예제 #1
파일: ownership.py 프로젝트: reiterl/ringo
def ownership(request, callback=None, renderers=None):
    """Base method to handle requests to change the ownership.

    :request: Current request
    :callback: Current function which is called after the item has been read.
    :returns: Dictionary.
    clazz = request.context.__model__
    item_label = get_item_modul(request, clazz).get_label()
    form = get_ownership_form(request)
    if request.POST:
        item = get_item_from_request(request)
        old_gid = str(item.gid)
        old_uid = str(item.uid)
        new_gid = str(request.params.get('group'))
        new_uid = str(request.params.get('owner'))
        if handle_POST_request(form, request, callback, 'update', renderers):
            if old_uid != new_uid:
                log_msg = u'User {user.login} changed uid of {item_label} '\
                          '{item.id} from {old} -> {new}'\
                          .format(item_label=item_label, item=item,
                                  user=request.user, old=old_uid, new=new_uid)
            if old_gid != new_gid:
                log_msg = u'User {user.login} changed gid of {item_label} '\
                          '{item.id} from {old} -> {new}'\
                          .format(item_label=item_label, item=item,
                                  user=request.user, old=old_gid, new=new_gid)
            return handle_redirect_on_success(request)
    rvalues = get_return_value(request)
    rvalues['form'] = get_rendered_ownership_form(request)
    return rvalues
예제 #2
def ownership(request, callback=None, renderers=None):
    """Base method to handle requests to change the ownership.

    :request: Current request
    :callback: Current function which is called after the item has been read.
    :returns: Dictionary.
    clazz = request.context.__model__
    item_label = get_item_modul(request, clazz).get_label()
    form = get_ownership_form(request)
    if request.POST:
        item = get_item_from_request(request)
        old_gid = str(item.gid)
        old_uid = str(item.uid)
        new_gid = str(request.params.get('group'))
        new_uid = str(request.params.get('owner'))
        if handle_POST_request(form, request, callback, 'update', renderers):
            if old_uid != new_uid:
                log_msg = u'User {user.login} changed uid of {item_label} '\
                          '{item.id} from {old} -> {new}'\
                          .format(item_label=item_label, item=item, 
                                  user=request.user, old=old_uid, new=new_uid)
            if old_gid != new_gid:
                log_msg = u'User {user.login} changed gid of {item_label} '\
                          '{item.id} from {old} -> {new}'\
                          .format(item_label=item_label, item=item, 
                                  user=request.user, old=old_gid, new=new_gid)
            return handle_redirect_on_success(request)
    rvalues = get_return_value(request)
    rvalues['form'] = get_rendered_ownership_form(request)
    return rvalues
예제 #3
def mapdata(request):
    """Will return the track data of the activity as Geojson."""
    item = get_item_from_request(request)
    if item.has_streams:
        gj = a2gj(item)
        gj = {}
    return JSONResponse(True, gj)
예제 #4
def _read(request):
    """If activity is not completely synced. Than sync it when opening"""
    item = get_item_from_request(request)
    if not item.has_streams:
        request.item = sync_activity(request)
        _ = request.translate
        msg = _('The activity was successfully synchronized with Strava')
        request.session.flash(msg, "success")
    return read(request)
예제 #5
파일: read.py 프로젝트: reiterl/ringo
def rest_read(request, callback=None):
    """Base method to handle read requests on the REST interface.
    Returns a JSON object of a specific item.

    :request: Current request
    :callback: Current function which is called after the item has been read.
    :returns: JSON object.
    handle_callback(request, callback, mode="pre,default")
    return JSONResponse(True, get_item_from_request(request))
예제 #6
def rest_read(request, callback=None):
    """Base method to handle read requests on the REST interface.
    Returns a JSON object of a specific item.

    :request: Current request
    :callback: Current function which is called after the item has been read.
    :returns: JSON object.
    handle_callback(request, callback)
    return JSONResponse(True, get_item_from_request(request))
예제 #7
파일: delete.py 프로젝트: reiterl/ringo
def rest_delete(request, callback=None):
    """Deletes an item of type clazz. The item is deleted based on the
    unique id value provided in the matchtict object in the current
    DELETE request. The data will be deleted without any futher confirmation!

    :clazz: Class of item to delete
    :request: Current request
    :returns: JSON object.
    item = get_item_from_request(request)
    return JSONResponse(True, item)
예제 #8
def rest_delete(request, callback=None):
    """Deletes an item of type clazz. The item is deleted based on the
    unique id value provided in the matchtict object in the current
    DELETE request. The data will be deleted without any futher confirmation!

    :clazz: Class of item to delete
    :request: Current request
    :returns: JSON object.
    item = get_item_from_request(request)
    return JSONResponse(True, item)
예제 #9
def build_breadcrumbs(request, sitetree):
    """Will return a list of breadcrumbs based on the current request
    and the given sitetree.

    :request: Current request
    :sitetree: dictionary of the sitetree
    :returns: List of breadcrumbs.
    # Only build the sitemap if the modul is part of the sitemap and an
    # item is actually selected
    from ringo.views.request import get_item_from_request
    pip = request.path_info_peek()
    if pip in sitetree:
        if request.matchdict:
            item = get_item_from_request(request)
            path = walk_site_tree(sitetree, pip, item, request)
            request.session["breadcrumbs"] = path
            if request.path.find("create") > -1:
                item = get_item_from_request(request)
                modul = get_item_modul(request, item)
                path = request.session.get("breadcrumbs", [])
                return list(reversed(path)) + [(modul.get_label(), None)]
            # Reset the breadcrumbs for any other url. This means the
            # breadcrumbs are reseted every time the user calls an
            # overview page e.g. As the overview pages are usually the
            # entry point for a new working proccess the previous
            # context is lost so the breadcrumbs are.
            request.session["breadcrumbs"] = []
            return []
        request.session["breadcrumbs"] = []
        return []

    path = list(reversed(path))
    if path:
        path[-1] = (path[-1][0], None)
    return path
예제 #10
def build_breadcrumbs(request, sitetree):
    """Will return a list of breadcrumbs based on the current request
    and the given sitetree.

    :request: Current request
    :sitetree: dictionary of the sitetree
    :returns: List of breadcrumbs.
    # Only build the sitemap if the modul is part of the sitemap and an
    # item is actually selected
    from ringo.views.request import get_item_from_request
    pip = request.path_info_peek()
    if pip in sitetree:
        if request.matchdict:
            item = get_item_from_request(request)
            path = walk_site_tree(sitetree, pip, item, request)
            request.session["breadcrumbs"] = path
            if request.path.find("create") > -1:
                item = get_item_from_request(request)
                modul = get_item_modul(request, item)
                path = request.session.get("breadcrumbs", [])
                return list(reversed(path)) + [(modul.get_label(), None)]
            # Reset the breadcrumbs for any other url. This means the
            # breadcrumbs are reseted every time the user calls an
            # overview page e.g. As the overview pages are usually the
            # entry point for a new working proccess the previous
            # context is lost so the breadcrumbs are.
            request.session["breadcrumbs"] = []
            return []
        request.session["breadcrumbs"] = []
        return []

    path = list(reversed(path))
    if path:
        path[-1] = (path[-1][0], None)
    return path
예제 #11
def print_(request):
    item = get_item_from_request(request)
    renderer = PrintDialogRenderer(request, item)
    form = renderer.form
    if (request.method == 'POST' and is_confirmed(request)
            and form.validate(request.params)):
        template = form.data.get('printtemplates')[0]
        out = _render_template(request, template, item)
        return _build_final_response(out, request, template)
        clazz = item.__class__
        rvalue = {}
        rvalue['dialog'] = renderer.render()
        rvalue['clazz'] = clazz
        rvalue['item'] = item
        return rvalue
예제 #12
def restore(request):
    clazz = request.context.__model__
    _ = request.translate
    item = get_item_from_request(request)
    item_label = get_item_modul(request, clazz).get_label(plural=True)
    mapping = {'item_type': item_label, 'item': item}
    item.trash_state_id = 1
    route_name = get_action_routename(item, 'update')
    url = request.route_path(route_name, id=item.id)

    msg = _('Restored ${item} from trash successfully.', mapping=mapping)
    log_msg = u'User {user.login} restored {item_label} {item.id}'.format(
        item_label=item_label, item=item, user=request.user)
    request.session.flash(msg, 'success')

    return HTTPFound(location=url)
예제 #13
파일: sprints.py 프로젝트: toirl/plorma
def burndown_view(request):
    """Returns a SVG grafic representing the burndown chart of the sprint"""
    _ = request.translate
    sprint = get_item_from_request(request)
    chart = pygal.Line(height=200,
    chart.x_labels = map(str, get_x_labels(sprint))
    history = get_estimate_history(sprint)
    chart.add(_('Progress'), history)

    ideal = map(lambda x: None, range(0, len(history)))
    ideal[-1] = 0
    ideal[0]  = sprint.size or history[0]
    chart.add(_('Ideal'), ideal)
    response = Response(chart.render(), content_type="image/svg+xml")
    return response
예제 #14
파일: strava.py 프로젝트: toirl/trainable
def sync_activity(request):
    activity = get_item_from_request(request)
    client = Client(access_token=get_access_token(request))
    strava = client.get_activity(activity.strava_id)

    # Sync description this is not included in the activity overview.
    if strava.description:
        activity.description = strava.description

    # Activities can have many streams, you can request desired stream types
    # 'time', 'latlng', 'altitude', 'heartrate', 'temp'
    types = [
        'time', 'latlng', 'distance', 'altitude', 'velocity_smooth',
        'heartrate', 'cadence', 'watts', 'temp', 'moving', 'grade_smooth'
    streams = client.get_activity_streams(activity.strava_id, types=types)
    if "time" in streams:
        activity.time_stream = streams["time"].data
    if "latlng" in streams:
        activity.latlng_stream = streams["latlng"].data
    if "distance" in streams:
        activity.distance_stream = streams["distance"].data
    if "altitude" in streams:
        activity.altitude_stream = streams["altitude"].data
    if "velocity_smooth" in streams:
        activity.velocity_smooth_stream = streams["velocity_smooth"].data
    if "heartrate" in streams:
        activity.heartrate_stream = streams["heartrate"].data
    if "cadence" in streams:
        activity.cadence_stream = streams["cadence"].data
    if "watts" in streams:
        activity.watts_stream = streams["watts"].data
    if "temp" in streams:
        activity.temp_stream = streams["temp"].data
    if "moving" in streams:
        activity.moving_stream = streams["moving"].data
    if "grade_smooth" in streams:
        activity.grade_smoth_stream = streams["grade_smooth"].data
    return activity
예제 #15
def rest_update(request, callback=None):
    """Updates an item of type clazz. The item is loaded based on the
    unique id value provided in the matchtict object in the current
    request. The item will be updated with the data submitted in the
    current PUT request. Before updating the item the data will be
    validated against the "update" form of the item. If the validation
    fails the item will not be updated. In all cases the item is return as
    JSON object with the item and updated values back to the client. The
    JSON Response will include further details on the reason why the
    validation failed.

    :request: Current request
    :returns: JSON object.
    item = get_item_from_request(request)
    form = get_item_form('update', request)
    if form.validate(request.params):
        item.save(form.data, request)
        return JSONResponse(True, item)
        # Validation fails! return item
        return JSONResponse(False, item)
예제 #16
파일: update.py 프로젝트: reiterl/ringo
def rest_update(request, callback=None):
    """Updates an item of type clazz. The item is loaded based on the
    unique id value provided in the matchtict object in the current
    request. The item will be updated with the data submitted in the
    current PUT request. Before updating the item the data will be
    validated against the "update" form of the item. If the validation
    fails the item will not be updated. In all cases the item is return as
    JSON object with the item and updated values back to the client. The
    JSON Response will include further details on the reason why the
    validation failed.

    :request: Current request
    :returns: JSON object.
    item = get_item_from_request(request)
    form = get_item_form('update', request)
    if form.validate(request.params):
        item.save(form.data, request)
        return JSONResponse(True, item)
        # Validation fails! return item
        return JSONResponse(False, item)
예제 #17
파일: delete.py 프로젝트: reiterl/ringo
def delete(request, callback=None):
    item = get_item_from_request(request)
    return _handle_delete_request(request, [item], callback)
예제 #18
def anonymize(request):
    item = get_item_from_request(request)
    return _handle_anonymize_request(request, [item])
예제 #19
def delete(request, callback=None):
    item = get_item_from_request(request)
    return _handle_delete_request(request, [item], callback)
예제 #20
def evaluate(request):
    item = get_item_from_request(request)
    return _handle_evaluation_request(request, [item])