # others make non-deforming.
    for bone in bones:
        if obj.data.bones[bone].name.startswith(DEF_PREFIX):
            obj.data.bones[bone].use_deform = True
            obj.data.bones[bone].use_deform = False

    # Alter marked driver targets
    for d in obj.animation_data.drivers:
        for v in d.driver.variables:
            for tar in v.targets:
                if tar.data_path.startswith("RIGIFY-"):
                    temp, bone, prop = tuple([x.strip('"]') for x in tar.data_path.split('["')])
                    if bone in obj.data.bones \
                    and prop in obj.pose.bones[bone].keys():
                        tar.data_path = tar.data_path[7:]
                        tar.data_path = 'pose.bones["%s"]["%s"]' % (make_original_name(bone), prop)

    # Move all the original bones to their layer.
    for bone in original_bones:
        obj.data.bones[bone].layers = ORG_LAYER

    # Move all the bones with names starting with "MCH-" to their layer.
    for bone in bones:
        if obj.data.bones[bone].name.startswith(MCH_PREFIX):
            obj.data.bones[bone].layers = MCH_LAYER

    # Move all the bones with names starting with "DEF-" to their layer.
    for bone in bones:
        if obj.data.bones[bone].name.startswith(DEF_PREFIX):
            obj.data.bones[bone].layers = DEF_LAYER

    # Create root bone widget
    create_root_widget(obj, "root")

    # Assign shapes to bones
    # Object's with name WGT-<bone_name> get used as that bone's shape.
    for bone in bones:
        wgt_name = (WGT_PREFIX + obj.data.bones[bone].name)[:21]  # Object names are limited to 21 characters... arg
        if wgt_name in context.scene.objects:
            # Weird temp thing because it won't let me index by object name
            for ob in context.scene.objects:
                if ob.name == wgt_name:
                    obj.pose.bones[bone].custom_shape = ob
            # This is what it should do:
            # obj.pose.bones[bone].custom_shape = context.scene.objects[wgt_name]
    # Reveal all the layers with control bones on them
    vis_layers = [False for n in range(0, 32)]
    for bone in bones:
        for i in range(0, 32):
            vis_layers[i] = vis_layers[i] or obj.data.bones[bone].layers[i]
    for i in range(0, 32):
        vis_layers[i] = vis_layers[i] and not (ORG_LAYER[i] or MCH_LAYER[i] or DEF_LAYER[i])
    obj.data.layers = vis_layers

    # Ensure the collection of layer names exists
    for i in range(1 + len(metarig.data.rigify_layers), 29):

    # Create list of layer name/row pairs
    layer_layout = []
    for l in metarig.data.rigify_layers:
        layer_layout += [(l.name, l.row)]

    # Generate the UI script
    if "rig_ui.py" in bpy.data.texts:
        script = bpy.data.texts["rig_ui.py"]
        script = bpy.data.texts.new("rig_ui.py")
    script.write(UI_SLIDERS % rig_id)
    for s in ui_scripts:
        script.write("\n        " + s.replace("\n", "\n        ") + "\n")
    script.write(layers_ui(vis_layers, layer_layout))
    script.use_module = True

    # Run UI script
    exec(script.as_string(), {})

    t.tick("The rest: ")
    # Deconfigure
    metarig.data.pose_position = rest_backup
    obj.data.pose_position = 'POSE'
예제 #2
def generate_rig(context, metarig):
    """ Generates a rig from a metarig.

    t = Timer()
    rig_id = random_string(12)  # Random so that different rigs don't collide id's

    # Initial configuration
    use_global_undo = context.user_preferences.edit.use_global_undo
    context.user_preferences.edit.use_global_undo = False
    mode_orig = context.mode
    rest_backup = metarig.data.pose_position
    metarig.data.pose_position = 'REST'


    scene = context.scene

    # Create/find the rig object and set it up

    # Check if the generated rig already exists, so we can
    # regenerate in the same object.  If not, create a new
    # object to generate the rig in.
    print("Fetch rig.")
        name = metarig["rig_object_name"]
    except KeyError:
        name = "rig"

        obj = scene.objects[name]
    except KeyError:
        obj = bpy.data.objects.new(name, bpy.data.armatures.new(name))
        obj.draw_type = 'WIRE'

    obj.data.pose_position = 'POSE'

    # Get rid of anim data in case the rig already existed
    print("Clear rig animation data.")

    # Select generated rig object
    metarig.select = False
    obj.select = True
    scene.objects.active = obj

    # Remove all bones from the generated rig armature.
    for bone in obj.data.edit_bones:

    # Create temporary duplicates for merging
    temp_rig_1 = metarig.copy()
    temp_rig_1.data = metarig.data.copy()

    temp_rig_2 = metarig.copy()
    temp_rig_2.data = obj.data

    # Select the temp rigs for merging
    for objt in scene.objects:
        objt.select = False  # deselect all objects
    temp_rig_1.select = True
    temp_rig_2.select = True
    scene.objects.active = temp_rig_2

    # Merge the temporary rigs

    # Delete the second temp rig

    # Select the generated rig
    for objt in scene.objects:
        objt.select = False  # deselect all objects
    obj.select = True
    scene.objects.active = obj

    # Copy over the pose_bone properties
    for bone in metarig.pose.bones:
        bone_gen = obj.pose.bones[bone.name]

        # Rotation mode and transform locks
        bone_gen.rotation_mode = bone.rotation_mode
        bone_gen.lock_rotation = tuple(bone.lock_rotation)
        bone_gen.lock_rotation_w = bone.lock_rotation_w
        bone_gen.lock_rotations_4d = bone.lock_rotations_4d
        bone_gen.lock_location = tuple(bone.lock_location)
        bone_gen.lock_scale = tuple(bone.lock_scale)

        # Custom properties
        for prop in bone.keys():
            bone_gen[prop] = bone[prop]

    # Copy over bone properties
    for bone in metarig.data.bones:
        bone_gen = obj.data.bones[bone.name]

        # B-bone stuff
        bone_gen.bbone_segments = bone.bbone_segments
        bone_gen.bbone_in = bone.bbone_in
        bone_gen.bbone_out = bone.bbone_out

    t.tick("Duplicate rig: ")
    # Make a list of the original bones so we can keep track of them.
    original_bones = [bone.name for bone in obj.data.bones]

    # Add the ORG_PREFIX to the original bones.
    for i in range(0, len(original_bones)):
        obj.data.bones[original_bones[i]].name = make_original_name(original_bones[i])
        original_bones[i] = make_original_name(original_bones[i])

    # Create a sorted list of the original bones, sorted in the order we're
    # going to traverse them for rigging.
    # (root-most -> leaf-most, alphabetical)
    bones_sorted = []
    for name in original_bones:
        bones_sorted += [name]
    bones_sorted.sort()  # first sort by names
    bones_sorted.sort(key=lambda bone: len(obj.pose.bones[bone].parent_recursive))  # then parents before children

    t.tick("Make list of org bones: ")
    # Create the root bone.
    root_bone = new_bone(obj, ROOT_NAME)
    obj.data.edit_bones[root_bone].head = (0, 0, 0)
    obj.data.edit_bones[root_bone].tail = (0, 1, 0)
    obj.data.edit_bones[root_bone].roll = 0
    obj.data.bones[root_bone].layers = ROOT_LAYER
    # Put the rig_name in the armature custom properties
    rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(obj.data, "rig_id", create=True)
    obj.data["rig_id"] = rig_id

    t.tick("Create root bone: ")
        # Collect/initialize all the rigs.
        rigs = []
        deformation_rigs = []
        for bone in bones_sorted:
            rigs += get_bone_rigs(obj, bone)
        t.tick("Initialize rigs: ")

        # Generate all the rigs.
        ui_scripts = []
        for rig in rigs:
            # Go into editmode in the rig armature
            context.scene.objects.active = obj
            obj.select = True
            scripts = rig.generate()
            if scripts != None:
                ui_scripts += [scripts[0]]
        t.tick("Generate rigs: ")
    except Exception as e:
        # Cleanup if something goes wrong
        print("Rigify: failed to generate rig.")
        context.user_preferences.edit.use_global_undo = use_global_undo
        metarig.data.pose_position = rest_backup
        obj.data.pose_position = 'POSE'

        # Continue the exception
        raise e


    # Get a list of all the bones in the armature
    bones = [bone.name for bone in obj.data.bones]

    # Parent any free-floating bones to the root.
    for bone in bones:
        if obj.data.edit_bones[bone].parent == None:
            obj.data.edit_bones[bone].use_connect = False
            obj.data.edit_bones[bone].parent = obj.data.edit_bones[root_bone]

    # Every bone that has a name starting with "DEF-" make deforming.  All the
    # others make non-deforming.
    for bone in bones:
        if obj.data.bones[bone].name.startswith(DEF_PREFIX):
            obj.data.bones[bone].use_deform = True
            obj.data.bones[bone].use_deform = False

    # Move all the original bones to their layer.
    for bone in original_bones:
        obj.data.bones[bone].layers = ORG_LAYER

    # Move all the bones with names starting with "MCH-" to their layer.
    for bone in bones:
        if obj.data.bones[bone].name.startswith(MCH_PREFIX):
            obj.data.bones[bone].layers = MCH_LAYER

    # Move all the bones with names starting with "DEF-" to their layer.
    for bone in bones:
        if obj.data.bones[bone].name.startswith(DEF_PREFIX):
            obj.data.bones[bone].layers = DEF_LAYER

    # Create root bone widget
    create_root_widget(obj, "root")

    # Assign shapes to bones
    # Object's with name WGT-<bone_name> get used as that bone's shape.
    for bone in bones:
        wgt_name = (WGT_PREFIX + obj.data.bones[bone].name)[:21]  # Object names are limited to 21 characters... arg
        if wgt_name in context.scene.objects:
            # Weird temp thing because it won't let me index by object name
            for ob in context.scene.objects:
                if ob.name == wgt_name:
                    obj.pose.bones[bone].custom_shape = ob
            # This is what it should do:
            # obj.pose.bones[bone].custom_shape = context.scene.objects[wgt_name]
    # Reveal all the layers with control bones on them
    vis_layers = [False for n in range(0, 32)]
    for bone in bones:
        for i in range(0, 32):
            vis_layers[i] = vis_layers[i] or obj.data.bones[bone].layers[i]
    for i in range(0, 32):
        vis_layers[i] = vis_layers[i] and not (ORG_LAYER[i] or MCH_LAYER[i] or DEF_LAYER[i])
    obj.data.layers = vis_layers

    # Generate the UI script
    if "rig_ui.py" in bpy.data.texts:
        script = bpy.data.texts["rig_ui.py"]
        script = bpy.data.texts.new("rig_ui.py")
    script.write(UI_SLIDERS % rig_id)
    for s in ui_scripts:
        script.write("\n        " + s.replace("\n", "\n        ") + "\n")
    script.use_module = True

    t.tick("The rest: ")
    # Deconfigure
    metarig.data.pose_position = rest_backup
    obj.data.pose_position = 'POSE'
    context.user_preferences.edit.use_global_undo = use_global_undo
예제 #3
def generate_rig(context, metarig):
    """ Generates a rig from a metarig.

    t = Timer()

    # Random string with time appended so that
    # different rigs don't collide id's
    rig_id = random_id(16)

    # Initial configuration
    # mode_orig = context.mode  # UNUSED
    rest_backup = metarig.data.pose_position
    metarig.data.pose_position = 'REST'


    scene = context.scene

    # Create/find the rig object and set it up

    # Check if the generated rig already exists, so we can
    # regenerate in the same object.  If not, create a new
    # object to generate the rig in.
    print("Fetch rig.")
        name = metarig["rig_object_name"]
    except KeyError:
        name = "rig"

        obj = scene.objects[name]
    except KeyError:
        obj = bpy.data.objects.new(name, bpy.data.armatures.new(name))
        obj.draw_type = 'WIRE'

    obj.data.pose_position = 'POSE'

    # Get rid of anim data in case the rig already existed
    print("Clear rig animation data.")

    # Select generated rig object
    metarig.select = False
    obj.select = True
    scene.objects.active = obj

    # Remove all bones from the generated rig armature.
    for bone in obj.data.edit_bones:

    # Create temporary duplicates for merging
    temp_rig_1 = metarig.copy()
    temp_rig_1.data = metarig.data.copy()

    temp_rig_2 = metarig.copy()
    temp_rig_2.data = obj.data

    # Select the temp rigs for merging
    for objt in scene.objects:
        objt.select = False  # deselect all objects
    temp_rig_1.select = True
    temp_rig_2.select = True
    scene.objects.active = temp_rig_2

    # Merge the temporary rigs

    # Delete the second temp rig

    # Select the generated rig
    for objt in scene.objects:
        objt.select = False  # deselect all objects
    obj.select = True
    scene.objects.active = obj

    # Copy over bone properties
    for bone in metarig.data.bones:
        bone_gen = obj.data.bones[bone.name]

        # B-bone stuff
        bone_gen.bbone_segments = bone.bbone_segments
        bone_gen.bbone_in = bone.bbone_in
        bone_gen.bbone_out = bone.bbone_out

    # Copy over the pose_bone properties
    for bone in metarig.pose.bones:
        bone_gen = obj.pose.bones[bone.name]

        # Rotation mode and transform locks
        bone_gen.rotation_mode = bone.rotation_mode
        bone_gen.lock_rotation = tuple(bone.lock_rotation)
        bone_gen.lock_rotation_w = bone.lock_rotation_w
        bone_gen.lock_rotations_4d = bone.lock_rotations_4d
        bone_gen.lock_location = tuple(bone.lock_location)
        bone_gen.lock_scale = tuple(bone.lock_scale)

        # Custom properties
        for prop in bone.keys():
            bone_gen[prop] = bone[prop]

        # Constraints
        for con1 in bone.constraints:
            con2 = bone_gen.constraints.new(type=con1.type)
            copy_attributes(con1, con2)

            # Set metarig target to rig target
            if "target" in dir(con2):
                if con2.target == metarig:
                    con2.target = obj

    # Copy drivers
    if metarig.animation_data:
        for d1 in metarig.animation_data.drivers:
            d2 = obj.driver_add(d1.data_path)
            copy_attributes(d1, d2)
            copy_attributes(d1.driver, d2.driver)

            # Remove default modifiers, variables, etc.
            for m in d2.modifiers:
            for v in d2.driver.variables:

            # Copy modifiers
            for m1 in d1.modifiers:
                m2 = d2.modifiers.new(type=m1.type)
                copy_attributes(m1, m2)

            # Copy variables
            for v1 in d1.driver.variables:
                v2 = d2.driver.variables.new()
                copy_attributes(v1, v2)
                for i in range(len(v1.targets)):
                    copy_attributes(v1.targets[i], v2.targets[i])
                    # Switch metarig targets to rig targets
                    if v2.targets[i].id == metarig:
                        v2.targets[i].id = obj

                    # Mark targets that may need to be altered after rig generation
                    tar = v2.targets[i]
                    # If a custom property
                    if v2.type == 'SINGLE_PROP' \
                    and re.match('^pose.bones\["[^"\]]*"\]\["[^"\]]*"\]$', tar.data_path):
                        tar.data_path = "RIGIFY-" + tar.data_path

            # Copy key frames
            for i in range(len(d1.keyframe_points)):
                k1 = d1.keyframe_points[i]
                k2 = d2.keyframe_points[i]
                copy_attributes(k1, k2)

    t.tick("Duplicate rig: ")
    # Make a list of the original bones so we can keep track of them.
    original_bones = [bone.name for bone in obj.data.bones]

    # Add the ORG_PREFIX to the original bones.
    for i in range(0, len(original_bones)):
        obj.data.bones[original_bones[i]].name = make_original_name(
        original_bones[i] = make_original_name(original_bones[i])

    # Create a sorted list of the original bones, sorted in the order we're
    # going to traverse them for rigging.
    # (root-most -> leaf-most, alphabetical)
    bones_sorted = []
    for name in original_bones:
        bones_sorted += [name]
    bones_sorted.sort()  # first sort by names
    bones_sorted.sort(key=lambda bone: len(obj.pose.bones[
        bone].parent_recursive))  # then parents before children

    t.tick("Make list of org bones: ")
    # Create the root bone.
    root_bone = new_bone(obj, ROOT_NAME)
    obj.data.edit_bones[root_bone].head = (0, 0, 0)
    obj.data.edit_bones[root_bone].tail = (0, 1, 0)
    obj.data.edit_bones[root_bone].roll = 0
    obj.data.bones[root_bone].layers = ROOT_LAYER
    # Put the rig_name in the armature custom properties
    rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(obj.data, "rig_id", create=True)
    obj.data["rig_id"] = rig_id

    t.tick("Create root bone: ")
        # Collect/initialize all the rigs.
        rigs = []
        deformation_rigs = []
        for bone in bones_sorted:
            rigs += get_bone_rigs(obj, bone)
        t.tick("Initialize rigs: ")

        # Generate all the rigs.
        ui_scripts = []
        for rig in rigs:
            # Go into editmode in the rig armature
            context.scene.objects.active = obj
            obj.select = True
            scripts = rig.generate()
            if scripts != None:
                ui_scripts += [scripts[0]]
        t.tick("Generate rigs: ")
    except Exception as e:
        # Cleanup if something goes wrong
        print("Rigify: failed to generate rig.")
        metarig.data.pose_position = rest_backup
        obj.data.pose_position = 'POSE'

        # Continue the exception
        raise e


    # Get a list of all the bones in the armature
    bones = [bone.name for bone in obj.data.bones]

    # Parent any free-floating bones to the root.
    for bone in bones:
        if obj.data.edit_bones[bone].parent is None:
            obj.data.edit_bones[bone].use_connect = False
            obj.data.edit_bones[bone].parent = obj.data.edit_bones[root_bone]

    # Every bone that has a name starting with "DEF-" make deforming.  All the
    # others make non-deforming.
    for bone in bones:
        if obj.data.bones[bone].name.startswith(DEF_PREFIX):
            obj.data.bones[bone].use_deform = True
            obj.data.bones[bone].use_deform = False

    # Alter marked driver targets
    for d in obj.animation_data.drivers:
        for v in d.driver.variables:
            for tar in v.targets:
                if tar.data_path.startswith("RIGIFY-"):
                    temp, bone, prop = tuple(
                        [x.strip('"]') for x in tar.data_path.split('["')])
                    if bone in obj.data.bones \
                    and prop in obj.pose.bones[bone].keys():
                        tar.data_path = tar.data_path[7:]
                        tar.data_path = 'pose.bones["%s"]["%s"]' % (
                            make_original_name(bone), prop)

    # Move all the original bones to their layer.
    for bone in original_bones:
        obj.data.bones[bone].layers = ORG_LAYER

    # Move all the bones with names starting with "MCH-" to their layer.
    for bone in bones:
        if obj.data.bones[bone].name.startswith(MCH_PREFIX):
            obj.data.bones[bone].layers = MCH_LAYER

    # Move all the bones with names starting with "DEF-" to their layer.
    for bone in bones:
        if obj.data.bones[bone].name.startswith(DEF_PREFIX):
            obj.data.bones[bone].layers = DEF_LAYER

    # Create root bone widget
    create_root_widget(obj, "root")

    # Assign shapes to bones
    # Object's with name WGT-<bone_name> get used as that bone's shape.
    for bone in bones:
        wgt_name = (WGT_PREFIX + obj.data.bones[bone].name
                    )[:21]  # Object names are limited to 21 characters... arg
        if wgt_name in context.scene.objects:
            # Weird temp thing because it won't let me index by object name
            for ob in context.scene.objects:
                if ob.name == wgt_name:
                    obj.pose.bones[bone].custom_shape = ob
            # This is what it should do:
            # obj.pose.bones[bone].custom_shape = context.scene.objects[wgt_name]
    # Reveal all the layers with control bones on them
    vis_layers = [False for n in range(0, 32)]
    for bone in bones:
        for i in range(0, 32):
            vis_layers[i] = vis_layers[i] or obj.data.bones[bone].layers[i]
    for i in range(0, 32):
        vis_layers[i] = vis_layers[i] and not (ORG_LAYER[i] or MCH_LAYER[i]
                                               or DEF_LAYER[i])
    obj.data.layers = vis_layers

    # Ensure the collection of layer names exists
    for i in range(1 + len(metarig.data.rigify_layers), 29):

    # Create list of layer name/row pairs
    layer_layout = []
    for l in metarig.data.rigify_layers:
        layer_layout += [(l.name, l.row)]

    # Generate the UI script
    if "rig_ui.py" in bpy.data.texts:
        script = bpy.data.texts["rig_ui.py"]
        script = bpy.data.texts.new("rig_ui.py")
    script.write(UI_SLIDERS % rig_id)
    for s in ui_scripts:
        script.write("\n        " + s.replace("\n", "\n        ") + "\n")
    script.write(layers_ui(vis_layers, layer_layout))
    script.use_module = True

    # Run UI script
    exec(script.as_string(), {})

    t.tick("The rest: ")
    # Deconfigure
    metarig.data.pose_position = rest_backup
    obj.data.pose_position = 'POSE'
def generate_rig(context, metarig):
    """ Generates a rig from a metarig.

    t = Timer()
    rig_id = random_string(
        12)  # Random so that different rigs don't collide id's

    # Initial configuration
    use_global_undo = context.user_preferences.edit.use_global_undo
    context.user_preferences.edit.use_global_undo = False
    mode_orig = context.mode
    rest_backup = metarig.data.pose_position
    metarig.data.pose_position = 'REST'


    scene = context.scene

    # Create/find the rig object and set it up

    # Check if the generated rig already exists, so we can
    # regenerate in the same object.  If not, create a new
    # object to generate the rig in.
    print("Fetch rig.")
        name = metarig["rig_object_name"]
    except KeyError:
        name = "rig"

        obj = scene.objects[name]
    except KeyError:
        obj = bpy.data.objects.new(name, bpy.data.armatures.new(name))
        obj.draw_type = 'WIRE'

    obj.data.pose_position = 'POSE'

    # Get rid of anim data in case the rig already existed
    print("Clear rig animation data.")

    # Select generated rig object
    metarig.select = False
    obj.select = True
    scene.objects.active = obj

    # Remove all bones from the generated rig armature.
    for bone in obj.data.edit_bones:

    # Create temporary duplicates for merging
    temp_rig_1 = metarig.copy()
    temp_rig_1.data = metarig.data.copy()

    temp_rig_2 = metarig.copy()
    temp_rig_2.data = obj.data

    # Select the temp rigs for merging
    for objt in scene.objects:
        objt.select = False  # deselect all objects
    temp_rig_1.select = True
    temp_rig_2.select = True
    scene.objects.active = temp_rig_2

    # Merge the temporary rigs

    # Delete the second temp rig

    # Select the generated rig
    for objt in scene.objects:
        objt.select = False  # deselect all objects
    obj.select = True
    scene.objects.active = obj

    # Copy over the pose_bone properties
    for bone in metarig.pose.bones:
        bone_gen = obj.pose.bones[bone.name]

        # Rotation mode and transform locks
        bone_gen.rotation_mode = bone.rotation_mode
        bone_gen.lock_rotation = tuple(bone.lock_rotation)
        bone_gen.lock_rotation_w = bone.lock_rotation_w
        bone_gen.lock_rotations_4d = bone.lock_rotations_4d
        bone_gen.lock_location = tuple(bone.lock_location)
        bone_gen.lock_scale = tuple(bone.lock_scale)

        # Custom properties
        for prop in bone.keys():
            bone_gen[prop] = bone[prop]

    # Copy over bone properties
    for bone in metarig.data.bones:
        bone_gen = obj.data.bones[bone.name]

        # B-bone stuff
        bone_gen.bbone_segments = bone.bbone_segments
        bone_gen.bbone_in = bone.bbone_in
        bone_gen.bbone_out = bone.bbone_out

    t.tick("Duplicate rig: ")
    # Make a list of the original bones so we can keep track of them.
    original_bones = [bone.name for bone in obj.data.bones]

    # Add the ORG_PREFIX to the original bones.
    for i in range(0, len(original_bones)):
        obj.data.bones[original_bones[i]].name = make_original_name(
        original_bones[i] = make_original_name(original_bones[i])

    # Create a sorted list of the original bones, sorted in the order we're
    # going to traverse them for rigging.
    # (root-most -> leaf-most, alphabetical)
    bones_sorted = []
    for name in original_bones:
        bones_sorted += [name]
    bones_sorted.sort()  # first sort by names
    bones_sorted.sort(key=lambda bone: len(obj.pose.bones[
        bone].parent_recursive))  # then parents before children

    t.tick("Make list of org bones: ")
    # Create the root bone.
    root_bone = new_bone(obj, ROOT_NAME)
    obj.data.edit_bones[root_bone].head = (0, 0, 0)
    obj.data.edit_bones[root_bone].tail = (0, 1, 0)
    obj.data.edit_bones[root_bone].roll = 0
    obj.data.bones[root_bone].layers = ROOT_LAYER
    # Put the rig_name in the armature custom properties
    rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(obj.data, "rig_id", create=True)
    obj.data["rig_id"] = rig_id

    t.tick("Create root bone: ")
        # Collect/initialize all the rigs.
        rigs = []
        deformation_rigs = []
        for bone in bones_sorted:
            rigs += get_bone_rigs(obj, bone)
        t.tick("Initialize rigs: ")

        # Generate all the rigs.
        ui_scripts = []
        for rig in rigs:
            # Go into editmode in the rig armature
            context.scene.objects.active = obj
            obj.select = True
            scripts = rig.generate()
            if scripts != None:
                ui_scripts += [scripts[0]]
        t.tick("Generate rigs: ")
    except Exception as e:
        # Cleanup if something goes wrong
        print("Rigify: failed to generate rig.")
        context.user_preferences.edit.use_global_undo = use_global_undo
        metarig.data.pose_position = rest_backup
        obj.data.pose_position = 'POSE'

        # Continue the exception
        raise e


    # Get a list of all the bones in the armature
    bones = [bone.name for bone in obj.data.bones]

    # Parent any free-floating bones to the root.
    for bone in bones:
        if obj.data.edit_bones[bone].parent == None:
            obj.data.edit_bones[bone].use_connect = False
            obj.data.edit_bones[bone].parent = obj.data.edit_bones[root_bone]

    # Every bone that has a name starting with "DEF-" make deforming.  All the
    # others make non-deforming.
    for bone in bones:
        if obj.data.bones[bone].name.startswith(DEF_PREFIX):
            obj.data.bones[bone].use_deform = True
            obj.data.bones[bone].use_deform = False

    # Move all the original bones to their layer.
    for bone in original_bones:
        obj.data.bones[bone].layers = ORG_LAYER

    # Move all the bones with names starting with "MCH-" to their layer.
    for bone in bones:
        if obj.data.bones[bone].name.startswith(MCH_PREFIX):
            obj.data.bones[bone].layers = MCH_LAYER

    # Move all the bones with names starting with "DEF-" to their layer.
    for bone in bones:
        if obj.data.bones[bone].name.startswith(DEF_PREFIX):
            obj.data.bones[bone].layers = DEF_LAYER

    # Create root bone widget
    create_root_widget(obj, "root")

    # Assign shapes to bones
    # Object's with name WGT-<bone_name> get used as that bone's shape.
    for bone in bones:
        wgt_name = (WGT_PREFIX + obj.data.bones[bone].name
                    )[:21]  # Object names are limited to 21 characters... arg
        if wgt_name in context.scene.objects:
            # Weird temp thing because it won't let me index by object name
            for ob in context.scene.objects:
                if ob.name == wgt_name:
                    obj.pose.bones[bone].custom_shape = ob
            # This is what it should do:
            # obj.pose.bones[bone].custom_shape = context.scene.objects[wgt_name]
    # Reveal all the layers with control bones on them
    vis_layers = [False for n in range(0, 32)]
    for bone in bones:
        for i in range(0, 32):
            vis_layers[i] = vis_layers[i] or obj.data.bones[bone].layers[i]
    for i in range(0, 32):
        vis_layers[i] = vis_layers[i] and not (ORG_LAYER[i] or MCH_LAYER[i]
                                               or DEF_LAYER[i])
    obj.data.layers = vis_layers

    # Generate the UI script
    if "rig_ui.py" in bpy.data.texts:
        script = bpy.data.texts["rig_ui.py"]
        script = bpy.data.texts.new("rig_ui.py")
    script.write(UI_SLIDERS % rig_id)
    for s in ui_scripts:
        script.write("\n        " + s.replace("\n", "\n        ") + "\n")
    script.use_module = True

    t.tick("The rest: ")
    # Deconfigure
    metarig.data.pose_position = rest_backup
    obj.data.pose_position = 'POSE'
    context.user_preferences.edit.use_global_undo = use_global_undo