def _publishOnlyFaceRosMsg(self, data, data_result, detected_faces_map): face_list = [] eList = Entity2DList() for (top, right, bottom, left) in detected_faces_map.values(): #rospy.loginfo("top: %s, right: %s, bottom: %s, left:%s",str(top), str(right), str(bottom), str(left)) #publish boxes information detected_face = Entity2D() detected_face.header.frame_id = data.header.frame_id detected_face.label = self.LABEL_FACE x0, y0 = self._processBoxCenter(left, top, right, bottom) print(left, top, right, bottom) print("sadfjhasjkdfhaskjf") detected_face.pose.x = x0 detected_face.pose.y = y0 box = Box() box.x = top box.y = left box.width = abs(left - right) box.height = abs(top - bottom) detected_face.bounding_box = box face_list.append(detected_face) #rospy.loginfo("msg sent:"+str(detected_face)) eList.entity2DList = face_list self.pub_all_faces_detections_msg.publish(eList) #publish image with detected faces if needed if (self.publish_img): msg_im = self._bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(data_result, encoding="bgr8") msg_im.header.frame_id = data.header.frame_id self.pub_all_faces_detections_image.publish(msg_im)
def detectFaceFromImgSrvCallback(self, req): #rospy.logdebug("FACE DETECTION isIMGFace:"+str(req.isImgFace)) img = req.img try: frame, label_r, top_r, left_r, bottom_r, right_r, detected_faces_list = self.process_img_face( img, None, self.DETECTION_STATUS, req.isImgFace) eList = Entity2DList() entity2D_list = [] for face in detected_faces_list: #publish boxes information detected_face = Entity2D() detected_face.header.frame_id = img.header.frame_id detected_face.label = face.label detected_face.score = face.distance x0, y0 = self._processBoxCenter(, face.right, face.bottom, face.left) #ruthrashnono detected_face.pose.x = x0 detected_face.pose.y = y0 box = Box() box.x = box.y = face.left box.width = abs(face.left - face.right) box.height = abs( - face.bottom) detected_face.bounding_box = box entity2D_list.append(detected_face) eList.entity2DList = entity2D_list #-rospy.loginfo(str(eList)) return DetectFaceFromImgResponse(eList) except: rospy.loginfo("Service Detect face from Img end with error " + str(sys.exc_info()[0])) return False
def _publishRosMsg(self, data, data_result, detected_faces_list): eList = Entity2DList() entity2D_list = [] for face in detected_faces_list: #rospy.loginfo("top: %s, right: %s, bottom: %s, left:%s",str(top), str(right), str(bottom), str(left)) #publish boxes information detected_face = Entity2D() #detected_face.header.frame_id=data.header.frame_id #detected_face.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() detected_face.label = face.label x0, y0 = self._processBoxCenter(, face.right, face.bottom, face.left) detected_face.pose.x = x0 detected_face.pose.y = y0 #ruthrashyesyes box = Box() box.x = box.y = face.left box.width = abs(face.left - face.right) box.height = abs( - face.bottom) detected_face.bounding_box = box detected_face.score = round(face.distance * 100, 1) entity2D_list.append(detected_face) eList.header = data.header eList.entity2DList = entity2D_list self.pub_detections_msg.publish(eList) if (self.publish_img): msg_im = self._bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(data_result, encoding="bgr8") msg_im.header.frame_id = data.header.frame_id self.pub_detections_image.publish(msg_im)