예제 #1
    def add_shot_obstacle(self, excluded_robots=[]):
        pt = self.aim_target_point
        if pt != None:
            # segment centered at the target point that's @width wide and perpendicular to the shot
            shot_perp = (main.ball().pos - pt).perp_ccw().normalized()

            # Make the shot triangle obstacle a fixed width at the end unless
            # we're aiming at a segment. In that case, just use the length of
            # the segment.
            width = 0.5
            if isinstance(self.target, robocup.Segment):
                width = self.target.length()

            a = pt + shot_perp * width / 2.0
            b = pt - shot_perp * width / 2.0

            # build the obstacle polygon
            obs = robocup.Polygon()

            # tell the bots to not go there
            for bot in main.our_robots():
                if bot not in excluded_robots + [self.robot]:
예제 #2
    def add_shot_obstacle(self, excluded_robots=[]):
        pt = self.aim_target_point
        if pt != None:
            # segment centered at the target point that's @width wide and perpendicular to the shot
            shot_perp = (main.ball().pos - pt).perp_ccw().normalized()
            width = 0.2
            a = pt + shot_perp * width / 2.0
            b = pt - shot_perp * width / 2.0

            # build the obstacle polygon
            obs = robocup.Polygon()

            # tell the bots to not go there
            for bot in main.our_robots():
                if bot not in excluded_robots + [self.robot]:
예제 #3
    def check_failure(self):
        # We wait about 3 frames before freezing the velocity and position of the ball
        # as it can be unreliable right after kicking. See execute_receiving.
        if self.stable_frame < PassReceive.StabilizationFrames:
            return False
        offset = 0.1
        straight_line = robocup.Point(0, 1)
        pass_segment = self.robot.pos - self.kicked_from
        pass_distance = pass_segment.mag() + 0.5
        pass_dir = pass_segment.normalized()

        left_kick = robocup.Point(-offset, -offset)
        right_kick = robocup.Point(offset, -offset)

        # Create a channel on the left/right of the mouth of the kicker to a bit behind the receiver
        left_recieve = left_kick + straight_line * pass_distance
        right_recieve = right_kick + straight_line * pass_distance

        # Widen the channel to allow for catching the ball.
        left_recieve.rotate(left_kick, PassReceive.MarginAngle)
        right_recieve.rotate(right_kick, -PassReceive.MarginAngle)

        origin = robocup.Point(0, 0)

        passDirRadians = pass_dir.angle()
        left_kick.rotate(origin, passDirRadians - math.pi / 2)
        right_kick.rotate(origin, passDirRadians - math.pi / 2)

        left_recieve.rotate(origin, passDirRadians - math.pi / 2)
        right_recieve.rotate(origin, passDirRadians - math.pi / 2)

        # Add points that create the good_area to a polygon
        good_area = robocup.Polygon()
        good_area.add_vertex(self.kicked_from + left_kick)
        good_area.add_vertex(self.kicked_from + right_kick)

        good_area.add_vertex(self.kicked_from + right_recieve)
        good_area.add_vertex(self.kicked_from + left_recieve)

        main.debug_drawer().draw_raw_polygon(good_area, constants.Colors.Green,
                                             "Good Pass Area")
        return not good_area.contains_point(main.ball().pos)