예제 #1
파일: views.py 프로젝트: ajalan/RMG-website
def drawMolecule(request, adjlist):
    Returns an image of the provided adjacency list `adjlist` for a molecule.
    Note that the newline character cannot be represented in a URL;
    semicolons should be used instead.
    from rmgpy.molecule import Molecule
    from rmgpy.molecule_draw import drawMolecule

    response = HttpResponse(mimetype="image/png")

    adjlist = str(adjlist.replace(";", "\n"))
    molecule = Molecule().fromAdjacencyList(adjlist)
    surface, cr, rect = drawMolecule(molecule, surface="png")

    return response
예제 #2
파일: output.py 프로젝트: ajalan/RMG-Py
def saveOutputHTML(path, reactionModel):
    Save the current set of core species and reactions of `reactionModel` to
    an HTML file `path` on disk. As part of this process, drawings of all core
    species are created in the species folder (if they don't already exist)
    using the :mod:`rmgpy.chem.ext.molecule_draw` module. The :mod:`jinja`
    package is used to generate the HTML; if this package is not found, no
    HTML will be generated (but the program will carry on).

    from model import PDepReaction
    from rmgpy.molecule_draw import drawMolecule
        import jinja2
    except ImportError:
        logging.warning("jinja package not found; HTML output will not be saved.")

    path = os.path.abspath(path)
    dirname = os.path.dirname(path)

    # Prepare parameters to pass to jinja template
    title = 'RMG Output'

    species = reactionModel.core.species[:] + reactionModel.outputSpeciesList

    re_index = re.compile(r'\((\d+)\)$')

    if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dirname,'species')):
    for spec in species:
        # if the species dictionary came from an RMG-Java job, make them prettier
        # We use the presence of a trailing index on the label to discern this
        # (A single open parenthesis is not enough (e.g. when using SMILES strings as labels!)
        match = re_index.search(spec.label)
        if match:
            spec.index = int(match.group(0)[1:-1])
            spec.label = spec.label[0:match.start()]
        # Draw molecules if necessary
        fstr = os.path.join(dirname, 'species', '{0}.png'.format(spec))
        if not os.path.exists(fstr):
            drawMolecule(spec.molecule[0], fstr)

    # We want to keep species sorted in the original order in which they were added to the RMG core.
    # Rather than ordered by index
#    species.sort(key=lambda x: x.index)

    reactions = [rxn for rxn in reactionModel.core.reactions ] + reactionModel.outputReactionList

    # We want to keep reactions sorted in original order in which they were added to core
    # rather than ordered by index
    #reactions.sort(key=lambda x: x.index)

    familyCount = {}
    for rxn in reactions:
        print rxn
        if isinstance(rxn, PDepReaction):
            family = "PDepNetwork"
            family = rxn.getSource().label
        if family in familyCount:
            familyCount[family] += 1
            familyCount[family] = 1
    families = familyCount.keys()
    ## jinja2 filters etc.
    to_remove_from_css_names = re.compile('[/.\-+,]')
    def csssafe(input):
        "Replace unsafe CSS class name characters with an underscore."
        return to_remove_from_css_names.sub('_',input)
    environment = jinja2.Environment()
    environment.filters['csssafe'] = csssafe
    # Make HTML file
    template = environment.from_string(
<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" >
    <title>{{ title }}</title>
    <style type="text/css">
        body {
            font-family: sans-serif;
        a {
            color: #993333;
            text-decoration: none;
        a:visited {
            color: #993333;
        a:hover {
            text-decoration: underline;
        table.speciesList, table.reactionList {
            width: 100%;
            border-collapse: collapse;
        table.speciesList th, table.reactionList th {
            text-align: left;
        tr.reaction td {
            border-top: 1px solid #808080;
        td.reactants {
            text-align: right;
        td.products {
            text-align: left;
        td.reactionArrow {
            text-align: center;
            font-size: 16px;
        td.species img, td.reactants img, td.products img {
            vertical-align: middle;
        tr.comment {
            font-size: small;
        tr.kinetics {
            font-size: small;
        .KineticsData {
            # border: 1px solid gray;
        .KineticsData th {
            width: 15em;
            word-wrap: none;
        .KineticsData td {
            width: 3em;
        .chemkin, .KineticsData_repr {
           white-space: pre-wrap;
           font-size: x-small;
           font-family: "Andale Mono", monospace;
        .hide_comment .comment{
            display: none !important;
        .hide_kinetics .kinetics{
           display: none !important;
        .hide_chemkin .chemkin{
           display: none !important;
    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../external/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function updateFamily(family) {
        if (family.checked) {
        } else {
    function updateDetails(type) {
        if (type.checked) {
        } else {
    function checkAllFamilies() {
        $("#familySelector").find("[name='family']").each(function() { this.checked = true; updateFamily(this); });
        return false;
    function uncheckAllFamilies() {
        $("#familySelector").find("[name='family']").each(function() { this.checked = false; updateFamily(this); });
        return false;
    function checkAllDetails() {
        $("#familySelector").find("[name='detail']").each(function() { this.checked = true; updateDetails(this); });
        return false;
    function uncheckAllDetails() {
        $("#familySelector").find("[name='detail']").each(function() { this.checked = false; updateDetails(this); });
        return false;
    $(document).ready(function() {



<h1>{{ title }}</h1>

<h2>Species ({{ species|length }})</h2>

<table class="speciesList">
    <tr><th>Index</th><th>Structure</th><th>Label</th><th>Mol. Wt. (g/mol)</th></tr>
    {% for spec in species %}
    <tr class="species">
        <td class="index">
        {{ spec.index }}.</td>
        <td class="structure"><a href={{ spec.molecule[0].getURL() }}><img src="species/{{ spec|replace('#','%23') }}.png" alt="{{ spec }}" title="{{ spec }}"></a></td>
        <td class="label">{{ spec.label }}</td>
        <td>{{ "%.2f"|format(spec.molecule[0].getMolecularWeight() * 1000) }}</td>
    {% endfor %}

<h2>Reactions ({{ reactions|length }})</h2>

<form id='familySelector' action="">
    <h4>Reaction families:</h4>
{% for family in families %}    <input type="checkbox" id="{{ family|csssafe }}" name="family" value="{{ family|csssafe }}" checked="checked" onclick="updateFamily(this);"><label for="{{ family|csssafe }}">{{ family }} ({{ familyCount[family] }} rxn{{ 's' if familyCount[family] != 1 }})</label><br>
{% endfor %}
    <a href="javascript:checkAllFamilies();" onclick="checkAllFamilies()">check all</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="javascript:uncheckAllFamilies();" onclick="uncheckAllFamilies();">uncheck all</a><br>

    <h4>Reaction Details:</h4>
    <input type="checkbox" id="kinetics" name="detail" value="kinetics" onclick="updateDetails(this);"><label for="kinetics">Kinetics</label><br>
    <input type="checkbox" id="comment" name="detail" value="comment" onclick="updateDetails(this);"><label for="comment">Comments</label><br>
    <input type="checkbox" id="chemkin" name="detail" value="chemkin" onclick="updateDetails(this);"><label for="chemkin">Chemkin strings</label><br>
    <a href="javascript:checkAllDetails();" onclick="checkAllDetails()">check all</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="javascript:uncheckAllDetails();" onclick="uncheckAllDetails();">uncheck all</a>

<h4>Reaction List:</h4>

<table class="reactionList hide_comment hide_kinetics hide_chemkin">
    <tr><th>Index</th><th colspan="3" style="text-align: center;">Reaction</th><th>Family</th></tr>
    {% for rxn in reactions %}
    <tr class="reaction {{ rxn.getSource().label|csssafe }}">
        <td class="index"><a href="{{ rxn.getURL() }}" title="Search on RMG website" class="searchlink">{{ rxn.index }}.</a></td>
        <td class="reactants">{% for reactant in rxn.reactants %}<a href="{{ reactant.molecule[0].getURL() }}"><img src="species/{{ reactant|replace('#','%23') }}.png" alt="{{ reactant }}" title="{{ reactant }}, MW = {{ "%.2f g/mol"|format(reactant.molecule[0].getMolecularWeight() * 1000) }}"></a>{% if not loop.last %} + {% endif %}{% endfor %}</td>
        <td class="reactionArrow">{% if rxn.reversible %}&hArr;{% else %}&rarr;{% endif %}</td>
        <td class="products">{% for product in rxn.products %}<a href="{{ product.molecule[0].getURL() }}"><img src="species/{{ product|replace('#','%23') }}.png" alt="{{ product }}" title="{{ product }}, MW = {{ "%.2f g/mol"|format(product.molecule[0].getMolecularWeight() * 1000) }}"></a>{% if not loop.last %} + {% endif %}{% endfor %}</td>
        <td class="family">{{ rxn.getSource().label }}</td>
    <tr class="kinetics {{ rxn.getSource().label|csssafe }}">
        <td colspan="4">{{ rxn.kinetics.toHTML() }}</td>
    <tr class="chemkin {{ rxn.getSource().label|csssafe }}">
        <td colspan="4">{{ rxn.toChemkin(species) }}</td>
    <tr class="comment {{ rxn.getSource().label|csssafe }}">
        <td colspan="4">{{ rxn.kinetics.comment }}</td>
    {% endfor %}



    f = open(path, 'w')
    f.write(template.render(title=title, species=species, reactions=reactions, families=families, familyCount=familyCount))
예제 #3
파일: output.py 프로젝트: ajalan/RMG-Py
def saveDiffHTML(path, commonSpeciesList, speciesList1, speciesList2, commonReactions, uniqueReactions1, uniqueReactions2):
    This function outputs the species and reactions on an HTML page
    for the comparison of two RMG models.
    from model import PDepReaction

    from rmgpy.molecule_draw import drawMolecule
        import jinja2
    except ImportError:
        logging.warning("jinja package not found; HTML output will not be saved.")

    path = os.path.abspath(path)
    dirname = os.path.dirname(path)

    # Prepare parameters to pass to jinja template
    title = 'RMG Model Comparison'

    species = commonSpeciesList + speciesList1 + speciesList2

    re_index = re.compile(r'\((\d+)\)$')

    if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dirname,'species')):

    for spec in species:
        # if the species dictionary came from an RMG-Java job, make them prettier
        # We use the presence of a trailing index on the label to discern this
        # (A single open parenthesis is not enough (e.g. when using SMILES strings as labels!)
        match = re_index.search(spec.label)
        if match:
            spec.index = int(match.group(0)[1:-1])
            spec.label = spec.label[0:match.start()]
        # Draw molecules if necessary
        fstr = os.path.join(dirname, 'species', '{0}.png'.format(spec))
        if not os.path.exists(fstr):
            drawMolecule(spec.molecule[0], fstr)

    familyCount1 = {}
    familyCount2 = {}
    for rxn in commonReactions:
        if isinstance(rxn, PDepReaction):
            family = "PDepNetwork"
            family = rxn.getSource().label
        if family in familyCount1:
            familyCount1[family] += 1
            familyCount2[family] += 1
            familyCount1[family] = 1
            familyCount2[family] = 1

    for rxn in uniqueReactions1:
        if isinstance(rxn, PDepReaction):
            family = "PDepNetwork"
            family = rxn.getSource().label
        if family in familyCount1:
            familyCount1[family] += 1
            familyCount1[family] = 1

    for rxn in uniqueReactions2:
        if isinstance(rxn, PDepReaction):
            family = "PDepNetwork"
            family = rxn.getSource().label
        if family in familyCount2:
            familyCount2[family] += 1
            familyCount2[family] = 1

    families1 = familyCount1.keys()
    families2 = familyCount2.keys()

    ## jinja2 filters etc.
    to_remove_from_css_names = re.compile('[/.\-+,]')
    def csssafe(input):
        "Replace unsafe CSS class name characters with an underscore."
        return to_remove_from_css_names.sub('_',input)

    environment = jinja2.Environment()
    environment.filters['csssafe'] = csssafe

# Make HTML file
    template = environment.from_string(
<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" >
    <title>{{ title }}</title>
    <style type="text/css">
        body {
            font-family: sans-serif;
        a {
            color: #993333;
            text-decoration: none;
        a:visited {
            color: #993333;
        a:hover {
            text-decoration: underline;
        table.speciesList, table.reactionList {
            width: 100%;
            border-collapse: collapse;
        table.speciesList th, table.reactionList th {
            text-align: left;
        tr.reaction td {
            border-top: 1px solid #808080;
        td.reactants {
            text-align: right;
        td.products {
            text-align: left;
        td.reactionArrow {
            text-align: center;
            font-size: 16px;
        td.species img, td.reactants img, td.products img {
            vertical-align: middle;
        tr.comment {
            font-size: small;
        tr.kinetics {
            font-size: small;
        .KineticsData {
            # border: 1px solid gray;
        .KineticsData th {
            width: 15em;
            word-wrap: none;
        .KineticsData td {
            width: 3em;

        .chemkin, .KineticsData_repr {
           white-space: pre-wrap;
           font-size: x-small;
           font-family: "Andale Mono", monospace;

        .hide_comment .comment{
            display: none !important;
        .hide_kinetics .kinetics{
           display: none !important;
        .hide_chemkin .chemkin{
           display: none !important;
    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../external/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function updateFamily(family) {
        if (family.checked) {
        } else {
    function updateDetails(type) {
        if (type.checked) {
        } else {
    function checkAllFamilies() {
        $("#familySelector").find("[name='family']").each(function() { this.checked = true; updateFamily(this); });
        return false;
    function uncheckAllFamilies() {
        $("#familySelector").find("[name='family']").each(function() { this.checked = false; updateFamily(this); });
        return false;
    function checkAllDetails() {
        $("#familySelector").find("[name='detail']").each(function() { this.checked = true; updateDetails(this); });
        return false;
    function uncheckAllDetails() {
        $("#familySelector").find("[name='detail']").each(function() { this.checked = false; updateDetails(this); });
        return false;
    $(document).ready(function() {



<h1>{{ title }}</h1>

<h2 align="center">Common Species ({{ commonSpecies|length }})</h2>

<table width="50%" align="center">
    <tr><th>Index</th><th>Structure</th><th>Label</th><th>Mol. Wt. (g/mol)</th></tr>
    {% for spec in commonSpecies %}
    <tr class="species">
        <td class="index" align="center">
        {{ spec.index }}.</td>
        <td class="structure" align="center"><a href="{{spec.molecule[0].getURL()}}"><img src="species/{{ spec|replace('#','%23') }}.png" alt="{{ spec }}" title="{{ spec }}"></a></td>
        <td class="label" align="center">{{ spec.label }}</td>
        <td>{{ "%.2f"|format(spec.molecule[0].getMolecularWeight() * 1000) }}</td>
    {% endfor %}

<table width=100%>
<tr colspan="2">
<td width=50% valign="top">

<h2>Model 1: Unique Species ({{ speciesList1|length }})</h2>
<table class="speciesList">
    <tr><th>Index</th><th>Structure</th><th>Label</th><th>Mol. Wt. (g/mol)</th></tr>
    {% for spec in speciesList1 %}
    <tr class="species">
        <td class="index">
        {{ spec.index }}.</td>
        <td class="structure"><a href="{{ spec.molecule[0].getURL() }}"><img src="species/{{ spec|replace('#','%23') }}.png" alt="{{ spec }}" title="{{ spec }}"></a></td>
        <td class="label">{{ spec.label }}</td>
        <td>{{ "%.2f"|format(spec.molecule[0].getMolecularWeight() * 1000) }}</td>
    {% endfor %}
<td width=50% valign="top">
<h2>Model 2: Unique Species ({{ speciesList2|length }})</h2>
<table class="speciesList">
    <tr><th>Index</th><th>Structure</th><th>Label</th><th>Mol. Wt. (g/mol)</th></tr>
    {% for spec in speciesList2 %}
    <tr class="species">
        <td class="index">
        {{ spec.index }}.</td>
        <td class="structure"><a href="{{ spec.molecule[0].getURL() }}"><img src="species/{{ spec|replace('#','%23') }}.png" alt="{{ spec }}" title="{{ spec }}"></a></td>
        <td class="label">{{ spec.label }}</td>
        <td>{{ "%.2f"|format(spec.molecule[0].getMolecularWeight() * 1000) }}</td>
    {% endfor %}

<tr colspan="2">
<td width=50% valign="top">
<h2>Model 1 Reactions ({{ commonReactions|length + uniqueReactions1|length}})</h2>

<form id='familySelector' action="">
    <h4>Reaction families:</h4>
{% for family in families1 %}    <input type="checkbox" id="{{ family|csssafe }}" name="family" value="{{ family|csssafe }}" checked="checked" onclick="updateFamily(this);"><label for="{{ family|csssafe }}">{{ family }} ({{ familyCount1[family] }} rxn{{ 's' if familyCount1[family] != 1 }})</label><br>
{% endfor %}
    <a href="javascript:checkAllFamilies();" onclick="checkAllFamilies()">check all</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="javascript:uncheckAllFamilies();" onclick="uncheckAllFamilies();">uncheck all</a><br>

    <h4>Reaction Details:</h4>
    <input type="checkbox" id="kinetics" name="detail" value="kinetics" onclick="updateDetails(this);"><label for="kinetics">Kinetics</label><br>
    <input type="checkbox" id="comment" name="detail" value="comment" onclick="updateDetails(this);"><label for="comment">Comments</label><br>
    <input type="checkbox" id="chemkin" name="detail" value="chemkin" onclick="updateDetails(this);"><label for="chemkin">Chemkin strings</label><br>
    <a href="javascript:checkAllDetails();" onclick="checkAllDetails()">check all</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="javascript:uncheckAllDetails();" onclick="uncheckAllDetails();">uncheck all</a>

<td width=50% valign="top">
<h2>Model 2 Reactions ({{ commonReactions|length +uniqueReactions2|length}})</h2>

<form id='familySelector' action="">
    <h4>Reaction families:</h4>
{% for family in families2 %}    <input type="checkbox" id="{{ family|csssafe }}" name="family" value="{{ family|csssafe }}" checked="checked" onclick="updateFamily(this);"><label for="{{ family|csssafe }}">{{ family }} ({{ familyCount2[family] }} rxn{{ 's' if familyCount2[family] != 1 }})</label><br>
{% endfor %}
    <a href="javascript:checkAllFamilies();" onclick="checkAllFamilies()">check all</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="javascript:uncheckAllFamilies();" onclick="uncheckAllFamilies();">uncheck all</a><br>

    <h4>Reaction Details:</h4>
    <input type="checkbox" id="kinetics" name="detail" value="kinetics" onclick="updateDetails(this);"><label for="kinetics">Kinetics</label><br>
    <input type="checkbox" id="comment" name="detail" value="comment" onclick="updateDetails(this);"><label for="comment">Comments</label><br>
    <input type="checkbox" id="chemkin" name="detail" value="chemkin" onclick="updateDetails(this);"><label for="chemkin">Chemkin strings</label><br>
    <a href="javascript:checkAllDetails();" onclick="checkAllDetails()">check all</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="javascript:uncheckAllDetails();" onclick="uncheckAllDetails();">uncheck all</a>


<table width=100%>
<tr><td width=100% align="center">
<h2>Common Reactions ({{ commonReactions|length}})</h2></td></tr>

<tr colspan="1"><td width=100%>

<table class="reactionList hide_comment hide_kinetics hide_chemkin" width=100% cellpadding="10">
    <tr colspan="4" width=100%><th>Index.</th><th>Family</th><th>Index.</th><th>Family</th></tr>

    {% for rxn1, rxn2 in commonReactions.iteritems() %}

<td width=100% colspan="4"><hr>
<table align="center">
    <td class="reactants" align="right">{% for reactant in rxn1.reactants %}<a href="{{reactant.molecule[0].getURL() }}"><img src="species/{{ reactant|replace('#','%23') }}.png" alt="{{ reactant }}" title="{{ reactant }}, MW = {{ "%.2f"|format(reactant.molecule[0].getMolecularWeight() * 1000) }}"></a>{% if not loop.last %} + {% endif %}{% endfor %}</td>
    <td class="reactionArrow" align="center">{% if rxn1.reversible %}&hArr;{% else %}&rarr;{% endif %}</td>
    <td class="products" align="left">{% for product in rxn1.products %}<a href="{{product.molecule[0].getURL()}}"><img src="species/{{ product|replace('#','%23') }}.png" alt="{{ product }}" title="{{ product }}, MW = {{ "%.2f"|format(product.molecule[0].getMolecularWeight() * 1000) }}"></a>{% if not loop.last %} + {% endif %}{% endfor %}</td>

{% if rxn1.kinetics.isIdenticalTo(rxn2.kinetics) %}
<tr width=100%>
     <td class="index" width=10%><a href="{{ rxn1.getURL() }}" title="Search on RMG website" class="searchlink">{{ rxn1.index }}.</a></td>
     <td class="family" width=40%>{{ rxn1.getSource().label }}</td>

     <td class="index" width=10%><a href="{{ rxn2.getURL() }}" title="Search on RMG website" class="searchlink">{{ rxn2.index }}.</a></td>
     <td class="family" width=40%>{{ rxn2.getSource().label }}</td>

 <tr width=100%>
     <td colspan="4" valign="top" width=50%><div align="center"><font color="red">IDENTICAL KINETICS WERE FOUND FOR THIS REACTION.</font></div>
     <P>{{ rxn1.kinetics.toHTML() }}</td>

<tr width=100%>
    <td colspan="4" valign="top" width=50%><font size="1pt" face="courier">{{ rxn1.toChemkin(commonSpecies) }}</font></td>

<tr width=100%>
    <td colspan="2" valign="top" width=50%><font size="1pt">Model 1 Comments:
    <br>{{ rxn1.kinetics.comment }}</font></td>
    <td colspan="2" valign="top" width=50%><font size="1pt">Model 2 Comments:
    <br>{{ rxn2.kinetics.comment }}</font></td>

{% else %}

<tr width=100%>
     <td class="index" width=10%><a href="{{ rxn1.getURL() }}" title="Search on RMG website" class="searchlink">{{ rxn1.index }}.</a></td>
     <td class="family" width=40%>{{ rxn1.getSource().label }}</td>

     <td class="index" width=10%><a href="{{ rxn2.getURL() }}" title="Search on RMG website" class="searchlink">{{ rxn2.index }}.</a></td>
     <td class="family" width=40%>{{ rxn2.getSource().label }}</td>

<tr width=100%>
<td colspan="2" width=50%></td>
<td colspan="2" width=50%>{% if not rxn1.isIsomorphic(rxn2, eitherDirection=False) %} * Reaction was found in reverse {% endif %}</td>

<tr width=100%>
     <td colspan="2" valign="top" width=50%>{{ rxn1.kinetics.toHTML() }}</td>
     <td colspan="2" valign="top" width=50%>{{ rxn2.kinetics.toHTML() }}</td>

<tr width=100%>
    <td colspan="2" valign="top" width=50%><font size="1pt" face="courier">{{ rxn1.toChemkin(commonSpecies) }}</font></td>
    <td colspan="2" valign="top" width=50%><font size="1pt" face="courier">{{ rxn2.toChemkin(commonSpecies) }}</font></td>

<tr width=100%>
    <td colspan="2" valign="top" width=50%><font size="1pt">{{ rxn1.kinetics.comment }}</font></td>
    <td colspan="2" valign="top" width=50%><font size="1pt">{{ rxn2.kinetics.comment }}</font></td>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}


<td width=50% valign="top">
<h2>Model 1: Unique Reactions ({{ uniqueReactions1|length}})</h2>

<table class="reactionList hide_comment hide_kinetics hide_chemkin">
    <tr><th>Index</th><th colspan="3" style="text-align: center;">Reaction</th><th>Family</th></tr>
    {% for rxn in uniqueReactions1 %}
    <tr class="reaction {{ rxn.getSource().label|csssafe }}">
        <td class="index"><a href="{{ rxn.getURL() }}" title="Search on RMG website" class="searchlink">{{ rxn.index }}.</a></td>
        <td class="reactants">{% for reactant in rxn.reactants %}<a href="{{ reactant.molecule[0].getURL() }}"><img src="species/{{ reactant|replace('#','%23') }}.png" alt="{{ reactant }}" title="{{ reactant }}, MW = {{ "%.2f"|format(reactant.molecule[0].getMolecularWeight() * 1000) }}"></a>{% if not loop.last %} + {% endif %}{% endfor %}</td>
        <td class="reactionArrow">{% if rxn.reversible %}&hArr;{% else %}&rarr;{% endif %}</td>
        <td class="products">{% for product in rxn.products %}<a href="{{ product.molecule[0].getURL() }}"><img src="species/{{ product|replace('#','%23') }}.png" alt="{{ product }}" title="{{ product }}, MW = {{ "%.2f"|format(product.molecule[0].getMolecularWeight() * 1000) }}"></a>{% if not loop.last %} + {% endif %}{% endfor %}</td>
        <td class="family">{{ rxn.getSource().label }}</td>
    <tr class="kinetics {{ rxn.getSource().label|csssafe }}">
        <td colspan="4">{{ rxn.kinetics.toHTML() }}</td>
    <tr class="chemkin {{ rxn.getSource().label|csssafe }}">
        <td colspan="4">{{ rxn.toChemkin(species) }}</td>
    <tr class="comment {{ rxn.getSource().label|csssafe }}">
        <td colspan="4">{{ rxn.kinetics.comment }}</td>
    {% endfor %}


<td width=50% valign="top">
<h2>Model 2: Unique Reactions ({{ uniqueReactions2|length}})</h2>

<table class="reactionList hide_comment hide_kinetics hide_chemkin">
    <tr><th>Index</th><th colspan="3" style="text-align: center;">Reaction</th><th>Family</th></tr>
    {% for rxn in uniqueReactions2 %}
    <tr class="reaction {{ rxn.getSource().label|csssafe }}">
        <td class="index"><a href="{{ rxn.getURL() }}" title="Search on RMG website" class="searchlink">{{ rxn.index }}.</a></td>
        <td class="reactants">{% for reactant in rxn.reactants %}<a href="{{ reactant.molecule[0].getURL() }}"><img src="species/{{ reactant|replace('#','%23') }}.png" alt="{{ reactant }}" title="{{ reactant }}, MW = {{ "%.2f"|format(reactant.molecule[0].getMolecularWeight() * 1000) }}"></a>{% if not loop.last %} + {% endif %}{% endfor %}</td>
        <td class="reactionArrow">{% if rxn.reversible %}&hArr;{% else %}&rarr;{% endif %}</td>
        <td class="products">{% for product in rxn.products %}<a href="{{ product.molecule[0].getURL() }}"><img src="species/{{ product|replace('#','%23') }}.png" alt="{{ product }}" title="{{ product }}, MW = {{ "%.2f"|format(product.molecule[0].getMolecularWeight() * 1000) }}"></a>{% if not loop.last %} + {% endif %}{% endfor %}</td>
        <td class="family">{{ rxn.getSource().label }}</td>
    <tr class="kinetics {{ rxn.getSource().label|csssafe }}">
        <td colspan="4">{{ rxn.kinetics.toHTML() }}</td>
    <tr class="chemkin {{ rxn.getSource().label|csssafe }}">
        <td colspan="4">{{ rxn.toChemkin(species) }}</td>
    <tr class="comment {{ rxn.getSource().label|csssafe }}">
        <td colspan="4">{{ rxn.kinetics.comment }}</td>
    {% endfor %}




    f = open(path, 'w')
    f.write(template.render(title=title, commonSpecies=commonSpeciesList, speciesList1=speciesList1, speciesList2 = speciesList2, commonReactions=commonReactions, uniqueReactions1=uniqueReactions1, uniqueReactions2=uniqueReactions2, families1=families1, families2=families2, familyCount1=familyCount1,familyCount2=familyCount2))