예제 #1
    }, {
        "type": "poly",
        "nparams": 0,
        "conf": {
            "order": 1
    'params': [np.log(0.25), 0.25, 0.5, 0.75]
robot_promp = promp.FullProMP(basis=full_basis)

#3) Train ProMP with NIW prior on the covariance matrix (as described in the paper)

dof = 7
dim_basis_fun = 5
inv_whis_mean = lambda v, Sigma: utils.make_block_diag(Sigma, dof)
prior_Sigma_w = {'v': dim_basis_fun * dof, 'mean_cov_mle': inv_whis_mean}
train_summary = robot_promp.train(time,

#4) Plot some samples from the learned ProMP and conditioned ProMP

n_samples = 5  # Number of samples to draw
plot_dof = 3  # Degree of freedom to plot
sample_time = [np.linspace(0, 1, 200) for i in range(n_samples)]

#4.1) Make some samples from the unconditioned ProMP
promp_samples = robot_promp.sample(sample_time)
예제 #2
    }, {
        "type": "poly",
        "nparams": 0,
        "conf": {
            "order": 1
    'params': [np.log(0.25), 0.25, 0.5, 0.75]
robot_promp = promp.FullProMP(basis=full_basis)

#3) Train ProMP with NIW prior on the covariance matrix (as described in the paper)

dof = 7
dim_basis_fun = 5
inv_whis_mean = lambda v, Sigma: 9e-1 * utils.make_block_diag(
    Sigma, dof) + 1e-1 * np.eye(dof * dim_basis_fun)
prior_Sigma_w = {'v': dim_basis_fun * dof, 'mean_cov_mle': inv_whis_mean}
train_summary = robot_promp.train(time,

#4) Plot some samples from the learned ProMP and conditioned ProMP

n_samples = 5  # Number of samples to draw
plot_dof = 3  # Degree of freedom to plot
sample_time = [np.linspace(0, 1, 200) for i in range(n_samples)]

#4.1) Make some samples from the unconditioned ProMP
promp_samples = robot_promp.sample(sample_time)
예제 #3
    def __M_step(self, times, Y, expectations, **args):
        Phi = self.__get_Phi(times, **args)
        N = len(times)
        w_means = expectations['w_means']
        w_covs = expectations['w_covs']
        n_var = lambda X: sum(map(lambda x: np.outer(x, x), X))

        #1) Optimize mu_w
        wn_sum = sum(w_means)
        if 'prior_mu_w' in args:
            prior_mu_w = args['prior_mu_w']
            mu_w = (wn_sum + prior_mu_w['k0'] * prior_mu_w['m0']) / (
                N + prior_mu_w['k0'])
            mu_w = (wn_sum) / N

        #2) Optimize Sigma_w
        diff_w = map(lambda x: x - mu_w, w_means)
        if 'no_Sw' in args and args['no_Sw'] == True:
            sw_sum = utils.force_sym(n_var(diff_w))
            sw_sum = utils.force_sym(sum(w_covs) + n_var(diff_w))

        self.__Sigma_w_mle = sw_sum / N  # Maximum likelyhood estimate for Sigma_w
        if 'prior_Sigma_w' in args:
            prior_Sigma_w = args['prior_Sigma_w']
            v0 = prior_Sigma_w['v']
            D = np.shape(self.Sigma_w)[0]
            if 'mean_cov_mle' in prior_Sigma_w:
                S0 = prior_Sigma_w['mean_cov_mle'](
                    v0, self.__Sigma_w_mle) * (v0 + D + 1)
                S0 = prior_Sigma_w['invS0']
            Sigma_w = (S0 + sw_sum) / (N + v0 + D + 1)
            Sigma_w = self.__Sigma_w_mle

        #3) Optimize Sigma_y
        diff_y = []
        uncert_w_y = []
        for n in xrange(N):
            for t in xrange(len(times[n])):
                diff_y.append(Y[n][t] - np.dot(Phi[n][t], w_means[n]))
                    np.dot(np.dot(Phi[n][t], w_covs[n]), Phi[n][t].T))
        if 'no_Sw' in args and args['no_Sw'] == True:
            Sigma_y = (n_var(diff_y)) / len(diff_y)
            Sigma_y = (n_var(diff_y) + sum(uncert_w_y)) / len(diff_y)

        #4) Update
        self.mu_w = mu_w
        if args['print_inner_lb']:
            print 'lb(mu_w)=', self.__EM_lowerbound(times, Y, expectations,

        self.Sigma_w = utils.force_sym(Sigma_w)
        if args['joint_indep']:
            self.Sigma_w = utils.make_block_diag(self.Sigma_w,
        if args['print_inner_lb']:
            print 'lb(Sigma_w)=', self.__EM_lowerbound(times, Y, expectations,

        if args['diag_sy']:
            self.Sigma_y = np.diag(np.diag(Sigma_y))
            self.Sigma_y = utils.force_sym(Sigma_y)
        if args['print_inner_lb']:
            print 'lb(Sigma_y)=', self.__EM_lowerbound(times, Y, expectations,

        #5) Update optional parameters
        if args['opt_basis_pars']:
            obj = lambda pars: -self.__em_lb_likelihood(times, Y, expectations, mu_w=mu_w, \
                    Sigma_w=Sigma_w, Sigma_y=Sigma_y, basis_params=pars, q=True)
            obj_debug = lambda x: lambda_debug(obj, x, "cost")
            jac = autograd.grad(obj)
            #print "Objective at x0: ", obj(self.get_basis_pars())
            #print "Gradient at x0: ", jac(self.get_basis_pars())
            #o_basis_pars = opt.minimize(lambda x: lambda_debug(obj,x,"cost"), self.get_basis_pars(), method="CG", jac=lambda x: lambda_debug(jac,x,"grad"))
            o_basis_pars = opt.minimize(obj,
            #o_basis_pars = opt.minimize(obj, self.get_basis_pars(), method="Nelder-Mead")
            if o_basis_pars.success:
                print "Warning: The optimization of the basis parameters failed. Message: ", o_basis_pars.message
            if args['print_inner_lb']:
                print 'lb(basis_params)=', self.__EM_lowerbound(
                    times, Y, expectations, **args)
예제 #4
def main(args):
    logging.basicConfig(filename='/tmp/promp_train.log', level=logging.DEBUG)
    with open(args.data, 'r') as f:
        data = np.load(args.data)
        time = data['time']
        Q = data['Q']
        Qdot = data['Qdot']
    durations = [t[-1] - t[0] for t in time]
    dm = np.mean(durations)
    dstd = np.std(durations)
    print("Durations {} +/- {}".format(dm, dstd))

    if args.trajlim:
        time = time[0:args.trajlim]
        Q = Q[0:args.trajlim]
        Qdot = Qdot[0:args.trajlim]

    full_basis = {
        'conf': [{
            "type": "sqexp",
            "nparams": 4,
            "conf": {
                "dim": 3
        }, {
            "type": "poly",
            "nparams": 0,
            "conf": {
                "order": 1
        'params': [np.log(0.25), 0.25, 0.5, 0.75]
    dof = np.shape(Q[0])[1]
    dim_basis_fun = promp.dim_comb_basis(**full_basis)
    w_dim = dof * dim_basis_fun
    inv_whis_mean = lambda v, Sigma: utils.make_block_diag(
        Sigma, dof) + args.pdiag_sw * np.eye(w_dim)
    params = {
        'new_kernel': full_basis,
        #'prior_mu_w': {"m0": np.zeros(5*7), "k0": 1},
        'model_fname': "/tmp/promp.json",
        'diag_sy': not args.full_sy,
        'joint_indep': args.joint_indep,
        'use_velocity': args.use_vel,
        'opt_basis_pars': False,
        'print_inner_lb': False,
        'no_Sw': False,  #Approx E-Step with Dirac delta?
        'num_joints': dof,
        'max_iter': args.training_iter,
        'save_lh_plot': args.save_lh_plot,
        'init_params': {
            'mu_w': np.zeros(w_dim),
            'Sigma_w': 1e8 * np.eye(w_dim),
            'Sigma_y': np.eye(dof)
        'print_inner_lb': False
    if args.init_promp:
        params['init_promp'] = args.init_promp
    if not args.max_lh:
        params['prior_Sigma_w'] = {
            'v': dim_basis_fun * dof,
            'mean_cov_mle': inv_whis_mean
    if args.use_vel:
        model = trainFullPromp(time, Q, Qdot, **params)
        model = trainFullPromp(time, Q, **params)