예제 #1
    def get_output(self, packet: GameTickPacket) -> SimpleControllerState:

        # Read packet
        if not self.data.field_info_loaded:
            if not self.data.field_info_loaded:
                return SimpleControllerState()

        # Check if match is over
        if packet.game_info.is_match_ended:
            return celebrate(self)


        # This is where the logic happens
        ctrl = self.use_brain()

        # Additional rendering
        draw_ball_path(self, 4, 5)
        car_pos = self.data.my_car.pos
        self.renderer.draw_string_3d(car_pos, 1, 1,
        if self.data.car_spiking_ball is not None:
                self.data.car_spiking_ball.pos + Vec3(z=20), 30, 30, True,

        # Save some stuff for next frame

        return ctrl
예제 #2
    def get_output_flatbuffer(self, game_tick_flatbuffer):
        if game_tick_flatbuffer is None or game_tick_flatbuffer.PlayersLength(
        ) - 1 < self.index:
            friendly_state = SimpleControllerState()
            friendly_state = self.get_output(game_tick_flatbuffer)

        builder = flatbuffers.Builder(0)

        ControllerState.ControllerStateAddSteer(builder, friendly_state.steer)
        ControllerState.ControllerStateAddPitch(builder, friendly_state.pitch)
        ControllerState.ControllerStateAddYaw(builder, friendly_state.yaw)
        ControllerState.ControllerStateAddRoll(builder, friendly_state.roll)
        ControllerState.ControllerStateAddJump(builder, friendly_state.jump)
        ControllerState.ControllerStateAddBoost(builder, friendly_state.boost)
        controller_state = ControllerState.ControllerStateEnd(builder)

        PlayerInput.PlayerInputAddPlayerIndex(builder, self.index)
        PlayerInput.PlayerInputAddControllerState(builder, controller_state)
        player_input = PlayerInput.PlayerInputEnd(builder)


        return builder
예제 #3
 def get_output(self,
                game_tick_packet: GameTickPacket) -> SimpleControllerState:
     seconds = game_tick_packet.game_info.seconds_elapsed
     controller_state = SimpleControllerState()
     controller_state.steer = 0
     controller_state.handbrake = 0
     return controller_state
예제 #4
 def __init__(self, name, team, index):
     super().__init__(name, team, index)
     self.info = GameInfo(index, team)
     self.last_turn_time = 0
     self.controls = SimpleControllerState()
     self.controls.throttle = 1
     self.controls.boost = 1
예제 #5
    def __init__(self, name, team, index):
        self.index = index
        self.controller = SimpleControllerState()

        # Contants
        self.DODGE_TIME = 0.2
        self.DISTANCE_TO_DODGE = 500

        # Controller inputs
        self.throttle = 0
        self.steer = 0
        self.pitch = 0
        self.yaw = 0
        self.roll = 0
        self.boost = False
        self.jump = False
        self.powerslide = False

        # Game values
        self.bot_pos = None
        self.bot_rot = None
        self.ball_pos = None
        self.bot_yaw = None

        # Dodging
        self.should_dodge = False
        self.on_second_jump = False
        self.next_dodge_time = 0
예제 #6
    def __init__(self, name, team, index):
        super().__init__(name, team, index)

        import torch
        sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(
            os.path.abspath(__file__)))  # this is for separate process imports
        from examples.levi.torch_model import SymmetricModel
        self.ga = GeneticAlgorithm()
        self.Model = SymmetricModel
        self.torch = torch
        self.controller_state = SimpleControllerState()
        self.frame = 0  # frame counter for timed reset
        self.brain = 0  # bot counter for generation reset
        self.pop = 10  # population for bot looping
        self.num_best = 5
        self.gen = 0
        self.pos = 0
        self.max_frames = 5000
        self.bot_list = [self.Model() for _ in range(self.pop)
                         ]  # list of Individual() objects
        self.bot_list[-self.num_best:] = [
        ] * self.num_best  # make sure last bots are the same
        self.bot_fitness = [0] * self.pop
        self.fittest = None  # fittest object
        self.mut_rate = 0.2  # mutation rate
        self.distance_to_ball = [
        ] * self.max_frames  # set high for easy minimum
        self.input_formatter = LeviInputFormatter(team, index)
        self.output_formatter = LeviOutputFormatter(index)
예제 #7
def frugalController(agent, target, speed):
    controller_state = SimpleControllerState()
    location = toLocal(target, agent.me)
    angle_to_target = math.atan2(location.data[1], location.data[0])

    controller_state.steer = steer(angle_to_target)

    speed -= ((angle_to_target**2) * 300)
    current_speed = velocity1D(agent.me).data[1]
    if current_speed < speed:
        controller_state.throttle = 1.0
    elif current_speed - 50 > speed:
        controller_state.throttle = -1.0
        controller_state.throttle = 0

    time_difference = time.time() - agent.start
    if time_difference > 2.2 and distance2D(
            target, agent.me) > (velocity2D(agent.me) * 2.3) and abs(
            ) < 0.9 and current_speed < speed and current_speed > 220:
        agent.start = time.time()
    elif time_difference <= 0.1:
        controller_state.jump = True
        controller_state.pitch = -1
    elif time_difference >= 0.1 and time_difference <= 0.15:
        controller_state.jump = False
        controller_state.pitch = -1
    elif time_difference > 0.15 and time_difference < 1:
        controller_state.jump = True
        controller_state.yaw = controller_state.steer
        controller_state.pitch = -1

    return controller_state
예제 #8
def fix_orientation(data: Data, point=None):
    controller = SimpleControllerState()

    strength = 0.22
    ori = data.car.orientation

    if point is None and data.car.velocity.flat().length2() != 0:
        point = data.car.location + data.car.velocity.flat().rescale(500)

    pitch_error = -ori.pitch * strength
    controller.pitch = data.agent.pid_pitch.calc(pitch_error)

    roll_error = -ori.roll * strength
    controller.roll = data.agent.pid_roll.calc(roll_error)

    if point is not None:
        # yaw rotation can f up the other's so we scale it down until we are more confident about landing on the wheels
        car_to_point = point - data.car.location
        yaw_error = ori.front.ang_to_flat(car_to_point) * strength * 1.5
        land_on_wheels01 = 1 - ori.up.ang_to(UP) / (math.pi * 2)
        controller.yaw = data.agent.pid_yaw.calc(yaw_error) * (land_on_wheels01

    # !
    controller.throttle = 1
    return controller
예제 #9
def go_to_and_stop(data: Data, point, boost=True, slide=True):
    controller_state = SimpleControllerState()

    car_to_point = point - data.car.location
    point_rel = data.car.relative_location(point)
    dist = car_to_point.length()
    steer_correction_radians = point_rel.ang()

    set_normal_steering_and_slide(controller_state, steer_correction_radians,
                                  dist, slide)

    vel_f = data.car.velocity.proj_onto_size(data.car.orientation.front)
    ex_brake_dist = (vel_f**2) / 2800
    if dist > ex_brake_dist * 1.05:
        controller_state.throttle = 1
        if dist > ex_brake_dist * 1.5 and boost:
            if not data.car.is_on_wall and not controller_state.handbrake and data.car.velocity.length(
            ) < 2000:
                if is_heading_towards2(steer_correction_radians,
                    if data.car.orientation.up.ang_to(UP) < math.pi * 0.3:
                        controller_state.boost = True
    elif dist < ex_brake_dist:
        controller_state.throttle = -1

    return controller_state
예제 #10
def go_towards_point_with_timing(data: Data,
                                 point: Vec3,
                                 eta: float,
    controller_state = SimpleControllerState()

    car_to_point = point - data.car.location
    point_rel = data.car.relative_location(point)
    steer_correction_radians = point_rel.ang()
    dist = car_to_point.length()

    set_normal_steering_and_slide(controller_state, steer_correction_radians,
                                  dist, slide)

    vel_f = data.car.velocity.proj_onto(car_to_point).length()
    avg_vel_f = dist / eta
    target_vel_f = rlmath.lerp(vel_f, avg_vel_f, alpha)

    if vel_f < target_vel_f:
        controller_state.throttle = 1.0
        # boost?
        if target_vel_f > 1410:
            if not data.car.is_on_wall and not controller_state.handbrake and data.car.velocity.length(
            ) < 2000:
                if is_heading_towards2(steer_correction_radians, dist):
                    if data.car.orientation.up.ang_to(UP) < math.pi * 0.3:
                        controller_state.boost = True
    elif (vel_f - target_vel_f) > 80:
        controller_state.throttle = -0.6
    elif (vel_f - target_vel_f) > 100:
        controller_state.throttle = -1.0

    return controller_state
예제 #11
def reach_point_with_timing_and_vel(data: Data,
                                    point: Vec3,
                                    eta: float,
                                    vel_d: float,
    controller_state = SimpleControllerState()

    car_to_point = point.flat() - data.car.location
    point_rel = data.car.relative_location(point)
    steer_correction_radians = point_rel.ang()
    dist = car_to_point.length()

    set_normal_steering_and_slide(controller_state, steer_correction_radians,
                                  dist, slide)

    vel_f = data.car.velocity.proj_onto(car_to_point).length()
    acc_f = -2 * (2 * vel_f * eta + eta * vel_d - 3 * dist) / (eta * eta)
    if abs(steer_correction_radians) > 1:
        acc_f = acc_f * steer_correction_radians * steer_correction_radians

    force = acc_f / (1410 - vel_f)

    controller_state.throttle = min(max(-1, force), 1)
    # boost?
    if force > 1:
        if not data.car.is_on_wall and not controller_state.handbrake and data.car.velocity.length(
        ) < 2000:
            if is_heading_towards2(steer_correction_radians, dist):
                if data.car.orientation.up.ang_to(UP) < math.pi * 0.3:
                    controller_state.boost = True

    return controller_state
예제 #12
    def get_output(self, packet: GameTickPacket) -> SimpleControllerState:
        # Read packet
        if not self.info.field_info_loaded:
            if not self.info.field_info_loaded:
                return SimpleControllerState()

        self.info.read_packet(packet, self.get_field_info())

        self.time = self.info.time
        dt = self.time - self.prev_time
        self.prev_time = self.time

        draw_debug(self.renderer, self.info.my_car, self.info.ball, self)

        # choose maneuver
        if self.maneuver is None:
            self.maneuver = self.choose_maneuver()

        if self.maneuver is not None:
            self.controls = self.maneuver.controls

            if self.maneuver.finished:
                self.maneuver = None


        return self.controls
예제 #13
    def initialize_agent(self):

        self.interpreter = None

        cwd = os.getcwd()

        path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))


        env = Env()
        env.io = IOCallbacksStorageConstructor(get_input, on_output, on_finish,
                                               on_error, on_microtick)
        env.io.env = env

        program_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(FILE_NAME))
        with open(FILE_NAME, encoding='utf-8') as file:
            program = file.read()

        self.interpreter = AsciiDotsInterpreter(env, program, program_dir,

        self.p_time = 0

        self.game_packet = []
        self.controller_state = SimpleControllerState()

예제 #14
    def exec(self, bot) -> SimpleControllerState:
        ct = bot.info.time - self._start_time
        controls = SimpleControllerState()
        controls.throttle = 1

        car = bot.info.my_car

        # Target is allowed to be a function that takes bot as a parameter. Check what it is
        if callable(self.target):
            target = self.target(bot)
            target = self.target

        # To boost or not to boost, that is the question
        car_to_target = target - car.pos
        vel_p = proj_onto_size(car.vel, car_to_target)
        angle = angle_between(car_to_target, car.forward)
        controls.boost = self.boost and angle < self._boost_ang_req and vel_p < self._max_speed

        # States of dodge (note reversed order)
        # Land on ground
        if ct >= self._t_finishing:
            self._almost_finished = True
            if car.on_ground:
                self.done = True
                bot.maneuver = RecoveryManeuver(bot)
                self.done = True
            return controls
        elif ct >= self._t_second_unjump:
            # Stop pressing jump and rotate and wait for flip is done
        elif ct >= self._t_aim:
            if ct >= self._t_second_jump:
                controls.jump = 1

            # Direction, yaw, pitch, roll
            if self.target is None:
                controls.roll = 0
                controls.pitch = -1
                controls.yaw = 0
                target_local = dot(car_to_target, car.rot)
                target_local.z = 0

                direction = normalize(target_local)

                controls.roll = 0
                controls.pitch = -direction.x
                controls.yaw = sign(car.rot.get(2, 2)) * direction.y

        # Stop pressing jump
        elif ct >= self._t_first_unjump:

        # First jump
            controls.jump = 1

        return controls
예제 #15
def deltaC(info: Info, target: Vector3, jt): #this controller takes a vector containing the required acceleration to reach a target, and then gets the car there
    c = SimpleControllerState()
    target_local = info.car_matrix.dot(target)
    if info.car.has_wheel_contact: #if on the ground
        if jt + 1.5 > info.game_time: #if we haven't jumped in the last 1.5 seconds
            c.jump = True
            c.jump = False
            jt = info.game_time
        c.steer,c.yaw,c.pitch,c.roll,error = default_pd(info, target_local, True)
        if target.length > 25: #stops boosting when "close enough"
            c.boost = True
        if error > 0.9: #don't boost if we're not facing the right way
            c.boost = False
        tsj = info.game_time - jt #time since jump
        if tsj < 0.215:
            c.jump = True
        elif tsj < 0.25:
            c.jump = False
        elif tsj >=0.25 and tsj < 0.27 and target.z > 560: #considers a double-jump if we still need to go up a lot
            c.jump = True
            c.boost = False
            c.yaw = c.pitch = c.roll = 0
            c.jump = False
        c.throttle = 1
    return c, jt
예제 #16
def get_controls(game_info, sub_state_machine):

    controls = SimpleControllerState()
    controls = FrontDodge(game_info.me).input()

    persistent = game_info.persistent
    return controls, persistent
예제 #17
 def __init__(self):
     self.controls = SimpleControllerState()
     self.dodge = None
     self.last_point = None
     self.last_dodge_end_time = 0
     self.dodge_cooldown = 0.26
     self.recovery = None
예제 #18
    def __init__(self, name, team, index):
        super().__init__(name, team, index)
        self.controller = SimpleControllerState()
        #TODO read from cfg instead of hardcoding
        # Game values
        self.logger.info("\n\nMy car index is {}\n\n".format(self.index))
        self.bot_pos = None
        self.bot_vel = None
        self.bot_yaw = None
        self.bot_to_ball = 0
        # Contants
        self.scale = 1
        if self.team == 0:
            self.scale = -1
        self.TEAM_OFFSET = 75
        if self.team == 0:
            self.TEAM_OFFSET = -75
        self.DODGE_TIME = 0.2
        self.DODGE_HEIGHT = 300
        self.DISTANCE_TO_DODGE = 550
        self.DISTANCE_FROM_BALL_TO_BOOST = 1500  # The minimum distance the ball needs to be away from the bot for the bot to boost
        # The angle (from the front of the bot to the ball) at 1which the bot should start to powerslide.
        self.POWERSLIDE_ANGLE = 3

        # Dodging
        self.should_dodge = False
        self.on_second_jump = False
        self.next_dodge_time = 0
예제 #19
파일: diablo.py 프로젝트: meckern/RLBotPack
 def initialize_agent(self):
     self.controller_state = SimpleControllerState()
     self.me = physicsObject()
     self.ball = physicsObject()
     self.me.team = self.team
     self.allies = []
     self.enemies = []
     self.start = 5
     self.flipStart = 0
     self.flipping = False
     self.controller = None
     self.flipTimer = time.time()
     self.activeState = Kickoff(self)
     self.gameInfo = None
     self.onSurface = False
     self.boosts = []
     self.fieldInfo = []
     self.positions = []
     self.time = 0
     self.deltaTime = 0
     self.maxSpd = 2200
     self.ballPred = []
     self.selectedBallPred = None
     self.ballDelay = 0
     self.renderCalls = []
     self.ballPredObj = None
     self.carHeight = 84
     self.forward = True
     self.velAngle = 0
     self.onWall = False
     self.stateTimer = time.time()
     self.contested = True
     self.flipTimer = time.time()
     self.goalPred = None
예제 #20
    def begin_front_flip(self, packet, angle=0.0, right=1):
        # Do a flip. We will be committed to this for a few seconds and the bot will ignore other
        # logic during that time because we are setting the active_sequence.
        mult = 1
        if right < 0:
            mult = -1
        rad = math.radians(0)  # set to 0 for now
        self.active_sequence = Sequence([
            ControlStep(duration=0.05, controls=SimpleControllerState(jump=True)),
            ControlStep(duration=0.05, controls=SimpleControllerState(jump=False)),
            ControlStep(duration=0.1, controls=SimpleControllerState(jump=True, pitch=-math.cos(rad), yaw=mult * math.sin(rad))),
            ControlStep(duration=0.8, controls=SimpleControllerState()),

        # Return the controls associated with the beginning of the sequence so we can start right away.
        return self.active_sequence.tick(packet)
예제 #21
    def get_output(self, packet: GameTickPacket) -> SimpleControllerState:
        # Read packet
        if not self.info.field_info_loaded:
            if not self.info.field_info_loaded:
                return SimpleControllerState()

        # Check if match is over
        if packet.game_info.is_match_ended:
            return moves.celebrate(self)  # Assuming we win!


        controller = self.use_brain()

        # Additional rendering
        if self.do_rendering:
            draw_ball_path(self, 4, 5)
            doing = self.maneuver or self.choice
            if doing is not None:
                status_str = f'{self.name}: {doing.__class__.__name__}'
                    300, 700 + self.index * 20, 1, 1, status_str,


        # Save some stuff for next tick

        return controller
예제 #22
파일: States.py 프로젝트: matevzjecl/RLBOT
def exampleController(agent, target_object, target_speed):
    location = toLocal(target_object, agent.me)
    controller_state = SimpleControllerState()
    angle_to_ball = math.atan2(location.data[1], location.data[0])

    current_speed = velocity2D(agent.me)
    controller_state.steer = steer(angle_to_ball)

    if target_speed > current_speed:
        controller_state.throttle = 1.0
        if target_speed > 1400 and agent.start > 2.2 and current_speed < 2250:
            controller_state.boost = True
    elif target_speed < current_speed:
        controller_state.throttle = 0

    time_difference = time.time() - agent.start
    if time_difference > 2.2 and distance2D(target_object, agent.me) > (
            velocity2D(agent.me) * 2.5) and abs(angle_to_ball) < 1.3:
        agent.start = time.time()
    elif time_difference <= 0.1:
        controller_state.jump = True
        controller_state.pitch = -1
    elif time_difference >= 0.1 and time_difference <= 0.15:
        controller_state.jump = False
        controller_state.pitch = -1
    elif time_difference > 0.15 and time_difference < 1:
        controller_state.jump = True
        controller_state.yaw = controller_state.steer
        controller_state.pitch = -1

    return controller_state
예제 #23
    def initialize_agent(self):
        mutators = self.get_match_settings().MutatorSettings()

        gravity = [
            Vector3(0, 0, -650),
            Vector3(0, 0, -325),
            Vector3(0, 0, -1137.5),
            Vector3(0, 0, -3250)

        self.gravity = gravity[mutators.GravityOption()]

        #A list of cars for both teammates and opponents
        self.friends = []
        self.foes = []
        #This holds the carobject for our agent
        self.me = car_object(self.index)

        self.ball = ball_object()
        self.game = game_object()
        #A list of boosts
        self.boosts = []
        self.friend_goal = goal_object(self.team)
        self.foe_goal = goal_object(not self.team)
        #A list that acts as the routines stack
        self.stack = []
        #Game time
        self.time = 0.0
        #Whether or not GoslingAgent has run its get_ready() function
        self.ready = False
        #the controller that is returned to the framework after every tick
        self.controller = SimpleControllerState()
        #a flag that tells us when kickoff is happening
        self.kickoff_flag = False
예제 #24
def CeilingRushController(
        agent, target_object1,
        target_object2):  #target_object es un objeto tipo obj
    controller_state = SimpleControllerState()
    '''if distance2D(agent.me,agent.pointA)<distance2D(agent.me,agent.pointB) and agent.me.location.data[2]>2800:
            target_object = target_object2
            location = agent.pointB.local_location
            angle_to_target = math.atan2(location.data[1],location.data[0])
            target_object = target_object1
            location = agent.pointA.local_location
            angle_to_target = math.atan2(location.data[1],location.data[0])'''
    target_object = target_object1
    location = agent.pointA.local_location
    angle_to_target = math.atan2(location.data[1], location.data[0])
    draw_debug(agent, agent.renderer, target_object.location.data)
    angle_velocity = math.atan2(agent.me.velocity.data[1],

    current_speed = velocity2D(agent.me)
    if abs(angle_to_target) < math.pi / 4:
        controller_state.handbrake = False
    elif abs(angle_to_target) < math.pi and abs(angle_to_target) > math.pi / 2:
        controller_state.handbrake = True
    if agent.me.location.data[2] < 1800:
        controller_state.steer = sign(angle_to_target) * min(
            1, abs(2 * angle_to_target))
        controller_state.steer = 0
    controller_state.throttle = 1

    return controller_state
예제 #25
def exampleController(agent, target_object,target_speed):
    distance = distance2D(agent.me.location,target_object.location)
    if distance > 400:
        #print("switching to efficient")
        agent.state = efficientMover
        return efficientMover(agent,target_object,target_speed)

    controller_state = SimpleControllerState()
    controller_state.handbrake = False

    car_direction = get_car_facing_vector(agent.me)
    car_to_ball =  agent.me.location - target_object.location

    steer_correction_radians = steer(car_direction.correction_to(car_to_ball))

    current_speed = getVelocity(agent.me.velocity)
    controller_state.steer = steer(steer_correction_radians)

    if target_speed > current_speed:
        controller_state.throttle = 1.0
        if target_speed > 1400 and current_speed < 2250:
            controller_state.boost = True
    elif target_speed < current_speed:
        controller_state.throttle = 0

    return controller_state
예제 #26
def exampleController(agent,
                      target_object):  #target_object es un objeto tipo obj

    location = target_object.local_location
    controller_state = SimpleControllerState()
    angle_to_target = math.atan2(location.data[1], location.data[0])
    angle_velocity = math.atan2(agent.me.velocity.data[1],
    draw_debug(agent, agent.renderer, target_object.location.data)
    current_speed = velocity2D(agent.me)
    if abs(angle_to_target) < math.pi / 4:
        if agent.me.has_wheel_contact == True:
            controller_state.boost = True
        controller_state.handbrake = False
        controller_state.boost = False
        controller_state.handbrake = True
    controller_state.steer = sign(angle_to_target) * min(
        1, abs(2 * angle_to_target))
    controller_state.throttle = 1
    if abs(angle_to_target) < math.pi / 2 and abs(
            angle_velocity) < math.pi / 3:
        dodging(agent, target_object, controller_state, angle_to_target)
    return controller_state
예제 #27
    def initialize_agent(self):
        self.controller_state = SimpleControllerState()
        self.frame = 0  # frame counter for timed reset
        self.brain = -1  # bot counter for generation reset
        self.pop = 10  # population for bot looping
        self.out = [None] * self.pop  # output of nets
        self.gen = 0
        self.pos = 0
        self.botList = []  #list of Individual() objects
        self.fittest = Fittest()  #fittest object
        self.mutRate = 0.1  #mutation rate
        self.distance_to_ball = [10000] * 10000  #set high for easy minumum

        for i in range(self.pop):
            self.botList[i].name = "Bot " + str(i)

        for i in self.botList:
            print("INIT: " + i.name)
            for p in range(0, len(i.weights)):
                i.weights[p] = random.uniform(-self.mutRate, self.mutRate)
                print("----" + str(i.weights[p]))
예제 #28
    def follow_line(self, current_state):
        controller_input = SimpleControllerState()
        controller_input = GroundTurn(

        return controller_input
예제 #29
    def __init__(self, name, team, index):
        super().__init__(name, team, index)
        self.controller_state = SimpleControllerState()
        self.ball_pos = vec3(0, 0, 0)
        self.defensive_goal = vec3(0, -5120, 0)
        self.offensive_goal = vec3(0, 5120, 0)
        if team == 1:
            self.defensive_goal = vec3(0, 5120, 0)
            self.offensive_goal = vec3(0, -5120, 0)

        self.action = self.kickoff
        self.action_display = "none"

        self.pos = None
        self.yaw = None
        self.pitch = None

        self.next_dodge_time = 0
        self.on_second_jump = False

        self.field_info = None

        # CONSTANTS
        self.POWERSLIDE_ANGLE = 3  # radians
        self.TURN_THRESHOLD = 5  # degrees
        self.DODGE_THRESHOLD = 300  # unreal units
        self.DODGE_TIME = 0.2  # seconds
        self.BALL_FAR_AWAY_DISTANCE = 1500
예제 #30
    def __init__(self, name, team, index):
        super().__init__(name, team, index)
        self.oldTime = time.time()

        self.halfflipping = False
        self.flip_start_time = 0.0
        self.dodging = False
        self.dodge_target = None
        self.dodge_pitch = 0
        self.dodge_roll = 0
        self.next_dodge_time = 0
        self.location = Vector3()
        self.rotation = Rotator()
        self.velocity = Vector3()
        self.speed = 0
        self.output = SimpleControllerState()
        self.boost_pads = list()
        self.boost_locations = list()
        self.boost = 0
        self.supersonic = False
        self.on_ground = True

        if self.team == 0:
            self.goal = blue_goal
            self.enemy_goal = orange_goal
            self.goal = orange_goal
            self.enemy_goal = blue_goal

        self.start = time.time()
        self.opponents = list()
        self.teammates = list()