예제 #1
 def _from_matches(self, module, text):
     """from_matches(module:str, text:str) : list
     Create a list of completions for 'text' in the namespace
     of 'module'. If 'module' is imported: complete on
     attributes and possible sub-modules; else complete only
     fullname = ".".join([module, text])
     completions = []
     subpkgs = modulescanner.subpackages(fullname)
     if not self.use_main_ns:
         temp_ns = self.namespace
     self.namespace = sys.modules
         subobjs = self.attr_matches(fullname)
     except NameError:
         subobjs = None
     if not self.use_main_ns:
         self.namespace = temp_ns
     if subpkgs:
         completions.extend([pkg.split('.')[-1] for pkg in subpkgs])
     if subobjs:
         completions.extend([obj.split('.')[-1] for obj in subobjs])
     return completions
예제 #2
 def _import_matches(self, line, text):
     """import_matches(line:str, text:str) : list
     Returns a list of possible completions for an
     import statement and a partially spelled-out
     package/module name.
     Raises StopMatching when we know we're in the correct
     matcher, but there are no matches.
     basic_match = re.compile(r"\s*(from|import)\b")
     import_stmt = re.compile(r"\s*(from|import)\s+([\w_\.]+)?$")
     from_stmt = re.compile(r"\s*from [\w_\.]+ ([\w_\.]*)$")
     if not basic_match.match(line):
         return []
     import_match = import_stmt.search(line)
     if import_match:
         match = re.search(r"from ([\w_.]+) import", line)
         if match:
             if '.' in text:
                 raise StopMatching()
             matches = self._from_matches(match.group(1), text)
             if not matches:
                 raise StopMatching()
                 return matches
         if '.' in text:
             matches = modulescanner.subpackages(text)
             if not matches:
                 raise StopMatching()
                 return matches
         matches = modulescanner.get_completions(text)
         if not matches:
             raise StopMatching()
             return matches
     from_match = from_stmt.match(line)
     if from_match:
         if text != "" and not "import".startswith(text):
             raise StopMatching()
             return ["import"]
     raise StopMatching()