def __init__(self, config, ts, root, mode): super().__init__() self.root = os.path.expanduser(root) self.config = config self.mode = mode assert mode == "train" or mode == "predict" num_channels = 0 self.tiles = {} for channel in config["channels"]: path = os.path.join(self.root, channel["name"]) self.tiles[channel["name"]] = [ (tile, path) for tile, path in tiles_from_dir(path, xyz_path=True) ] self.tiles[channel["name"]].sort(key=lambda tile: tile[0]) num_channels += len(channel["bands"]) self.shape_in = (num_channels, ) + ts # C,W,H self.shape_out = (len(config["classes"]), ) + ts # C,W,H if self.mode == "train": path = os.path.join(self.root, "labels") self.tiles["labels"] = [ (tile, path) for tile, path in tiles_from_dir(path, xyz_path=True) ] self.tiles["labels"].sort(key=lambda tile: tile[0])
def __init__(self, config, ts, root, cover, mode): super().__init__() self.root = os.path.expanduser(root) self.config = config self.mode = mode self.cover = cover assert mode in ["train", "predict", "predict_translate"] xyz_translate = True if mode == "predict_translate" else False num_channels = 0 self.tiles = {} for channel in config["channels"]: path = os.path.join(self.root, channel["name"]) self.tiles[channel["name"]] = [ (tile, path) for tile, path in tiles_from_dir(path, cover=cover, xyz_path=True, xyz_translate=xyz_translate) ] self.tiles[channel["name"]].sort(key=lambda tile: tile[0]) num_channels += len(channel["bands"]) self.shape_in = (num_channels,) + ts # C,W,H self.shape_out = (len(config["classes"]),) + ts # C,W,H if self.mode == "train": path = os.path.join(self.root, "labels") self.tiles["labels"] = [(tile, path) for tile, path in tiles_from_dir(path, cover=cover, xyz_path=True)] self.tiles["labels"].sort(key=lambda tile: tile[0]) assert len(self.tiles), "Empty Dataset"
def main(args): config = load_config(args.config) check_classes(config) index = [i for i in (list(range(len(config["classes"])))) if config["classes"][i]["title"] == args.type] assert index, "Requested type {} not found among classes title in the config file.".format(args.type) print(" - vectorize {} from {}".format(args.type, args.masks), file=sys.stderr, flush=True) out = open(args.out, "w", encoding="utf-8") assert out, "Unable to write in output file" out.write('{"type":"FeatureCollection","features":[') first = True for tile, path in tqdm(list(tiles_from_dir(args.masks, xyz_path=True)), ascii=True, unit="mask"): mask = (np.array("P"), dtype=np.uint8) == index).astype(np.uint8) try: C, W, H = mask.shape except: W, H = mask.shape transform = rasterio.transform.from_bounds((*mercantile.bounds(tile.x, tile.y, tile.z)), W, H) for shape, value in rasterio.features.shapes(mask, transform=transform, mask=mask): geom = '"geometry":{{"type": "Polygon", "coordinates":{}}}'.format(json.dumps(shape["coordinates"])) out.write('{}{{"type":"Feature",{}}}'.format("" if first else ",", geom)) first = False out.write("]}")
def test_slippy_map_directory(self): root = "tests/fixtures/images" tiles = [(tile, path) for tile, path in tiles_from_dir(root, xyz_path=True)] tiles.sort() self.assertEqual(len(tiles), 3) tile, path = tiles[0] self.assertEqual(type(tile), mercantile.Tile) self.assertEqual(path, "tests/fixtures/images/18/69105/105093.jpg")
def main(args): assert not (args.extent and args.splits ), "--splits and --extent are mutually exclusive options." assert not (args.extent and len(args.out) > 1), "--extent option imply a single output." assert not (args.sql and not, "--sql option imply --pg" assert ( int(args.bbox is not None) + int(args.geojson is not None) + int(args.sql is not None) + int(args.dir is not None) + int(args.raster is not None) + int(args.cover is not None) == 1 ), "One, and only one, input type must be provided, among: --dir, --bbox, --cover, --raster, --geojson or --sql" if args.bbox: try: w, s, e, n, crs = args.bbox.split(",") w, s, e, n = map(float, (w, s, e, n)) except: crs = None w, s, e, n = map(float, args.bbox.split(",")) assert isinstance(w, float) and isinstance( s, float), "Invalid bbox parameter." if args.splits: splits = [int(split) for split in args.splits.split("/")] assert len(splits) == len(args.out) and 0 < sum( splits) <= 100, "Invalid split value or incoherent with out paths." assert not (not args.zoom and (args.geojson or args.bbox or args.raster)), "Zoom parameter is required." args.out = [os.path.expanduser(out) for out in args.out] cover = [] if args.raster: print(" - cover from {} at zoom {}".format( args.raster, args.zoom), file=sys.stderr, flush=True) with rasterio_open(os.path.expanduser(args.raster)) as r: w, s, e, n = transform_bounds(, "EPSG:4326", *r.bounds) assert isinstance(w, float) and isinstance( s, float), "Unable to deal with raster projection" cover = [tile for tile in tiles(w, s, e, n, args.zoom)] if args.geojson: print(" - cover from {} at zoom {}".format( args.geojson, args.zoom), file=sys.stderr, flush=True) with open(os.path.expanduser(args.geojson)) as f: feature_collection = json.load(f) srid = geojson_srid(feature_collection) feature_map = collections.defaultdict(list) for feature in tqdm(feature_collection["features"], ascii=True, unit="feature"): feature_map = geojson_parse_feature(args.zoom, srid, feature_map, feature) cover = feature_map.keys() if args.sql: print(" - cover from {} {} at zoom {}".format( args.sql,, args.zoom), file=sys.stderr, flush=True) conn = psycopg2.connect( assert conn, "Unable to connect to PostgreSQL database." db = conn.cursor() query = """ WITH sql AS ({}), geom AS (SELECT "1" AS geom FROM sql AS t("1")) SELECT '{{"type": "Feature", "geometry": ' || ST_AsGeoJSON((ST_Dump(ST_Transform(ST_Force2D(geom.geom), 4326))).geom, 6) || '}}' AS features FROM geom """.format(args.sql) db.execute(query) assert db.rowcount is not None and db.rowcount != -1, "SQL Query return no result." feature_map = collections.defaultdict(list) for feature in tqdm( db.fetchall(), ascii=True, unit="feature" ): # FIXME: fetchall will not always fit in memory... feature_map = geojson_parse_feature(args.zoom, 4326, feature_map, json.loads(feature[0])) cover = feature_map.keys() if args.bbox: print(" - cover from {} at zoom {}".format( args.bbox, args.zoom), file=sys.stderr, flush=True) if crs: w, s, e, n = transform_bounds(crs, "EPSG:4326", w, s, e, n) assert isinstance(w, float) and isinstance( s, float), "Unable to deal with raster projection" cover = [tile for tile in tiles(w, s, e, n, args.zoom)] if args.cover: print(" - cover from {}".format(args.cover), file=sys.stderr, flush=True) cover = [tile for tile in tiles_from_csv(args.cover)] if args.dir: print(" - cover from {}".format(args.dir), file=sys.stderr, flush=True) cover = [ tile for tile in tiles_from_dir(args.dir, xyz=not (args.no_xyz)) ] _cover = [] extent_w, extent_s, extent_n, extent_e = (180.0, 90.0, -180.0, -90.0) for tile in tqdm(cover, ascii=True, unit="tile"): if args.zoom and tile.z != args.zoom: w, s, n, e = transform_bounds("EPSG:3857", "EPSG:4326", *xy_bounds(tile)) for t in tiles(w, s, n, e, args.zoom): unique = True for _t in _cover: if _t == t: unique = False if unique: _cover.append(t) else: if args.extent: w, s, n, e = transform_bounds("EPSG:3857", "EPSG:4326", *xy_bounds(tile)) _cover.append(tile) if args.extent: extent_w, extent_s, extent_n, extent_e = (min(extent_w, w), min(extent_s, s), max(extent_n, n), max(extent_e, e)) cover = _cover if args.splits: shuffle(cover) # in-place cover_splits = [ math.floor(len(cover) * split / 100) for i, split in enumerate(splits, 1) ] if len(splits) > 1 and sum(map( int, splits)) == 100 and len(cover) > sum(map(int, splits)): cover_splits[0] = len(cover) - sum(map( int, cover_splits[1:])) # no tile waste s = 0 covers = [] for e in cover_splits: covers.append(cover[s:s + e]) s += e else: covers = [cover] if args.extent: if args.out and os.path.dirname(args.out[0]) and not os.path.isdir( os.path.dirname(args.out[0])): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(args.out[0]), exist_ok=True) extent = "{:.8f},{:.8f},{:.8f},{:.8f}".format(extent_w, extent_s, extent_n, extent_e) if args.out: with open(args.out[0], "w") as fp: fp.write(extent) else: print(extent) else: for i, cover in enumerate(covers): if os.path.dirname(args.out[i]) and not os.path.isdir( os.path.dirname(args.out[i])): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(args.out[i]), exist_ok=True) with open(args.out[i], "w") as fp: csv.writer(fp).writerows(cover)
def main(args): args.out = os.path.expanduser(args.out) if not args.workers: args.workers = os.cpu_count() print(" - compare {} on CPU, with {} workers".format(args.mode, args.workers), file=sys.stderr, flush=True) if not args.masks or not args.labels: assert args.mode != "list", "Parameters masks and labels are mandatories in list mode." assert args.minimum_fg == 0.0 and args.maximum_fg == 100.0, "Both masks and labels mandatory in QoD filtering." assert args.minimum_qod == 0.0 and args.maximum_qod == 100.0, "Both masks and labels mandatory in QoD filtering." if args.images: tiles = [tile for tile in tiles_from_dir(args.images[0])] for image in args.images[1:]: assert sorted(tiles) == sorted([tile for tile in tiles_from_dir(image)]), "Unconsistent images directories" if args.labels and args.masks: tiles_masks = [tile for tile in tiles_from_dir(args.masks)] tiles_labels = [tile for tile in tiles_from_dir(args.labels)] if args.images: assert sorted(tiles) == sorted(tiles_masks) == sorted(tiles_labels), "Unconsistent images/label/mask directories" else: assert sorted(tiles_masks) == sorted(tiles_labels), "Label and Mask directories are not consistent" tiles = tiles_masks tiles_list = [] tiles_compare = [] progress = tqdm(total=len(tiles), ascii=True, unit="tile") log = False if args.mode == "list" else Logs(os.path.join(args.out, "log")) with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(args.workers) as executor: def worker(tile): x, y, z = list(map(str, tile)) if args.masks and args.labels: label = np.array(, z, x, "{}.png".format(y)))) mask = np.array(, z, x, "{}.png".format(y)))) assert label.shape == mask.shape, "Inconsistent tiles (size or dimensions)" try: dist, fg_ratio, qod = compare(torch.as_tensor(label, device="cpu"), torch.as_tensor(mask, device="cpu")) except: progress.update() return False, tile if not args.minimum_fg <= fg_ratio <= args.maximum_fg or not args.minimum_qod <= qod <= args.maximum_qod: progress.update() return True, tile tiles_compare.append(tile) if args.mode == "side": for i, root in enumerate(args.images): img = tile_image_from_file(tile_from_xyz(root, x, y, z)[1]) if i == 0: side = np.zeros((img.shape[0], img.shape[1] * len(args.images), 3)) side = np.swapaxes(side, 0, 1) if args.vertical else side image_shape = img.shape else: assert image_shape[0:2] == img.shape[0:2], "Unconsistent image size to compare" if args.vertical: side[i * image_shape[0] : (i + 1) * image_shape[0], :, :] = img else: side[:, i * image_shape[0] : (i + 1) * image_shape[0], :] = img tile_image_to_file(args.out, tile, np.uint8(side)) elif args.mode == "stack": for i, root in enumerate(args.images): tile_image = tile_image_from_file(tile_from_xyz(root, x, y, z)[1]) if i == 0: image_shape = tile_image.shape[0:2] stack = tile_image / len(args.images) else: assert image_shape == tile_image.shape[0:2], "Unconsistent image size to compare" stack = stack + (tile_image / len(args.images)) tile_image_to_file(args.out, tile, np.uint8(stack)) elif args.mode == "list": tiles_list.append([tile, fg_ratio, qod]) progress.update() return True, tile for tile, ok in, tiles): if not ok and log: log.log("Warning: skipping. {}".format(str(tile))) if args.mode == "list": with open(args.out, mode="w") as out: if args.geojson: out.write('{"type":"FeatureCollection","features":[') first = True for tile_list in tiles_list: tile, fg_ratio, qod = tile_list x, y, z = list(map(str, tile)) if args.geojson: prop = '"properties":{{"x":{},"y":{},"z":{},"fg":{:.1f},"qod":{:.1f}}}'.format(x, y, z, fg_ratio, qod) geom = '"geometry":{}'.format(json.dumps(feature(tile, precision=6)["geometry"])) out.write('{}{{"type":"Feature",{},{}}}'.format("," if not first else "", geom, prop)) first = False else: out.write("{},{},{}\t{:.1f}\t{:.1f}{}".format(x, y, z, fg_ratio, qod, os.linesep)) if args.geojson: out.write("]}") out.close() base_url = args.web_ui_base_url if args.web_ui_base_url else "." if args.mode == "side" and not args.no_web_ui: template = "compare.html" if not args.web_ui_template else args.web_ui_template web_ui(args.out, base_url, tiles, tiles_compare, args.format, template, union_tiles=False) if args.mode == "stack" and not args.no_web_ui: template = "leaflet.html" if not args.web_ui_template else args.web_ui_template tiles = [tile for tile in tiles_from_dir(args.images[0])] web_ui(args.out, base_url, tiles, tiles_compare, args.format, template)
def main(args): assert not (args.extent and args.splits), "--splits and --extent are mutually exclusive options." assert not (args.extent and len(args.out) > 1), "--extent option imply a single output." assert ( int(args.bbox is not None) + int(args.geojson is not None) + int(args.dir is not None) + int(args.raster is not None) + int(args.cover is not None) == 1 ), "One, and only one, input type must be provided, among: --dir, --bbox, --cover or --geojson." if args.bbox: try: w, s, e, n, crs = args.bbox.split(",") w, s, e, n = map(float, (w, s, e, n)) except: crs = None w, s, e, n = map(float, args.bbox.split(",")) assert isinstance(w, float) and isinstance(s, float), "Invalid bbox parameter." if args.splits: splits = [int(split) for split in args.splits.split("/")] assert len(splits) == len(args.out) and 0 < sum(splits) <= 100, "Invalid split value or incoherent with out paths." assert not (not args.zoom and (args.geojson or args.bbox or args.raster)), "Zoom parameter is required." args.out = [os.path.expanduser(out) for out in args.out] cover = [] if args.raster: print(" - cover from {} at zoom {}".format(args.raster, args.zoom), file=sys.stderr, flush=True) with rasterio_open(os.path.expanduser(args.raster)) as r: w, s, e, n = transform_bounds(, "EPSG:4326", *r.bounds) assert isinstance(w, float) and isinstance(s, float), "Unable to deal with raster projection" cover = [tile for tile in tiles(w, s, e, n, args.zoom)] if args.geojson: print(" - cover from {} at zoom {}".format(args.geojson, args.zoom), file=sys.stderr, flush=True) with open(os.path.expanduser(args.geojson)) as f: feature_collection = json.load(f) srid = geojson_srid(feature_collection) feature_map = collections.defaultdict(list) for i, feature in enumerate(tqdm(feature_collection["features"], ascii=True, unit="feature")): feature_map = geojson_parse_feature(args.zoom, srid, feature_map, feature) cover = feature_map.keys() if args.bbox: print(" - cover from {} at zoom {}".format(args.bbox, args.zoom), file=sys.stderr, flush=True) if crs: w, s, e, n = transform_bounds(crs, "EPSG:4326", w, s, e, n) assert isinstance(w, float) and isinstance(s, float), "Unable to deal with raster projection" cover = [tile for tile in tiles(w, s, e, n, args.zoom)] if args.cover: print(" - cover from {}".format(args.cover), file=sys.stderr, flush=True) cover = [tile for tile in tiles_from_csv(args.cover)] if args.dir: print(" - cover from {}".format(args.dir), file=sys.stderr, flush=True) cover = [tile for tile in tiles_from_dir(args.dir, xyz=not (args.no_xyz))] _cover = [] extent_w, extent_s, extent_n, extent_e = (180.0, 90.0, -180.0, -90.0) for tile in tqdm(cover, ascii=True, unit="tile"): if args.zoom and tile.z != args.zoom: w, s, n, e = transform_bounds("EPSG:3857", "EPSG:4326", *xy_bounds(tile)) for t in tiles(w, s, n, e, args.zoom): unique = True for _t in _cover: if _t == t: unique = False if unique: _cover.append(t) else: if args.extent: w, s, n, e = transform_bounds("EPSG:3857", "EPSG:4326", *xy_bounds(tile)) _cover.append(tile) if args.extent: extent_w, extent_s, extent_n, extent_e = (min(extent_w, w), min(extent_s, s), max(extent_n, n), max(extent_e, e)) cover = _cover if args.splits: shuffle(cover) # in-place cover_splits = [math.floor(len(cover) * split / 100) for i, split in enumerate(splits, 1)] if len(splits) > 1 and sum(map(int, splits)) == 100 and len(cover) > sum(map(int, splits)): cover_splits[0] = len(cover) - sum(map(int, cover_splits[1:])) # no tile waste s = 0 covers = [] for e in cover_splits: covers.append(cover[s : s + e]) s += e else: covers = [cover] if args.extent: if args.out and os.path.dirname(args.out[0]) and not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(args.out[0])): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(args.out[0]), exist_ok=True) extent = "{:.8f},{:.8f},{:.8f},{:.8f}".format(extent_w, extent_s, extent_n, extent_e) if args.out: with open(args.out[0], "w") as fp: fp.write(extent) else: print(extent) else: for i, cover in enumerate(covers): if os.path.dirname(args.out[i]) and not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(args.out[i])): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(args.out[i]), exist_ok=True) with open(args.out[i], "w") as fp: csv.writer(fp).writerows(cover)
def main(args): if ( int(args.bbox is not None) + int(args.geojson is not None) + int(args.dir is not None) + int( is not None) + int(args.raster is not None) + int(args.cover is not None) != 1 ): sys.exit("ERROR: One, and only one, input type must be provided, among: --dir, --bbox, --cover or --geojson.") if args.bbox: try: w, s, e, n, crs = args.bbox.split(",") w, s, e, n = map(float, (w, s, e, n)) except: try: crs = None w, s, e, n = map(float, args.bbox.split(",")) except: sys.exit("ERROR: invalid bbox parameter.") if args.splits: try: splits = [int(split) for split in args.splits.split("/")] assert len(splits) == len(args.out) assert sum(splits) == 100 except: sys.exit("ERROR: Invalid split value or incoherent with provided out paths.") if not args.zoom and (args.geojson or args.bbox or args.raster): sys.exit("ERROR: Zoom parameter is required.") args.out = [os.path.expanduser(out) for out in args.out] cover = [] if args.raster: print(" - cover from {} at zoom {}".format(args.raster, args.zoom)) with rasterio_open(os.path.expanduser(args.raster)) as r: try: w, s, e, n = transform_bounds(, "EPSG:4326", *r.bounds) except: sys.exit("ERROR: unable to deal with raster projection") cover = [tile for tile in tiles(w, s, e, n, args.zoom)] if args.geojson: print(" - cover from {} at zoom {}".format(args.geojson, args.zoom)) with open(os.path.expanduser(args.geojson)) as f: features = json.load(f) try: for feature in tqdm(features["features"], ascii=True, unit="feature"): cover.extend(map(tuple, burntiles.burn([feature], args.zoom).tolist())) except: sys.exit("ERROR: invalid or unsupported GeoJSON.") cover = list(set(cover)) # tiles can overlap for multiple features; unique tile ids if args.bbox: print(" - cover from {} at zoom {}".format(args.bbox, args.zoom)) if crs: try: w, s, e, n = transform_bounds(crs, "EPSG:4326", w, s, e, n) except: sys.exit("ERROR: unable to deal with raster projection") cover = [tile for tile in tiles(w, s, e, n, args.zoom)] if args.cover: print(" - cover from {}".format(args.cover)) cover = [tile for tile in tiles_from_csv(args.cover)] if args.dir: print(" - cover from {}".format(args.dir)) cover = [tile for tile in tiles_from_dir(args.dir, xyz=False)] if print(" - cover from {}".format( cover = [tile for tile in tiles_from_dir(, xyz=True)] _cover = [] for tile in tqdm(cover, ascii=True, unit="tile"): if args.zoom and tile.z != args.zoom: w, s, n, e = transform_bounds("EPSG:3857", "EPSG:4326", *xy_bounds(tile)) for t in tiles(w, s, n, e, args.zoom): unique = True for _t in _cover: if _t == t: unique = False if unique: _cover.append(t) else: _cover.append(tile) cover = _cover if args.splits: shuffle(cover) # in-place splits = [math.floor(len(cover) * split / 100) for i, split in enumerate(splits, 1)] s = 0 covers = [] for e in splits: covers.append(cover[s : s + e - 1]) s += e else: covers = [cover] for i, cover in enumerate(covers): if os.path.dirname(args.out[i]) and not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(args.out[i])): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(args.out[i]), exist_ok=True) with open(args.out[i], "w") as fp: csv.writer(fp).writerows(cover)
def main(args): config = load_config(args.config) check_channels(config) check_classes(config) palette = make_palette([classe["color"] for classe in config["classes"]]) args.workers = torch.cuda.device_count() * 2 if torch.device( "cuda") and not args.workers else args.workers log = Logs(os.path.join(args.out, "log")) if torch.cuda.is_available(): log.log(" - predict on {} GPUs, with {} workers".format( torch.cuda.device_count(), args.workers)) log.log("(Torch:{} Cuda:{} CudNN:{})".format( torch.__version__, torch.version.cuda, torch.backends.cudnn.version())) device = torch.device("cuda") torch.backends.cudnn.enabled = True torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True else: log.log(" - predict on CPU, with {} workers".format( args.workers)) device = torch.device("cpu") chkpt = torch.load(args.checkpoint, map_location=device) model_module = load_module("robosat_pink.models.{}".format( chkpt["nn"].lower())) nn = getattr(model_module, chkpt["nn"])(chkpt["shape_in"], chkpt["shape_out"]).to(device) nn = torch.nn.DataParallel(nn) nn.load_state_dict(chkpt["state_dict"]) nn.eval() log.log("Model {} - UUID: {}".format(chkpt["nn"], chkpt["uuid"])) loader_module = load_module("robosat_pink.loaders.{}".format( chkpt["loader"].lower())) loader_predict = getattr(loader_module, chkpt["loader"])(config, chkpt["shape_in"][1:3], args.dataset, mode="predict") loader = DataLoader(loader_predict,, num_workers=args.workers) assert len(loader), "Empty predict dataset directory. Check your path." with torch.no_grad( ): # don't track tensors with autograd during prediction for images, tiles in tqdm(loader, desc="Eval", unit="batch", ascii=True): images = outputs = nn(images) probs = torch.nn.functional.softmax(outputs, dim=1).data.cpu().numpy() for tile, prob in zip(tiles, probs): x, y, z = list(map(int, tile)) mask = np.around(prob[1:, :, :]).astype(np.uint8).squeeze() tile_label_to_file(args.out, mercantile.Tile(x, y, z), palette, mask) if not args.no_web_ui: template = "leaflet.html" if not args.web_ui_template else args.web_ui_template base_url = args.web_ui_base_url if args.web_ui_base_url else "." tiles = [tile for tile in tiles_from_dir(args.out)] web_ui(args.out, base_url, tiles, tiles, "png", template)