예제 #1
	def testOxygenFromGA(self):
		"""Check conversion of GA values for molecular oxygen to NASA form

		oxygen = structure.Structure(SMILES='O=O')
		GAthermoData = species.getThermoData(oxygen,thermoClass=thermo.ThermoGAData)
		WilhoitData = thermo.convertGAtoWilhoit(GAthermoData, atoms=2, rotors=0, linear=True)
		print WilhoitData
		NASAthermoData = thermo.convertWilhoitToNASA(WilhoitData)
예제 #2
	def testOxygenGA(self):
		"""Check molecular oxygen GA heat capacity values


		oxygen = structure.Structure(SMILES='O=O')
		GAthermoData = species.getThermoData(oxygen,thermoClass=thermo.ThermoGAData)
		#the following values come from Greg's Windows computer
		Cpe = [29.288, 30.208480000000002, 31.128960000000003, 32.007600000000004, 33.764880000000005, 34.936399999999999, 36.484480000000005]
		self.assertTrue(GAthermoData.Cp[0]==Cpe[0],"Actual (%.8f) and expected (%.8f) are different"%(GAthermoData.Cp[0],Cpe[0]))
		self.assertTrue(GAthermoData.Cp[1]==Cpe[1],"Actual (%.8f) and expected (%.8f) are different"%(GAthermoData.Cp[1],Cpe[1]))
		self.assertTrue(GAthermoData.Cp[2]==Cpe[2],"Actual (%.8f) and expected (%.8f) are different"%(GAthermoData.Cp[2],Cpe[2]))
		self.assertTrue(GAthermoData.Cp[3]==Cpe[3],"Actual (%.8f) and expected (%.8f) are different"%(GAthermoData.Cp[3],Cpe[3]))
		self.assertTrue(GAthermoData.Cp[4]==Cpe[4],"Actual (%.8f) and expected (%.8f) are different"%(GAthermoData.Cp[4],Cpe[4]))
		self.assertTrue(GAthermoData.Cp[5]==Cpe[5],"Actual (%.8f) and expected (%.8f) are different"%(GAthermoData.Cp[5],Cpe[5]))
		self.assertTrue(GAthermoData.Cp[6]==Cpe[6],"Actual (%.8f) and expected (%.8f) are different"%(GAthermoData.Cp[6],Cpe[6]))
예제 #3
	def testEntropy(self):
		"""Check the Wilhoit S matches the GA S for propane.
		Uses Propane as a test-case. atoms=11, rotors=2, linear=False
		propane = structure.Structure(SMILES='CCC')
		GAthermoData = species.getThermoData(propane,thermoClass=thermo.ThermoGAData)
		WilhoitData = thermo.convertGAtoWilhoit(GAthermoData, atoms=11, rotors=2, linear=False)
		Tlist = thermo.ThermoGAData.CpTlist # just check at defined data points
		for T in Tlist:
			ga = GAthermoData.getEntropy(T)
			wil = WilhoitData.getEntropy(T)
			err = abs(ga-wil)
			limit = 4.0 # J/mol/K
			self.assertTrue(err<limit,"GA (%.1f) and Wilhoit (%.1f) differ by more than %s J/mol/K at %dK"%(ga,wil,limit,T))
예제 #4
	def testEnthalpy(self):
		"""Check the Wilhoit H matches the GA H for propane.
		Uses Propane as a test-case. atoms=11, rotors=2, linear=False
		propane = structure.Structure(SMILES='CCC')
		GAthermoData = species.getThermoData(propane,thermoClass=thermo.ThermoGAData)
		WilhoitData = thermo.convertGAtoWilhoit(GAthermoData, atoms=11, rotors=2, linear=False)
		Tlist = thermo.ThermoGAData.CpTlist # just check at defined data points
		for T in Tlist:
			ga = GAthermoData.getEnthalpy(T)
			wil = WilhoitData.getEnthalpy(T)
			err = abs(ga-wil)
			limit = 2000.0 # J/mol  # the wilhoit should be more accurate then trapezoid integration of GA, so wouldn't want them to be exactly the same
			self.assertTrue(err<limit,"GA (%.1f) and Wilhoit (%.1f) differ by more than %s J/mol at %dK"%(ga,wil,limit,T))
예제 #5
	def testHeatCapacity(self):
		"""Check the NASA Cp matches the GA Cp for propane.
		Uses Propane as a test-case. atoms=11, rotors=2, linear=False
		propane = structure.Structure(SMILES='CCC')
		GAthermoData = species.getThermoData(propane,thermoClass=thermo.ThermoGAData)
		WilhoitData = thermo.convertGAtoWilhoit(GAthermoData, atoms=11, rotors=2, linear=False)
		NASAthermoData = thermo.convertWilhoitToNASA(WilhoitData)
		Tlist = thermo.ThermoGAData.CpTlist # just check at defined data points
		for T in Tlist:
			ga = GAthermoData.getHeatCapacity(T)
			nasa = NASAthermoData.getHeatCapacity(T)
			err = abs(ga-nasa)
			limit = 10.0 # J/mol/K
			self.assertTrue(err<limit,"GA (%.1f) and NASA (%.1f) differ by more than %s J/mol/K at %dK"%(ga,nasa,limit,T))